993 resultados para Hard tissue


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Cell-surface proteoglycans participate in several biological functions including interactions with adhesion molecules, growth factors and a variety of other effector molecules. Accordingly, these molecules play a central role in various aspects of cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions. To investigate the expression and distribution of the cell surface proteoglycans, syndecan-1 and -2, during periodontal wound healing, immunohistochemical analyses were carried out using monoclonal antibodies against syndecan-1, or -2 core proteins. Both syndecan-1 and -2 were expressed and distributed differentially at various stages of early inflammatory cell infiltration, granulation tissue formation, and tissue remodeling in periodontal wound healing. Expression of syndecan-1 was noted in inflammatory cells within and around the fibrin clots during the earliest stages of inflammatory cell infiltration. During granulation tissue formation it was noted in fibroblast-like cells and newly formed blood vessels. Syndecan-1 was not seen in newly formed bone or cementum matrix at any of the time periods studied. Syndecan-1 expression was generally less during the late stages of wound healing but was markedly expressed in cells that were close to the repairing junctional epithelium. In contrast, syndecan-2 expression and distribution was not evident at the early stages of inflammatory cell infiltration. During the formation of granulation tissue and subsequent tissue remodeling, syndecan-2 was expressed extracellularly in the newly formed fibrils which were oriented toward the root surface. Syndecan-2 was found to be significantly expressed on cells that were close to the root surface and within the matrix of repaired cementum covering root dentin as well as at the alveolar bone edge. These findings indicate that syndecan-1 and -2 may have distinctive functions during wound healing of the periodontium. The appearance of syndecan-1 may involve both cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, while syndecan-2 showed a predilection to associate with cell–matrix interactions during hard tissue formation.


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Background A large animal model is required for assessment of minimally invasive, tissue engineering based approaches to thoracic spine fusion, with relevance to deformity correction surgery for human adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Here we develop a novel open mini–thoracotomy approach in an ovine model of thoracic interbody fusion which allows assessment of various fusion constructs, with a focus on novel, tissue engineering based interventions. Methods The open mini-thoracotomy surgical approach was developed through a series of mock surgeries, and then applied in a live sheep study. Customized scaffolds were manufactured to conform with intervertebral disc space clearances required of the study. Twelve male Merino sheep aged 4 to 6 years and weighing 35 – 45 kg underwent the abovementioned procedure and were divided into two groups of six sheep at survival timelines of 6 and 12 months. Each sheep underwent a 3-level discectomy (T6/7, T8/9 and T10/11) with randomly allocated implantation of a different graft substitute at each of the three levels; (i) polycaprolactone (PCL) based scaffold plus 0.54μg rhBMP-2, (ii) PCL-based scaffold alone or (iii) autograft. The sheep were closely monitored post- operatively for signs of pain (i.e. gait abnormalities/ teeth gnawing/ social isolation). Fusion assessments were conducted post-sacrifice using Computed Tomography and hard-tissue histology. All scientific work was undertaken in accordance with the study protocol has been approved by the Institute's committee on animal research. Results. All twelve sheep were successfully operated on and reached the allotted survival timelines, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of the surgical procedure and post-operative care. There were no significant complications and during the post-operative period the animals did not exhibit marked signs of distress according to the described assessment criteria. Computed Tomographic scanning demonstrated higher fusion grades in the rhBMP-2 plus PCL-based scaffold group in comparison to either PCL-based scaffold alone or autograft. These results were supported by histological evaluation of the respective groups. Conclusion. This novel open mini-thoracotomy surgical approach to the ovine thoracic spine represents a safe surgical method which can reproducibly form the platform for research into various spine tissue engineered constructs (TEC) and their fusion promoting properties.


