76 resultados para HYPOXANTHINE


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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The enzyme purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a target for the discovery of new lead compounds employed on the treatment severe T-cell mediated disorders. Within this context, the development of new, direct, and reliable methods for ligands screening is an important task. This paper describes the preparation of fused silica capillaries human PNP (HsPNP) immobilized enzyme reactor (IMER). The activity of the obtained IMER is monitored on line in a multidimensional liquid chromatography system, by the quantification of the product formed throughout the enzymatic reaction. The Km value for the immobilized enzyme was about twofold higher than that measured for the enzyme in solution (255 +/- 29.2 mu M and 133 +/- 114.9 mu M, respectively). A new fourth-generation immucillin derivative (DI4G: IC50 = 40.6 +/- 0.36 nM), previously identified and characterized in HsPNP free enzyme assays, was used to validate the IMER as a screening method for HsPNP ligands. The validated method was also used for mechanistic studies with this inhibitor. This new approach is a valuable tool to PNP ligand screening, since it directly measures the hypoxanthine released by inosine phosphorolysis, thus furnishing more reliable results than those one used in a coupled enzymatic spectrophotometric assay. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Caffeine determination using a fast-scan voltammetric procedure at a carbon fiber ultramicroelectrode (CF-UME) is described. The CF-UME was submitted to electrochemical pretreatment. Parameters such as number of acquisition cycles, scan rate, potential window, and the electrochemical surface pretreatment were optimized. Using the optimized conditions, it was possible to achieve a LDR from 10.0 up to 200 mu mol L-1, with a LOD of 3.33 mu mol L-1. The method has been applied in the determination of caffeine in commercial samples, with errors of 1.0-3.5% in relation to the label values and recoveries of 97-114% within the linear range.


