944 resultados para INTRODUCED SPECIES
Espécies invasoras têm transformado muitos ecossistemas através de mudanças na estrutura das comunidades, cadeia trófica, ciclagem de nutrientes e sedimentação. A competição interespecífica ocorre frequentemente entre espécies nativas e introduzidas, e constitui um processo determinante na eficiência da invasão. Essa competição pode acarretar em alterações no papel das espécies dentro da comunidade e alterar os processos ecossistêmicos. Os corais Tubastraea coccinea e T. tagusensis invadiram o Brasil na década de 80, e são favorecidos pela carência de predadores na biota local, sendo a esponja Desmapsamma anchorata o único organismo identificado como inibidor do crescimento e desenvolvimento desses corais. O presente estudo tem como objetivo: 1) Quantificar e classificar em cinco categorias de interação: sobrecrescimento, contorno, contato periférico, encontro com até cinco cm de distância e encontro de cinco ate dez cm de distância entre as esponjas e Tubastraea spp. na Baía de Ilha Grande, temporalmente; 2) Descrever os mecanismos utilizados na competição entre a esponja D. anchorata e os corais Tubastraea (físicos ou químicos?); 3) Descrever a dinâmica do crescimento da esponja D. anchorata com relação a fatores abióticos. Foram encontradas 37 espécies de esponjas interagindo com Tubastraea spp, sendo que apenas 12 dessas espécies interagiram mais de 10 % no total de interações. O contato periférico e a interação de até 5 cm de distância foram os tipos de interação mais encontrados. D. anchorata foi a esponja que mais teve o contato de sobreposição. Não foi observado efeitos significativos dos extratos de Tubastraea spp. sobre D. anchorata e nem dos extratos de D. anchorata sobre o metabolismo dos corais. A sobreposição foi a principal ferramenta utilizada na defesa contra o competidor, enquanto que os corais Tubastraea spp. utilizaram defesa física e provavelmente química. D. anchorata não apresentou relação entre seu crescimento e os fatores abióticos medidos e mostrou crescimento em taxas diferentes durante os meses analisados, com um pico no mês de setembro diminuindo até a sua morte, no mês de dezembro. No caso da competição entre os invasores Tubastraea spp. e a esponja D. anchorata, a hipótese de controle biótico não pode ser levada em consideração, já que os corais Tubastraea spp. têm demonstrado capacidade de se expandir e colonizar novos locais muito rapidamente. Porém, como observado no presente estudo, e em outros trabalhos, pontualmente a esponja vence na competição com os corais invasores
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise cienciométrica dos estudos sobre movimentos longitudinais de peixes, publicados no mundo entre 2000 e 2010, pondo em vista o cenário geral dos trabalhos desenvolvidos sobre o tema. Além disso, examina os padrões de movimento longitudinal das espécies de peixes de um riacho costeiro de Mata Atlântica, o rio Ubatiba (Maricá-RJ), e analisa a dispersão, distribuição e variação na densidade de uma espécie introduzida nesse riacho, verificando se houve impacto dessa introdução sobre uma espécie nativa. Os 525 artigos analisados na cienciometria foram obtidos através de uma busca realizada na base de dados Web of Science. Observou-se o aumento no número publicações sobre movimentos de peixes. A maior parte dos estudos foi desenvolvida nos EUA. Os ecossistemas mais pesquisados foram rios e riachos e 464 trabalhos analisaram os movimentos a partir do método de marcação, onde a telemetria foi destacadamente a técnica mais utilizada. A família Salmonidae foi o alvo da maioria dos estudos sobre deslocamento. Para identificar os padrões de movimento da comunidade de peixes do rio Ubatiba, experimentos de marcação-recaptura foram realizados em quatro pontos amostrais diferentes no riacho, entre junho de 2011 e abril de 2012. Um total de 1270 exemplares, entre 10 espécies estudadas, foram coletados através de pesca elétrica, identificados, medidos, marcados com implante intra-dérmico de elastômeros coloridos (VIE) e devolvidos no mesmo trecho onde foram coletados. Foram observados movimentos de curta e longa distância. As espécies que percorreram maiores distâncias foram A. tajasica e Characidium sp.. Na estação chuvosa, os peixes tendem a se movimentar mais em direção à montante e a percorrer maiores distâncias. A espécie introduzida P. maculicauda, foi registrada pela primeira vez no rio Ubatiba, em julho de 1999, no ponto amostral mais baixo do riacho, com baixa densidade. Observou-se que ao longo dos anos a espécie introduzida se dispersou, colonizando pontos mais altos do riacho. Além disso, verificou-se uma correlação negativa entre as densidades da espécie introduzida e da espécie nativa H. punctatus
Two new populations and the host plant of the rarely encountered Galapagos endemic moth Epiplema becki were found on Isabela Island, on Wolf and Sierra Negra volcanoes, with a sighting on Darwin Volcano. The host plant is the native Duranta dombeyana (Verbenaceae). The habitats where all known specimens were collected were Scalesia forest with Duranta bushes. To ensure the conservation of E. becki, we recommend control of introduced species in its habitat. CDF Contribution Number 1010.