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With the progress in modern technological research, novel biomaterials are being largely developed for various biomedical applications. Over the past two decades, most of the research focuses on the development of a new generation of bioceramics as substitutes for hard tissue replacement. In reference to their application in different anatomical locations of a patient, newly developed bioceramic materials can potentially induce a toxic/harmful effect to the host tissues. Therefore, prior to clinical testing, relevant biochemical screening assays are to be performed at the cellular and molecular level, to address the issues of biocompatibility and long term performance of the implants. Along with testing strategies in the bulk material toxicity, a detailed evaluation should also be conducted to determine the toxicity of the wear products of the potential bioceramics. This is important as the bioceramics are intended to be implanted in patients with longer life expectancy and notwithstanding, the material will eventually release finer (mostly nanosized) sized debris particles due to continuous wear at articulating surfaces in the hostile corrosive environment of the human body. The wear particulates generated from a biocompatible bioceramic may act in a different way, inducing early/late aseptic loosening at the implant site, resulting in osteolysis and inflammation. Hence, a study on the chronic effects of the wear particulates, in terms of local and systemic toxicity becomes the major criteria in the toxicity evaluation of implantable bioceramics. In this broad perspective, this article summarizes some of the currently used techniques and knowledge in assessing the in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of bioceramic implant materials. It also addresses the need to conduct a broad evaluation before claiming the biocompatibility and clinical feasibility of any new biomaterial. This review also emphasizes some of the case studies based on the experimental designs that are currently followed and its importance in the context of clinical applications.


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Hydroxyapatite (HA) is widely being researched for hard tissue replacement for its good osseointegration and biocompatibility property. However, the inferior antibacterial property of HA often results in infection at host site, and this leads to rejection of the implant. The antibacterial property of silver (Ag) is well known and in the past decade or so, the application of Ag is reinvented in medicinal applications like catheters, vascular grafts and orthopaedic implants. In this respect, the present work reports the synthesis of Ag doped HA using hot pressing in argon atmosphere. This work also reports the effect of HA-Ag composition on bacterial colonisation during in vitro study. The bactericidal property of Ag doped HA has been investigated against magnetotactic bacteria, a `magnetite' containing bacteria. Magnetotactic bacteria were seeded onto pellets, and the adhesion of bacteria was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. It was confirmed that incorporation of Ag in HA leads to improved bactericidal property.


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Cirurgias ortognáticas bimaxilares representam um desafio para os cirurgiões, especialmente para reproduzir o plano de tratamento na sala operatória. O uso de guias cirúrgicos permite uma melhor reprodução do planejamento, mas, para isto, uma técnica precisa de cirurgia de modelos é essencial. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar a precisão do reposicionamento mandibular obtido com dois diferentes métodos de cirurgia de modelos utilizados para o planejamento de cirurgias bimaxilares com a seqüência cirúrgica invertida. Neste estudo, um crânio de resina foi utilizado para simular um paciente. As moldagens foram tomadas e os modelos foram vazados e montados em um articulador semi-ajustável por meio da transferência do arco-facial e do registro de mordida em cera. Traçados de previsão de 10 planos de tratamento diferentes foram feitos no software Dolphin Imaging e, então, reproduzidos com o método padrão (CM I) e método modificado (CM II) de cirurgia de modelos (T1). Para aprimorar a avaliação do reposicionamento mandibular, as cirurgias de modelo foram repetidas após um mês (T2). Os modelos mandibulares foram medidos na Plataforma de Erickson antes e depois do reposicionamento para contrastar os resultados. As diferenças no tempo de reposicionamento também foram registradas. Estatística descritiva e teste t foram usados para análisar os dados e comparar os resultados. Este estudo sugere que o reposicionamento vertical e látero-lateral dos modelos mandibulares foram semelhantes com ambos os métodos, entretanto, houve uma maior imprecisão no sentido ântero-posterior quando o método padrão de cirurgia modelos foi utilizado para o planejamento de cirurgias ortognáticas com a seqüência invertida. O tempo necessário para reposicionar o modelo mandibular no articulador semi-ajustável com a abordagem modificada (CM II) foi significativamente menor do que para reposicionar o modelo maxilar na Plataforma de Erickson (CM I).


