996 resultados para Hospital de São marcos
The frequency of coinfection with Strongyloides stercoralis and human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type 1 (HTML-1) was determined in 91 blood donors examined at the blood bank of a large hospital in São Paulo city, Brazil. As control group 61 individuals, not infected by HTLV-1, were submitted to the same techniques for the diagnosis of S. stercoralis infection. In HTLV-1 infected patients the frequency of S. stercoralis infection was 12.1%; on the other hand, the control group showed a frequency significantly lower of S. stercoralis infection (1.6%), suggesting that HTLV-1 patients shoud be considered as a high risk group for strongyloidiasis in São Paulo city.
Assisting people to commit suicide has generated a passionate public debate. In exceptional situations, access to this support can be granted to the demanders in a hospital environment. So did the CHUV and the academic hospitals of Geneva draw up a procedure permitting, in principle, the access to an assistance to commit suicide. Two recent clinical situations experienced in the CHUV's Service of internal medicine have created a lot of discussions, doubts and revealed, sometimes, divergent positions. By the light of this clinical cases, we wished to share the perspective of the internist in charge of the ethician, of the chaplain, of the medical director, of the psychiatrist and of the palliative care responsible. Theses complex situations illustrate the deep ambivalence felt by the clinicians confronted to situations which require a multidisciplinary approach.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a função ovariana em pacientes com câncer do colo uterino, que se submeteram a histerectomia radical com preservação dos ovários. MÉTODOS: foram analisadas retrospectivamente pacientes com câncer do colo uterino, submetidas a histerectomia radical com preservação dos ovários na Clínica Ginecológica do Hospital São Marcos-SPCC, de abril de 1998 a outubro de 2001, com avaliação dos sintomas de privação estrogênica (fogachos, vagina seca) e mensuração dos níveis de FSH pós-operatórios. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de Pearson. RESULTADOS: os níveis de FSH foram mensurados em 42 pacientes; destas, 33 (78,5%) apresentaram níveis normais de FSH no pós-operatório (menores que 30 mU/mL); os valores variaram entre 1,2 e 132,44 mU/mL (mediana de 21,05 mU/mL). Das nove pacientes com níveis elevados de FSH, cinco (55,6%) haviam sido submetidas a radioterapia pós-operatória (p<0,0001). Não houve associação entre a idade das pacientes e os níveis de FSH (p=0,33). Cistos ovarianos funcionais ocorreram em quatro pacientes (7,7%). Uma paciente apresentou recidiva da lesão na cúpula vaginal e metástase para o couro cabeludo, evoluindo para óbito. CONCLUSÃO: observou-se preservação da função ovariana em 78,5% das pacientes. A transposição ovariana foi inadequada para preservar sua função em pacientes submetidas à radioterapia pós-operatória. Não se observou associação entre idade e níveis de FSH no pós-operatório.
OBJETIVO: avaliar as características clínicas e epidemiológicas de pacientes com o diagnóstico de síndrome da mama fantasma (SdMF) ou com fenômenos fantasmas isoladamente. MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo observacional descritivo do tipo transversal, envolvendo 98 pacientes tratadas por câncer de mama no Hospital São Marcos, em Teresina (PI), empregando um questionário padronizado. RESULTADOS: observou-se SdMF em 11,2% das pacientes e sensação fantasma isolada em 30% das pacientes. A média de idade foi 54 anos. Cinqüenta e nove pacientes eram casadas (60%) e 79,6% eram analfabetas ou não haviam concluído o ensino médio. Alterações emocionais estavam presentes em 67,4%, embora em 66,7% a libido não tenha mudado após o procedimento cirúrgico. Como fator de melhora da dor fantasma, o repouso foi citado por 90,9% das pacientes, enquanto esforços físicos foram mencionados como fator de exacerbação dos sintomas em 63,6% dos casos. A média da nota atribuída à dor em escala de 0 a 10 foi 3, variando de 1 a 7. Apenas 3% das pacientes sabiam da existência desta síndrome antes da realização das entrevistas. CONCLUSÕES: fenômenos fantasmas são freqüentes em pacientes mastectomizadas, havendo necessidade de mais estudos para que se conheçam melhor suas características e o impacto sobre a qualidade de vida dessas mulheres.
