991 resultados para High-flux
We have applied a combination of spectroscopic and diffraction methods to study the adduct formed between squaric acid and bypridine, which has been postulated to exhibit proton transfer associated with a single-crystal to single-crystal phase transition at ca. 450 K. A combination of X-ray single-crystal and very-high flux powder neutron diffraction data confirmed that a proton does transfer from the acid to the base in the high-temperature form. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements demonstrated that the transition was reversible but that a significant kinetic energy barrier must be overcome to revert to the original structure. Computational modeling is consistent with these results. Modeling also revealed that, while the proton transfer event would be strongly discouraged in the gas phase, it occurs in the solid state due to the increase in charge state of the molecular ions and their arrangement inside the lattice. The color change is attributed to a narrowing of the squaric acid to bipyridine charge-transfer energy gap. Finally, evidence for the possible existence of two further phases at high pressure is also presented.
The third episode of lava dome growth at Soufrière Hills Volcano began 1 August 2005 and ended 20 April 2007. Volumes of the dome and talus produced were measured using a photo-based method with a calibrated camera for increased accuracy. The total dense rock equivalent (DRE) volume of extruded andesite magma (306 ± 51 Mm3) was similar within error to that produced in the earlier episodes but the average extrusion rate was 5.6 ± 0.9 m3s−1 (DRE), higher than the previous episodes. Extrusion rates varied in a pulsatory manner from <0.5 m3s−1 to ∼20 m3s−1. On 18 May 2006, the lava dome had reached a volume of 85 Mm3 DRE and it was removed in its entirety during a massive dome collapse on 20 May 2006. Extrusion began again almost immediately and built a dome of 170 Mm3 DRE with a summit height 1047 m above sea level by 4 April 2007. There were few moderate-sized dome collapses (1–10 Mm3) during this extrusive episode in contrast to the first episode of dome growth in 1995–8 when they were numerous. The first and third episodes of dome growth showed a similar pattern of low (<0.5 m3s−1) but increasing magma flux during the early stages, with steady high flux after extrusion of ∼25 Mm3
This study compares two sets of measurements of the composition of bulk precipitation and throughfall at a site in southern England with a 20-year gap between them. During this time, SO2 emissions from the UK fell by 82%, NOx emissions by 35% and NH3 emissions by 7%. These reductions were partly reflected in bulk precipitation, with deposition reductions of 56% in SO4,38% in NO3, 32% in NH4, and 73% in H+. In throughfall under Scots pine, the effects were more dramatic, with an 89% reduction in SO4 deposition and a 98% reduction in H+ deposition. The mean pH under these trees increased from 2.85 to 4.30. Nitrate and ammonium deposition in throughfall increased slightly, however. In the earlier period, the Scots pines were unable to neutralise the high flux of acidity associated with sulphur deposition, even though this was not a highly polluted part of the UK, and deciduous trees (oak and birch) were only able to neutralise it in summer when the leaves were present. In the later period, the sulphur flux had reduced to the point where the acidity could be neutralised by all species — the neutralisation mechanism is thus likely to be largely leaching of base cations and buffering substances from the foliage. The high fluxes are partly due to the fact that these are 60–80 year old trees growing in an open forest structure. The increase in NO3 and NH4 in throughfall in spite of decreased deposition seems likely due to a decrease in foliar uptake, perhaps due to the increasing nitrogen saturation of the catchment soils. These changes may increase the rate of soil microbial activity as nitrogen increases and acidity declines, with consequent effects on water quality of the catchment drainage stream.