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Background: Dietary creatine has been largely used as an ergogenic aid to improve strength and athletic performance, especially in short-term and high energy-demanding anaerobic exercise. Recent findings have also suggested a possible antioxidant role for creatine in muscle tissues during exercise. Here we evaluate the effects of a 1-week regimen of 20 g/day creatine supplementation on the plasma antioxidant capacity, free and heme iron content, and uric acid and lipid peroxidation levels of young subjects (23.1 +/- 5.8 years old) immediately before and 5 and 60 min after the exhaustive Wingate test. Results: Maximum anaerobic power was improved by acute creatine supplementation (10.5 %), but it was accompanied by a 2.4-fold increase in pro-oxidant free iron ions in the plasma. However, potential iron-driven oxidative insult was adequately counterbalanced by proportional increases in antioxidant ferric-reducing activity in plasma (FRAP), leading to unaltered lipid peroxidation levels. Interestingly, the FRAP index, found to be highly dependent on uric acid levels in the placebo group, also had an additional contribution from other circulating metabolites in creatine-fed subjects. Conclusions: Our data suggest that acute creatine supplementation improved the anaerobic performance of athletes and limited short-term oxidative insults, since creatine-induced iron overload was efficiently circumvented by acquired FRAP capacity attributed to: overproduction of uric acid in energy-depleted muscles (as an end-product of purine metabolism and a powerful iron chelating agent) and inherent antioxidant activity of creatine.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Synthese, physikochemischen und polymerspezifischen Charakterisierung und insbesondere der impedanzspektroskopischen Untersuchung von sowohl neuartigen, solvensfreien lithiumionen- als auch protonenleitfähigen Polymermaterialien für potentielle Anwendungen in sekundären Lithiumionenbatterien bzw. in Hochtemperatur-Protonenaustauschmembran-Brennstoffzellen (engl.: proton exchange membrane fuel cell, auch: polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, PEMFC). Beiden Typen von ionenleitfähigen Membranen liegt das gängige Prinzip der chemischen Anbindung einer für den Ionentransport verantwortlichen Seitengruppe an eine geeignete Polymerhauptkette zugrunde („Entkopplung“; auch Immobilisierung), welcher hinsichtlich Glasübergangstemperatur (Tg), elektrochemischer und thermischer Stabilität (Td) eine dynamisch entkoppelte, aber nicht minder bedeutsame Rolle zukommt. Die Transportaktivierung erfolgt in beiden Fällen thermisch. Im Falle der Protonenleiter liegt die zusätzliche Intention darin, eine Alternative aufzuzeigen, in der die Polymerhauptkette gekoppelt direkt am Protonentransportmechanismus beteiligt ist, d.h., dass der translatorisch diffusive Ionentransport entlang der Hauptkette stattfindet und nicht zwischen benachbarten Seitenketten. Ein Hauptaugenmerk der Untersuchungen liegt sowohl bei den lithiumionen- als auch den protonenleitfähigen Polymermembranen auf temperaturabhängigen dynamischen Prozessen der jeweiligen Ionenspezies in der polymeren Matrix, was die Ionenleitfähigkeit selbst, Relaxationsphänomene, die translatorische Ionendiffusion und im Falle der Protonenleiter etwaige mesomere Grenzstrukturübergänge umfasst. Lithiumionenleiter: Poly(meth)acrylate mit (2-Oxo-1,3-dioxolan)resten (Cyclocarbonat-) in der Seitenkette unterschiedlicher Spacerlänge wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Die Leitfähigkeit s(,T) erreicht bei Poly(2-oxo-[1,3]dioxolan-4-yl)methylacrylat (PDOA): Lithium-bis-trifluormethansulfonimid (LiTFSI) (10:3) ca. 10^-3,5 S cm^-1 bei 150 °C. Weichmachen (Dotieren) mit äquimolaren Mengen an Propylencarbonat (PC) bewirkt in allen Fällen einen enormen Anstieg der Leitfähigkeit. Die höchsten Leitfähigkeiten von Mischungen dieser Polymere mit LiTFSI (und LiBOB) werden nicht beim System mit der niedrigsten Tg gefunden. Auch dient Tg nicht als Referenztemperatur (Tref) nach Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF), so dass eine WLF-Anpassung der Leitfähigkeitsdaten nur über einen modifizierten WLF-Algorithmus gelingt. Die ermittelten Tref liegen deutlich unterhalb von Tg bei Temperaturen, die charakteristisch für die Seitenkettenrelaxation sind („Einfrieren“). Dies legt nahe, dass der Relaxation der Seitenketten eine entscheidende Rolle im Li^+-Leitfähigkeitsmechanismus zukommt. Die Li^+-Überführungszahlen tLi^+ in diesen Systemen schwanken zwischen 0,13 (40 °C) und 0,55 (160 °C). Protonenleiter: Polymere mit Barbitursäure- bzw. Hypoxanthinresten in der Seitenkette und Polyalkylenbiguanide unterschiedlicher Spacerlänge wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Die Leitfähigkeit s(,T) erreicht bei Poly(2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trioxopyrimidin-5-yl)methacrylat (PTPMA) maximal ca. 10^-4,4 S cm^-1 bei 140 °C. Höhere Leitfähigkeiten sind nur durch Mischen mit aprotischen Lösungsmitteln erreichbar. Die höchste Leitfähigkeit wird im Falle der Polyalkylenbiguanide bei Polyethylenbiguanid (PEB) erzielt. Sie erreicht 10^-2,4 S cm^-1 bei 190 °C. Die Aktivierungsenergien EA der Polyalkylenbiguanide liegen (jeweils unterhalb von Tg) zwischen ca. 3 – 6 kJ mol^-1. In allen beobachteten Fällen dient Tg als Tref, so dass eine konventionelle WLF-Behandlung möglich ist und davon auszugehen ist, dass die Leitfähigkeit mit dem freien Volumen Vf korreliert.


