988 resultados para ISO 25964-2011


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En los ensayos de aislamiento acústico según normas UNE EN ISO 140-4 y 140-5 el valor de L2 es un promedio espacio-temporal de los niveles de presión sonora medidos en diferentes posiciones de la sala receptora. La desviación estándar de estos valores se puede considerar como una medida de la uniformidad del campo sonoro en el recinto. Se analiza este parámetro en función de la frecuencia y se propone un cálculo teórico del mismo como una incertidumbre combinada de la desviación estándar derivada de modelos teóricos centrados en la geometría del recinto y la desviación estándar asociada a la vibración de la pared separadora


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El apartado <4.2 Altavoz> de la Norma Internacional UNE-EN ISO 140-5 [1] especifica que la directividad del altavoz usado en el ensayo debe asegurar en todas las bandas de frecuencias de interés, unas diferencias de nivel locales inferiores a 5dB (o a 10 dB para fachadas de dimensiones mayores a 5m), medidas en campo libre, sobre una superficie del mismo tamaño y orientación que la pared o elemento a ensayar. Este requisito debe verificarse en unas bandas de frecuencia de interés que sean como mínimo los tercios de octava desde 100Hz hasta 3150Hz, y preferiblemente desde 50Hz hasta 5kHz. Desde hace unos años, en el Laboratorio de sonido de la EUIT de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, los autores han implementado un método en el que, a partir de las medidas de directividad en cámara anecoica de la fuente sonora a ensayar, se calcula el campo sonoro directo sobre una superficie ficticia que representa un elemento de fachada en la misma disposición que se indica en la norma ICO 140-5 y con unas dimensiones según se requieran en el procedimiento. También se estima la dimensión horizontal máxima ΔXmax de una fachada rectangular en relación de aspecto fija que permite verificar la norma con los criterios de 5dB y 10dB de diferencias máximas de niveles directos en dicha fachada. En esta ponencia se detalla el procedimiento anterior. ABSTRACT. The Section "4.2 loudspeaker" of the UNE-EN ISO 140-5 International Standard: "Field measurements of airborne sound insulation of façade elements and façades", specifies that the directivity of the loudspeaker used in the test must ensure in all frequency bands of interest, local level differences less than 5dB (or 10dB for façade dimensions greater than 5m), measured in free field over an area of the same size and orientation as the wall or element to be tested. This requirement must be verified in the frequency bands of interest which are, at least, the third octave bands from 100Hz to 3150Hz, preferably from 50Hz to 5kHz. In recent years, in the Laboratory of Sound of the EUIT Telecomunicación (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), the authors have implemented a method that, from directivity measurements of loudspeakers performed in the anechoic room, the direct sound field on a surface in the same layout as indicated in the ISO standard is calculated. It is also estimated the maximum horizontal dimension Δxmax of a rectangular façade for each aspect ratio which verify the standard criteria of either 5dB or 10dB for the maximum differences of direct levels in the façade. This paper details the procedure above introduced.


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All activities of an organization involve risks that should be managed. The risk management process aids decision making by taking account of uncertainty and the possibility of future events or circumstances (intended or unintended) and their effects on agreed objectives. With that idea, new ISO Standard has been drawn up. ISO 31010 has been recently issued which provides a structured process that identifies how objectives may be affected, and analyses the risk in term of consequences and their probabilities before deciding on whether further treatment is required. In this lecture, that ISO Standard has been adapted to Open Pit Blasting Operations, focusing in Environmental effects which can be managed properly. Technique used is Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), which is applied in all possible scenarios, providing to Blasting Professionals the tools to identify, analyze and manage environmental effects in blasting operations. Also this lecture can help to minimize each effect, studying each case. This paper also can be useful to Project Managers and Occupational Health and Safety Departments (OH&S) because blasting operations can be evaluated and compared one to each other to determine the risks that should be managed in different case studies. The environmental effects studied are: ground vibrations, flyrock and air overpressure (airblast). Sometimes, blasting operations are carried out near populated areas where environmental effects may impose several limitations on the use of explosives. In those cases, where these factors approach certain limits, National Standards and Regulations have to be applied.