Os solos agrícolas podem atuar como dreno ou fonte de C atmosférico, dependendo do sistema de manejo adotado. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em experimento de longa duração (22 anos), durante o período de 30 dias do outono, com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto de sistemas de preparo de solo (preparo convencional-PC e plantio direto-PD) nas emissões de C-CO2 de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, em Cruz Alta, RS. As emissões de C-CO2 do solo foram avaliadas com câmaras dinâmica (Flux Chamber 6400-09, Licor) e estática (com captação em solução alcalina), imediatamente após a colheita da soja. A temperatura e a umidade do solo foram registradas, concomitantemente com as emissões de C-CO2, por meio de sensor de temperatura e TDR manual, respectivamente, integrantes do Licor-6400. Estimou-se que, em 30 dias, uma quantidade equivalente a menos de 30 % do C aportado pelos resíduos de soja foi emitida na forma de C-CO2. As emissões de C-CO2 no solo em PD foram similares às emissões do solo em PC, independentemente do tipo de câmara utilizada. Diferenças entre sistemas de preparo quanto à emissão de C-CO2, avaliadas com a câmara dinâmica, foram verificadas somente a curto prazo (leituras diárias), com o PD apresentando maiores emissões do que o PC no início do período experimental e menores no final. A câmara dinâmica foi mais eficiente do que a estática em captar as alterações das emissões de C-CO2 em função da variação da temperatura e a porosidade preenchida por água (PPA) no solo em PD, as quais explicaram 83 e 62 % das emissões de C-CO2, respectivamente. O fator Q10, que avalia a sensibilidade da emissão de C-CO2 à temperatura do solo, foi estimado em 3,93, indicando alta sensibilidade da atividade microbiana à temperatura do solo durante o outono. As emissões de C-CO2 registradas no solo em PD com a câmara estática foram correlacionadas às da câmara dinâmica, porém com valores subestimados em relação àquela notadamente nos maiores valores de fluxo. em condições de baixa temperatura e PPA, o preparo de solo induziu limitado incremento de emissão de C-CO2.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
We studied the eutrophication history of a tropical shallow reservoir in the So Paulo metropolitan region, southeast Brazil. We analyzed grain size, geochemistry, diatom assemblages, and land-use records in a sediment core from the reservoir to infer its trophic state history during the last similar to 110 years (1894-2005). Eighty diatom species were observed in the core and shifts in the relative abundances of planktonic and benthic taxa indicate major limnological changes associated with complex interactions between hydrologic factors and eutrophication. Discostella stelligera was associated with deforestation and water physical changes whereas Aulacoseira granulata, a species abundant throughout the core, was mostly associated with high flux conditions and erosion events, regardless of trophic state. Eutrophication was triggered by construction of the city zoo (1958) and installation of the So Paulo State Department of Agriculture (1975) within the Gar double dagger as watershed, and increasing loads of untreated sewage from these institutions. The data suggest that deterioration in water quality began after similar to 1975 and markedly accelerated after similar to 1990. The reservoir has been hypereutrophic since 1999. Steady increases in geochemical proxies for trophic state, along with a decrease in C/N ratios, indicated higher nutrient concentrations and the prevalence of autochthonous production towards the core top. Appearance of Achnanthidium catenatum similar to 1993 highlighted the onset of a marked eutrophication phase. The subsequent dominance of Planothidium rostratum and Cyclotella meneghiniana suggested