899 resultados para Immanuel Kant


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Dans ce mémoire, nous nous proposons de montrer que le concept kantien de chose en soi est à la fois un concept métaphysique et un concept critique. En ce sens, la chose en soi doit être comprise comme un objet transcendantal réel qui existe à titre de cause des phénomènes. Si, contrairement à ce que soutenaient F.H. Jacobi (1787) et G.E. Schulze (1791), cela ne suppose pas de sortir du criticisme, c'est qu'une telle affirmation prend la forme d'une connaissance analogique qui respecte les limites de la connaissance humaine. De fait, la connaissance analogique permet de pointer en direction de quelque chose dont la nature (Beschaffenheit) peut demeurer problématique, tout en permettant d'affirmer son existence (Dasein). Nous serons dès lors conduite à montrer que la Critique de la raison pure fournit bel et bien les outils nécessaires permettant de rendre compte de l’existence des choses en soi à titre de causes des phénomènes.


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Most discussions of Immanuel Kant's political theory of international politics focus on his work on Eternal Peace and its normative and empirical relevance for contemporary international relations and international law. Yet for all his concern with peace, Kant's work is characterised by a fascinating preoccupation with the concept of war and its role in human history. The purpose of this essay is to investigate critically Kant's different conceptualisations of war and to evaluate his writing as a critique against contemporary versions of Liberal war and peace, as well as recent attempts to reduce war to an immanent logic of biopolitics.


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This paper examines Slavoj Zizek’s reading of Immanuel Kant. Its undergirding argument is that Zizek’s work as a whole- up to and including his politically radical statements, which have become more and more prominent since 1997- is conceivable as a project in the rereading of the Kantian ‘Copernican Revolution’ via Lacanian psychoanalysis. Critics now agree that Zizek’s orienting aim is to write a philosophy of politics, as more recent texts, like The Ticklish Subject make clear. (Kay, 2003; Sharpe, 2004; Dean 2006) If Zizek’s philosophy is ultimately a philosophy of politics, however, Zizek’s political philosophy is grounded in a wider post or ‘neo’-Kantian philosophy of subjectivity.
The essay has three major parts. Part I gives Zizek’s reading of Kant on the subject of apperception. Part II recounts Zizek’s pivotal reading of Kant on the sublime, which he ties closely to the problematics of the ‘Transcendental Dialectic’ of the first Critique. Part III then examines Zizek’s conception of subjectivity in terms of the faculties (and especially the faculty of imagination) that Kant argues are involved in the transcendental constitution of objects in the first half of The Critique of Pure Reason.
In the Conclusion, the force of the paper’s subtitle—‘Politicising the Transcendental Turn’—will become manifest. I lay out three principles of Zizek’s ‘neoKantian/Hegelian’ ontology. These also make clear how his philosophy of political agency is grounded in this apparently suprapolitical or solely philosophical reading of Kant.


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Este ensaio aborda afinidades entre Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) e Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), principalmente em relação à Crítica da Faculdade do juízo kantiana. Investiga-se assim o diálogo teórico que implícita ou explicitamente permeia o texto goethiano e a obra do filósofo de Königsberg envolvendo temas, tais como Arte, Natureza e Sublime.


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This work deals with the relationship between medicine and philosophy, which has existed since Antiquity, and will also be discussed here from Kant s perspective. It presents the historical context formed by reciprocal influences of common notions regarding health/disease, balance/justice, and just measure, which are present in the medical discourse as much as in the philosophical one. It considers that Hippocratic medicine emerges from concerns about dietetics, thus creating the link between philosophy and medicine, which is important for our analysis on Kant s contributions to Hippocratic legacy. Taking into account these considerations, the work distinguishes between two aspects which are associated within the dietetics presented by Kant in his work The conflict of the faculties, studied here in the light of his Doctrine of virtue, particularly the duties to oneself in regard the care of one s body and the teleological conception. In this sense, the work indicates the role of Kantian thinking not only to enrich medical dietetics, by lending to it moral value, but also to enrich philosophy by highlighting its therapeutic effects


