71 resultados para Heteronormativity
There is an awareness of the importance of gender equality in most western societies, both at the political level and in everyday life. In academia, for instance, gender is nowadays a scientific field which indicates that there is a lot of knowledge about the subject. What we do not have much knowledge about is whether gender knowledge leads to changes in gender relations in practice. The aim of this study is to explore how gender scholars relate to using – practicing – gender knowledge. Key issues in this study are how gender scholars construct gender, how they practice gender theoretical knowledge, and their reflections of gender boundaries. Theoretically, this study is mainly based on Sara Ahmed’s perspective on gender. The main finding of the study is that despite gender knowledge gender scholars tend to reproduce traditional gender orders. By identifying concepts such as reflected and unreflected masculinity/femininity, different ideals of masculinity/femininity are made visible. There seems to be an ideal among gender scholars to practice their gender knowledge. This ideal is practiced among “gender scholar women” by doing reflected masculinity and reflected femininity. Among “gender scholar men”, however, the ideal to practice gender knowledge by doing unreflected masculinity and reflected femininity seems to be a taboo at the same time. For men, it seems important to mark a distance to a certain type of femininity and to maintain the heterosexual – straight – line. For women, it seems desirable both to distance themselves from a certain type of masculinity and femininity and thereby follow alternative – queer – lines.
This essay looks at slash, a genre within fanfiction, from the perspective of Sedgwick’s theory of the closet, which reflects on the concealing mechanisms associated with homosexuality. While the real author stays in the closet, disguised behind a pseudonym, slash texts present homosexual themes in a very explicit way, often relying on humor or subversive elements. Between these two spheres, the real author and the text, we can find what we call the author’s voice, conscious about the existing homophobic structures, a voice that uses different strategies to shield itself against them. Internet, with the possibility to stay anonymous, serves as a social closet where the masked authors create texts that subvert heteronormativity.
Este trabalho pretende problematizar a vinculação entre os segredos da adoção e o que aqui proponho como matriz bioparental que, segundo nossa experiência no Projeto Laços de Amor: Adoção, Gênero, Cidadania e Direitos desenvolvido junto ao Departamento de Psicologia Clínica da UNESP, Assis, SP, reforçam o sofrimento, o estigma e a segregação que recaem sobre as pessoas adotadas ou que supostamente o serão. Nesse sentido, destacamos a cultura da adoção, reificadora de estigmas e crenças, como uma referência importante na construção da relação intersubjetiva existente entre pais/mães biológicos, adotivos e crianças adotadas na medida em que, a partir de um referente apoiado na matriz heteronormativa - que pressupõe uma organização continua entre sexo/gênero/desejo -, passa, por isso, a estabelecer a binária distinção entre filhos/as legítimos/as e ilegítimos/as conforme sua origem advinda ou não de laços de sangue.
Esta pesquisa é um estudo transversal realizado junto a 2282 estudantes de ambos os sexos que cursavam as três séries do ensino médio em três cidades do interior do oeste paulista. O instrumento de coleta de dados empregado foi um questionário autoaplicável com 131 questões. Neste artigo, abordamos as trajetórias sexuais de adolescentes de ambos os sexos que mantêm práticas sexuais homoeróticas ou não. Discutimos as relações desses adolescentes com seus familiares e grupos de pares e a questão de sair do armário como ferramenta política. Tendo como base as concepções de Sedgwick, analisamos os momentos em que sair do armário pode ser uma entre tantas maneiras de manifestação das diferentes sexualidades em relação à heteronormatividade. Apoiando-nos nas colocações de teóricos pós-estruturalistas, abordamos também as construções teóricas e as produções discursivas sobre a adolescência, apontando novas manifestações da juventude na contemporaneidade. Por fim, percebemos a existência de amplos fatores que afetam as decisões de jovens não heterossexuais quanto a sair (ou não) do armário para além da homofobia: eventos pessoais, histórias de vida e mesmo a revelação de sua sexualidade aos pais e/ou a outras pessoas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Over the past 60 years, the advancement of the sciences, the urbanization process of industrial centers, the mediatical advancement, the new family arrangements, the conquers of sexual minorities: homosexuals, transsexuals, transvestites, among other phenomena, coupled with the emphasis on individualism, and upon obtaining mediatical visibility, have softened the ethos of gender relationships in such a way to insert other approaches to the hegemony of the heteronormativity, whose resonances are present in and through symbolic exchanges with the other being, through which the contemporary subject comprises the subjectivation process.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Sexuality device authorizes families to become the guardians of its members’ sexuality, ensuring the exclusion of any kind of dissidence from heteronormativity by means of reinforcement of homophobia. This paper presents the analyses of female participants who are dissident of heteronormativity. They were accessed through snow-ball technique and were interviewed. After transcribing their interviews, the researcher produced narratives of their lives with were corroborated with the participants. Data were analyzed from a poststructuralist perspective. By then, we privileged the study of the manifestation of homophobia in the family, developing a genealogy of their detractors effects, but also highlighting modes of resistance to it. This locus of manifestation of homophobia, obscured by the intimacy of the private world, is still a fairly discussed topic in national studies and maximizes the damage caused by discrimination in macro social spaces. We pointed out, then, family as an important target of action for public policies which aim the protection of human and civil rights, as well as all kinds of violence and discrimination.
