81 resultados para Inclusiveness


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Since its beginning in 1999, the Bologna Process has influenced various aspects of higher education in its member countries, e.g., degree structures, mobility, lifelong learning, social dimension and quality assurance. The social dimension creates the focus of this research. The social dimension entered the Bologna Process agenda in 2001. Despite a decade of reforms, it somehow remained as a vague element and received low scholarly attention. This research addresses to this gap. Firstly, different meanings of the social dimension according to the major European policy actors are analysed. Unfolding the understandings of the actors revealed that the social dimension is mostly understood in terms reflecting the diversity of population on the student body accessing to, progressing in and completing higher education, with a special concern on the underrepresented groups. However, it is not possible to observe a similar commonality concerning the actual policy measures to achieve this goal. Divergence occurs with respect to the addressed underrepresented groups, i.e., all underrepresented groups or people without formal qualifications and mature learners, and the values and institutional interests traditionally promoted by these actors. Secondly, the dissertation discusses the reflection of this social dimension understanding at the national level by looking at cases of Finland, Germany and Turkey. The in-depth analyses show an awareness of the social dimension among most of the national Bologna Process actors and a common understanding of the social dimension goals. However, this understanding has not triggered action in any of the countries. The countries acted on areas which they defined problematic before the Bologna Process. Finally, based on these findings the dissertation discusses the social dimension as a policy item that managed to get into the Bologna Process agenda, but neither grew into an implementable policy, nor drop out of it. To this aim, it makes use of the multiple streams framework and explains the low agenda status social dimension with: i. the lack of a pressing problem definition: the lack of clearly defined indicators and a comprehensive monitoring system, ii. the lack of a viable solution alternative: the proposal of developing national strategies and action plans closed the way to develop generic guidelines for the social dimension to be translated into national policy processes, iii. low political perceptivity: the recent trends opt for increasing efficiency, excellence and exclusiveness discourses rather than ensuring equality and inclusiveness iv. high constraints: the social dimension by definition requires more public funding which is less appreciated and strategic constraints of the actors in allocating their resources v. the type of policy entrepreneur: the social dimension is promoted by an international stakeholder, the European Students’ Union, instead of the ministers responsible for higher education The social dimension remains a policy item in the Bologna Process which is noble enough to agree but not urgent enough to act on.


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In a context of urgent global socio-ecological challenges, the aim of this paper has been to explore the potential of localised and socially connected food systems. More specifically, through a multi-case study of two alternative food networks in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, their contribution to a sustainable food paradigm has been explored. An important synergy within the networks is how good food is equated with peasant produce, but issues regarding quantity, delivery arrangement, power relations and inclusiveness constitute potential conflicts. Although challenged by unfavourable trends on national and EU levels, the networks are becoming more embedded horizontally, through an intrinsic focus on community in one case and through quality food stimulating good relations in the other case. The networks contribute to a sustainable food paradigm by promoting agroecology, by reclaiming socio-cultural factors of food provisioning and by being part of a (re)-peasantisation process. Exploring how these kinds of initiatives can emerge, be sustained and be developed is of relevance, especially considering their potential for improving the prospects of environmentally sustainable and socially just futures in Romania and beyond.


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The paper deals with some relevant and contradictory aspects of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Italy: the traditional exclusion of agricultural areas from the goals of territorial planning; the separation between top-down policies and bottom-up practices; the lack of agricultural policies at local scale. In the first part the paper summarises the weak relation between urban planning and agriculture, showing how in Italy this gap has been only partially overcome by new laws and plans. Moreover the paper focuses on how, due to the lack of suitable solutions coming from regional and local planning, a large number of vibrant initiatives were started by local stakeholders. In order to show the limitations and the potentialities of these various approaches, three peculiar experiences based on Milan, Turin and Pisa are presented. They give a cross-section of the variegated Italian situation, demonstrating that a major challenge in Italian context affects the fields of governance and inclusiveness.


