922 resultados para Heckman-type selection models
Wybiórczość siedliskowa dzięcioła średniego Dendrocopos medius w zróżnicowanych ekosystemach leśnych
Wydział Biologii
Kin selection models of intracolonial conflict over the maternity of males predict that social hymenopteran workers should favour the production of sons and nephews over brothers when the effective mating frequency (me) of the queen is low (me2. Stingless bees have been used to support these models in that me within the group is considered low and workers are thought often to monopolise the parentage of males. We genetically analysed 20 worker and 20 male pupae from each of 10 colonies of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica (= Scaptotrigona aff. depilis) using six microsatellite loci and demonstrate queen monandry in eight nests and apparent low me in the other two. However, four colonies contained an additional matriline, possibly due to queen supersedure (serial polygyny), which complicated their genetic structure. Across colonies, workers were responsible for the maternity of 13% of all males. These data are broadly in agreement with predictions from kin selection theory, though the question remains open as to why workers do not secure a greater share of male maternity in this and other stingless bee species in which workers are more closely related to nephews than brothers.
We study the effects of amplitude and phase damping decoherence in d-dimensional one-way quantum computation. We focus our attention on low dimensions and elementary unidimensional cluster state resources. Our investigation shows how information transfer and entangling gate simulations are affected for d >= 2. To understand motivations for extending the one-way model to higher dimensions, we describe how basic qudit cluster states deteriorate under environmental noise of experimental interest. In order to protect quantum information from the environment, we consider encoding logical qubits into qudits and compare entangled pairs of linear qubit-cluster states to single qudit clusters of equal length and total dimension. A significant reduction in the performance of cluster state resources for d > 2 is found when Markovian-type decoherence models are present.
The efficiency of generation plants is an important measure for evaluating the operating performance. The objective of this paper is to evaluate electricity power generation by conducting an All-Island-Generator-Efficiency-Study (AIGES) for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland by utilising a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. An operational performance efficiency index is defined and pursued for the year 2008. The economic activities of electricity generation units/plants examined in this paper are characterized by numerous input and output indicators. Constant returns to scale (CRS) and variable returns to scale (VRS) type DEA models are employed in the analysis. Also a slacks based analysis indicates the level of inefficiency for each variable examined. The findings from this study provide a general ranking and evaluation but also facilitate various interesting efficiency comparisons between generators by fuel type.
O benzeno foi o primeiro poluente atmosférico carcinogénico a ser regulamentado a nível europeu. Vários trabalhos têm sido publicados demonstrando a relação deste poluente com diversos tipos de neoplasias nomeadamente decorrentes de exposições a nível ocupacional. Porém, o estudo deste poluente para concentrações atmosféricas em ambientes exteriores ainda é pouco conhecido e está em clara evolução. Neste sentido, este trabalho pretende ser um contributo para o conhecimento da relação entre o benzeno atmosférico e a incidência de patologias que afectam os tecidos linfáticos e órgãos hematopoiéticos nomeadamente linfomas de Hodgkin, linfomas de não-Hodgkin e leucemias na população residente na Área Metropolitana do Porto. Dado a quase ausência de dados de monitorização das concentrações de benzeno atmosférico actualmente em Portugal, estas foram estimadas com base na definição de uma relação entre o benzeno e o monóxido de carbono. O conhecimento das concentrações em todo o domínio de estudo baseou-se na análise dos dados da Rede Automática de Monitorização da Qualidade do Ar porém, de modo a aumentar o detalhe espacial e temporal recorreu-se à modelação atmosférica aplicando o modelo TAPM. Para perceber a evolução temporal das concentrações, a modelação foi efectuada para os anos de 1991, 2001 e 2006 com base no ano meteorológico de 2006 e emissões para os respectivos anos ao nível da freguesia. O modelo foi previamente validado de acordo com uma metodologia proposta para este tipo de modelos. Contudo, mais do que perceber qual a variação da qualidade do ar a nível exterior, é importante conhecer o impacte de fontes interiores e o seu efeito na população. Assim, desenvolveu-se um modelo de exposição e dose que permitem conhecer os valores médios populacionais. A modelação da exposição populacional é efectuada com base nos perfis de actividade-tempo, nos movimentos pendulares inter-concelhos e nas concentrações de benzeno em ambientes exteriores e interiores. Na modelação da dose é ainda possível variações por sexo e idade. Por outro lado, para o estudo das patologias em análise efectuou-se uma análise epidemiológica espacial nomeadamente no que respeita à elaboração de mapas de incidência padronizados pela idade, e estudo da associação com a exposição ao benzeno atmosférico. Os resultados indicam associação entre o benzeno e as doenças em estudo. Esta evidência é mais notória quando a análise é realizada junto às principais fontes de emissão deste poluente, vias de tráfego e postos de abastecimento de combustível. Porém, a ausência de informação limita o estudo não permitindo o controlo de potenciais variáveis de confundimento como a exposição ao fumo do tabaco. A metodologia permite efectuar uma gestão integrada da qualidade do ar exterior e interior, funcionando como uma ferramenta do apoio à decisão para elaboração de planos de prevenção de longo prazo de potenciais efeitos na saúde das populações nomeadamente para outro tipo de patologias.