Estudos de longo prazo são essenciais para avaliar efeitos que em pouco tempo não seriam possíveis observá-los. Moluscos límnicos são parte importante dos ecossistemas aquáticos, além se serem vetores de parasitos de importância médica. A comunidade de moluscos do riacho da Vila do Abraão já havia sido estudada, havendo registro de sete espécies, incluindo a exótica Melanoides tuberculata. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi acompanhar a dinâmica das populações de moluscos límnicos, com ênfase em M. tuberculata durante sete anos. Avaliamos as variações na comunidade de moluscos límnicos em um riacho na Vila do Abraão Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brasil. Foram realizadas 42 coletas bimestrais no período de julho/2006 a novembro/2013. O trecho estudado foi dividido em oito pontos de coleta, com três coletores em cada, realizando buscas de 15 minutos, totalizando 45 minutos por ponto. Foram mensurados os fatores abióticos: luminosidade, temperatura do ar e da água, umidade, pH, condutividade, profundidade e oxigênio dissolvido. Para o acompanhamento da comunidade, foi calculada a abundância, abundância relativa, constância, índices de diversidade Simpson e Shannon, assim como equitabilidade e uniformidade, para cada espécie em cada expedição de coleta. Para investigar a associação dos moluscos com a helmintofauna, realizou-se o teste de exposição a luz. Para biomassa, de M. tuberculata foi calculado o peso seco da parte mole, e os valores de abundância foram convertidos para densidade. No total do estudo, foram coletados 90.718 espécimes: oito gastrópodes (M. tuberculata, Heleobia australis, Potamolithus sp., Physa acuta, Biomphalaria tenagophila, Gundlachia ticaga, Ferrissia fragilis e Omalonyx matheroni) e um bivalve (Pisidium punctiferum). As duas espécies mais abundantes foram: M. tuberculata, com 80% e P. acuta, com 8% do total dos indivíduos. Melanoides tuberculata foi a espécie mais constante do estudo, já que após Fevereiro/2009 foi encontrada em todos os pontos de coleta, exceto nas últimas expedições. Os índices de diversidade apresentaram valores diferentes entre Simpson e Shannon, mas com variações semelhantes. A equitabilidade e a uniformidade foram muito baixas, indicando uma dominância de M. tuberculata. Apenas M. tuberculata se apresentou parasitado por Centrocestus formosanus, com a maior prevalência em Abril/2013, quando mais de 50% da população estava parasitada. A biomassa foi calculada em 8155 g durante o estudo, e a produção secundária foi estimada em 423 g m-2year-1 no último ano estudado, sofrendo diminuição de acordo com a queda populacional de M. tuberculata que por sua vez, foi possivelmente influenciada pelo parasitismo. Podemos concluir que a riqueza da comunidade aumentou de sete para nove espécies, sendo seis exóticas e três nativas. A comunidade de moluscos da Vila do Abraão encontra-se dominada por M. tuberculata, este sobrepujando as demais, em abundância e biomassa. Tendo em vista o perigo das introduções, reforçamos a importância dos estudos de longo prazo para o acompanhamento de comunidades, sendo importantes para subsidiar estratégias de conservação principalmente em unidades de conservação.
