342 resultados para INPATIENTS
OBJECTIVE Anorexia nervosa is associated with several serious medical complications related to malnutrition, severe weight loss, and low levels of micronutrients. The refeeding phase of these high-risk patients bears a further threat to health and potentially fatal complications. The objective of this study was to examine complications due to refeeding of patients with anorexia nervosa, as well as their mortality rate after the implementation of guidelines from the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. METHODS We analyzed retrospective, observational data of a consecutive, unselected anorexia nervosa cohort during a 5-y period. The sample consisted of 65 inpatients, 14 were admitted more than once within the study period, resulting in 86 analyzed cases. RESULTS Minor complications associated with refeeding during the first 10 d (replenishing phase) were recorded in nine cases (10.5%), four with transient pretibial edemas and three with organ dysfunction. In two cases, a severe hypokalemia occurred. During the observational phase of 30 d, 16 minor complications occurred in 14 cases (16.3%). Six infectious and 10 non-infectious complications occurred. None of the patients with anorexia nervosa died within a follow-up period of 3 mo. CONCLUSIONS Our data demonstrate that the seriousness and rate of complications during the replenishment phase in this high-risk population can be kept to a minimum. The findings indicate that evidence-based refeeding regimens, such as our guidelines are able to reduce complications and prevent mortality. Despite anorexia nervosa, our sample were affected by serious comorbidities, no case met the full diagnostic criteria for refeeding syndrome.
Loss of appetite and ensuing weight loss is a key feature of severe illnesses. Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) contributes significantly to the adverse outcome of these conditions. Pharmacological interventions to target appetite stimulation have little efficacy but considerable side effects. Therefore nutritional therapy appears to be the logical step to combat inadequate nutrition. However, clinical trial data demonstrating benefits are sparse and there is no current established standard algorithm for use of nutritional support in malnourished, acutely ill medical inpatients. Recent high-quality evidence from critical care demonstrating harmful effects when parenteral nutritional support is used indiscriminately has led to speculation that loss of appetite in the acute phase of illness is indeed an adaptive, protective response that improves cell recycling (autophagy) and detoxification. Outside critical care, there is an important gap in high quality clinical trial data shedding further light on these important issues. The selection, timing, and doses of nutrition should be evaluated as carefully as with any other therapeutic intervention, with the aim of maximising efficacy and minimising adverse effects and costs. In light of the current controversy, a reappraisal of how nutritional support should be used in acutely ill medical inpatients outside critical care is urgently required. The aim of this review is to discuss current pathophysiological concepts of PEM and to review the current evidence for the efficacy of nutritional support regarding patient outcomes when used in an acutely ill medical patient population outside critical care.
Objectives: To examine the predictive value of early improvement for short- and long-term outcome in the treatment of depressive female inpatients and to explore the influence of comorbid disorders (CD). Methods: Archival data of a naturalistic sample of 277 female inpatients diagnosed with a depressive disorder was analyzed assessing the BDI at baseline, after 20 days and 30 days, posttreatment, and after 3 to 6 months at follow-up. Early improvement, defined as a decrease in the BDI score of at least 30% after 20 and after 30 days, and CD were analyzed using binary logistic regression. Results: Both early improvement definitions were predictive of remission at posttreatment. Early improvement after 30 days showed a sustained treatment effect in the follow-up phase, whereas early improvement after 20 days failed to show a persistent effect regarding remission at follow-up. CD were not significantly related neither at posttreatment nor at follow-up. At no time point CD moderated the prediction by early improvement. Conclusions: We show that early improvement is a valid predictor for short-term remission and at follow-up in an inpatient setting. CD did not predict outcome. Further studies are needed to identify patient subgroups amenable to more tailored treatments.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between various adverse childhood experiences, alexithymia, and dissociation in predicting nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in an inpatient sample of female adolescents. Seventy-two adolescents (aged 14–18 years) with NSSI disorder (n=46) or mental disorders without NSSI (n=26) completed diagnostic interviews and self-report measures to assess NSSI disorder according to the DSM-5 criteria, childhood maltreatment, alexithymia, and dissociation. Alexithymia and dissociation were highly prevalent in both study groups. Multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that only alexithymia was a significant predictor for NSSI, whereas childhood maltreatment and dissociation had no predictive influence. The association between alexithymia and NSSI emphasizes the significance of emotion regulation training for female adolescents with NSSI. Efforts to reduce NSSI behavior should therefore foster skills to heighten the perception and recognition of one’s own emotions.
