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Compósitos de borracha natural (Hevea brasiliensis)-BN/polianilina - PANI, com diferentes composições foram obtidos através da polimerização por emulsão do monômero anilina na presença da BN e do ácido dodecilbenzeno sulfônico (DBSA). Filmes finos e homogêneos foram obtidos por prensagem a quente. Os compósitos foram caracterizados por condutividade elétrica, FTIR, UV-vis-NIR, DSC e difração de raios X. Compósito com condutividade elétrica cerca de 14 ordens de grandeza maior que a BN foi obtido. Este alto valor de condutividade é atribuído à formação da PANI no estado dopado no compósito, que foi verificado através das técnicas de UV-vis-NIR e FTIR. Os resultados obtidos com a técnica de DSC e difratometria de raios X indicaram que os polímeros são imiscíveis e que a presença da borracha não altera significantemente a fase cristalina da PANI-DBSA no compósito.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We report on a strategy to prepare metal oxides including binary oxide and mixed metal oxide (MMO) in form of nanometer-sized particles using polymer as precursor. Zinc oxide nanoparticles are prepared as an example. The obtained zinc polyacrylate precursor is amorphous as confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The conversion from polymer precursor to ZnO nanocrystals by thermal pyrolysis was investigated by means of XRD, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and electron microscopy. The as-synthesized ZnO consists of many individual particles with a diameter around 40 nm as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photoluminescence (PL) and electron paramagnetic (EPR) properties of the material are investigated, too. Employing this method, ZnO nanocrystalline films are fabricated via pyrolysis of a zinc polyacrylate precursor film on solid substrate like silicon and quartz glass. The results of XRD, absorption spectra as well as TEM prove that both the ZnO nanopowder and film undergo same evolution process. Comparing the PL properties of films fabricated in different gas atmosphere, it is assigned that the blue emission of the ZnO films is due to crystal defect of zinc vacancy and green emission from oxygen vacancy. Two kinds of ZnO-based mixed metal oxide (Zn1-xMgxO and Zn1-xCoxO) particles with very precise stoichiometry are prepared by controlled pyrolysis of the corresponding polymer precursor at 550 oC. The MMO crystal particles are typically 20-50 nm in diameter. Doping of Mg in ZnO lattice causes shrinkage of lattice parameter c, while it remains unchanged with Co incorporation. Effects of bandgap engineering are seen in the Mg:ZnO system. The photoluminescence in the visible is enhanced by incorporation of magnesium on zinc lattice sites, while the emission is suppressed in the Co:ZnO system. Magnetic property of cobalt doped-ZnO is checked too and ferromagnetic ordering was not found in our samples. An alternative way to prepare zinc oxide nanoparticles is presented upon calcination of zinc-loaded polymer precursors, which is synthesized via inverse miniemulsion polymerization of the mixture of the acrylic acid and zinc nitrate. The as-prepared ZnO product is compared with that obtained from polymer-salt complex method. The obtained ZnO nanoparticles undergo surface modification via a phosphate modifier applying ultrasonication. The morphology of the modified particles is checked by SEM. And stability of the ZnO nanoparticles in aqueous dispersion is enhanced as indicated by the zeta-potential results.


