948 resultados para Hexapod robot


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For a mobile robot to operate autonomously in real-world environments, it must have an effective control system and a navigation system capable of providing robust localization, path planning and path execution. In this paper we describe the work investigating synergies between mapping and control systems. We have integrated development of a control system for navigating mobile robots and a robot SLAM system. The control system is hybrid in nature and tightly coupled with the SLAM system; it uses a combination of high and low level deliberative and reactive control processes to perform obstacle avoidance, exploration, global navigation and recharging, and draws upon the map learning and localization capabilities of the SLAM system. The effectiveness of this hybrid, multi-level approach was evaluated in the context of a delivery robot scenario. Over a period of two weeks the robot performed 1143 delivery tasks to 11 different locations with only one delivery failure (from which it recovered), travelled a total distance of more than 40km, and recharged autonomously a total of 23 times. In this paper we describe the combined control and SLAM system and discuss insights gained from its successful application in a real-world context.


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To obtain minimum time or minimum energy trajectories for robots it is necessary to employ planning methods which adequately consider the platform’s dynamic properties. A variety of sampling, graph-based or local receding-horizon optimisation methods have previously been proposed. These typically use simplified kino-dynamic models to avoid the significant computational burden of solving this problem in a high dimensional state-space. In this paper we investigate solutions from the class of pseudospectral optimisation methods which have grown in favour amongst the optimal control community in recent years. These methods have high computational efficiency and rapid convergence properties. We present a practical application of such an approach to the robot path planning problem to provide a trajectory considering the robot’s dynamic properties. We extend the existing literature by augmenting the path constraints with sensed obstacles rather than predefined analytical functions to enable real world application.


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We describe a novel two stage approach to object localization and tracking using a network of wireless cameras and a mobile robot. In the first stage, a robot travels through the camera network while updating its position in a global coordinate frame which it broadcasts to the cameras. The cameras use this information, along with image plane location of the robot, to compute a mapping from their image planes to the global coordinate frame. This is combined with an occupancy map generated by the robot during the mapping process to track the objects. We present results with a nine node indoor camera network to demonstrate that this approach is feasible and offers acceptable level of accuracy in terms of object locations.


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This paper considers the problem of building a software architecture for a human-robot team. The objective of the team is to build a multi-attribute map of the world by performing information fusion. A decentralized approach to information fusion is adopted to achieve the system properties of scalability and survivability. Decentralization imposes constraints on the design of the architecture and its implementation. We show how a Component-Based Software Engineering approach can address these constraints. The architecture is implemented using Orca – a component-based software framework for robotic systems. Experimental results from a deployed system comprised of an unmanned air vehicle, a ground vehicle, and two human operators are presented. A section on the lessons learned is included which may be applicable to other distributed systems with complex algorithms. We also compare Orca to the Player software framework in the context of distributed systems.


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There have been notable advances in learning to control complex robotic systems using methods such as Locally Weighted Regression (LWR). In this paper we explore some potential limits of LWR for robotic applications, particularly investigating its application to systems with a long horizon of temporal dependence. We define the horizon of temporal dependence as the delay from a control input to a desired change in output. LWR alone cannot be used in a temporally dependent system to find meaningful control values from only the current state variables and output, as the relationship between the input and the current state is under-constrained. By introducing a receding horizon of the future output states of the system, we show that sufficient constraint is applied to learn good solutions through LWR. The new method, Receding Horizon Locally Weighted Regression (RH-LWR), is demonstrated through one-shot learning on a real Series Elastic Actuator controlling a pendulum.


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In this paper we explore the ability of a recent model-based learning technique Receding Horizon Locally Weighted Regression (RH-LWR) useful for learning temporally dependent systems. In particular this paper investigates the application of RH-LWR to learn control of Multiple-input Multiple-output robot systems. RH-LWR is demonstrated through learning joint velocity and position control of a three Degree of Freedom (DoF) rigid body robot.