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The International Standard ISO 140-5 on field measurements of airborne sound insulation of façades establishes that the directivity of the measurement loudspeaker should be such that the variation in the local direct sound pressure level (ΔSPL) on the sample is ΔSPL < 5 dB (or ΔSPL < 10 dB for large façades). This condition is usually not very easy to accomplish nor is it easy to verify whether the loudspeaker produces such a uniform level. Direct sound pressure levels on the ISO standard façade essentially depend on the distance and directivity of the loudspeaker used. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the test geometry for measuring sound insulation and explains how the loudspeaker directivity, combined with distance, affects the acoustic level distribution on the façade. The first sections of the paper are focused on analysing the measurement geometry and its influence on the direct acoustic level variations on the façade. The most favourable and least favourable positions to minimise these direct acoustic level differences are found, and the angles covered by the façade in the reference system of the loudspeaker are also determined. Then, the maximum dimensions of the façade that meet the conditions of the ISO 140-5 standard are obtained for the ideal omnidirectional sound source and the piston radiating in an infinite baffle, which is chosen as the typical radiation pattern for loudspeakers. Finally, a complete study of the behaviour of different loudspeaker radiation models (such as those usually utilised in the ISO 140-5 measurements) is performed, comparing their radiation maps on the façade for searching their maximum dimensions and the most appropriate radiation configurations.


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This research aimed to identify any common factors that have enabled and/or motivated SMEs to successfully implement ISO 14001 whilst the majority have not. It also identified what challenges and barriers SMEs face in doing so and how some have overcome these. The existing literature suggests that the majority of SMEs perceive their environmental impacts to be proportional to their size; have a poor understanding of environmental issues; have a poor awareness of environmental regulations; do that have the necessary expertise or leadership to address environmental issues and that SMEs with an environmental management system such as ISO 14001 are very much the minority. The main factors that influenced whether an SME had implemented ISO 14001 were: competitive advantage, regulatory compliance, supply chain pressures, leadership, expertise, resources and external support. This research used qualitative analysis of interviews with managers and directors from 8 SMEs with ISO 14001 and 4 without. All of the SMEs were based in the West Midlands or Staffordshire. Interviews were also conducted with 3 organisations offering support to businesses on environmental issues and with 1 large business who was engaging their suppliers (which included SMEs within this sample) on environmental issues. The research found that there were four main factors that enabled or motivated the SMEs to implement ISO 14001, these were: leadership, supply chain pressures, external support and SMEs' history and experience of accredited management systems. The main challenges that these business had to overcome and that prevented the other SMEs from achieving ISO 14001 were: achieving regulatory compliance, perceived financial cost, lack of perceived competitive advantage, access to relevant and affordable support and for those SMEs without ISO 14001 there was very little perceived external pressure or need for them to do so.


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The aim of this paper is to deepen in the terminology of Records Management established by ISO standards, through a concrete example such as an interlinguistic comparison between UNE ISO 15489-1 and DIN ISO 15489-1, that is, between the Spanish and German versions of the ISO 15489-1. For that, the text is divided into two major and complementary parts, which are similar to both analytical perspectives adopted: the semantic one and the pragmatic one. The first one compares the words per se, taking into account the significant or word form as well as the significance or meaning. In the second part, examples of use from both languages are discussed, concerning the three terms considered essential in the text (Record, Records Management System and Records Management). The main conclusion lies in understanding how important the language is as a discrete tool of work for all information scientists, specially concerning to the standards, where the translators must show their best linguistic strategies to go unnoticed.


