612 resultados para Honey.


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Thirty genuine honey samples were analyzed for pH, acidity, water, ash, net absorbance, total polyphenols (Folin-Ciocalteau method) and glucose, fructose, melezitose and erlose (as their trimethylsilyl oximes and trimethylsilyl ethers) by capillary gas chromatography. The resulting data were used, along with palynological analysis, to characterize the samples in relation to their possible source (nectar, honeydew and mixture honeys). Some minor components (carboxylic acids and cyclitols), eluting before monosaccharides, were also determined. One of these compounds was quercitol (1,3,4/2,5-cyclohexane-pentol), a deoxyinositol which has been previously determined in Quercus sp. samples. Quercitol was present in a broad concentration range (0.01-1.50 g/100 g) in honeys whose major source was honeydew but it was never higher than 0.01 g/100 g in samples characterized as nectar honeys. Quercitol concentrations appear to be related to the presence and amount of Quercus sp. honeydew as honey source, although further research is required to confirm this. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sustainable agricultural landscapes by definition provide high magnitude and stability of ecosystem services, biodiversity and crop productivity. However, few studies have considered landscape effects on the stability of ecosystem services. We tested whether isolation from florally diverse natural and semi-natural areas reduces the spatial and temporal stability of flower-visitor richness and pollination services in crop fields. We synthesised data from 29 studies with contrasting biomes, crop species and pollinator communities. Stability of flower-visitor richness, visitation rate (all insects except honey bees) and fruit set all decreased with distance from natural areas. At 1 km from adjacent natural areas, spatial stability decreased by 25, 16 and 9% for richness, visitation and fruit set, respectively, while temporal stability decreased by 39% for richness and 13% for visitation. Mean richness, visitation and fruit set also decreased with isolation, by 34, 27 and 16% at 1 km respectively. In contrast, honey bee visitation did not change with isolation and represented > 25% of crop visits in 21 studies. Therefore, wild pollinators are relevant for crop productivity and stability even when honey bees are abundant. Policies to preserve and restore natural areas in agricultural landscapes should enhance levels and reliability of pollination services.


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Diversity and abundance of wild-insect pollinators have declined in many agricultural landscapes. Whether such declines reduce crop yields, or are mitigated by managed pollinators such as honey bees, is unclear. Here, we show universally positive associations of fruit set with wild-insect visits to flowers in 41 crop systems worldwide, and thus clearly demonstrate their agricultural value. In contrast, fruit set increased significantly with visitation by honey bees in only 14% of the systems surveyed. Overall, wild insects pollinated crops more effectively, because increase in their visitation enhanced fruit set by twice as much as an equivalent increase in honey bee visitation. Further, visitation by wild insects and honey bees promoted fruit set independently, so high abundance of managed honey bees supplemented, rather than substituted for, pollination by wild insects. Our results suggest that new practices for integrated management of both honey bees and diverse wild-insect assemblages will enhance global crop yields.


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Crystallization must occur in honey in order to produce set or creamed honey; however, the process must occur in a controlled manner in order to obtain an acceptable product. As a consequence, reliable methods are needed to measure the crystal content of honey (φ expressed as kg crystal per kg honey), which can also be implemented with relative ease in industrial production facilities. Unfortunately, suitable methods do not currently exist. This article reports on the development of 2 independent offline methods to measure the crystal content in honey based on differential scanning calorimetry and high-performance liquid chromatography. The 2 methods gave highly consistent results on the basis of paired t-test involving 143 experimental points (P > 0.05, r**2 = 0.99). The crystal content also correlated with the relative viscosity, defined as the ratio of the viscosity of crystal containing honey to that of the same honey when all crystals are dissolved, giving the following correlation: μr = 1 + 1398.8∅**2.318. This correlation can be used to estimate the crystal content of honey in industrial production facilities. The crystal growth rate at a temperature of 14 ◦C—the normal crystallization temperature used in practice—was linear, and the growth rate also increased with the total glucose content in the honey.


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There is growing evidence of a substantial decline in pollinators within Europe and North America, most likely caused by multiple factors such as diseases, poor nutrition, habitat loss, insecticides, and environmental pollution. Diesel exhaust could be a contributing factor to this decline, since we found that diesel exhaust rapidly degrades floral volatiles, which honey bees require for flower recognition. In this study, we exposed eight of the most common floral volatiles to diesel exhaust in order to investigate whether it can affect volatile mediated plant-pollinator interaction. Exposure to diesel exhaust altered the blend of common flower volatiles significantly: myrcene was considerably reduced, β-ocimene became undetectable, and β-caryophyllene was transformed into its cis-isomer isocaryophyllene. Proboscis extension response (PER) assays showed that the alterations of the blend reduced the ability of honey bees to recognize it. The chemically reactive nitrogen oxides fraction of diesel exhaust gas was identified as capable of causing degradation of floral volatiles.