a sharp shift to a hypereutrophic state since 1999. Land-use history proved valuable for validating the chronology and interpreting anthropogenic impacts. Multi-proxy analysis of the sediment record provided an effective tool for tracking ecological shifts in the reservoir ecosystem. This study provides the first reconstruction of lake eutrophication history in Brazil and highlights the importance of hydrological/physical changes as drivers of diatom assemblage shifts in reservoirs, which may confound trophic state inferences based on shifts in the planktonic/benthic diatom ratio.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals Laser-Atomspektroskopie an einem Element durchgeführt, für das bisher keine atomaren Niveaus bekannt waren. Die Experimente wurden am Element Fermium mit der Ordnungszahl Z=100 mit der Resonanzionisationsspektroskopie (RIS) in einer Puffergaszelle durchgeführt. Verwendet wurde das Isotop 255Fm mit einer Halbwertszeit von 20.1 h, das im Hochflusskernreaktor des ORNL, Oak Ridge, USA, hergestellt wurde. Die von einem elektrochemischen Filament in das Argon-Puffergas bei einer Temperatur von 960(20)°C abgedampften Fm-Atome wurden mit Lasern in einem Zweistufenprozess resonant ionisiert. Dazu wurde das Licht eines Excimerlaser gepumpten Farbstofflasers für den ersten Anregungsschritt um die Wellenlänge 400 nm durchgestimmt. Ein Teil des Excimer (XeF) Laser Pumplichtes mit den Wellenlänge 351/353 nm wurde für die nicht-resonante Ionisation verwendet. Die Ionen wurden mit Hilfe elektrischer Felder aus der optischen Zelle extrahiert und nach einem Quadrupol Massenfilter mit einem Channeltron-Detektor massenselektiv nachgewiesen. Trotz der geringen Probenmenge von 2.7 x 10^10 eingesetzten Atomen wurden zwei atomare Resonanzen bei Energien von 25099.8(2) cm-1 und 25111.8(2) cm-1 gefunden und das Sättigungsverhalten dieser Linien gemessen. Es wurde ein theoretisches Modell entwickelt, dass sowohl das spektrale Profil der sättigungsverbreiterten Linien als auch die Sättigungskurven beschreibt. Durch Anpassung an die Messdaten konnten die partiellen Übergangsraten in den 3H6 Grundzustand Aki=3.6(7) x 10^6/s und Aki=3.6(6) x 10^6/s bestimmt werden. Der Vergleich der Niveauenergien und Übergangsraten mit Multikonfigurations Dirac-Fock Rechnungen legt die spektroskopische Klassifizierung der beobachteten Niveaus als 5f12 7s7p 5I6 und 5G6 Terme nahe. Weiterhin wurde ein Übergang bei 25740 cm-1 gefunden, der aufgrund der beobachteten Linienbreite von 1000 GHz als Rydbergzustand Zustand mit der Niveauenergie 51480 cm-1 interpretiert wurde und über einen Zweiphotonen Prozess angeregt werden kann. Basierend auf dieser Annahme wurde die Obergrenze für die Ionisationsenergie IP = 52140 cm-1 = 6.5 eV abgeschätzt. In den Messungen wurden Verschiebungen in den Zeitverteilungsspektren zwischen den mono-atomaren Ionen Fm+ und Cf+ und dem Molekül-Ion UO+ festgestellt und auf Driftzeitunterschiede im elektrischen Feld der gasgefüllten optischen Zelle zurückgeführt. Unter einfachen Modellannahmen wurde daraus auf die relativen Unterschiede Delta_r(Fm+,Cf+)/r(Cf+) -0.2 % und Delta_r(UO+,Cf+)/r(Cf+) 20 % in den Ionenradien geschlossen. Über die Bestimmung der Abnahme der Fm-a Aktivität des Filamentes auf der einen Seite und die Messung der Resonanzzählrate auf der anderen Seite, wurde die Nachweiseffizienz der Apparatur zu 4.5(3) x 10^-4 bestimmt. Die Nachweisapparatur wurde mit dem Ziel weiterentwickelt, Laserspektroskopie am Isotop 251Fm durchzuführen, das über die Reaktion 249Cf(a,2n)251Fm direkt in der optischen Zelle erzeugt werden soll. Das Verfahren wurde am chemischen Homolog Erbium getestet. Dabei wurde das Isotop 163Er über die Reaktion 161Dy(a,2n)163Er erzeugt und nach Resonanzionisation nachgewiesen. Die Nachweiseffizienz der Methode wurde zu 1 x 10^-4 bestimmt.