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Die Dissertation beschreibt die Darstellung und Charakterisierung von neuartigen, amphiphilen Carbazol- und Fluoren-(co)-polymeren, die infolge ihres strukturellen Aufbaus sowohl selbstorganisierende als auch optoelektronische Eigenschaften kombinierten. Zum einen wurden Kammpolymere mit konjugierten, steifen Rückgraten und flexiblen sowie konformativ schaltbaren Polyelektrolytseitenketten dargestellt und auf eine pH-abhängige Selbstorganisation in Lösung und an Oberflächen untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden neutrale, methanollösliche Polyfluorene synthetisiert, die in Kombination mit einem unpolaren Polyindenofluorenderivat zum Aufbau mehrschichtiger PLEDs mittels nasschemischer Verfahren eingesetzt wurden. Zum anderen fand die Synthese von amphiphilen Polyfluorenen statt, die als Emulgatoren zur Stabilisierung von inversen Emulsionen eingesetzt wurden. Dabei konnten mit Hilfe eines bereits für die Darstellung von anorganisch-organischen Kern-Schale-Partikeln etablierten in situ-Verfahrens formanisotrope, kristalline Zinkoxidkerne mit konjugierter Polymerhülle erhalten werden.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden amphiphile Co- und Terpolymere verwendet, um die Grenzflächeneigenschaften anorganischer Nanopartikel zu kontrollieren. Es wurde eine effiziente und vielseitige Methode entwickelt, mit der in-situ hydrophobierte, formanisotrope ZnO-, CdS- und Au-Nanopartikel sowie poröse TiO2-Nanopartikel hergestellt werden konnten. Diese Technik basierte auf der Fällung anorganischer Nanopartikel in einer inversen Emulsion mittels kombinierten Einsatzes zweier maßgeschneiderter amphiphiler Polymere. Ein Copolymer ermöglichte sowohl die Stabilisierung der Emulsion als auch die Hydrophobierung der Partikel, und ein weiteres Struktur-dirigierendes Agens (SDA) kontrollierte den Kristallisationsprozess. Infolge ihrer Form zeigten die Nanopartikel von sphärischen Teilchen abweichende Lagen der Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz und der Bandlücke. Aufgrund der hervorragenden Hydrophobierung dieser Kolloide mittels amphiphiler Copolymere konnten diese homogen in polymere Materialien eingearbeitet werden. Dies erlaubte es die speziellen Eigenschaften von nicht-sphärischen Kolloiden auf Nanokompositmaterialien zu übertragen. Darüber hinaus wurden amphipolare Copolymere genutzt, um superhydrophobe Oberflächen zu generieren. Hierzu wurden Filme bestehend aus rauen SiO2-Nanopartikeln mit fluorierten Emulgatoren beschichtet. In einem dritten Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit wurden amphiphile Co- und Terpolymere verwendet, um anorganische Nanopartikel zu hydrophilieren. Durch Variation der Emulgatorzusammensetzung konnten die Ladung und Ladungsdichte auf der Partikeloberfläche gezielt gesteuert werden. Darüber hinaus konnte die Partikelhülle zusätzlich mit Farbstoffmolekülen funktionalisiert werden, was den erfolgreichen Einsatz der Kolloide in Zellaufnahmeexperimenten ermöglichte.


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Hydrophile Polyurethanpartikel wurden mittels in inversen Miniemulsionen durchgeführten Polyadditionsreaktionen hergestellt. Wie durch FT-IR-Spektroskopie gezeigt wurde, konnte durch die Abwesenheit von Wasser in dem verwendeten System die Entstehung von Harnstoffbindungen vermieden werden. Das Molekulargewicht der erhaltenen Polyurethane konnte durch verschiedene Parameter, wie zum Beispiel die Hydrophobizität der kontinuierlichen Phase oder die Zugabe von DMSO zur dispersen Phase, beeinflusst werden. Die höchsten Molekulargewichte (Mn von bis zu 19000 g•mol-1) wurden mit Isopar M als kontinuierlicher Phase erhalten. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung anisotroper Polystyrolpartikel über eine Film-Dehnungs-Methode. Polystyrol/Polyvinylalkohol-Filme wurden oberhalb der Glasübergangstemperatur von Polystyrol und Polyvinylalkohol (Matrix) uniaxial oder biaxial gedehnt, wodurch ellipsenförmige oder scheibenförmige Partikel entstanden. Es zeigte sich, dass die Redispergierbarkeit der verstreckten Partikel in Wasser stark von deren Oberflächenfunktionalisierung abhängig war. Die beste Redispergierbarkeit (46%) wurde für Sulfonat-funktionalisierte Partikel erhalten. Als eine alternative Methode zur Herstellung anisotroper Polymerpartikel wurde im letzten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit Elektrospinnen eingesetzt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es prinzipiell möglich ist, ellipsenförmige PS-Partikel zu erhalten, deren Aspektverhältnis durch die Höhe der angelegten Spannung und den Abstand zwischen Spitze und Kollektor beeinflusst wurde. Neben PS-Partikeln konnten auch PMMA-Kapseln über Elektrospinnen verstreckt werden. Mittels der Film-Dehnungs-Methode konnte jedoch eine größere Vielfalt an Aspektverhältnissen hergestellt werden. Ein weiterer Nachteil gegenüber der Film-Dehnungs-Methode ist die relativ breite Größenverteilung der verstreckten Partikel. Jedoch ist Elektrospinnen im Gegensatz zur Film-Dehnungs-Methode ein kontinuierlicher Prozess und könnte auch für die Herstellung anisotroper Partikel von Polymeren mit einer hohen Glasübergangstemperatur verwendet werden.