Inpatient hyperglycemia has been shown to be associated with higher morbidity and mortality. Treatment of inpatient hyperglycemia reduces morbidity and mortality at least in the intensive care unit. Burden and severity of hyperglycemia in an inpatient population of a cancer center is not known. The study is a secondary analysis of the primary study 'Prevalence of Diabetes in cancer inpatient'. Finger-stick glucose concentration and pharmacy data were collected prospectively for all hospitalizations to a large cancer center. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected in a retrospective fashion. Between May 1 and July 31, 2006; 3,940 patients were admitted 5,489 times. Prior to their first admissions, 920(23.4%) of the 3940 patients had unrecognized or recognized hyperglycemia. Glucose was never tested during 1714 (31.8%) hospitalizations, including 170 (12%) of the 1414 admissions of the 920 patients with previous hyperglycemia, and, 109 (58%) of 188 patients who were not tested for glucose prior to their index admissions. Overall, sustained significant hyperglycemia (>= 200 mg/dL on two separate days) was present in 765 (13.9%). Antidiabetic treatment was dispensed in 1168 (21.3%), though 627 (53.7%) of these received only short/rapid acting insulin, and, 951 (17.3%)diabetes code before and in another 80 (1.5%) during stay in hospital, out of total 5489 admissions. Therefore diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia affected 1525 (27.8%) out of all admissions and coding alone as a criterion for diagnosis of hyperglycemia would have underreported it by 32%. Hyperglycemia occurred more commonly during hospitalization of patients with older age, males, ethnic minorities, advanced malignancies, and those receiving glucocorticoids, parenteral nutrition, and those who had a past history of coding for diabetes or past hyperglycemia, but not in those with the cancers reported to be associated with diabetes mellitus. Of the recognized diabetics half had sustained significant hyperglycemia and 10% had three quarters glucoses tested above 180 mg/dL. To conclude, diabetes affects at least 27.8% of inpatients at our cancer center. Coding for diabetes significantly underreports the burden of the disease. Significant sustained hyperglycemia of >=200 mg/dL among inpatients at a cancer center is common, under-recognized, and either untreated or inadequately treated with suboptimal glycemic control. The implications of hyperglycemia in cancer inpatient populations need further investigations. Fasting serum or plasma glucose should be checked routinely for every patient admitted to a cancer hospital, to recognize and treat hyperglycemia as clinically appropriate.^
This paper provides a preliminary exploration of the application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) within the context of a forensic hospital. ACT has a reputation for being a clinically flexible and empirically sound therapeutic intervention, which appears uniquely suited for forensic hospital settings. However, no research has been published to date on the use of ACT as a treatment for forensic inpatients. The ACT approach directly aims to help people let go of the unwinnable struggles to control symptoms of mental illness, and instead focus on constructing a "life worth living." ACT interventions can equip forensic patients with the values and flexible behavioral repertoires necessary to lead lives that are personally meaningful and satisfying and do not involve inflicting harm to others. The ACT model also attempts to minimize the therapist-patient hierarchy through an emphasis on the ubiquitous nature of human suffering. This approach can be particularly useful when working with marginalized, treatment-resistant patients. Continued research on the application of ACT with forensic inpatients is recommended.
Mode of access: Internet.
Objectives: To find out the effect of early neurological consultation using a real time video link on the care of patients with neurological symptoms admitted to hospitals without neurologists on site. Methods: A cohort study was performed in two small rural hospitals: Tyrone County Hospital (TCH), Omagh, and Erne Hospital, Enniskillen. All patients over 12 years of age who had been admitted because of neurological symptoms, over a 24 week period, to either hospital were studied. Patients admitted to TCH, in addition to receiving usual care, were offered a neurological consultation with a neurologist 120 km away at the Neurology Department of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, using a real time video link. The main outcome measure was length of hospital stay; change of diagnosis, mortality at 3 months, inpatient investigation, and transfer rate and use of healthcare resources within 3 months of admission were also studied. Results: Hospital stay was significantly shorter for those admitted to TCH (hazard ratio 1.13; approximate 95% Cl 1.003 to 1.282; p = 0.045). No patients diagnosed by the neurologist using the video link subsequently had their diagnosis changed at follow up. There was no difference in overall mortality between the groups. There were no differences in the use of inpatient hospital resources and medical services in the follow up period between TCH and Erne patients. Conclusions: Early neurological assessment reduces hospital stay for patients with neurological conditions outside of neurological centres. This can be achieved safely at a distance using a real time video link.