Infektionen zählen bei hämodialysepflichtigen Intensivpatienten zu den häufigsten Todesursachen. Um die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der Antibiotikatherapie zu verbessern, müssen verschiedene Faktoren, zum Beispiel die Pharmakodynamik und Pharmakokinetik des Antibiotikums, die Art des Hämodialyseverfahrens, die Art des Dialysefilters und der Zustand des Patienten berücksichtigt werden. Im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie wurde die antibiotische Wirkung von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin bei kontinuierlichen Hämodialyseverfahren mittels pharmakokinetischer Methoden bestimmt.Für die klinische Studie wurde eine HPLC-Methode mit kombinierter Festphasenextraktion (SPE) entwickelt und nach den Grenzwerten der EMA Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation validiert. Die Methode erwies sich für die gleichzeitige Bestimmung von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin in Plasma- und Dialysatproben als valide und zuverlässig. Die ermittelten Konzentrationen der beiden Antibiotika wurden für die Berechnung der pharmakokinetischen Parameter verwendet.In der klinischen Studie wurden bei 24 Intensivpatienten mit kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämodialyse (CVVHD) bzw. kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämodiafiltration (CVVHDF), bei denen Piperacillin/Tazobactam, Ciprofloxacin oder eine Kombination dieser Antibiotika indiziert war, die Antibiotikakonzentrationen im Plasma und Dialysat im Steady State gemessen. Unmittelbar vor einer Antibiotikainfusion (0 min) wurde ein Volumen von sechs Milliliter Blut entnommen. Weitere Blutentnahmen erfolgten 30 Minuten nach der Infusion sowie nach 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 und 24 Stunden. Sobald ein Filtratbeutel ausgetauscht wurde, wurden parallel zu den Blutproben Dialysatproben entnommen. Die Konzentrationen von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin wurden nach der Festphasenextraktion aus den Plasmaproben mit der validierten HPLC-Methode innerhalb von 15 Minuten zuverlässig bestimmt. Neben den gemessenen Plasmakonzentrationen (Cmax, Cmin) wurden pharmakokinetische Parameter wie t0,5, VdSS, AUC, Cltot, ClCRRT und Clextrarenal berechnet. Für Piperacillin wurde untersucht, ob die Plasmaspiegel der Patienten für das gesamte Dosierungsintervall oberhalb der geforderten vierfachen MHK von 64 mg/l liegen. Für Ciprofloxacin wurde untersucht, ob die aus gemessenen Plasmaspiegeln berechnete AUC den Quotienten aus AUC und MHK (=AUIC) ≥ 125 h erfüllt.Bei zehn der 21 mit Piperacillin behandelten Patienten lagen die Plasmaspiegel unterhalb der angestrebten Konzentration von 64 mg/l für das gesamte Dosierungsintervall. Das Patientenkollektiv wies eine große interindividuelle Variabilität auf. Mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 95 % waren 26 - 70 % der Patienten unterdosiert. In der Gruppe der mit Ciprofloxacin behandelten Patienten wurde die angestrebte AUIC von 125 h nur bei neun der 20 Patienten erreicht. Mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 95 % waren 29 - 76 % der Patienten unterdosiert. Die kontinuierlichen Nierenersatzverfahren hatten nur einen geringen Anteil an der totalen Clearance der untersuchten Antibiotika. Während die Clearance des kontinuierlichen Nierenersatzverfahren bei Piperacillin für ein Drittel der Arzneistoffelimination verantwortlich war, trug diese im Fall von Ciprofloxacin lediglich zu 16 % zur Arzneistoffelimination bei.Die Dosierung von Piperacillin/Tazobactam bzw. Ciprofloxacin sollte bei kritisch kranken Intensivpatienten mit kontinuierlicher Hämodialyse mindestens 4 mal 4/0,5 g pro Tag bzw. 2 mal 400 mg pro Tag betragen. Diese Empfehlungen sind insbesondere für die verwendeten Dialyseverfahren und -bedingungen zutreffend. Zur weiteren Optimierung der Antibiotikatherapie ist ein Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring empfehlenswert.
Dialysate regeneration by sorbents is an alternative to conventional single-pass dialysis. Little is known about the capacity of sorbents to clear dialysate of “middle molecules” and protein-bound uremic toxins. We studied p-cresol sulfate (PCS) and β-2-microglobulin (β2M) removal from dialysate by a sorbent: 1. PCS (40 mg PCS dissolved in 4 L of fresh dialysate) was recirculated through a sorbent cartridge (SORB Technology, Inc.) for analysis of PCS removal. 2. Spent peritoneal dialysate was recirculated on the “blood” side of a high-flux dialyzer. On the “dialysate” side of the membrane, bicarbonate dialysate was recirculated through a sorbent cartridge. β2M was measured in both streams. Two results are of particular importance for the use of regenerated fluid in chronic dialysis: 1. PCS was virtually completely removed from the dialysate. On average, PCS concentration was reduced to 1.4% of the starting concentration after 60 minutes. PCS extraction across the sorbent was nearly complete at any time. 2. β2M was on average reduced to 14.3% of the starting concentration after 60 minutes. Postsorbent concentrations were consistently below the validated range of the test method. We conclude that PCS and β2M are efficiently removed from the dialysate by commercially available sorbent technology. Spent peritoneal dialysis fluid can be cleared of β2M when circulated against sorbent-regenerated dialysate using a high-flux membrane.