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Lattice materials are characterized at the microscopic level by a regular pattern of voids confined by walls. Recent rapid prototyping techniques allow their manufacturing from a wide range of solid materials, ensuring high degrees of accuracy and limited costs. The microstructure of lattice material permits to obtain macroscopic properties and structural performance, such as very high stiffness to weight ratios, highly anisotropy, high specific energy dissipation capability and an extended elastic range, which cannot be attained by uniform materials. Among several applications, lattice materials are of special interest for the design of morphing structures, energy absorbing components and hard tissue scaffold for biomedical prostheses. Their macroscopic mechanical properties can be finely tuned by properly selecting the lattice topology and the material of the walls. Nevertheless, since the number of the design parameters involved is very high, and their correlation to the final macroscopic properties of the material is quite complex, reliable and robust multiscale mechanics analysis and design optimization tools are a necessary aid for their practical application. In this paper, the optimization of lattice materials parameters is illustrated with reference to the design of a bracket subjected to a point load. Given the geometric shape and the boundary conditions of the component, the parameters of four selected topologies have been optimized to concurrently maximize the component stiffness and minimize its mass. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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It is widely accepted that volumetric contraction and solidification during the polymerization process of restorative composites in combination with bonding to the hard tissue result in stress transfer and inward deformation of the cavity walls of the restored tooth. Deformation of the walls decreases the size of the cavity during the filling process. This fact has a profound influence on the assumption-raised and discussed in this paper-that an incremental filling technique reduces the stress effect of composite shrinkage on the tooth. Developing stress fields for different incremental filling techniques are simulated in a numerical analysis. The analysis shows that, in a restoration with a well-established bond to the tooth-as is generally desired-incremental filling techniques increase the deformation of the restored tooth. The increase is caused by the incremental deformation of the preparation, which effectively decreases the total amount of composite needed to fill the cavity. This leads to a higher-stressed tooth-composite structure. The study also shows that the assessment of intercuspal distance measurements as well as simplifications based on generalization of the shrinkage stress state cannot be sufficient to characterize the effect of polymerization shrinkage in a tooth-restoration complex. Incremental filling methods may need to be retained for reasons such as densification, adaptation, thoroughness of cure, and bond formation. However, it is very difficult to prove that incrementalization needs to be retained because of the abatement of shrinkage effects.


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Macroporosity(>100µm) in bone void fillers is a known prerequisite for tissue regeneration, but recent literature has highlighted the added benefit of microporosity(0.5 - 10µm). The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro performances of a novel interconnective microporous hydroxyapatite (HA) derived from red algae to four clinically available macroporous calcium phosphate (CaP) bone void fillers. The use of algae as a starting material for this novel void filler overcomes the issue of sustainability, which overshadows continued use of scleractinian coral in the production of some commercially available materials, namely Pro-OsteonTM and Bio-Coral®. This study investigated the physicochemical properties of each bone voidfiller material using x-ray diffraction, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, inductive coupled plasma, and nitrogen gas absorption and mercury porosimetry. Biochemical analysis, XTT, picogreen and alkaline phosphatase assays were used to evaluate the biological performances of the five materials. Results showed that algal HA is non-toxic to human foetal osteoblast (hFOB) cells and supports cell proliferation and differentiation. The preliminary in vitro testing of microporous algal-HA suggests that it is comparable to the four clinically approved macroporous bone void fillers tested. The results demonstrate that microporous algal HA has good potential for use in vivo and in new tissue engineered strategies for hard tissue repair.


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Objectives: The inflammatory response to pulpal injury or infection has major clinical significance. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a soluble decoy receptor for Receptor Activator of NF kappa B Ligand (RANKL), preventing ligand binding to its receptor (RANK), thus inhibiting clastic cell formation. The aim of the study is to investigate the expression of OPG in human dental pulp and the effects of inflammatory mediators. This study will specifically investigate the effects of Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 (TGF-β1) and Interleukin 1-Beta (IL-1β) on the expression of OPG on pulp fibroblasts in vitro. Method: Five primary pulp fibroblast populations were obtained by explant culture of healthy pulp tissue. Triplicate cultures were grown to confluence in 12-well plates and stimulated for 48 hours with IL-1β (10ng/ml) or TGF-β1 (10ng/ml). The conditioned media was collected and OPG levels detected by ELISA (R+D Systems, UK). Results: All fibroblast populations produced quantifiable levels of OPG in a time-dependant fashion. IL-1β significantly increased the expression of OPG (p<0.05) in all cultures. In contrast, TGF-β1 had no significant effect on OPG expression levels. In addition, previous work in our laboratory demonstrated both TGF-β1 and IL-1β stimulated OPG expression by periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Conclusion: These data indicate that IL-1β-regulated expression of OPG by pulpal fibroblasts may mediate hard tissue turnover in the inflamed dental pulp.