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ISO 9000 is a family of international standards for quality management, applicable to all sizes of company, whether public or private.Management Systems ISO 9000 quality make up the human side, administrative and operating companies. By integrating these three aspects, the organization takes full advantage of all its resources, making results more efficiently, reducing administrative and operating expenses.With globalization and opening markets this has become a competitive advantage by providing further confidence and evidence to all customers, subcontractors, personnel and other stakeholders that the organization is committed to establishing, maintaining and improving levels acceptable quality products and services.Another advantage of quality systems is the clear definition of policies and functions, the staff is utilized according to their ability and focus on real customer needs.It should be mentioned that to achieve these benefits, it is necessary that management of the organization, is committed to the development of its quality system and to allocate financial and human resources to do so. These resources are minimal compared with the benefits you can achieve.


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En la última década de este siglo se ha presenciado un salto cualitativo en el mundo comercial enfatizado a la calidad total, permitiendo a las empresas la máxima efectividad y productividad, colocándose así en niveles de competitividad en esta aldea global.Para entrar en este ámbito de calidad es necesario que las empresas asuman normas de aceptación internacional, tal es el caso de la serie de normas ISO 9000, cuyo objetivo es el establecimiento de sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad que garantizan la buena marcha de las empresas y su relación con los clientes.A medida que se desarrolla el trabajo de investigación, se pretende dar una visión general sobre la serie de normas ISO 9000, incluyendo precisamente las normas que la componen, sus beneficios, sus ventajas, sus barreras, la forma de aplicación y la implementación de éstas, por otro lado se muestra la importancia de la base documental compuesta por tres niveles en forma de pirámide, que conforma el primer paso que debe dar una empresa para iniciar el proceso de asimilación de las normas ISO 9000 y así contar a corto o mediano plazo con un aumento en su productividad, la eliminación de errores y un mejoramiento en la calidad del producto, redundando en una importante mejoría tanto para la empresa y sus clientes.


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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar los factores de éxito del programa de Responsabilidad Social de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, teniendo en cuenta que esta institución se ha convertido en un referente de compromiso social y sostenibilidad en el sector salud y en las instituciones de cuarto nivel de complejidad. Para alcanzar este objetivo se realizaron visitas y se aplicó un instrumento en la Fundación Cardioinfantil y en cuatro instituciones más del mismo nivel de atención en las ciudades de Bogotá, Cali y Medellín, donde generosamente aportaron información acerca del desarrollo de sus programas de Responsabilidad Social y de la aplicación de los tópicos contenidos en la ISO 26000 dentro de sus instituciones. Así mismo dentro de la Fundación Cardioinfantil se realizó una entrevista con la persona encargada de desarrollar el programa, quien manifestó los detalles del funcionamiento de este y los esfuerzos realizados para lograr la diferenciación en el sector salud. A través de este recorrido por las diferentes instituciones de salud consultadas y de la investigación realizada en la fundación Cardioinfantil se realizó una matriz DOFA que nos reveló la falta de comunicación en las mejoras realizadas en las diferentes organizaciones de salud, una vez han detectado las fallas en inherentes a su actuación con los grupos de interés. La adopción de estándares internacionales para la gobernanza y aplicación de los programas de RSE aún es incipiente en el sector salud en general. También es posible resaltar el hecho de que programas de RSE desarrollados a nivel de la fundación Cardioinfantil evolucionan hacia la innovación en la calidad de la atención y la trasformación de sus organizaciones hacia la mejora continua.