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A polimerização em emulsão de estireno em um microrreator Syrris de 250 µL com misturador estático junção \"T\" foi estudada em duas etapas. Primeiro somente a fluidodinâmica deste dispositivo não convencional foi avaliada, depois, foi desenvolvida a reação de polimerização de forma a observar como este fator influencia no sistema. Os experimentos foram realizados procurando se atingir maiores conversões, mas mantendo a estabilidade da emulsão. Foi um trabalho exploratório, portanto se assemelha mais a um processo de evolução (evolutionary process). Foram verificados a partir de qual relação das vazões dos dois fluidos ocorre a formação de gotas, e que com o aumento da vazão da fase contínua, aquosa (Qc), mantendo constante a vazão da fase dispersa (Qd), foi verificado uma diminuição do diâmetro das gotas e um regime de fluxo laminar. Posteriormente, realizou-se a polimerização em emulsão do estireno no microrreator, porém com restrições para altas vazões. Os parâmetros de processo testados foram a proporção Qc e Qd, a temperatura e a concentração do iniciador para então verificar o efeito que a variação destas ocasionam na conversão de monômero, no diâmetro e número de partículas e nas massas moleculares médias. A polimerização foi feita para soma das vazões Qc e Qd da ordem de 100 µ L/min, com 15% de monômero na formulação e com o maior tempo de residência possível de 2,5 minutos. Para maiores concentrações de monômero, acima de 15% foi verificado entupimento do canal do microrreator. A taxa de conversão de monômero aumentou com o aumento da temperatura e com o aumento da concentração do iniciador, mas o maior valor atingido foi de apenas 37% devido ao baixo tempo de residência. Nos casos de maiores taxas de conversão, as massas moleculares obtidas foram as menores conforme o esperado pela teoria. Finalmente, os índices de polidispersão (PDI), obtidos foram da ordem de 2,5 a 3,5.


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Granulation is one of the fundamental operations in particulate processing and has a very ancient history and widespread use. Much fundamental particle science has occurred in the last two decades to help understand the underlying phenomena. Yet, until recently the development of granulation systems was mostly based on popular practice. The use of process systems approaches to the integrated understanding of these operations is providing improved insight into the complex nature of the processes. Improved mathematical representations, new solution techniques and the application of the models to industrial processes are yielding better designs, improved optimisation and tighter control of these systems. The parallel development of advanced instrumentation and the use of inferential approaches provide real-time access to system parameters necessary for improvements in operation. The use of advanced models to help develop real-time plant diagnostic systems provides further evidence of the utility of process system approaches to granulation processes. This paper highlights some of those aspects of granulation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Xanthate-mediated (reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer) emulsion polymerization has been used to create novel polystyrene nanoparticles with functionalized surfaces (see Figure) for the selective sequestering of heavy metals from water below ppm levels. These nanoparticles show a high degree of selectivity for Hg-II over Co-II. This technology has potential for the selective remediation of heavy metals from the human blood system.


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The efficient transport of micron-sized beads into cells, via a non-endocytosis mediated mechanism, has only recently been described. As such there is considerable scope for optimization and exploitation of this procedure to enable imaging and sensing applications to be realized. Herein, we report the design, synthesis and characterization of fluorescent microsphere-based cellular delivery agents that can also carry biological cargoes. These core-shell polymer microspheres possess two distinct chemical environments; the core is hydrophobic and can be labeled with fluorescent dye, to permit visual tracking of the microsphere during and after cellular delivery, whilst the outer shell renders the external surfaces of the microspheres hydrophilic, thus facilitating both bioconjugation and cellular compatibility. Cross-linked core particles were prepared in a dispersion polymerization reaction employing styrene, divinylbenzene and a thiol-functionalized co-monomer. These core particles were then shelled in a seeded emulsion polymerization reaction, employing styrene, divinylbenzene and methacrylic acid, to generate orthogonally functionalized core-shell microspheres which were internally labeled via the core thiol moieties through reaction with a thiol reactive dye (DY630-maleimide). Following internal labeling, bioconjugation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to their carboxyl-functionalized surfaces was successfully accomplished using standard coupling protocols. The resultant dual-labeled microspheres were visualized by both of the fully resolvable fluorescence emissions of their cores (DY630) and shells (GFP). In vitro cellular uptake of these microspheres by HeLa cells was demonstrated conventionally by fluorescence-based flow cytometry, whilst MTT assays demonstrated that 92% of HeLa cells remained viable after uptake. Due to their size and surface functionalities, these far-red-labeled microspheres are ideal candidates for in vitro, cellular delivery of proteins, as described in the accompanying paper.