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Graças aos desenvolvimentos na área da síntese de nanomaterais e às potentes técnicas de caracterização à nanoescala conseguimos hoje visualizar uma nanopartícula (NP) como um dispositivo de elevado potencial terapêutico. A melhoria da sua efectividade terapêutica requer no entanto o aprofundamento e sistematização de conhecimentos, ainda muito incipientes, sobre toxicidade, selectividade, efeitos colaterais e sua dependência das próprias características físico-químicas da NP em análise. O presente trabalho, elegendo como alvo de estudo uma substância considerada biocompatível e não tóxica, a hidroxiapatite (Hap), pretende dar um contributo para esta área do conhecimento. Definiram-se como metas orientadoras deste trabalho (i) estudar a síntese de nanoparticulas de Hap (Hap NP), e a modificação das características físico-químicas e morfológicas das mesmas através da manipulação das condições de síntese; (ii) estudar a funcionalização das Hap NP com nanoestruturas de ouro e com ácido fólico, para lhes conferir capacidades acrescidas de imagiologia e terapêuticas, particularmente interessantes em aplicações como o tratamento do cancro (iii) estudar a resposta celular a materiais nanométricos, com propriedades físico-químicas diversificadas. No que se refere à síntese de Hap NP, comparam-se dois métodos de síntese química distintos, a precipitação química a temperatura fisiológica (WCS) e a síntese hidrotérmica (HS), em meios aditivados com ião citrato. A síntese WCS originou partículas de tamanho nanométrico, com uma morfologia de agulha, pouco cristalinas e elevada área superficial especifica. A síntese HS à temperatura de 180ºC permitiu obter partículas de dimensões também nanométricas mas com área específica inferior, com morfologia de bastonete prismático com secção recta hexagonal e elevada cristalinidade. Com o objectivo de aprofundar o papel de algumas variáveis experimentais na definição das características finais das partículas de hidroxiapatite, designadamente o papel do ião citrato (Cit), variou-se a razão molar [Cit/Ca] da solução reagente e o tempo de síntese. Demonstrou-se que o ião citrato e outras espécies químicas resultantes da sua decomposição nas condições térmicas (180ºC) de síntese tem um papel preponderante na velocidade de nucleação e de crescimento dessas mesmas partículas e por conseguinte nas características físico-químicas das mesmas. Elevadas razões [Cit/Ca] originam partículas de dimensão micrométrica cuja morfologia é discutida no contexto do crescimento com agregação. Com o objectivo de avaliar a citotoxicidade in vitro das nanopartículas sintetizadas procedeu-se à esterilização das mesmas. O método de esterilização escolhido foi a autoclavagem a 121º C. Avaliou-se o impacto do processo de esterilização nas características das partículas, verificando-se contrariamente às partículas WCS, que as partículas HS não sofrem alterações significativas de morfologia, o que se coaduna com as condições de síntese das mesmas, que são mais severas do que as de esterilização. As partículas WCS sofrem processos de dissolução e recristalização que se reflectem em alterações significativas de morfologia. Este estudo demonstrou que a etapa de esterilização de nanopartículas para aplicações biomédicas, por autoclavagem, pode alterar substancialmente as propriedades das mesmas, sendo pois criticamente importante caracterizar os materiais após esterilização. Os estudos citotoxicológicos para dois tipos de partículas esterilizadas (HSster e WCSster) revelaram que ambas apresentam baixa toxicidade e possuem potencial para a modelação do comportamento de células osteoblásticas. Tendo em vista a funcionalização da superfície das Hap NP para multifunções de diagnóstico e terapia exploraram-se condições experimentais que viabilizassem o acoplamento de nanopartículas de ouro à superfície das nanopartículas de Hidroxiapatite (Hap-AuNP). Tirando partido da presença de grupos carboxílicos adsorvidos na superfície das nanopartículas de Hap foi possível precipitar partículas nanométricas de ouro (1,5 a 2,5 nm) na superfície das mesmas adaptando o método descrito por Turkevich. No presente trabalho as nanopartículas de Hap funcionaram assim como um template redutor do ouro iónico de solução, propiciando localmente, na superfície das próprias nanopartículas de Hap, a sua redução a ouro metálico. A nucleação do ouro é assim contextualizada pelo papel redutor das espécies químicas adsorvidas, designadamente os grupos carboxílicos derivados de grupos citratos que presidiram à síntese das próprias nanopartículas de Hap. Estudou-se também a funcionalização das Hap NP com ácido fólico (FA), uma molécula biologicamente interessante por ser de fácil reconhecimento pelos receptores existentes em células cancerígenas. Os resultados confirmaram a ligação do ácido fólico à superfície das diferentes partículas produzidas HS e Hap-AuNPs. Graças às propriedades ópticas do ouro nanométrico (efeito plasmão) avaliadas por espectroscopia vis-UV e às potencialidades de hipertermia local por conversão fototérmica, as nanoestruturas Hap-AuNPs produzidas apresentam-se com elevado interesse enquanto nanodispositivos capazes de integrar funções de quimio e terapia térmica do cancro e imagiologia. O estudo da resposta celular aos diversos materiais sintetizados no presente trabalho foi alvo de análise na tentativa de se caracterizar a toxicidade dos mesmos bem como avaliar o seu desempenho em aplicações terapêuticas. Demonstrou-se que as Hap NP não afectam a proliferação das células para concentrações até 500 g/ml, observando-se um aumento na expressão genética da BMP-2 e da fosfatase alcalina. Verificou-se também que as Hap NP são susceptíveis de internalização por células osteoblásticas MG63, apresentando uma velocidade de dissolução intracelular relativamente reduzida. A resposta celular às Hap-AuNP confirmou a não citotoxicidade destas partículas e revelou que a presença do ouro na superfície das Hap NP aumenta a taxa proliferação celular, bem como a expressão de parâmetros osteogénicos. No seu conjunto os resultados sugerem que os vários tipos de partículas sintetizadas no presente estudo apresentam também comportamentos interessantes para aplicações em engenharia de tecido ósseo.