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El terrorismo en la actualidad es considerado como uno de los conceptos más controversiales en los campos social, académico y político. El término se empieza a utilizar después de la Revolución Francesa, pero recientemente, a raíz de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, ha tomado suma relevancia y ha motivado numerosas investigaciones para tratar de entender qué es terrorismo. Aunque a la fecha existen varias revisiones sistemáticas, este trabajo tiene como propósito revisar, agrupar y concretar diferentes teorías y conceptos formulados por los autores que han trabajado sobre el concepto de “terrorismo” con el fin de entender las implicaciones de su utilización en el discurso, y cómo esto afecta la dinámica interna de las sociedades en relación con la violencia, las creencias, los estereotipos entre otros elementos. Para lograrlo, se revisaron 56 artículos, publicados entre los años 1985 y 2013; 10 fuentes secundarias entre noticias y artículos de periódicos correspondientes a los años 1995-2013 y 10 estudios estadísticos cuyos resultados nos aportan a la comprensión del tema en cuestión. La búsqueda se limitó al desarrollo histórico del terrorismo, sus diferentes dimensiones y el concepto social de la realidad de terrorismo. Los hallazgos demuestran que la palabra “terrorismo” constituye un concepto que como tal es un vehículo lingüístico que puede ser utilizado con fines, estratégicos movilizando al público conforme a través del discurso e intereses políticos, destacando la necesidad de estudiar las implicaciones psicológicas y sociales de su uso.


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RESUMO: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as entidades que interagem entre si para tornar a Escola verdadeiramente inclusiva: Órgãos de Gestão e Professores. Se no caso dos primeiros, estamos a falar de decisões a dois níveis, pedagógico e organizacional, como por exemplo a nível dos processos de avaliação, ou no estabelecimento de um critério de atribuição das turmas aos professores mais experientes, logo mais capazes para lidar com estas dificuldades inerentes aos alunos com NEE, no caso dos professores falamos exclusivamente de decisões a nível pedagógico, relacionadas com formas de organização, construção de currículo, formações de grupos ou a definição de tutorias durante a aula. A recolha de dados, feita a partir de um conjunto de entrevistas a professores e directores de escolas, e a sua análise qualitativa permitiu apurar que no caso dos professores, as decisões tomadas têm ido ao encontro dos estudos actuais, com métodos de trabalho que assentam no trabalho cooperativo (Johnson, &, Johnson, 1990) como meio de promover a inclusão destes alunos no seio de uma turma regular. Em relação às escolas analisadas, não existem critérios consistentes para distribuição dos alunos com necessidades educativas permanentes por diferentes turmas, com desrespeito do quadro normativo, nem para a atribuição de turmas aos professores. o que na prática significa que frequentemente as turmas com mais alunos portadores de necessidades educativas especiais são atribuídas de forma aparentemente aleatória, recaindo nos professores em início de carreira e em estágio pedagógico, a quem é pedido que façam as pontes entre a escola e as respectivas famílias, entre a investigação e a prática lectiva, numa relação contínua de estudo, reflexão e acção. ABSTRACT: This qualitative based study, aims at analyzing the interactions between the two entities responsible for promoting inclusive schools: Governing Bodies and Teachers. Supported by the legal framework concerning the conditions to include Special Needs Students in regular schools, the former are the ones responsible for, at educational and organizational levels, establishing the guidelines for learning assessment and setting the criteria for assigning students to classes and classes to teachers. The teachers are in charge of decisions concerning the field work, such as the relationships with families, the issues of classroom work, and of responding to students’ learning needs, may these be permanent or occasional. Regardless of their experience in classroom teaching, it is the responsibility of each teacher to care for their classroom inclusiveness, taking care of the specificities of the Special Needs Students allocated to their classes, and taking decisions concerning the classroom organization, the composition of the working groups , the curriculum administration and the involvement of all students in tutoring the “special” ones , so that they may be included as successful class members, according to the level of expectations designed for their conditions. Governing Bodies and teachers behaved differently in responding to the interviews designed for this study, teachers being more open to talk about their conditions of work, their teaching strategies and working methods. These are based on classroom cooperative work, coping with the current research findings on the same issues of inclusion in regular school settings. It is up to them to bridge school and families, knowledge and practice, self-study, reflection and action. Governing bodies, however, revealed to be more inconsistent in assigning teachers to classes, and in allocating Special Needs Students to regular classes, often skipping what is established in the national norms.