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A presente dissertação configura-se em pesquisa bibliográfica de cunho analítico, crítico e reflexivo sobro o universo epistemológico que engloba os princípios e limites metafísicos do Estado Jurídico em Kant, o qual aborda os fundamentos racionais, enquanto arquétipos imutáveis e universais, do Estado Jurídico, a partir daquilo que Immanuel Kant leciona em sua Doutrina do Direito. Com essa diretriz e considerando as equivocadas interpretações dos princípios fundamentais do Direito, preliminarmente, esboçam-se algumas concepções destoantes da mencionada obra, as quais são ‘rechaçadas’ no transcurso desta dissertação. Em seguida, explana-se a função exercida pela razão nos usos teorético e prático, com o fito de fixar o locus ocupado por um Sistema Moral na Filosofia Prática. Sistema esse constituído por duas subdivisões, quais sejam a Ética e o Direito. Assim, estabelece-se o Direito como uma ciência prática, apresentando seu conceito. E ainda, discute-se o tema da liberdade, o qual permeia todo caminho trilhado no desenvolvimento, sua relação com a razão prática, bem como a distinção que há entre vontade e arbítrio. Essas considerações permitem, posteriormente, caracterizar o Direito, porém, sem olvidar de distingui-lo da Ética. Explica-se, também, o princípio e a lei universal do Direito enquanto critérios de legitimação e de justiça, princípio e lei esses que se referem à liberdade do arbítrio, dentro da qual a coação se apresenta como elemento integrante. A imputabilidade é outra questão abordada, a qual pressupõe a ideia de liberdade, cuja ausência destituiria o Direito de todo sentido. Deste modo, segue-se ao Direito Privado, discutindo-o até se chegar ao seu postulado, segundo o qual é possível ter direito sobre qualquer objeto exterior ao arbítrio. Examina-se, outrossim, os institutos do Direito Privado, a dizer, o Direito Real, o Direito Pessoal e o Direito Pessoal de caráter Real. Adentra-se, em seguida, no Direito Público, apresentando o Estado Jurídico como garantidor de direitos que lhe são pré-existentes. Nessa esteira, passa-se às condições formais desse Estado, qual seja a tripartição dos Poderes e suas relações. Outros pontos ligados ao Estado Jurídico são, também, enfrentados, como a cidadania e sua relação aos poderes estatais, o pretenso direito de revolução, o dever de reforma da Constituição Civil, o Direito de Punir. Vale ressaltar que tentamos superar uma dificuldade que não é solucionada em nenhum escrito consultado – a responsabilidade dos agentes públicos. Não obstante, a forma do Estado Jurídico é, igualmente, abordada. Ademais, tecem-se algumas linhas aos direitos individuais e sociais e sua relação aos fundamentos do Direito. Enfim, depois de todo percurso trilhado, infere-se que Estado Jurídico é um dever imposto pela razão prática - um fim em si mesmo que decorre de princípios metafísicos - únicos que podem nos oferecer um modelo imutável e insubstituível de Estado.


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u.a.: Kritik an Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; Leibnitzianismus; Kollationierung 1. und 5. Ausgabe der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft"; Preisschrift von Immanuel Kant über die Fortschritte der Methaphysik von 1804; Platon; Geschenk einer Kant Handschrift von dem Maler Moses Siegfried Lowe (Löwe); Kant-Gemälde in der Wohnung Schopenhauers; Briefe von Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi und Johann Gottfried Herder; Vergleich einzelner Kant-Gemälden der Künstler Johann Heinrich Lips, Johann Friedrich Bause, A.G. Thilo und Johann Meno Haas; Berkleyischer Idealismus; Zusammenfassung der Philosophie von Kant durch Ludwig Friedrich Otto Baumgarten-Crusius; Hübners Zeitungslexikon; Kritik an der Rezension von Henry Brougham; Subjektiver Wille; kritische Meinungsäußerung über Thaddäus Anselm Rixner; Erwähnung der Kant Bearbeitung durch Schopenhauer im 1812 erschienen "Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie" von Wilhelm Gottlieb Tennemann;