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This document presents the newly updated strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery services (SDNM) for the period 2011–2015. Complementing and building on the 2002–2008 SDNM, it seeks to provide policymakers, practitioners and other stakeholders at every level with a flexible framework for broad-based, collaborative action to enhance the capacity of nurses and midwives to contribute to: * universal coverage * people-centred health care * policies affecting their practice and working conditions, and the * scaling up of national health systems to meet global goals and targets. The SDNM for 2011–2015 draws on several key World Health Assembly resolutions, and are underpinned by the associated global policy recommendations and codes of practice. (1,2) After two years of extensive research and consultation, a SDNM task force was developed, and a consensus on a range of specific activities revolving around 13 objectives in five interrelated key results areas (KRAs), was achieved: n health system and service strengthening n policy and practice * education, training and career development * workforce management and * partnership. Stakeholders, although free to prioritize certain parts of the framework to meet their own particular needs, are encouraged to adhere to the cornerstone of collaborative action, namely the common goal enshrined in the core SDNM 2011–2015 vision statement: improved health outcomes for individuals, families and communities through the provision of competent, culturally sensitive, evidence-based nursing and midwifery services.


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This work reviews the rationale and processes for raising revenue and allocating funds to perform information intensive activities that are pertinent to the work of democratic government. ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ expresses an idea that democratic government has no higher authority than the people who agree to be bound by its rules. Democracy depends on continually learning how to develop understandings and agreements that can sustain voting majorities on which democratic law making and collective action depends. The objective expressed in constitutional terms is to deliver ‘peace, order and good government’. Meeting this objective requires a collective intellectual authority that can understand what is possible; and a collective moral authority to understand what ought to happen in practice. Facts of life determine that a society needs to retain its collective competence despite a continual turnover of its membership as people die but life goes on. Retaining this ‘collective competence’ in matters of self-government depends on each new generation: • acquiring a collective knowledge of how to produce goods and services needed to sustain a society and its capacity for self-government; • Learning how to defend society diplomatically and militarily in relation to external forces to prevent overthrow of its self-governing capacity; and • Learning how to defend society against divisive internal forces to preserve the authority of representative legislatures, allow peaceful dispute resolution and maintain social cohesion.


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Report and narrative on the history of the Brisbane chapter of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) for the Australian issue of the IGDA Perspectives monthly newsletter.


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The flood flow in urbanised areas constitutes a major hazard to the population and infrastructure as seen during the summer 2010-2011 floods in Queensland (Australia). Flood flows in urban environments have been studied relatively recently, although no study considered the impact of turbulence in the flow. During the 12-13 January 2011 flood of the Brisbane River, some turbulence measurements were conducted in an inundated urban environment in Gardens Point Road next to Brisbane's central business district (CBD) at relatively high frequency (50 Hz). The properties of the sediment flood deposits were characterised and the acoustic Doppler velocimeter unit was calibrated to obtain both instantaneous velocity components and suspended sediment concentration in the same sampling volume with the same temporal resolution. While the flow motion in Gardens Point Road was subcritical, the water elevations and velocities fluctuated with a distinctive period between 50 and 80 s. The low frequency fluctuations were linked with some local topographic effects: i.e, some local choke induced by an upstream constriction between stairwells caused some slow oscillations with a period close to the natural sloshing period of the car park. The instantaneous velocity data were analysed using a triple decomposition, and the same triple decomposition was applied to the water depth, velocity flux, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment flux data. The velocity fluctuation data showed a large energy component in the slow fluctuation range. For the first two tests at z = 0.35 m, the turbulence data suggested some isotropy. At z = 0.083 m, on the other hand, the findings indicated some flow anisotropy. The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data presented a general trend with increasing SSC for decreasing water depth. During a test (T4), some long -period oscillations were observed with a period about 18 minutes. The cause of these oscillations remains unknown to the authors. The last test (T5) took place in very shallow waters and high suspended sediment concentrations. It is suggested that the flow in the car park was disconnected from the main channel. Overall the flow conditions at the sampling sites corresponded to a specific momentum between 0.2 to 0.4 m2 which would be near the upper end of the scale for safe evacuation of individuals in flooded areas. But the authors do not believe the evacuation of individuals in Gardens Point Road would have been safe because of the intense water surges and flow turbulence. More generally any criterion for safe evacuation solely based upon the flow velocity, water depth or specific momentum cannot account for the hazards caused by the flow turbulence, water depth fluctuations and water surges.