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Rats are superior to the most advanced robots when it comes to creating and exploiting spatial representations. A wild rat can have a foraging range of hundreds of meters, possibly kilometers, and yet the rodent can unerringly return to its home after each foraging mission, and return to profitable foraging locations at a later date (Davis, et al., 1948). The rat runs through undergrowth and pipes with few distal landmarks, along paths where the visual, textural, and olfactory appearance constantly change (Hardy and Taylor, 1980; Recht, 1988). Despite these challenges the rat builds, maintains, and exploits internal representations of large areas of the real world throughout its two to three year lifetime. While algorithms exist that allow robots to build maps, the questions of how to maintain those maps and how to handle change in appearance over time remain open. The robotic approach to map building has been dominated by algorithms that optimise the geometry of the map based on measurements of distances to features. In a robotic approach, measurements of distance to features are taken with range-measuring devices such as laser range finders or ultrasound sensors, and in some cases estimates of depth from visual information. The features are incorporated into the map based on previous readings of other features in view and estimates of self-motion. The algorithms explicitly model the uncertainty in measurements of range and the measurement of self-motion, and use probability theory to find optimal solutions for the geometric configuration of the map features (Dissanayake, et al., 2001; Thrun and Leonard, 2008). Some of the results from the application of these algorithms have been impressive, ranging from three-dimensional maps of large urban strucutures (Thrun and Montemerlo, 2006) to natural environments (Montemerlo, et al., 2003).


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This paper presents an approach to building an observation likelihood function from a set of sparse, noisy training observations taken from known locations by a sensor with no obvious geometric model. The basic approach is to fit an interpolant to the training data, representing the expected observation, and to assume additive sensor noise. This paper takes a Bayesian view of the problem, maintaining a posterior over interpolants rather than simply the maximum-likelihood interpolant, giving a measure of uncertainty in the map at any point. This is done using a Gaussian process framework. To validate the approach experimentally, a model of an environment is built using observations from an omni-directional camera. After a model has been built from the training data, a particle filter is used to localise while traversing this environment


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Evolutionary computation is an effective tool for solving optimization problems. However, its significant computational demand has limited its real-time and on-line applications, especially in embedded systems with limited computing resources, e.g., mobile robots. Heuristic methods such as the genetic algorithm (GA) based approaches have been investigated for robot path planning in dynamic environments. However, research on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, another popular evolutionary computation algorithm, for dynamic path planning is still limited mainly due to its high computational demand. An enhanced SA approach, which integrates two additional mathematical operators and initial path selection heuristics into the standard SA, is developed in this work for robot path planning in dynamic environments with both static and dynamic obstacles. It improves the computing performance of the standard SA significantly while giving an optimal or near-optimal robot path solution, making its real-time and on-line applications possible. Using the classic and deterministic Dijkstra algorithm as a benchmark, comprehensive case studies are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the enhanced SA and other SA algorithms in various dynamic path planning scenarios.


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This paper presents an account of an autonomous mobile robot deployment in a densely crowded public event with thousands of people from different age groups attending. The robot operated for eight hours on an open floor surrounded by tables, chairs and massive touchscreen displays. Due to the large number of people who were in close vicinity of the robot, different safety measures were implemented including the use of no-go zones which prevent the robot from blocking emergency exits or moving too close to the display screens. The paper presents the lessons learnt and experiences obtained from this experiment, and provides a discussion about the state of mobile service robots in such crowded environments.


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In this paper we present a method for autonomously tuning the threshold between learning and recognizing a place in the world, based on both how the rodent brain is thought to process and calibrate multisensory data and the pivoting movement behaviour that rodents perform in doing so. The approach makes no assumptions about the number and type of sensors, the robot platform, or the environment, relying only on the ability of a robot to perform two revolutions on the spot. In addition, it self-assesses the quality of the tuning process in order to identify situations in which tuning may have failed. We demonstrate the autonomous movement-driven threshold tuning on a Pioneer 3DX robot in eight locations spread over an office environment and a building car park, and then evaluate the mapping capability of the system on journeys through these environments. The system is able to pick a place recognition threshold that enables successful environment mapping in six of the eight locations while also autonomously flagging the tuning failure in the remaining two locations. We discuss how the method, in combination with parallel work on autonomous weighting of individual sensors, moves the parameter dependent RatSLAM system significantly closer to sensor, platform and environment agnostic operation.