147 resultados para Incineration


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In recent years new emphasis has been placed on problems of the environmental aspects of waste disposal, especially investigating alternatives to landfill, sea dumping and incineration. There is also a strong emphasis on clean, economic and efficient processes for electric power generation. These two topics may at first appear unrelated. Nevertheless, the technological advances are now such that a solution to both can be combined in a novel approach to power generation based on waste-derived fuels, including refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and sludge power (SP) by utilising a slagging gasifier and advance fuel technology (AFT). The most appropriate gasification technique for such waste utilisation is the British Gas/Lurgi (BGL) high pressure, fixed bed slagging gasifier where operation on a range of feedstocks has been well-documented. This gasifier is particularly amenable to briquette fuel feeding and, operating in an integrated gasification combined cycle mode (IGCC), is particularly advantageous. Here, the author details how this technology has been applied to Britain's first AFT-IGCC Power Station which is now under development at Fife Energy Ltd., in Scotland, the former British Gas Westfield Development Centre.


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Great differences between municipal solid wastes(MSW)produced at different places and different times in terms of such parameters as physical ingredient and heating value lead to difficulty in effective handling of MSW. In this paper, ingredient, heating value and their temporal varying trends of typical MSW in Beijing were continuously measured and analyzed. With consideration of the process in pyrolysis and incineration, correlation between physical ingredients and heating values was induced, favorable for evaluation of heating value needed in handling of MSW from simple analysis of physical ingredients of it.


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In this paper, an AC plasma arc reactorwithworkinggasofhydrogen is applied to destruct chemicalagents. The temperature attains 6000℃ in the arc area and over 2000℃ in the other space of the crucible. The Arsenic (As) contained chemical agent -Adams (DM) used in the experiment, was added into the plasmareactorwith the additives: Fe, CaO, and SiO_2, etc. Pyrolysis and destructionofchemicalagents occurs very quickly in the high-temperature reactor. Gaseous hydrogen was injected into the reactor to form a reductive environment, to reduce the formation of As_2O_3 etc. In the bottom of the crucible, the solid residues of toxicant and additives were melted and formed as vitrified slag. The off-gas was treated by a wet scrubber. The amounts of arsenic distributed in the off-gas, vitrified slag, waste water and solids (soot) were measured. The result shows DM is completely destructed in the plasmareactor. The Arsenic content in the off-gas, vitrified slag, waste water and soot are 0.052 mg/l, 3.0%, 10.44 mg/l, and 5.1% respectively, which will be disposed as the pollutant matters. The results show that the plasma technology is an environmentally friendly technology to destruct chemicals.


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Various hazardous wastes with additives have been vitrified to investigate the formation mechanism of the glassy slag by a 30 kW DC plasma-arc reactor developed by the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The average temperature in the reaction area is controlled at 1500°C. The chemical compositions of three sorts of fly ashes are analyzed by XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence). Fly ashes with vitrifying additives can be vitrified to form glassy slag, which show that the ratio of the whole oxygen ions to the whole network former ions in glass (R) is appropriate in the range of 2~3 to form durable vitrified slag. In this experiment, the arc power is controlled below 5 kW to inhibit waste evaporation. To enhance the effects of heat transfer to wastes, ferrous powder has been added into the graphite crucible, which aggregates as ingot below the molten silicate after vitrification. The slag fails to form glass if the quenching rate is less than 1 K/min. Therefore, the slag will break into small chips due to the sharp quenching rate, which is more than 100 K/sec.


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O aumento da população, o crescimento das grandes cidades, da industrialização e do consumo, tem trazido preocupação com relação a sustentabilidade quanto à disponibilidade energética e quanto à destinação dos resíduos sólidos urbanos gerados. Dessa forma, é fundamental realizarem-se os estudos visando novas formas de reutilização dos resíduos gerados pelas atividades industriais. Os resíduos sólidos urbanos e os pneus inservíveis gerados trazem conseqüências ao meio ambiente e às populações quando destinados inadequadamente. A destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos é complexa, sendo sempre um grande desafio para as administrações públicas. Com a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (instituída pela Lei n 12.305/2010), tem-se um marco da preservação ambiental, coma a gestão e gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, com a ordem de prioridade: não geração, redução, reutilização, reciclagem, tratamento dos resíduos sólidos e disposição final ambientalmente adequada dos rejeitos e prevê, de forma inteligente, a atribuição aos fabricantes de responsabilidade pelo retorno de produtos descartados pelos consumidores. Uma alternativa para minimizar estes aspectos e impactos ambientais é o tratamento térmico com aproveitamento energético. Este processo contribui para mais uma solução de destinação dos resíduos, proporcionado uma redução das áreas a serem utilizadas nos aterros sanitários e contribuindo como uma fonte de geração de energia elétrica