Este estudo baseou-se na análise dos mecanismos de transferência de elementos potencialmente tóxicos (PTE’s) entre o solo, a solução do solo e as plantas como forma de realizar uma avaliação mais eficaz do risco em áreas agrícolas. Foram aplicados conceitos recentemente desenvolvidos para a avaliação da reactividade biogeoquímica de contaminantes no solo e da sua partição sólido:solução recorrendo-se a modelos empíricos (tipo Freundlich). Estes modelos permitiram analisar a transferência de PTE’s ao longo da cadeia alimentar e avaliar o impacto da contaminação do solo na qualidade da alimentação animal (forragens) e Humana (vegetais e carne) em Portugal. Os modelos empíricos de transferência solo-planta de PTE’s foram utilizadas para obter limites críticos para estes elementos em solos agrícolas em Portugal, a partir dos seus limites legais nos alimentos para animais e teores máximos nos géneros alimentícios. Simultaneamente, modelos de exposição Humana a contaminantes do solo, desenvolvidos noutros países da UE foram analisados e foi proposto um modelo de exposição para Portugal. Este trabalho é uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento de critérios de qualidade de solos para áreas agrícolas em Portugal, tendo em vista a protecção da saúde animal e Humana. Contribuiu também para o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de harmonização de políticas de protecção do solo (nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos problemas de contaminação) na União Europeia.
The North Atlantic intertidal community provides a rich set of organismal and environmental material for the study of ecological genetics. Clearly defined environmental gradients exist at multiple spatial scales: there are broad latitudinal trends in temperature, meso-scale changes in salinity along estuaries, and smaller scale gradients in desiccation and temperature spanning the intertidal range. The geology and geography of the American and European coasts provide natural replication of these gradients, allowing for population genetic analyses of parallel adaptation to environmental stress and heterogeneity. Statistical methods have been developed that provide genomic neutrality tests of population differentiation and aid in the process of candidate gene identification. In this paper, we review studies of marine organisms that illustrate associations between an environmental gradient and specific genetic markers. Such highly differentiated markers become candidate genes for adaptation to the environmental factors in question, but the functional significance of genetic variants must be comprehensively evaluated. We present a set of predictions about locus-specific selection across latitudinal, estuarine, and intertidal gradients that are likely to exist in the North Atlantic. We further present new data and analyses that support and contradict these simple selection models. Some taxa show pronounced clinal variation at certain loci against a background of mild clinal variation at many loci. These cases illustrate the procedures necessary for distinguishing selection driven by internal genomic vs. external environmental factors. We suggest that the North Atlantic intertidal community provides a model system for identifying genes that matter in ecology due to the clarity of the environmental stresses and an extensive experimental literature on ecological function. While these organisms are typically poor genetic and genomic models, advances in comparative genomics have provided access to molecular tools that can now be applied to taxa with well-defined ecologies. As many of the organisms we discuss have tight physiological limits driven by climatic factors, this synthesis of molecular population genetics with marine ecology could provide a sensitive means of assessing evolutionary responses to climate change.