This article is part of a master's degree dissertation that studied the way as stigmas and stereotypes regarding lesbianity influence the life, in the sphere of the sexuality, of women that denominate themselves as lesbians, resident in a city in the interior of the State of São Paulo. The stigma here analyzed is that lesbians are women that frustrated with men. We tried to show, through the narratives of the research s participants and basing on gender and feminist studies, how the heteronormativist system naturalizes the masculinity to the men and the sexuality in the masculinity, and how it legitimates speeches about lesbian woman through the heterosexual referential. Also, we tried to show some strategies of the biopoder for the maintenance of that system and, starting from interviews in depth, we presented how the participants of the research (lesbian women) make speeches on that stigma and how they re-significate it through their own narratives. That research was financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo FAPESP, and accomplished by the Pos-Graduation Program of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus of Assis-SP.Key words: Gender. Sexuality. Lesbianity. Heteronormativity.
This paper raises questions about the ways in which corporeality and processes desiring were built within binary systems, universalistic and subjected to imprisonment restricted to heteronormativity and phallocentrism, and most often, the only references that guide the schools, their curricula and assessment systems. Critically and expanded the questions between the schools, and their agents and their expressions of dissent corporeality, gender, sexuality, gender and other markers of social stigmas. Presents readings that show that even still conservative schools already produce programs that facilitate discussions on diversity and human and allow you to create pedagogies and educational policies that may be secular, democratic and inclusive
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
El término imaginario, nombra el principio y el tema central de una investigación del mundo arquitectónico, necesaria para entender las condiciones alrededor de un proceso proyectual íntimo, cargado de significaciones ideológicas y simbólicas. En diferentes interpretaciones, el inconsciente colectivo y personal, científico o social, aparece en el origen de cada pensamiento y comportamiento humano, constituyendo un universo cerrado y caótico, donde todas las ideas están en constante tensión y contradicción. Por esta razón existen nociones y construcciones lógicas y coherentes que estructuran el marco de la verisimilitud y por tanto el régimen de la realidad, mediante la verdad y la verificación. Para el proyecto arquitectónico estas configuraciones se expresan en la situación del espacio, el tiempo y el cuerpo, como elementos básicos de jerarquización de la habitabilidad y de la cohabitabilidad humana. Esta tesis pretende acotar y definir un ámbito de procesos verosímiles instalados dentro del imaginario mediante el patrimonio intangible del pensamiento mítico o utópico, donde no solamente se crean envolventes del pensamiento, de iconografía o de sociedades, sino de donde también se derivan modelos rígidos y excluyentes, desde teorías basadas en la heteronormatividad y la segregación según el sexo, el género, la clase y la capacidad dentro de la diversidad funcional. La experiencia del espacio arquitectónico ha sido tradicionalmente descrita mediante palabras e imágenes: el lógos y el símbolo han sido los grandes intermediadores entre los sujetos y el habitar. Los ámbitos cotidiano y urbano se han regido por modelos y normas absolutas aplicadas universalmente y el mundo arquitectónico se ha visto estancado en la polaridad dual, entre lo público y lo privado, el dentro y el fuera, el movimiento y el reposo, el hombre y la mujer. Si el espacio-tiempo, el cuerpo y sus interpretaciones son la base para los modelos absolutistas, universalistas y perfeccionistas que han dominado el pensamiento occidental y elaborado la noción de lo “normal” en su totalidad, restando complejidad y diversidad, en la era hipermoderna ya no tiene sentido hablar en términos que no contemplen la superposición y la contradicción de la multiplicidad caótica en igualdad y en equilibrio instable. La realidad se ha visto reinventada a través de situaciones intermedias, los lugares inbetween en los espacios, tiempos, identidades y nociones presupuestas, donde se ha tergiversado el orden establecido, afectando al imaginario. La cotidianidad ha superado la