外来生物入侵已严重影响生态系统的结构和功能,威胁生物多样性,受到国内外学者的高度重视。我国50%的外来有害植物是人为引种的结果。因此,在引种造林之前对引入种的入侵潜力的研究和评估极为重要。过去几十年,中国南方地区外来的红树植物物种经常被用于人工造林,但这些外来植物的入侵性却缺乏系统的研究。本研究将个体、种群、群落和生态系统四个尺度的研究有机结合,对海南和广东两地的原产于孟加拉国的红树植物无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala) (1985年由申达本引入海南东寨港,1993年引种到深圳)和原产我国海南的海桑(S.caseolaris) (1993年引种到深圳)的生物学特性如种子和幼苗的扩散特性、光合生理特性、抵抗潮汐淹水特性以及本地种、外来种林下和光滩大型底栖动物的营养关系进行了综合研究,结论如下: 1. 果期长和果实种子数量大是海桑属植物的共有特点,但海南的本地种海桑不管在海南还是在引种地深圳都具有比引入种无瓣海桑更优势的萌发和漂浮能力。在没有天然海桑属植物分布的天然红树林区开展海桑属植物造林,应高度重视海桑属红树植物果实和种子的漂浮以及萌发早期的幼苗漂浮可能造成的扩散。 2. 通过对深圳福田红树林保护区实验区引种海桑和无瓣海桑幼苗的自然更新和种苗扩散的调查结果表明:海桑和无瓣海桑在深圳湾经过十几年的引种驯化之后,幼苗的更新和扩散能力逐年增高。虽然林下当年生幼苗受光强和温度等环境因子的影响在定居后大量死亡,林缘、林内空地和光滩上良好的光照条件很适合这些红树幼苗的生长。这是近年来深圳福田国家级自然保护区周边出现海桑和无瓣海桑幼苗扩散现象的主要原因。幼苗成功定居相关的机制有待进一步的研究。 3. 在海南,引种的无瓣海桑的光合速率(A)和光合N利用率(PNUE)都低于本地种海桑和白骨壤,而在深圳引种的海桑和无瓣海桑其光合速率和营养循环速度与本地种相当或低于本地种。因此,海南的外来种与本地种红树植物竞争生境的可能性不大,而深圳的外来种海桑具有较高的光合速率(A)和光合N利用率(PNUE),和本地红树植物竞争生境的可能性依然存在。因此,海南以外的天然红树林区,引种的海桑与本地的红树植物竞争生境的可能性依然存在。 4. 无瓣海桑对潮汐淹水时间的敏感性低于海南本地种海桑,在淹水时间最长的10-12 h的淹水处理下,无瓣海桑还能通过增加茎长度、扩大叶面积来缓解厌氧胁迫和增加光合速率。因此,无瓣海桑比海桑具有更强的抗淹水能力。从叶片气体交换和养分利用的特征上来看,由于同属的海桑和无瓣海桑在天然状态下存在生态位重叠,因此,从本研究的结果看,它们对于中低潮带的生态位竞争是可能存在的。在低潮带无瓣海桑的生长较海桑有优势,因此低潮带区域很可能成为无瓣海桑与海桑竞争空间和资源的主要区域。 5. 人工海桑林的动物营养结构相对于光滩和天然白骨壤林都发生了一定的变化。人工海桑林的动物之间对于食物的竞争大于天然白骨壤林。因而,造林后的海桑人工林的营养结构的稳定性可能低于天然白骨壤林。但是,对于各种底栖动物的可能食物来源和营养关系的证明还需要进一步研究。 基于以上研究结果,本研究结论如下: 两种海桑属植物的果实、种子的数量和种苗的漂浮扩散特性都可能导致外来种幼苗在原生红树林周边的光滩和林缘空地成功定居,这一特点需要长期的监测。但是从植株的光合特性、潮汐淹水的适应性等生理生态学的证据表明:现阶段两个研究样地上的两种外来种红树植物发生生物入侵的可能性不大。但是,引种后在中、低潮位滩涂上存在外来种无瓣海桑与海南本地种海桑竞争生态位的可能性依然存在。对引种后人工生态系统的底栖动物多样性还需要进一步研究。
红树林是生长在热带亚热带低能海岸潮间带的一种特殊的生态系统,它是海岸生态关键区。近年来由于人为的破坏,我国红树林面积日益减少,面临濒危的境地。红树林生态系统的恢复和可持续发展成为了有关研究人员和组织的焦点。引种是红树林恢复最重要的手段。无瓣海桑和海桑作为很有发展前景的红树林造林树种,已经成为了东南沿海一带主要的引种红树种。 海桑和无瓣海桑具有很多相似的特征,在生产实践中往往同时被引种到同一生境中。为了比较两个种之间的生长趋势以及相互作用关系,本实验采用替代序列设计,对无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和海桑(S. caseolaris)的竞争进行了研究,于2005年8月~2007年8月期间对无瓣海桑和海桑的形态学指标、生理学指标以及营养元素的分配进行了连续测定,采用多个竞争系数评估两个种的竞争。