Leprosy as a public health problem , there is still quite some time , even with treatment for decades . Your health-disease process is marked by a historical backdrop of stigma , prejudice, social exclusion and authoritarian decisionducts , in order to extinguish the disease milieu under the regime of compulsory confinement of the patient. In this perspective , the Brazilian public health twentieth century adopted policies of compulsory isolation , which meant that those who receive a diagnosis of leprosy were isolated from society and their families in hospitals colonies . Objective is, to the study, rescue the trajectory of health professionals in the Colony Hospital St. Francis of Assisi , in Natal / RN ; Identify the policy was perceived as compulsory institutionalization imposed for leprosy patients by health professionals ; describe the behaviors Professional Hospital adopted in Cologne ; Retrieve information about the existence and functioning of the Hospital and Create a documentary of historical fragments of leprosy from the point of view of professionals from a former colony. Exploratory - descriptive method with a qualitative approach , using the methodological framework thematic oral history was used . Obtained approval by the IRB of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under Protocol No 461 403 and CAAE 19476913.9.0000.5537 . Be interviewed during the period of November and December 2013 , five health professionals who worked in the hospital colony , using audio recorder and images to capture and record the statements. The interviews were transcribed , textualized, transcriadas and sent to reviewers to step conference of the reports. Subsequently , analysis of the stories was made from the proposed content analysis of Bardin . The results and discussion are presented in the form of article: Opinion of nursing professionals who worked in a hospital for leprosy colony , which aimed to : identify the opinion of nurses who worked in hospital colony on the lives of patients . In this article, three main themes were highlighted and discussed from the reports of colaboradoes : I - The socialization process of internal II - 16 Prejudice , stigma and discrimination III - Social exclusion versus inclusion . We conclude that , in the context of the colony hospital, the performance of health professionals contributed significantly to that stigma , prejudice and social exclusion would be minimized and that the experience of asylum seekers in the colony were not seen more traumatic
Estudo de natureza quantitativa descritiva em um Hospital Universitário do Estado de São Paulo, teve como objetivo avaliar a promoção, proteção e apoio ao aleitamento materno através da verificação do cumprimento dos dez passos para o sucesso do aleitamento de acordo com a iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança, proposta pelo Ministério da Saúde. A avaliação revela práticas facilitadoras da amamentação, no entanto, faz-se necessário algumas mudanças nas rotinas hospitalares para a efetivação dos dez passos. em média, 79% das respostas foram afirmativas para o cumprimento dos passos, o que está próximo aos 80% preconizado. No entanto, se analisarmos as respostas para cada passo, identificamos pontos para serem melhorados. Chamou-nos a atenção o fato de que a prática de colocar o recém-nascido junto à mãe logo após o nascimento, permitindo a amamentação na primeira meia hora, foi relatada por 100% das mães entrevistadas que tiveram parto normal e por 80% daquelas que tiveram parto cesárea. Investimentos e mudanças em direção ao cumprimento dos dez passos contribuirão para um melhor atendimento à população e para a formação de profissionais amigos da criança.
We examined the prevalence and the in vitro susceptibility to antifungal drugs of Candida spp isolated from clinical specimens at our university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Among 6,417 samples studied, positive cultures, were obtained from 222 (3.5%) most of them (68%) from the pediatric unit and nursery. Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis were the most frequent species and the susceptibility patterns of a panel of 130 isolates to amphotericin B, ketoconazole and fluconazole. showed that the order of antifungal efficacy was amphotericin B > ketoconazole > fluconazole.