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Longe vão os tempos em que a formação inicial dos docentes era tida como suficiente para o desempenho da profissão. Hoje, a sociedade e o poder político requisitam aos professores maior abrangência nas suas competências profissionais, no sentido de estes serem capazes de responder adequadamente às exigências que enfrentam. A tutela, por seu turno, responde com programas de apoio do tipo TEIP (Território Educativo de Intervenção Prioritária) à enorme variedade de alunos e contextos socioeconómicos. É no seio desta realidade que se coloca a questão: como implementar práticas colaborativas, potenciadoras do desenvolvimento profissional dos professores do Departamento de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais, numa escola TEIP? Fullan e Hargreaves (2001) defendem que só a existência de um trabalho conjunto, a responsabilidade partilhada, o empenhamento e o aperfeiçoamento coletivos, a maior disponibilidade para participar na difícil atividade de reflexão crítica, acerca do trabalho realizado, e uma cultura colaborativa é que poderão conduzir a progressos significativos, na melhoria dos resultados e, consequentemente, no real desenvolvimento profissional docente. Contudo, quer a abertura das salas de aula ao exterior, quer a inclusão de todos os alunos nas mesmas, representam ainda, e em geral, um desafio para muitos docentes. É neste contexto que se apresenta um projeto de formação que tem, como campo de análise, a formação de professores, centrada na escola e ancorada na colaboração e supervisão interpares. A formação referida visa: desenvolver uma cultura de positividade e propositividade; criar, promover, analisar e partilhar experiências e inovações realizadas em contexto; desenvolver experiências consequentes sob o ponto de vista do desenvolvimento profissional docente, ao nível da sala de aula; refletir, em conjunto, sobre estratégias exequíveis e indutoras da melhoria do comportamento e das aprendizagens dos discentes. Com estes propósitos, ancorar-se-á a oficina de formação na criação de tarefas a serem experimentadas em contexto, na observação de aulas e na experiência dos intervenientes, baseada na reflexão sobre as práticas e focalizada nos problemas correntes. A expectativa sobre os resultados a obter com esta formação é grande e alicerça-se no trabalho empírico levado a cabo, tendo os principais resultados apontado, claramente, no sentido da necessidade e disponibilidade, por parte dos docentes, para participarem numa oficina de formação cujos objetivos fossem os citados.


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This paper applies the concept of procedural justice to one of the most important focal points of interorganizational relations: the purchaser–supplier relationship. The few extant studies of the concept in the purchaser–supplier domain have overlooked an important aspect of this key relationship: that is, inclusiveness in procurement. This is despite the fact that interest in the specific empirical context of supply chain links between large purchasing organizations (LPOs) and ethnic minority suppliers (EMSs) from disadvantaged communities proceeds apace on both sides of the Atlantic. Institutional theory is used to examine the form that procedural justice takes in eight case studies of LPOs from the private and public sectors, which actively engage with inclusive procurement management initiatives in England. The guiding question is twofold: ‘What may LPO approaches to installing procedural justice in procurement management entail?’ and ‘How are these approaches shaped?’ This paper identifies specific approaches to installing procedural justice for inclusive procurement and submits theoretical propositions about how these are shaped. The study contributes to a macro-level assessment of procedural justice, i.e. interorganizational procedural justice, as a significant aspect of inclusive interorganizational relationships, which is a domain in need of theoretical development.