结果表明: 1. 在生物量及其它形态学指标的测定中,海桑比无瓣海桑具有显著的优势,说明海桑具有更强的生长优势,对深圳湾的生境更加适应。通过对无瓣海桑和海桑竞争系数的计算,发现无瓣海桑和海桑之间存在对相同资源的竞争,海桑的相对竞争能力比无瓣海桑强,而受到的竞争抑制小于无瓣海桑。 2. 海桑的净光合速率显著高于无瓣海桑,同时无瓣海桑在混种情况下具有较低的净光合速率,说明种间竞争对无瓣海桑的光合作用产生抑制作用。同时,种间竞争也对无瓣海桑的水分利用效率、光合N利用效率产生了抑制作用,但两个种之间的蒸腾速率差异不显著。 3. 植物光合叶片的N含量水平越高,叶片的净光合速率、水分利用效率和光合N利用效率越高,而光合叶片的C/N值越低。海桑在营养元素吸收和积累方面具有优势,进一步解释了海桑的竞争机制。 在深圳湾,引入种海桑比无瓣海桑具有更强的竞争力。加强对海桑属外来种的研究是很有必要的,特别是对海桑的研究,应该受到更多的关注。而对于海桑属外来种是否能引起生物入侵,还需要进一步的研究。
The Nabugabo lakes are an important source of affordable protein food in the form of fish, income, water for domestic and commercial purposes (aquaculture farm and Hotels), handcraft materials (mats, hats, roof thatch) and fishing floats and rafts. Nabugabo lakes provide employment, income and export earnings to Uganda that flow from the act of harvesting the fish. In Uganda the fisheries sector directly employs 350,000 people and indirectly 1.2 million people. In 2005, it is estimated that about 370,000 mt fish export (97-98% Nile perch) earned Uganda US $ 143 Million up from US $ 103 million in 2004 .and up from US $ 45 million in 1996. , making it almost become the first non' traditional export commodity. The Nabugabo lakes are also import for cultural values and fish species from these lakes are important in evolutionary studies. The fishery sector is therefore very important in Uganda's socio-economic life. Despite the above values to the communities and global biodiversity roles, the amount of fish caught and the number fishing fleets operating on the Nabugabo lakes to guide management of the lake are lacking. The fishery that exists in these lakes is largely for subsistence and commercial purposes specific for Lake Nabugabo based on introduced species (Nile perch and Nile Tilapia). The fish is caught using mainly gill nets and long line hooks.