PCR was used to amplify a targeted region of the ribosomal DNA of 76 Candida spp. isolates from immunocompromised and seriously diseased patients. Thirty-seven strains isolated from different anatomical sites of 11 patients infected with HIV (Vitória, ES, Brazil), 26 isolates from patients under treatment at Odilon Behrens Hospital and 13 isolates from skin and urine samples from São Marcos Clinical Analysis Laboratory (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) were scored. Fragments of rDNA were amplified using primer pairs ITS1-ITS4, for the amplification of ITS1 and ITS2 regions, including the gene for the 5.8s subunit. Amplification resulted in fragments ranging in size from 350 to 950 bp. Amplicons were digested with eight restriction enzymes. A pattern of species-specificity among the different medically important Candida species could be identified following restriction digestion of the PCR products. Candida albicans was the species most frequently observed, except for the group of newborns under treatment at the Odilon Behrens Hospital and for the isolates from the clinical analysis laboratory. C. parapsilosis was the species most frequently observed in these two groups.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
OBJECTIVES: Drug safety problems can lead to hospital admission. In Brazil, the prevalence of hospitalization due to adverse drug events is unknown. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of hospitalization due to adverse drug events and to identify the drugs, the adverse drug events, and the risk factors associated with hospital admissions. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was performed in the internal medicine ward of a teaching hospital in São Paulo State, Brazil, from August to December 2008. All patients aged ≥18 years with a length of stay ≥24 hours were interviewed about the drugs used prior to hospital admission and their symptoms/complaints/causes of hospitalization. RESULTS: In total, 248 patients were considered eligible. The prevalence of hospitalization due to potential adverse drug events in the ward was 46.4%. Overprescribed drugs and those indicated for prophylactic treatments were frequently associated with possible adverse drug events. Frequently reported symptoms were breathlessness (15.2%), fatigue (12.3%), and chest pain (9.0%). Polypharmacy was a risk factor for the occurrence of possible adverse drug events. CONCLUSION: Possible adverse drug events led to hospitalization in a high-complexity hospital, mainly in polymedicated patients. The clinical outcomes of adverse drug events are nonspecific, which delays treatment, hinders causality analysis, and contributes to the underreporting of cases.
As a result of the 20th-century industrial development, and particularly after World War II, cars have become an important consumer good, and this has led to a large number of circulating vehicles. To this day, the number of cars has increased exponentially worldwide, which results in a high number of traffic accidents (TAs) every day. TAs are responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide each year, and in Brazil, they are considered to be a public health problem, considering that its traffic is regarded as one of the worst and most dangerous in the world. In addition to temporary or permanent physical disabilities that bring great harm to individuals, accidents also cause psychological disorders, such as the post-traumatic stress disorder. Hence, considering the importance of TAs in the country and their outcomes, this study aimed at investigating the epidemiological aspects of car accidents occurring in 2010 who were assisted in the emergency room of a university hospital in São Paulo state. By means of records made by the nursing team and medical records analysis, it was possible to extract a stratified sample of 88 cases involving adults and eight cases involving children. The sample was analyzed by the SAS software for Windows, version 9.2. As regards the accidents involving adults, there was a predominance of males (67%), with an approximate 2:1 ratio in relation to females. The victims’ most frequent age range was 20-29 years (39%), and they were mostly single (56%). The month showing the largest number of occurrences was July, with 17%, and the weekday was Sunday, with 25%. Showing 32%, the time period when most accidents occurred was from 06:00 o’clock p.m. to 11:59 p.m. As regards vehicles types involved, motorcycles were in first place, with 47% of cases, and the most common accident type was crashing between vehicles, with 43%... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Accidents represent a major public health problem as they are frequent, preventable, and account for high morbidity and mortality rates. Children are the most vulnerable to accidents due to their inherent characteristics, and as a result of their physical, sensorial, psychomotor and cognitive limitations, which will only develop with time. Watchfulness and careful attention are of paramount importance, especially as children develop locomotor skills that are accompanied by curiosity about their surroundings. Child accidents, particularly those that could have been avoided, are the accidents most commonly seen in emergency and urgency departments. Urgency and emergency departments are the greatest allies in the attention to pediatric accidents as they offer adequate, immediate and specific high complexity care to patients at risk, viewing their vital stabilization. Investigating the causes and consequences of this insult is essential to establish a diagnosis and to contribute for the adoption of measures of prevention, control, and assistance. To identify the epidemiologic characteristics of the accidents involving children that received care at the pediatric emergency department of Botucatu Medical School Hospital and required hospitalization. This quantitative, retrospective, descriptiveanalytic epidemiologic study included all children aged 0-14 years who had had an accident and were seen at the Pediatric Emergency Department of Botucatu Medical School Hospital of São Paulo State University/UNESP between January 1/2008 and December 31/2009. A total of 227 medical charts were reviewed and 178 (78.4%) patients were included in this study. Of these, 116 (65.1%) were males and 62 (34.8%) were females. Children aged 5 - 9 years (38.9%) were the most affected, followed by those aged 10 - 14 years (37.5%). Fractures occurred in 138 (77.5%) of the cases, followed by foreign bodies... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The search for quality of life (QOL) is now an ideal among thousands of people worldwide and is currently the subject has been studied in different areas of knowledge. Thus, one can perceive it in different dimensions, each with its due importance to people's lives. The verification of quality indexes of work life (QWL) may provide information on factors that directly interfere with the satisfaction and personal motivation and collective, with reflections on the structure and excellent service. To this end, we carried out a study to know the characacteristics of quality of life of nursing professionals in a state hospital in São Paulo State, based on short range of quality of life of the World Health Organization (WHOQOL-BREF). This work is a study with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional descriptive and exploratory data analysis using descriptive statistics, involving a sample of 281 nurses who answered the scale for measuring quality of life, composed of four areas: physical, psychological, social relationships and environment. In the study, these areas were related to the professional position, and shift work. There was a satisfactory quality of life in the study population in different areas of WHOQOL-BREF. There was no statistically significant changes in quality of life among the variables. It follows that the population presented data consistent with an adequate quality of life, thus making relevant to addressing the quality of life of nursing in a healthcare organization which has as fundamental to the pursuit of quality through the accreditation process second hospital established by the National Accreditation Organization (ONA) that aims at establishing and implementing a process of improving health care, thereby stimulating the services to achieve higher standards of quality
Objective. To identify the perception of nurses with regard to the process of providing care to patients in the context of hospice care. Method. Qualitative study using the methodological framework Collective Subject Discourse. A total of 18 nursing professionals of the adult intensive care unit of a public hospital in São Paulo, Brazil were interviewed between June and August 2012. Results. The process of providing care to terminal patients is permeated by negative, conflictive and mixed feelings. As regards communication, while the participants acknowledge its importance as a therapeutic resource, they also admit a lack of professional qualification. Conclusion. The interviewees have difficulties to deal with care provided to terminal patients. The qualification of these professionals needs to be improved, starting in the undergraduate program.
As condições e processos de trabalho penosos dos pronto-socorros somados a elevada demanda frente à capacidade e gravidade dos casos, dificultam as decisões, impactam no atendimento e favorecem conflitos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, exploratório e qualitativo, utilizou-se dados documentais, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação do trabalho, especificamente dos porteiros. Objetivou-se verificar como características da organização do trabalho aumentam conflitos e agressões em um pronto-socorro comprometendo os atendimentos. Constatou-se que os porteiros estão na linha de frente e são expostos à pressão dos usuários por atendimento. Para solucionar conflitos, extrapolam regras e procedimentos, realizam tarefas além da sua competência, podendo alterar o fluxo e a qualidade do atendimento. Os arranjos organizacionais desconsideram os porteiros como parte da equipe de cuidados expondo-os a conflitos e agressões. Espera-se contribuir para mudanças, melhorar as relações, a segurança e o fluxo de atendimento.