A retrieval model describes the transformation of a query into a set of documents. The question is: what drives this transformation? For semantic information retrieval type of models this transformation is driven by the content and structure of the semantic models. In this case, Knowledge Organization Systems (KOSs) are the semantic models that encode the meaning employed for monolingual and cross-language retrieval. The focus of this research is the relationship between these meanings’ representations and their role and potential in augmenting existing retrieval models effectiveness. The proposed approach is unique in explicitly interpreting a semantic reference as a pointer to a concept in the semantic model that activates all its linked neighboring concepts. It is in fact the formalization of the information retrieval model and the integration of knowledge resources from the Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud that is distinctive from other approaches. The preprocessing of the semantic model using Formal Concept Analysis enables the extraction of conceptual spaces (formal contexts)that are based on sub-graphs from the original structure of the semantic model. The types of conceptual spaces built in this case are limited by the KOSs structural relations relevant to retrieval: exact match, broader, narrower, and related. They capture the definitional and relational aspects of the concepts in the semantic model. Also, each formal context is assigned an operational role in the flow of processes of the retrieval system enabling a clear path towards the implementations of monolingual and cross-lingual systems. By following this model’s theoretical description in constructing a retrieval system, evaluation results have shown statistically significant results in both monolingual and bilingual settings when no methods for query expansion were used. The test suite was run on the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum Domain Specific 2004-2006 collection with additional extensions to match the specifics of this model.
L'identification de régions génomiques cibles de la sélection naturelle positive permet de mieux comprendre notre passé évolutif et de trouver des variants génétiques fonctionnels importants. Puisque la fréquence des allèles sélectionnés augmente dans la population, la sélection laisse des traces sur les séquences d'ADN et ces empreintes sont détectées lorsque la variabilité génétique d'une région est différente de celle attendue sous neutralité sélective. On propose une nouvelle approche pour analyser les données de polymorphismes : le calcul des classes alléliques d’haplotypes (HAC), permettant d'évaluer la diversité globale des haplotypes en étudiant leur composition allélique. L'idée de l'approche est de déterminer si un site est sous sélection positive récente en comparant les distributions des HAC obtenues pour les deux allèles de ce site. Grâce à l'utilisation de données simulées, nous avons étudié ces distributions sous neutralité et sous sélection en testant l'effet de différents paramètres populationnels. Pour tester notre approche empiriquement, nous avons analysé la variation génétique au niveau du gène de lactase dans les trois populations inclues dans le projet HapMap.
El presente trabajo comprobará la validez del modelo de selección de mercados, llamado, Proceso Analítico de Redes, PAR. Esto con el objetivo de dar una propuesta alternativa a los modelos de selección que ya conocemos.
La decisión de los individuos acerca del ahorro para el retiro ha sido abordada teóricamente bajo la hipótesis de que el sistema de seguridad social se comporta como un sustituto de otros mecanismos de ahorro. Este documento presenta evidencia de los patrones y determinantes del ahorro para el retiro en Colombia a partir de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares de 2007. Los resultados muestran que el 63% de los ocupados declaran no ahorrar para su vejez. A partir de modelos de selección discreta se encuentra que individuos jóvenes, de sexo masculino, con menor nivel educativo, residentes en zonas rurales, y trabajadores cuenta propia, presentan menores probabilidades de ah orrar para el retiro; además las características socioeconómicas resultan significativas en la determinación del mecanismo de ahorro utilizado.