The Victoria and Kyoga lake basins had a high fish species diversity with many fish species that were found only in these lakes. Two Tilapiines species Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis were the most important commercial species in these lakes and were found nowhere else on earth except in the Victoria and Kyoga lake basins (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929). Lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo also had endemic haplochromine species (Worthington 1929, Trewavas 1933, Greenwood 1965, 1966). As stocks of introduced species increased, stocks of most of the native species declined rapidly or disappeared altogether. The study was carried out on Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, River Nile, some selected satellite lakes from the two basins namely Lakes Mburo, Kachera, Wamala, Kayanja, Kayugi, Nabugabo, Victoria, Victoria nile and River Sio(Victoria lake basin). Lakes Kyoga (Iyingo), Nawampasa, Nakuwa, Gigati, Nyaguo, Agu, Kawi and Lemwa (Kyoga lake basin). Species composillon and relative abundance of fishes were estimated by detennining the overall average total number of each species encountered. A trophic consists of species using the same food category. Shannon-Weaver Index of diversity H (Pielou, 1969) and number of trophic groups, were used to estimate the Trophic diversity of various fish species in the lakes. Food analysis has been done on some fishes in some of the sampled lakes and is still going on, on remaining fishes and in some lakes. Generally fish ingested detritus, Spirulina, Melosira, filamentous algae, Planktolyngbya, Microcysists, Anabaena, Merismopedia, Spirogyra, higher plant material, rotifers, Ostracodes, Chironomid larvae and pupae, Choaborus larvae, Odonata, Povilla, Insect remains, Caridina, fish eggs and fish. Eight trophic groups were identified from thes food items ingestes. These included detritivores, algae eaters, higher plant eaters, zooplanktivores, insectivores, molluscivores, prawn eaters, paedophages and piscivores. Trophic diversity by number of trophic groups was highest in Lake Kyoga (6) followed by lakes Kayugi, Nabugabo, River Nile and Mburo (3) and the lowest number was recorded in kachera (2).
Rastrineobola argentea is the only native fish species which is still abundant in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, the others being two introduced species; Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus. It forms an important commercial fishery in Lake Victoria and is very important as food of Lates niloticus in both lakes. The depletion of the originally abundant insectivorous and zooplanktivorous hap lochromines due to predation by Lates niloticus appears to have favoured it by reducing potential competitors for food. It now consumes a wide range of invertebrate organisms that originally used to be eaten by different specialised species of haplochromines which include: larvae and pupae of chironomids and chaoborids, copepods and ostracods. Its size in Lake Kyoga (where the Nile perch was introduced earlier) has, however, decreased and is smaller than that in Lake Victoria probably due to high predation pressure. The twin effect of predation and fishing are likely to exert heavy pressure on the species. Research is therefore required to provide information for its management.
The fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga have changed from the native tilapiine species and are now dominated by two introduced species; Nile perch and Nile tilapia, and one native species; Rastrineobola argentea (mukene). Because of the differences in the size of the species, it may be necessary to change the type and sizes of nets used.
Experimental trawling during the period 1981/86 and analysis of past commercial catch landings, mainly in the northern portion of Lake Victoria have indicated that the standing stocks and therefore, the estimates of sustainable yields of the most important fish species have unquestionably changed since the 1969/71 comprehensive lake-wide stock assessment survey. Lake Victoria which was originally a multi-species fishery now relies on two introduced species (Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus) and one indigenous cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea). Most of the traditional fish species, including the once dominant haplochromines, have either declined or disappeared. The catch rates in the experimental trawl catches declined from 797 kg/hr in 1969/71 to 575 kg/hr in 1981 and 166 kg/hr in 1985. The contribution of L. niloticus in the trawl catch increased from 0.9% in 1981 to 95.6% in 1985 while the contribution of the haplochromines decreased from about 91% to about 1% over the same period. The mean size of the individual fish caught (particularly the Nile perch) was also on the decline. Similar trends were also observed in the commercial fishery. However, recent observations in the Lake Kyoga commercial fishery that O. niloticus has now surpassed L.niloticus in importance may create more uncertainty regarding the future trends of the fish stocks of Lake Victoria. Inspite of the above situation, developments to increasingly exploit the fish stocks of the lake for export continue to take place. A number of fish processing and/or handling plants have been established in the Jinja, Kampala and Entebbe areas of the lake. Each of these plants is capable of handling upwards of 10 tons of fish a day, the target fish being L. niloticus and O. niloticus.