arquitectura y el tiempo ha aniquilado el espacio. La conectividad, las redes y el libre acceso a la información – allá donde los haya – componen el marco que ha permitido a los sujetos subalternos emerger y empezar a consolidarse en el discurso teórico y práctico. Nuevos referentes están apareciendo en el hiper-espacio/tiempo aumentado, infringiendo todas aquellas leyes e interpretaciones impuestas para controlar los hábitos, las conductas y las personas. La casa, la ciudad y la metrópolis al vaciarse de contenidos, han dejado de cumplir funciones morales y simbólicas. Los no-lugares, los no-space, los no-time (Amann, 2011) son las condiciones radicalmente fenoménicas que reemplazan la realidad de lo vivido y activan de forma directa a los sentidos; son lugares que excitan el cuerpo como termótopos (Sloterdijk, 2002), que impulsan el crecimiento de la economía y en gran medida la multinormatividad. Sin duda alguna, aquí y ahora se requiere un nuevo modo de emplear la palabra, la imagen y la tecnología, dentro de una temporalidad efímera y eterna simultáneamente. ABSTRACT The term imaginary marks the beginning and the main topic of this research into the architectural world, presented as the necessary condition to understand the design process in its intimate layers, loaded with ideological and symbolic meanings. Through different interpretations, the unconscious, personal and collective, scientific or social, is found in the origin of every human thought and behaviour, constituting a closed chaotic universe, where all ideas are in constant tension and contradiction. This is why there are logical and coherent notions or discursive constructions which organise the context of verisimilitude and therefore the regime of reality through truth and its verification. For the architectural project, these specific configurations are associated with space, time and body as basic elements of management and hierarchization of human habitability and co-habitability. This thesis aims to demarcate and define a field of verisimilar processes installed in the imaginary, through the intangible heritage of mythical or utopian thinking, where not only enclosures of thought, iconography or utopian ideals are created, but from where rigid and exclusive models are derived as well, from theories based on heteronormativity and segregation by sex, gender, class and functional diversity. The experience of the architectural space has been described traditionally through words and images: the language and the symbol have been intermediating between the user and his habitat. Everyday life and urban interactions have been governed by absolute, universally applied, models or standards, therefore the architectural world has been stalled in a constant dual polarity between the public and the private, the inside and the outside, the movement and the repose, the man and the woman. Certainly, if the space-time notion, along with the theorization of the body, are the basis for absolutist, universalist and perfectionist models that have dominated western thought and developed the concept of “normal” in its totality, deducting all complexity and diversity, in the hypermodern era it makes no longer sense to speak in terms that ignore the overlap and contradiction of the chaotic multiplicity that characterises equality and unstable balance. Reality has been reinvented through intermediate situations, the in-between spaces, time, identities, or other presupposed notions. The order of truth has been distorted, affecting and transforming the contemporary imaginary. Everyday practices have surpassed the architectural design and time has annihilated space. Connectivity, networks, free access to information -wherever it exists-, compose the framework that has allowed subaltern subjectivity to emerge and begin to consolidate into main theoretical and practical discourses. New models are appearing in the augmented hyper-space/ time, transgressing any rule and interpretation imposed to control habits, behaviours and people. The house, the city and the metropolis are empty of content; they no longer fulfil moral and symbolic functions. The non-places, non-space, non-time (Amann, 2011) are radically phenomenal conditions that replace the reality of the lived experience and activate the senses as places that excite the body, thermotopos (Sloterdijk, 2002), which boost economic growth and to a considerable extent the multinormativity. Undoubtedly, what is required here and now is a new way of employing the word, the image and the technology within an ephemeral yet eternal temporality.