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A geração de energia a partir do biogás do lixo em aterros sanitários é uma maneira de produzir energia elétrica renovável e limpa, reduzindo os impactos globais provocados pela queima dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. A contribuição ambiental mais relevante é a redução de emissões dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE), por meio da conversão do metano em dióxido de carbono, visto que o metano possui um potencial de aquecimento global cerca de 21 vezes maior, quando comparado ao dióxido de carbono (através da combustão do mesmo). De acordo com o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), os países ricos podem comprar créditos de carbono (CERs) dos países em desenvolvimento (que possuam projetos sustentáveis) para cumprir suas metas ambientais. O objetivo é transformar um passivo ambiental (destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos) em um recurso energético, além do estudo da alternativa de obtenção de recursos financeiros através dos CERs. São analisadas as tecnologias de conversão energética (tecnologia de gás de lixo, incineração, entre outras), com a seleção da melhor alternativa para a geração de energia através do biogás de lixo em aterros sanitários. A metodologia utilizada é a recomendada pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos - USEPA (2005). Serão apresentadas outras duas metodologias de cálculo da geração de metano: a do Banco Mundial e a do IPCC (Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas). São apresentados estudos comparativos demonstrando quando as turbinas a gás, motores de combustão interna (ciclos Otto ou Diesel) ou outras tecnologias de conversão energética serão viáveis na área técnica e econômica para implantação de Unidades Termoelétricas a biogás. No caso do Aterro de Gramacho, o projeto é viável com a utilização de motores a combustão interna e a obtenção de receitas com a venda da produção de energia e créditos de carbono. Por fim, será apresentada a alternativa do uso do biogás como substituto do gás natural para fins energéticos ou outros fins industriais.


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[ES]El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en estudiar el proceso desarrollado en la planta de incineración de residuos sólidos urbanos de Zabalgarbi (Bizkaia). La planta consiste en un ciclo combinado basado en una turbina de gas de 43 MW y una turbina de vapor de 56,5 MW. La importancia de su diseño recae en la adaptación de la tecnología de ciclo combinado de gas a la tecnología propia de una planta de valorización energética de residuos municipales. Es decir, se trata de un diseño innovador, del que surge un nuevo proceso industrial que permite dar solución a la problemática generada por los residuos producidos a la vez que se genera energía eléctrica. Gracias a este diseño, se consigue una mejora cualitativa y cuantitativa del rendimiento de la planta, ya que se obtiene energía eléctrica en dos etapas, además de un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos. La tecnología utilizada para la incineración es el horno-caldera de parrilla deslizante. En este trabajo se analizarán los procesos integrados en la planta y se realizará el estudio energético de los equipos más significativos. Una vez realizada esta parte, se considerarán ciertas mejoras a incorporar en la instalación. Además, se desarrollará la metodología seguida para la realización del estudio así como la planificación y el presupuesto.


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Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo sobre o impacto sobre a atmosfera e a biota terrestre devido às emissões antrópicas na Baia do Almirantado/Ilha Rei George Antártica. Foram monitoradas as emissões dos compostos orgânicos voláteis e semi-voláteis, tanto nas fontes emissoras como no entorno da Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz e estimadas as emissões dos navios, dos geradores a diesel e da incineração de lixo. Na avaliação do entorno, coletaram-se amostras de ar, neve e penas de aves. Com os resultados das emissões, do estudo topográfico e da meteorologia, realizou-se uma modelagem de plumas gaussiana para avaliar os impactos. Quatro cenários foram avaliados: dois com a presença dos navios NApOc Ary Rongel e Maximiano apresentaram concentrações máximas de até 356 g m-3 de COV e 18 g m-3 de material particulado, enquanto os demais, sem a presença dos navios, apenas considerando as estações de pesquisa EACF e Arctowski, apresentaram concentrações máximas de até 2,5 g m-3 de COV e 1,3 g m-3 de material particulado. Amostras de COV coletadas foram compatíveis com o cenário mais crítico. O estudo de correlação para carbonilas e HPA atmosférico e Carbono elementar e HPA, depositados em neve, apontaram a EACF como a principal fonte de emissão. As concentrações de levoglucosano detectadas a aproximadamente 2 km da EACF apontaram para a prática de incineração de lixo da EACF. Todas as áreas de interesse biológicos, anteriormente mapeados, dentro da AAEG, são vulneráveis às emissões antrópicas, como sugeriu o modelo de dispersão e a sobreposição dos resultados encontrados.