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Aim To evaluate the influence of resorbable membranes on hard tissue alterations and osseointegration at implants placed into extraction sockets in a dog model. Material and methods In the mandibular premolar region, implants were installed immediately into the extraction sockets of six Labrador dogs. Collagen-resorbable membranes were placed at the test sites, while the control sites were left uncovered. Implants were intended to heal in a submerged mode. After 4 months of healing, the animals were sacrificed, and ground sections were obtained for histomorphometric evaluation. Results After 4 months of healing, a control implant was not integrated (n=5). Both at the test and at the control sites, bone resorption occurred. While the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was similar between the test and the control sites, the alveolar bone crest outline was maintained to a higher degree at the buccal aspect of the test sites (loss: 1.7 mm) compared with the control sites (loss: 2.2 mm). Conclusions The use of collagen-resorbable membranes at implants immediately placed into extraction sockets contributed to a partial (23%) preservation of the buccal outline of the alveolar process. To cite this article:Caneva M, Botticelli D, Salata LA, Souza SLS, Carvalho Cardoso L, Lang NP. Collagen membranes at immediate implants: a histomorphometric study in dogs.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 891-897.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01946.x.


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Mechanical properties of porous magnesium with the porosity of 35–55% and the pore size of about 70–400 μm are investigated by compressive tests focusing on the effects of the porosity and pore size on the Young's modulus and strength. Results indicated that the Young's modulus and peak stress increase with decreasing porosity and pore size. The mechanical properties of the porous magnesium were in a range of those of cancellous bone. Therefore, it is suggested that the porous magnesium is one of promising scaffold materials for hard tissue regeneration.


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Various types of titanium alloys with high strength and low elastic modulus and, at the same time, vanadium and aluminium free have been developed as surgical biomaterials in recent years. Moreover, porous metals are promising hard tissue implants in orthopaedic and dentistry, where they mimic the porous structure and the low elastic modulus of natural bone. In the present study, new biocompatible Ti-based alloy foams with approximate relative densities of 0.4, in which Sn and Nb were added as alloying metals, were synthesised through powder metallurgy method.
The new alloys were prepared by mechanical alloying and subsequently sintered at high temperature using a vacuum furnace. The characteristics and the processability of the ball milled powders and the new porous titanium-based alloys were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical
microscopy and scanning electron microscopy .The mechanical properties of the new titanium alloys were examined by Vickers microhardness measurements and compression testing.


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This work investigated the structure and properties relationship, surface modification, biocompatibility and bioactivity of a porous Ti-Nb-Zr alloy. The porous alloy exhibited inter-connected porous structure, good biocompatibility and high mechanical strength with an elastic modulus close to that of bone. Porous Ti-Nb-Zr alloys are thus promising biomaterials for hard tissue replacement.