One of the major challenges for a mission to the Jovian system is the radiation tolerance of the spacecraft (S/C) and the payload. Moreover, being able to achieve science observations with high signal to noise ratios (SNR), while passing through the high flux radiation zones, requires additional ingenuity on the part of the instrument provider. Consequently, the radiation mitigation is closely intertwined with the payload, spacecraft and trajectory design, and requires a systems-level approach. This paper presents a design for the Io Volcano Observer (IVO), a Discovery mission concept that makes multiple close encounters with Io while orbiting Jupiter. The mission aims to answer key outstanding questions about Io, especially the nature of its intense active volcanism and the internal processes that drive it. The payload includes narrow-angle and wide-angle cameras (NAC and WAC), dual fluxgate magnetometers (FGM), a thermal mapper (ThM), dual ion and neutral mass spectrometers (INMS), and dual plasma ion analyzers (PIA). The radiation mitigation is implemented by drawing upon experiences from designs and studies for missions such as the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) and Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO). At the core of the radiation mitigation is IVO's inclined and highly elliptical orbit, which leads to rapid passes through the most intense radiation near Io, minimizing the total ionizing dose (177 krads behind 100 mils of Aluminum with radiation design margin (RDM) of 2 after 7 encounters). The payload and the spacecraft are designed specifically to accommodate the fast flyby velocities (e.g. the spacecraft is radioisotope powered, remaining small and agile without any flexible appendages). The science instruments, which collect the majority of the high-priority data when close to Io and thus near the peak flux, also have to mitigate transient noise in their detectors. The cameras use a combination of shielding and CMOS detectors with extremely fast readout to mi- imize noise. INMS microchannel plate detectors and PIA channel electron multipliers require additional shielding. The FGM is not sensitive to noise induced by energetic particles and the ThM microbolometer detector is nearly insensitive. Detailed SNR calculations are presented. To facilitate targeting agility, all of the spacecraft components are shielded separately since this approach is more mass efficient than using a radiation vault. IVO uses proven radiation-hardened parts (rated at 100 krad behind equivalent shielding of 280 mils of Aluminum with RDM of 2) and is expected to have ample mass margin to increase shielding if needed.
The 1s-2s interval has been measured in the muonium (;mgr;(+)e(-)) atom by Doppler-free two-photon pulsed laser spectroscopy. The frequency separation of the states was determined to be 2 455 528 941.0(9.8) MHz, in good agreement with quantum electrodynamics. The result may be interpreted as a measurement of the muon-electron charge ratio as -1-1.1(2.1)x10(-9). We expect significantly higher accuracy at future high flux muon sources and from cw laser technology.
Cefepime is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin indicated for in-hospital treatment of severe infections. Acute neurotoxicity, an increasingly recognized adverse effect of this drug in an overdose, predominantly affects patients with reduced renal function. Although dialytic approaches have been advocated to treat this condition, their role in this indication remains unclear. We report the case of an 88-year-old female patient with impaired renal function who developed life-threatening neurologic symptoms during cefepime therapy. She was treated with two intermittent 3-hour high-flux, high-efficiency hemodialysis sessions. Serial pre-, post-, and peridialytic (pre- and postfilter) serum cefepime concentrations were measured. Pharmacokinetic modeling showed that this dialytic strategy allowed for serum cefepime concentrations to return to the estimated nontoxic range 15 hours earlier than would have been the case without an intervention. The patient made a full clinical recovery over the next 48 hours. We conclude that at least 1 session of intermittent hemodialysis may shorten the time to return to the nontoxic range in severe clinically patent intoxication. It should be considered early in its clinical course pending chemical confirmation, even in frail elderly patients. Careful dosage adjustment and a high index of suspicion are essential in this population.
C37 alkenone fluxes were measured with sediment traps at 200 m depth over the years 1989/1990 and 1993/1994 to assess the interannual variability of the alkenone flux from the surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Fall and spring were identified as the high flux periods. SST estimates derived from the UK'37 index indicated 50 m and 30 m as major production depths in spring and fall, respectively. Althought interannual variation of alkenone fluxes was notable, the seasonality and depth of production appeared to be recurrent features of the coccolithophorid cycle of production. Alkenone fluxes at 1000 m measured over the year 1993/1994 were about 5 times lower than at 200 m and show no evidence of preferential preservation relative to the organic carbon between these depths. SST predicted at 200 m and 1000 m indicated a remarkably good transfer of the surface temperature signal to deeper layers.