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Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics has previously demonstrated utility for identifying biomarkers of ionizing radiation exposure in cellular, mouse and rat in vivo radiation models. To provide a valuable link from small laboratory rodents to humans, γ-radiation-induced urinary biomarkers were investigated using a nonhuman primate total-body-irradiation model. Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics approaches were applied to determine whether biomarkers could be identified, as well as the previously discovered rodent biomarkers of γ radiation. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis was carried out on a time course of clean-catch urine samples collected from nonhuman primates (n = 6 per cohort) exposed to sham, 1.0, 3.5, 6.5 or 8.5 Gy doses of (60)Co γ ray (∼0.55 Gy/min) ionizing radiation. By multivariate data analysis, 13 biomarkers of radiation were discovered: N-acetyltaurine, isethionic acid, taurine, xanthine, hypoxanthine, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, tyrosol sulfate, 3-hydroxytyrosol sulfate, tyramine sulfate, N-acetylserotonin sulfate, and adipic acid. N-Acetyltaurine, isethionic acid, and taurine had previously been identified in rats, and taurine and xanthine in mice after ionizing radiation exposure. Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics has thus successfully revealed and verified urinary biomarkers of ionizing radiation exposure in the nonhuman primate for the first time, which indicates possible mechanisms for ionizing radiation injury.


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The uptake, metabolism, and metabolic effects of the antitumor tricyclic nucleoside (TCN, NSC-154020) were studied in vitro. Uptake of TCN by human erythrocytes was concentrative, resulting mainly from the rapid intracellular phosphorylation of TCN. At high TCN doses, however, unchanged TCN was also concentrated within the erythrocytes. The initial linear rate of TCN uptake was saturable and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. TCN was metabolized chiefly to its 5'-monophosphate not only by human erythrocytes but also by wild-type Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In addition, three other metabolites were detected by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. The structures of these metabolites were elucidated by ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and further confirmed by incubations with catabolic enzymes and intact wild-type or variant CHO cells. All were novel types of oxidative degradation products of TCN. Two are proposed to be (alpha) and (beta) anomers of a D-ribofuranosyl nucleoside with a pyrimido{4,5-c}pyridazine-4-one base structure. The third metabolite is most likely the 5'-monophosphate of the (beta) anomer. A CHO cell line deficient in adenosine kinase activity failed to phosphorylate either TCN or the (beta) anomer. No further phosphorylation of the 5'-monophosphates by normal cells occurred. Although the pathways leading to the formation of these TCN metabolites have not been proven, a mechanism is proposed to account for the above observations. The same adenosine kinase-deficient CHO cells were resistant to 500 (mu)M TCN, while wild-type cells could not clone in the presence of 20 (mu)M TCN. Simultaneous addition of purines, pyrimidines, and purine precursors failed to reverse this toxicity. TCN-treatment strongly inhibited formate or glycine incorporation into ATP and GTP of wild-type CHO cells. Hypoxanthine incorporation inhibited to a lesser degree, with the inhibition of incorporation into GTP being more pronounced. Although precursor incorporation into GTP was inhibited, GTP concentrations were elevated rather than reduced after 4-hr incubations with 20 (mu)M or 50 (mu)M TCN. These results suggested an impairment of GTP utilization. TCN (50 (mu)M) inhibited leucine and thymidine incorporation into HClO(,4)-insoluble material to 30-35% of control throughout 5-hr incubations. Incorporation of five other amino acids was inhibited to the same extent as leucine. Pulse-labeling assays (45 min) with uridine, leucine, and thymidine failed to reveal selective inhibition of DNA or protein synthesis by 0.05-50 (mu)M TCN; however, the patterns of inhibition were similar to those of known protein synthesis inhibitors. TCN 5'-monophosphate inhibited leucine incorporation by rabbit reticulocyte lysates; the inhibition was 2000 times less potent than that of cycloheximide. The 5'-monophosphate failed to inhibit a crude nuclear DNA-synthesizing system. Although TCN 5'-monophosphate apparently inhibits purine synthesis de novo, its cytotoxicity is not reversed by exogenous purines. Consequently, another mechanism such as direct inhibition of protein synthesis is probably a primary mechanism of toxicity. ^


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A systematic investigation of a series of triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) containing alpha- and beta-thymidine, alpha- and beta-N7-hypoxanthine, and alpha- and beta- N7 and N9 aminopurine nucleosides, designed to bind to T-A inversion sites in DNA target sequences was performed. Data obtained from gel mobility assays indicate that t-A recognition in the antiparallel triple-helical binding motif is possible if the nucleoside alpha N9-aminopurine is used opposite to the inversion site in the TFO.