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u.a.: kritische Anmerkungen zu den Veränderungen von Immanuel Kant in der 2. Ausgabe der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft"; Berkleyischer Idealismus; rationale Psychologie; Kantbearbeitungen von Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi und David Hume; Gleichnis aus der Antike;


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«Duas coisas enchem o ânimo de uma admiração e veneração sempre nova e tanto mais crescente quanto mais frequente e mais demoradamente a reflexão se ocupa delas: o céu estrelado acima de mim e a lei moral em mim.” Com estas famosíssimas palavras escritas no papel e incisas em pedra, Immanuel Kant conclui a Crítica da razão prática. No presente artigo pretendo mostrar como esta frase está estreitamente ligada: 1) à doutrina kantiana do sublime e 2) à fundação da lógica do irracional na Critica do Juízo.


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The research examines the problem lie in the thought of Immanuel Kant. This field of law, of the history of political morality, we seek to investigate the Kantian rejection of falsehood and unconditional obligation to be truthful. Defends the thesis of the exception to lie and not be objectionable in two cases, namely: the torture and before the murderer. Thus, it is demonstrated that it is possible the exception to lie under the law, politics and history, considering the perspective of harmony of external freedoms and the idea of moral progress. In this sense, it is argued that the source of law is established to guarantee the external freedoms. From the point of view of morality, reaffirmed the absoluteness is that for Kant the duty of veracity, but it points to the possibility of a practical rule that allows the lie based on human dignity, weighting values as political equality, respect for rational agents, as well as the principle of humanity which teaches always treat the other as an end in itself.


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This thesis proposes the adoption of a practical and philosophic approach to the discussion about what should be a healthy food, in view of the actual problems concerning this subject (from famine to obesity), which affect food and nutritional security and constitute target of many official policies. In order to handle this task, this work resorts to ethic, pedagogical and anthropological concepts inherent to Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, as valuable contributions to the practice of the professional nutritionist committed to the support and accomplishment of the human right to adequate nutrition (DHAA). Under this assumption, it intends to surpass the prevailing idea inside the social programs and policies favoring the utilitarian argument. It considers rather that a healthy food is also a duty of virtue, according to the Kantian duties to one-self. The liberation of transgenic seeds in Brazil comes up as an example of the violation of the right to food security and affects it negatively, resulting from the conflict between politics and moral faced by the Brazilian government. This paper concludes that DHAA realization requires not only a committed state, but also committed citizens and suggests that Kant’s philosophy should offer important contributions to supporting the practice of the professional nutritionist, awarding him the necessary information about this matter.


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This thesis proposes the adoption of a practical and philosophic approach to the discussion about what should be a healthy food, in view of the actual problems concerning this subject (from famine to obesity), which affect food and nutritional security and constitute target of many official policies. In order to handle this task, this work resorts to ethic, pedagogical and anthropological concepts inherent to Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, as valuable contributions to the practice of the professional nutritionist committed to the support and accomplishment of the human right to adequate nutrition (DHAA). Under this assumption, it intends to surpass the prevailing idea inside the social programs and policies favoring the utilitarian argument. It considers rather that a healthy food is also a duty of virtue, according to the Kantian duties to one-self. The liberation of transgenic seeds in Brazil comes up as an example of the violation of the right to food security and affects it negatively, resulting from the conflict between politics and moral faced by the Brazilian government. This paper concludes that DHAA realization requires not only a committed state, but also committed citizens and suggests that Kant’s philosophy should offer important contributions to supporting the practice of the professional nutritionist, awarding him the necessary information about this matter.


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