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Over the past 50 years, many millions of European honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies have died as the ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor, has spread around the world. Subsequent studies have indicated that the mite's association with a group of RNA viral pathogens (Deformed Wing Virus, DWV) correlates with colony death. Here, we propose a phenomenon known as superinfection exclusion that provides an explanation of how certain A. mellifera populations have survived, despite Varroa infestation and high DWV loads. Next-generation sequencing has shown that a non-lethal DWV variant 'type B' has become established in these colonies and that the lethal 'type A' DWV variant fails to persist in the bee population. We propose that this novel stable host-pathogen relationship prevents the accumulation of lethal variants, suggesting that this interaction could be exploited for the development of an effective treatment that minimises colony losses in the future.The ISME Journal advance online publication, 27 October 2015; doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.186.


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Treatment of emerging RNA viruses is hampered by the high mutation and replication rates that enable these viruses to operate as a quasispecies. Declining honey bee populations have been attributed to the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and its affiliation with Deformed Wing Virus (DWV). In the current study we use next-generation sequencing to investigate the DWV quasispecies in an apiary known to suffer from overwintering colony losses. We show that the DWV species complex is made up of three master variants. Our results indicate that a new DWV Type C variant is distinct from the previously described types A and B, but together they form a distinct clade compared with other members of the Iflaviridae. The molecular clock estimation predicts that Type C diverged from the other variants ~319 years ago. The discovery of a new master variant of DWV has important implications for the positive identification of the true pathogen within global honey bee populations.


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Stingless bee honey samples were evaluated by sensory descriptive analysis using free choice profile methodology. Appearance, flavor, and aroma were described and the data were treated with Generalized Procrustes Analysis. Individual descriptive terms ranged from 8 to 20. Plotting the samples in a bidimensional plan indicated that appearance attributes (color and viscosity) and sweet, sour and acid flavor were strongly correlated with x axis (Dimension 1) while coconut, wood, acid, sour, and sweet flavor aroma attributes were correlated with y axis (Dimension 2). The affective test was also performed and with the exception of the Melipona scutellaris honey, all the other samples showed good acceptance. Honeys that were described as sweeter and less acid were preferred by nontrained assessors, indicating that the regular consumer recognizes honey produced by Apis mellifera bee as a standard.


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This report examines the flowering ecology (flowering patterns and the production of floral resources, i.e. nectar and pollen) of important Australian melliferous (honey-producing) flora. Aspects of flowering ecology that can have a negative impact on invertebrates, including honeybees, were also investigated. The research was based on information sourced by highly experienced, commercial beekeepers and, so, provides a valuable written record of long-term observations relating to flowering ecology which otherwise may be lost following the death of beekeepers. Results of this study are of far-reaching importance, not only to the beekeeping industry, but to land managers, the general public and the future of Australian flora and fauna.

An understanding of flowering ecology is vital for many reasons, including implementing appropriate management practices which ensure the sustainability and growth of natural resources and industries like the beekeeping industry. Despite the importance of such studies, very little research has considered flowering ecology in Australian flora. Furthermore, research often was based on short-term data; long-term data are widely acknowledged as being necessary in such research in order to determine ‘real’ flowering patterns. Thus, studies of flowering ecology which use long-term data are vital.


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 Many web servers contain some dangerous pages (we name them eigenpages) that can indicate their vulnerabilities. Therefore, some worms such as Santy locate their targets by searching for these eigenpages in search engines with well-crafted queries. In this paper, we focus on the modeling and containment of these special worms targeting web applications. We propose a containment system based on honey pots. We make search engines randomly insert a few honey pages that will induce visitors to the pre-established honey pots among the search results for the arriving queries. And then infectious can be detected and reported to the search engines when their malicious scans hit the honey pots. We find that the Santy worm can be well stopped by inserting no more than two honey pages in every one hundred search results. We also solve the challenging issue to dynamically generate matching honey pages for those dynamically arriving queries. Finally, a prototype is implemented to prove the technical feasibility of this system. © 2013 by CESER Publications.


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This work presents a RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous quantification of free amino acids and biogenic amines in liquid food matrices and the results of the application to honey and wine samples obtained from different production processes and geographic origins. The developed methodology is based on a pre-column derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde carried out in the sample injection loop. The compounds were separated in a Nova-Pack RP-C18 column (150 mm × 3.9 mm, 4 μm) at 35 °C. The mobile phase used was a mixture of phase A: 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.3), methanol and tetrahydrofuran (91:8:1); and phase B: methanol and phosphate buffer (80:20), with a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Fluorescence detection was used at an excitation wavelength of 335 nm and an emission wavelength of 440 nm. The separation and quantification of 19 amino acids and 6 amines was carried out in a single run as their OPA/MCE derivatives elute within 80 min, ensuring a reproducible quantification. The method showed to be adequate for the purpose, with an average RSD of 2% for the different amino acids; detection limits varying between 0.71 mg/l (Asn) and 8.26 mg/l (Lys) and recovery rates between 63.0% (Cad) and 98.0% (Asp). The amino acids present at the highest concentration in honey and wine samples were phenylalanine and arginine, respectively. Only residual levels of biogenic amines were detected in the analysed samples.