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Social exclusion is a relatively recent term, whose creation is attributed to René Lenoir(Lenoir, 1974). Its concept covers a remarkably wide range of social and economic problems, and can be triggered for various reasons: mentally and physically handicapped, abused children, delinquents, multi-problem households, asocial people, and other social “misfits” (Silver, 1995, pp. 63; Foucault, 1992). With an increasingly multi-cultural population, cultural and social inequalities rapidly ascend, bringing with them the need for educational restructuring. We are living in an evermore diverse world, and children need to be educated to be receptive to the different types of people around them, especially considering social and cultural aspects. It is with these goals that inclusive education has seen an increased trend in today’s academic environment, reminding us that even though children may be taught under the same roof, discriminatory practices might still happen. There are, however, a number of developed tools to assess the various dimensions of social networks. These are mostly based on questionnaires and interviews, which tend to be fastidious and don’t allow for longitudinal, large scale measurement. This thesis introduces BlueFriends, a Bluetooth-based measurement tool for social inclusion/exclusion on elementary school classes. The main goals behind the development of this tool were a) understanding how exclusion manifests in students’ behaviors, and b) motivating pro-social behaviors on children through the use of a persuasive technology. BlueFriends is a distributed application, comprised by an application running on several smartphones, a web-hosted database and a computer providing a visual representation of the data collected on a TV screen, attempting to influence children behaviors. The application makes use of the Bluetooth device present on each phone to continuously sample the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) from other phones, storing the data locally on each phone. All of the stored data is collected, processed and then inserted into the database at the end of each day. At the beginning of each recess, children are reminded of how their behaviors affect others with the help of a visual display, which consists of interactions between dogs. This display illustrates every child’s best friends, as well as which colleagues they don’t interact with as much. Several tips encouraging social interaction and inclusiveness are displayed, inspiring children to change their behaviors towards the colleagues they spend less time with. This thesis documents the process of designing, deploying and analyzing the results of two field studies. On the first study, we assess how the current developed tools are inferior to our measuring tool by deploying a measurement only study, aimed at perceiving how much information can be obtained by the BlueFriends application and attempting to understand how exclusion manifests itself in the school environment. On the second study, we pile on the previous to try and motivate pro-social behaviors on students, with the use of visual cues and recommendations. Ultimately, we confirm that our measurement tool’s results were satisfying towards measuring and changing children’s behaviors, and conclude with our thoughts on possible future work, suggesting a number of possible extensions and improvements.


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Includes bibliography


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Spanish version available at the Library


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This guideline jointly published by The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), in partnership with the Urban Design Lab of the Earth Institute, Columbia University, provides practical tools for city planners and decision makers to reform urban planning and infrastructure design according to the principles of eco-efficiency and social inclusiveness. It includes case studies from the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Japan and Sri Lanka.


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The principal aim of this study is to examine attitudes and values, through questionnaires, among students and teachers in the last grade of primary school (grade 8) regarding issues related to authoritarianism, democracy, human rights, children rights, conflict resolution and legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A second aim is to explore and analyze the role of the international community in the democratization and education processes in the light of globalization in this country through secondary sources of data, site visits and observations. Analysis of the student sample reveals suspicion towards democracy, especially when democracy was associated with politics and politicians. When the issue of democracy was de-contextualized from Bosnia and Herzegovina realities in the questionnaire, students showed more positive attitudes towards it. Students generally agreed with very strong authoritarian statements. High achieving students were more democratic, more socially responsible, more tolerant regarding attitudes towards religion, race and disabilities, and less authoritarian compared to low achievers. High achievers felt that they had influence over daily events, and were positive towards social and civil engagement. High achievers viewed politics negatively, but had high scores on the democracy scale. High achievers also agreed to a larger extent that it is acceptable to break the law. The more authoritarian students were somewhat more prone to respond that it is not acceptable to break the law. The major findings from the teacher sample show that teachers who agreed with non-peaceful mediation, and had a non-forgiving and rigid approach to interpersonal conflicts, also agreed with strong authoritarian statements and were less democratic. In general, teachers valued students who behave respectfully, have a good upbringing and are obedient. They were very concerned about the general status of education in society, which they felt was becoming marginalized. Teachers were not happy with the overloaded curricula and they showed an interest in more knowledge and skills to help children with traumatic war experiences. When asked about positive reforms, teachers were highly critical of, and dissatisfied with, the educational situation. Bosnia and Herzegovina is undergoing a transition from a state-planned economy and one party system to a market economy and a multi party system. During this transition, the country has become more involved in the globalization process than ever. Today the country is a semi-protectorate where international authorities intervene when necessary. The International community is attempting to introduce western democracy and some of the many complexities in this process are discussed in this study. Globalization processes imply contradictory demands and pressures on the education system. On one hand, economic liberalization has affected education policies —a closer alignment between education and economic competitiveness. On the other hand, there is a political and ideological globalization process underlying the importance of human rights, and the inclusiveness of education for all children. Students and teachers are caught between two opposing ideals — competition and cooperation.