Background: Acute hospital general medicine services care for ageing complex patients, using the skills of a range of health-care providers. Evidence suggests that comprehensive early assessment and discharge planning may improve efficiency and outcomes of care in older medical patients. Aim: To enhance assessment, communication, care and discharge planning by restructuring consistent, patient-centred multidisciplinary teams in a general medicine service. Methods: Prospective controlled trial enrolling 1538 consecutive medical inpatients. Intervention units with additional allied health staff formed consistent multidisciplinary teams aligned with inpatient admitting units rather than wards; implemented improved communication processes for early information collection and sharing between disciplines; and specified shared explicit discharge goals. Control units continued traditional, referral-based multidisciplinary models with existing staffing levels. Results: Access to allied health services was significantly enhanced. There was a trend to reduced index length of stay in the intervention units (7.3 days vs 7.8 days in control units, P = 0.18), with no change in 6-month readmissions. in-hospital mortality was reduced from 6.4 to 3.9% (P = 0.03); less patients experienced functional decline in hospital (P = 0.04) and patients' ratings of health status improved (P = 0.02). Additional staffing costs were balanced by potential bed-day savings. Conclusion: This model of enhanced multidisciplinary inpatient care has provided sustainable efficiency gains for the hospital and improved patient outcomes.
Background Delirium is highly prevalent, especially in older patients. It independently leads to adverse outcomes, but remains under-detected, particularly hypoactive forms. Although early identification and intervention is important, delirium prevention is key to improving outcomes. The delirium prodrome concept has been mooted for decades, but remains poorly characterised. Greater understanding of this prodrome would promote prompt identification of delirium-prone patients, and facilitate improved strategies for delirium prevention and management. Methods Medical inpatients of ≥70 years were screened for prevalent delirium using the Revised Delirium Rating Scale (DRS--‐R98). Those without prevalent delirium were assessed daily for delirium development, prodromal features and motor subtype. Survival analysis models identified which prodromal features predicted the emergence of incident delirium in the cohort in the first week of admission. The Delirium Motor Subtype Scale-4 was used to ascertain motor subtype. Results Of 555 patients approached, 191 patients were included in the prospective study. The median age was 80 (IQR 10) and 101 (52.9%) were male. Sixty-one patients developed incident delirium within a week of admission. Several prodromal features predicted delirium emergence in the cohort. Firstly, using a novel Prodromal Checklist based on the existing literature, and controlling for confounders, seven predictive behavioural features were identified in the prodromal period (for example, increasing confusion; and being easily distractible). Additionally, using serial cognitive tests and the DRS-R98 daily, multiple cognitive and other core delirium features were detected in the prodrome (for example inattention; and sleep-wake cycle disturbance). Examining longitudinal motor subtypes in delirium cases, subtypes were found to be predominantly stable over time, the most prevalent being hypoactive subtype (62.3%). Discussion This thesis explored multiple aspects of delirium in older medical inpatients, with particular focus on the characterisation of the delirium prodrome. These findings should help to inform future delirium educational programmes, and detection and prevention strategies.
Evidence suggests that inactivity during a hospital stay is associated with poor health outcomes in older medical inpatients. We aimed to estimate the associations of average daily step-count (walking) in hospital with physical performance and length of stay in this population. Medical in-patients aged ⩾65 years, premorbidly mobile, with an anticipated length of stay ⩾3 d, were recruited. Measurements included average daily step-count, continuously recorded until discharge, or for a maximum of 7 d (Stepwatch Activity Monitor); co-morbidity (CIRS-G); frailty (SHARE F-I); and baseline and end-of-study physical performance (short physical performance battery). Linear regression models were used to estimate associations between step-count and end-of-study physical performance or length of stay. Length of stay was log transformed in the first model, and step-count was log transformed in both models. Similar models were used to adjust for potential confounders. Data from 154 patients (mean 77 years, SD 7.4) were analysed. The unadjusted models estimated for each unit increase in the natural log of stepcount, the natural log of length of stay decreased by 0.18 (95% CI −0.27 to −0.09). After adjustment of potential confounders, while the strength of the inverse association was attenuated, it remained significant (βlog(steps) = −0.15, 95%CI −0.26 to −0.03). The back-transformed result suggested that a 50% increase in step-count was associated with a 6% shorter length of stay. There was no apparent association between step-count and end-of-study physical performance once baseline physical performance was adjusted for. The results indicate that step-count is independently associated with hospital length of stay, and merits further investigation.