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The management of municipal solid waste (MSW), particularly the role of incineration, is currently a subject of public debate. Incineration shows to be a good alternative of reducing the volume of waste and eliminating certain infectious components. Moreover, Municipal Waste Incinerators (MWI), are reported to be highly hygienic and apart from that MWIs are immediately effective in terms of transport (incinerators can be built close to the waste sources) and incineration's nature. Nevertheless, the emissions of many hazardous substances make the Municipal Waste Incineration (MWI) plants to be unpopular. Metals (especially lead, manganese, cadmium, chromium and mercury) are concentrated in fly and bottom ashes. Furthermore, incomplete combustion produces a wide variety of potentially hazardous organic compounds, such as aldehydes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlorinated hydrocarbons including polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF), and even acid gases, including NOx. Many of these hazardous substances are carcinogenic and some have direct systemic toxicity.


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There is potential to extract energy from wastewater in a number of ways, including: kinetic energy using micro-hydro systems, chemical energy through the incineration of sludge, biomass energy from the biogas produced after anaerobic sludge digestion, and thermal energy as heat. This paper considers the last option and asks how much heat could be recovered under UK climatic conditions and can this heat be used effectively by wastewater treatment plants to reduce their carbon footprint? Four wastewater treatment sites in southern England are investigated and the available heat that can be recovered at those sites is quantified. Issues relating to the environmental, economic and practical constraints on how energy can be realistically recovered and utilised are discussed .The results show there is a definite possibility for thermal energy recovery with potential savings at some sites of up to 35,000 tonnes of total long-cycle carbon equivalent (fossil fuel) emissions per year being achievable. The paper also shows that the financial feasibility of three options for using the heat (either for district heating, sludge drying or thermophilic heating in sludge digestion processes) is highly dependant upon the current shadow price of carbon. Without the inclusion of the cost of carbon, the financial feasibility is significantly limited. An environmental constraint for the allowable discharge temperature of effluent after heat-extraction was found to be the major limitation to the amount of energy available for recovery. The paper establishes the true potential of thermal energy recovery from wastewater in English conditions and the economic feasibility of reducing the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment operations using this approach.


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The leaching of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) was measured in soil and standard fly ash column eluted with pure water and linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS)- water. The data obtained were used to evaluate the leachability of PCDD/Fs from waste dump like incineration residual slag and fly ash deposition. The leaching rate was shown to be increased significantly by using LAS water. The leachate contents of PCDD/Fs were above their known water solubility. Concentration of PCDD/Fs in the leachates as well as the relative leaching (calculated on the fly ash content) increased with increasing chlorinating degree and decreasing water solubility. LAS above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) probably enhances PCDD/Fs solubility.


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The item of the biomass gasification and waste incineration combined power was briefly introduced in the paper. The eyaluation index for the economic benefit of this combined power technology was confirmed. The pay back period, net present value and internal rate of return were quantitatively calculated. In addition, sensitivity of evaluation index arose by fuel cost, distribution electricity price and fixed assets was analyzed. The result point out that from the view of economy this combined power technology is feasible because its evaluation index accord with standard of electric industry.


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In this paper, source apportionment techniques are employed to identify and quantify the major particle pollution source classes affecting a monitoring site in metropolitan Boston, MA. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of paniculate elemental data allows the estimation of mass contributions for five fine mass panicle source classes (soil, motor vehicle, coal related, oil and salt aerosols), and six coarse panicle source classes (soil, motor vehicle, refuse incineration, residual oil, salt and sulfate aerosols). Also derived are the elemental characteristics of those source aerosols and their contributions to the total recorded elemental concentrations (i.e. an elemental mass balance). These are estimated by applying a new approach to apportioning mass among various PCA source components: the calculation of Absolute Principal Component Scores, and the subsequent regression of daily mass and elemental concentrations on these scores.


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Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a set of chemicals that are toxic, persist in the environment for long periods of time, and biomagnify as they move up through the food chain. The most widely used method of POP destruction is incineration, which is expensive and could result in undesirable by-products. An alternative bioremediation technology, which is cheaper and environ-mentally friendly, was tested during this experiment. Two different soil types containing high and low organic matter (OM) were spiked with 100 mg/kg each of pyrene and Aroclor 1248 and planted with three different species of grasses. The objective of the study was to determine residue recovery levels (availability) and potential effectiveness of these plant species for the remediation of POPs. The results showed that recovery levels were highly dependent on the soil organic matter content—very low in all treatments with the high OM content soil compared to recoveries in the low OM soil. This indicates that availability, and, hence, biodegradability of the contaminants is dependent on the organic matter content of the soil. Moreover, the degree of availability was also significantly different for the two classes of chemicals. The polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) recovery (availability) was extremely low in the high organic matter content soil compared to that of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In both soil types, all of the plant species treatments showed significantly greater PCB biodegradation compared to the unplanted controls. Planting did not have any significant effect on the transformation of the PAHs in both soil types; however, planting with switchgrass was the best remedial option for both soil types contaminated with PCB.