The morphology of two species of bucephalids (Bucephalidae; Digenea; Trematoda), which since 1999 has caused a fish disease at the Uji River, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, is described. Parabucephalopsis parasiluri Wang, 1985 was first recorded in the Uji River in 2000, and Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty, 1937) in 2005. The definitive host of both species is the Lake Biwa catfish (Silurus biwaensis), and the second intermediate hosts include many fish species from several families. P. parasiluri is an introduced parasite that invaded with its first intermediate host, golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei), from the Asian continent. P ozakii may also be an introduced species, although its first intermediate host has not been identified. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey was conceived from the outset as a programme of applied research designed to assist the fishing industry. Its survival and continuing vigour after 70 years is a testament to its utility, which has been achieved in spite of great changes in our understanding of the marine environment and in our concerns over how to manage it. The CPR has been superseded in several respects by other technologies, such as acoustics and remote sensing, but it continues to provide unrivalled seasonal and geographic information about a wide range of zooplankton and phytoplankton taxa. The value of this coverage increases with time and provides the basis for placing recent observations into the context of long-term, large-scale variability and thus suggesting what the causes are likely to be. Information from the CPR is used extensively in judging environmental impacts and producing quality status reports (QSR); it has shown the distributions of fish stocks, which had not previously been exploited; it has pointed to the extent of ungrazed phytoplankton production in the North Atlantic, which was a vital element in establishing the importance of carbon sequestration by phytoplankton. The CPR continues to be the principal source of large-scale, long-term information about the plankton ecosystem of the North Atlantic. It has recently provided extensive information about the biodiversity of the plankton and about the distribution of introduced species. It serves as a valuable example for the design of future monitoring of the marine environment and it has been essential to the design and implementation of most North Atlantic plankton research.
Pollen analysis of continuous sediment cores from two lakes in the northern Chonos Archipelago (44S) in southern Chile shows a complete postglacial record of vegetation change. The fossil records indicate that deglaciation was complete in the northern Chonos by at least 13,600 14Cyr BP. Ericaceous heath and grassland persisted for more than 600 years after deglaciation under the influence of dry/cold climates and frequent burning. Nothofagus-Pilgerodendron-Podocarpus forest, with modern analogues in the southern Chonos Archipelago, was established across the northern islands by 12,400 14Cyr BP under increasingly warm and wet climates. There is no evidence for a return to cooler climates during the Younger Dryas chronozone. The rise of Tepualia stipularis and Weinmannia trichosperma as important forest components between 10,600 and 6000 14Cyr BP may be associated withclimates that were warmer than present. The collapse of Pilgerodendron communities during this time may have been triggered by a combination of factors related to disturbance frequency including tephra deposition events, fire and climate change. After 6000 14Cyr BP Pilgerodendron recovers and Nothofagus-Pilgerodendron-Tepualia forest persists until the present. European logging and burning activity may have increased the susceptibility of North Patagonian Rainforest to invasion by introduced species and to future collapse of the long-lived Pilgerodendron communities.
It has traditionally been considered that areas with high natural species richness are likely to be more resistant to non-indigenous species than those with lower numbers of species. However, this theory has been the subject of a debate over the last decade, since some studies have shown the opposite trend. In the present study, a macroalgal survey was carried out at 24 localities in Northern Ireland and southern England, using a quadrat approach in the lower littoral. The two opposing hypotheses were tested (negative versus positive relationship between native and non-indigenous species richness) in this marine environment. The effect of the presence of 'impacts', potential sources of disturbance and species introduction (e.g. marina, harbour or aquaculture), was also tested. A positive relationship was found between the number of non-indigenous species and the native species richness at the three different scales tested (quadrats, sites and localities). At no scale did a richer native assemblage appear to restrict the establishment of introduced species. The analyses revealed greater species richness and different community composition, as well as more non-indigenous species, in southern England relative to Northern Ireland. The presence of the considered impacts had an effect on the community composition and species richness in southern England but not in Northern Ireland. Such impacts had no effect on the non-indigenous species richness in either area.