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This article offers an account of the 50th Ghanaian independence-day celebrations during March 2007. The multi-perspective approach examines how celebrations were experienced in the Ghanaian capital Accra by the political elite and the grass roots at a variety of official and unofficial events that took place on 5 and 6 March 2007. During the festivities the authors accompanied Ghanaian friends from different political factions and thus provide close-hand accounts of political controversies over issues regarding how the nation ought to organise and celebrate its Independence Day, controversies which provide important insights into Ghanaian political culture. From this it is clear that the celebrations not only serve as expressions of national pride but also moments of critical reflection on the nation, national values and socio-political unity. These reflections, manifest as disputes about national and ethnic symbols, centre on the conditions and limits of political, social, ethnic and regional inclusiveness. At the same time, underlying such disputes are commonalities resting not on substantive symbols, cultural traits or other objectifiable characteristics, but on a Ghanaian consensus to agree on the issues at stake and on the rules of debate. Controversy thus functions not to divide but rather to strengthen national consciousness and deepen a sense of commonality that Ghanaians generally express as their commitment to ‘unity in diversity’.


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I Comuni incarnano idealmente delle piazze in cui il dibattito politico può svilupparsi in assenza di particolari filtri ed intermediazioni, con un rapporto diretto tra cittadini ed istituzioni. Essi costituiscono uno snodo di centrale importanza nell'esercizio della sovranità popolare e, al contempo, sono terreno fertile per la sperimentazione di modelli di partecipazione democratica. Prendendo come punto di vista l'esperienza dei Comuni italiani, si è scelto di focalizzare l'attenzione su uno degli strumenti “istituzionali” – nonché uno tra i più tradizionali – di partecipazione popolare, ovvero il referendum, nelle diverse forme ed accezioni che rientrano nel campo semantico di tale espressione. Questa è generalmente impiegata per indicare tutte quelle votazioni popolari non elettive su questioni politicamente rilevanti, formulate attraverso un quesito con due o più risposte alternative tra loro. L'analisi della disciplina legislativa degli istituti di partecipazione negli enti locali e lo studio delle disposizioni statutarie e regolamentari previste dai singoli Comuni, nonché le informazioni raccolte da alcuni casi di studio, rappresentano, in questo contesto, l'occasione per indagare le caratteristiche peculiari dell'istituto referendario, la sua effettività ed il suo impatto sulla forma di governo. In particolare, si è verificata positivamente la compatibilità del referendum, classificato dalla prevalente dottrina come istituto di democrazia diretta, con le forme attuali di democrazia rappresentativa. Si è tentato, altresì, un accostamento ai concetti di democrazia partecipativa e deliberativa, evidenziando come manchi del tutto, nel procedimento referendario (che pure è dotato di massima inclusività) un momento di confronto “deliberativo”. Il raffronto tra le esperienze riscontrate nei diversi Comuni ha consentito, inoltre, di ricercare le cause di alcuni aspetti critici (scarsa affluenza, mancata trasformazione del voto in decisioni politiche, aumento del conflitto) e, al contempo, di individuarne possibili soluzioni, tracciate sulla scorta delle migliori pratiche rilevate.


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Democracies come in all shapes and sizes. Which configuration of political institutions produces the highest democratic quality is a notorious debate. The lineup of contenders includes ‘consensus’, ‘Westminster’, and ‘centripetal’ democracy. A trend in the evaluation of the relationship between empirical patterns of democracy and its quality is that the multidimensional nature of both concepts is increasingly taken into account. This article tests the assertion that certain centripetal configurations of proportionality in party systems and government, and unitarism in the remaining state structure, might outperform all other alternatives both in terms of inclusiveness and effectiveness. Analyzing 33 democracies, the results of interactive regression models only partially support this claim. Proportional–unitary democracies have the best track record in terms of representation, but there are little differences in participation, transparency, and government capability compared with other models.