Asset correlations are of critical importance in quantifying portfolio credit risk and economic capitalin financial institutions. Estimation of asset correlation with rating transition data has focusedon the point estimation of the correlation without giving any consideration to the uncertaintyaround these point estimates. In this article we use Bayesian methods to estimate a dynamicfactor model for default risk using rating data (McNeil et al., 2005; McNeil and Wendin, 2007).Bayesian methods allow us to formally incorporate human judgement in the estimation of assetcorrelation, through the prior distribution and fully characterize a confidence set for the correlations.Results indicate: i) a two factor model rather than the one factor model, as proposed bythe Basel II framework, better represents the historical default data. ii) importance of unobservedfactors in this type of models is reinforced and point out that the levels of the implied asset correlationscritically depend on the latent state variable used to capture the dynamics of default,as well as other assumptions on the statistical model. iii) the posterior distributions of the assetcorrelations show that the Basel recommended bounds, for this parameter, undermine the levelof systemic risk.
Background and purpose: Carisbamate is being developed for adjuvant treatment of partial onset epilepsy. Carisbamate produces anticonvulsant effects in primary generalized, complex partial and absence-type seizure models, and exhibits neuroprotective and antiepileptogenic properties in rodent epilepsy models. Phase IIb clinical trials of carisbamate demonstrated efficacy against partial onset seizures; however, its mechanisms of action remain unknown. Here, we report the effects of carisbamate on membrane properties, evoked and spontaneous synaptic transmission and induced epileptiform discharges in layer II-III neurones in piriform cortical brain slices. Experimental approach: Effects of carisbamate were investigated in rat piriform cortical neurones by using intracellular electrophysiological recordings. Key results: Carisbamate (50–400 mmol·L-1) reversibly decreased amplitude, duration and rise-time of evoked action potentials and inhibited repetitive firing, consistent with use-dependent Na+ channel block; 150–400 mmol·L-1 carisbamate reduced neuronal input resistance, without altering membrane potential. After microelectrode intracellular Cl- loading, carisbamate depolarized cells, an effect reversed by picrotoxin. Carisbamate (100–400 mmol·L-1) also selectively depressed lateral olfactory tract-afferent evoked excitatory synaptic transmission (opposed by picrotoxin), consistent with activation of a presynaptic Cl conductance. Lidocaine (40–320 mmol·L-1) mimicked carisbamate, implying similar modes of action. Carisbamate (300–600 mmol·L-1) had no effect on spontaneous GABAA miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents and at lower concentrations (50–200 mmol·L-1) inhibited Mg2+-free or 4-aminopyridine-induced seizure-like discharges. Conclusions and implications: Carisbamate blocked evoked action potentials use-dependently, consistent with a primary action on Na+ channels and increased Cl- conductances presynaptically and, under certain conditions, postsynaptically to selectively depress excitatory neurotransmission in piriform cortical layer Ia-afferent terminals.
A Bayesian method of estimating multivariate sample selection models is introduced and applied to the estimation of a demand system for food in the UK to account for censoring arising from infrequency of purchase. We show how it is possible to impose identifying restrictions on the sample selection equations and that, unlike a maximum likelihood framework, the imposition of adding up at both latent and observed levels is straightforward. Our results emphasise the role played by low incomes and socio-economic circumstances in leading to poor diets and also indicate that the presence of children in a household has a negative impact on dietary quality.
This paper provides evidence regarding the risk-adjusted performance of 19 UK real estate funds in the UK, over the period 1991-2001. Using Jensen’s alpha the results are generally favourable towards the hypothesis that real estate fund managers showed superior risk-adjusted performance over this period. However, using three widely known parametric statistical procedures to jointly test for timing and selection ability the results are less conclusive. The paper then utilises the meta-analysis technique to further examine the regression results in an attempt to estimate the proportion of variation in results attributable to sampling error. The meta-analysis results reveal strong evidence, across all models, that the variation in findings is real and may not be attributed to sampling error. Thus, the meta-analysis results provide strong evidence that on average the sample of real estate funds analysed in this study delivered significant risk-adjusted performance over this period. The meta-analysis for the three timing and selection models strongly indicating that this out performance of the benchmark resulted from superior selection ability, while the evidence for the ability of real estate fund managers to time the market is at best weak. Thus, we can say that although real estate fund managers are unable to outperform a passive buy and hold strategy through timing, they are able to improve their risk-adjusted performance through selection ability.