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The pulsed-laser polymerization in emulsions has been simulated by the Monte Carlo method. Our simulation shows that the best measure of the propagation rate coefficients K-p is the peak maximum of molecular weight distribution for microemulsions when the droplets are small. However, the inflection point at the low-molecular-weight side of the peaks provides the best measure of K-p of bigger droplets. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mannans are abundant plant polysaccharides found in the endosperm of certain leguminous seeds (guar gum galactomannan, GG; locust bean gum galactomannan, LBG), in the tuber of the konjac plant (konjac glucomannan, KGM), and in softwoods (galactoglucomannan, GGM). This study focused on the effects of the chemical structure of mannans on their film-forming and emulsion-stabilizing properties. Special focus was on spruce GGM, which is an interesting new product from forest biorefineries. A plasticizer was needed for the formation of films from mannans other than KGM and the optimal proportion was 40% (w/w of polymers) glycerol or sorbitol. Galactomannans with lower galactose content (LBG, modified GG) produced films with higher elongation at break and tensile strength. The mechanical properties of GG-based films were improved by decreasing the degree of polymerization of the polysaccharide with moderate mannanase treatments. The improvement of mechanical properties of GGM-based films was sought by blending GGM with each of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH), corn arabinoxylan (cAX), and KGM. Adding other polymers increased the elongation at break of GGM blend films. The tensile strength of films increased with increasing amounts of PVOH and KGM, but the effect of cAX was the opposite. Dynamic mechanical analysis showed two separate loss modulus peaks for blends of GGM and PVOH, but a single peak for all other films. Optical and scanning electron microscopy confirmed good miscibility of GGM with cAX and KGM. In contrast, films blended from GGM and PVOH showed phase separation. GGM and KGM were mixed with cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) to form composite films. Addition of CNW to KGM-based films induced the formation of fiberlike structures with lengths of several millimeters. In GGM-based films, rodlike structures with lengths of tens of micrometers were formed. Interestingly, the notable differences in the film structure did not appear to be related to the mechanical and thermal properties of the films. Permeability properties of GGM-based films were compared to those of films from commercial mannans KGM, GG, and LBG. GGM-based films had the lowest water vapor permeability when compared to films from other mannans. The oxygen permeability of GGM films was of the same magnitude as that of commercial polyethylene / ethylene vinyl alcohol / polyethylene laminate film. The aroma permeability of GGM films was low. All films were transparent in the visible region, but GGM films blocked the light transmission in the ultraviolet region of the spectra. The stabilizing effect of GGM on a model beverage emulsion system was studied and compared to that of GG, LBG, KGM, and cAX. In addition, GG was enzymatically modified in order to examine the effect of the degree of polymerization and the degree of substitution of galactomannans on emulsion stability. Use of GGM increased the turbidity of emulsions both immediately after preparation and after storage of up to 14 days at room temperature. GGM emulsions had higher turbidity than the emulsions containing other mannans. Increasing the storage temperature to +45 ºC led to rapid emulsion breakdown, but a decrease in storage temperature increased emulsion stability after 14 days. A low degree of polymerization and a high degree of substitution of the modified galactomannans were associated with a decrease in emulsion turbidity.


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A series of (alpha-diimine)nickel(II) complexes [ArN = C(Nap)C = NAr]NiBr2 (Nap = 1,8-naphthdiyl, Ar = 2,6-Me2C6H3, 3a; Ar = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2 3b; Ar = 2,6-Me-2-4-tBuC(6)H(2), 3c; Ar 2,6-Me-2-4-BrC6H2, 3d; Ar = 2,6-Me-2-4-ClC6H2, 3e; Ar 2,6-iPr(2)C(6)H(3), 3f; Ar = 2,4,6-iPr(3)C(6)H(2), 3g; Ar = 2,6-iPr-4-BrC6H2, 3h) have been synthesized, characterized, and investigated as precatalysts for ethylene polymerization in the presence of modified methylaluminoxane (MMAO).