This study focuses on the vertical distribution of authigenic carbonates (aragonite and high Mg-calcite) in the form of finely disseminated precipitates as well as massive carbonate concretions present in and above gas hydrate bearing sediments of the Northern Congo Fan. Analyses of Ca, Mg, Sr and Ba in pore water, bulk sediments and authigenic carbonates were carried out on gravity cores taken from three pockmark structures (Hydrate Hole, Black Hole and Worm Hole). In addition, a background core was retrieved from an area not influenced by fluid seepage. Pore water Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios are used to reveal the current depths of carbonate formation as well as the mineralogy of the authigenic precipitates. The Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios of bulk sediments and massive carbonate concretions were applied to infer the presence and depth distribution of authigenic aragonite and high Mg-calcite, based on the approach presented by Bayon et al. [Bayon et al. (2007). Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in Niger Delta sediments: Implications for authigenic carbonate genesis in cold seep environments. Marine Geology 241(1-4), 93-109, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.03.007]. We show that the approach developed by Bayon et al. (2007) for sediments of cold seeps of the Niger Delta is also suitable to identify the mineralogy of authigenic carbonates in pockmark sediments of the Congo Deep-Sea Fan. We expand this approach by combining interstitial with solid phase Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios, which demonstrate that high Mg-calcite is the predominant authigenic carbonate that currently forms at the sulfate/methane reaction zone (SMRZ). This is the first study which investigates both solid phase and pore water signatures typical for either aragonite or high Mg-calcite precipitation for the same sediment cores and thus is able to identify active and fossil carbonate precipitation events. At all investigated pockmark sites fossil horizons of the SMRZ were deduced from high Mg-calcite located above and below the current depths of the SMRZ. Additionally, aragonite enrichments typical for high seepage rates were detected close to the sediment surface at these sites. However, active precipitation of aragonite as indicated by pore water characteristics only occurs at the Black Hole site. Dissolved and solid phase Ba concentrations were used to estimate the time the SMRZ was fixed at the current depths of the diagenetic barite fronts. The combined pore water and solid phase elemental ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) and Ba concentrations allow the reconstruction of past changes in methane seepage at the investigated pockmark sites. At the Hydrate Hole and Worm Hole sites the time of high methane seepage was estimated to have ceased at least 600 yr BP. In contrast, a more recent change from a high flux to a more dormant stage must have occurred at the Black Hole site as evidenced by active aragonite precipitation at the sediment surface and a lack of diagenetic Ba enrichments.
Vestimentiferan tube worms are prominent members of modern methane seep communities and are totally reliant as adults on symbiotic sulphide-oxidizing bacteria for their nutrition. The sulphide is produced in the sediment by a biochemical reaction called the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). A well-studied species from the Gulf of Mexico shows that seep vestimentiferans 'mine' sulphide from the sediment using root-like, thin walled, permeable posterior tube extensions, which can also be used to pump sulphate and possibly hydrogen ions from the soft tissue back into the sediment to increase the local rate of AOM. The 'root-balls' of exhumed seep vestimentiferans are intimately associated with carbonate nodules, which are a result of AOM. We have studied vestimentiferan specimens and associated carbonates from seeps at the Kouilou pockmark field on the Congo deep-sea fan and find that some of the posterior 'root' tubes of living specimens are enclosed with carbonate indurated sediment and other, empty examples are partially or completely replaced by the carbonate mineral aragonite. This replacement occurs from the outside of the tube wall inwards and leaves fine-scale relict textures of the original organic tube wall. The process of mineralization is unknown, but is likely a result of post-mortem microbial decay of the tube wall proteins by microorganisms or the precipitation from locally high flux of AOM derived carbonate ions. The aragonite-replaced tubes from the Kouilou pockmarks show similar features to carbonate tubes in ancient seep deposits and make it more likely that many of these fossil tubes are those of vestimentiferans. These observations have implications for the supposed origination of this group, based on molecular divergence estimates.