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The efficient recognition of the pyrimidine base uracil by hypoxanthine or thymine in the parallel DNA triplex motif is based on the interplay of a conventional N−H⋅⋅⋅O and an unconventional C−H⋅⋅⋅O hydrogen bond.


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In many organisms, including plants, nucleic acid bases and derivatives such as caffeine are transported across the plasma membrane. Cytokinins, important hormones structurally related to adenine, are produced mainly in root apices, from where they are translocated to shoots to control a multitude of physiological processes. Complementation of a yeast mutant deficient in adenine uptake (fcy2) with an Arabidopsis cDNA expression library enabled the identification of a gene, AtPUP1 (for Arabidopsis thaliana purine permease1), belonging to a large gene family (AtPUP1 to AtPUP15) encoding a new class of small, integral membrane proteins. AtPUP1 transports adenine and cytosine with high affinity. Uptake is energy dependent, occurs against a concentration gradient, and is sensitive to protonophores, potentially indicating secondary active transport. Competition studies show that purine derivatives (e.g., hypoxanthine), phytohormones (e.g., zeatin and kinetin), and alkaloids (e.g., caffeine) are potent inhibitors of adenine and cytosine uptake. Inhibition by cytokinins is competitive (competitive inhibition constant Ki = 20 to 35 μM), indicating that cytokinins are transported by this system. AtPUP1 is expressed in all organs except roots, indicating that the gene encodes an uptake system for root-derived nucleic acid base derivatives in shoots or that it exports nucleic acid base analogs from shoots by way of the phloem. The other family members may have different affinities for nucleic acid bases, perhaps functioning as transporters for nucleosides, nucleotides, and their derivatives.


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Unique, small sequences (sequence tag sites) have been identified at the 3′ ends of most human genes that serve as landmarks in genome mapping. We investigated whether a single copy gene could be isolated directly from total human DNA by transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning in yeast using a short, 3′ unique target. A TAR cloning vector was constructed that, when linearized, contained a small amount (381 bp) of 3′ hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) sequence at one end and an 189-bp Alu repeat at the other end. Transformation with this vector along with human DNA led to selective isolations of the entire HPRT gene as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that extended from the 3′ end sequence to various Alu positions as much as 600 kb upstream. These YACs were retrofitted with a NeoR and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequence to transfer the YACs to bacteria and subsequently the BACs to mouse cells by using a Neo selection. Most of the HPRT isolates were functional, demonstrating that TAR cloning retains the functional integrity of the isolated material. Thus, this modified version of TAR cloning, which we refer to as radial TAR cloning, can be used to isolate large segments of the human genome accurately and directly with only a small amount of sequence information.


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The level and fate of hMSH3 (human MutS homolog 3) were examined in the promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 and its methotrexate-resistant derivative HL-60R, which is drug resistant by virtue of an amplification event that spans the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and MSH3 genes. Nuclear extracts from HL-60 and HL-60R cells were subjected to an identical, rapid purification protocol that efficiently captures heterodimeric hMutSα (hMSH2⋅hMSH6) and hMutSβ (hMSH2⋅hMSH3). In HL-60 extracts the hMutSα to hMutSβ ratio is roughly 6:1, whereas in methotrexate-resistant HL-60R cells the ratio is less than 1:100, due to overproduction of hMSH3 and heterodimer formation of this protein with virtually all the nuclear hMSH2. This shift is associated with marked reduction in the efficiency of base–base mismatch and hypermutability at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) locus. Purified hMutSα and hMutSβ display partial overlap in mismatch repair specificity: both participate in repair of a dinucleotide insertion–deletion heterology, but only hMutSα restores base–base mismatch repair to extracts of HL-60R cells or hMSH2-deficient LoVo colorectal tumor cells.


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3-methyladenine (3MeA) DNA glycosylases remove 3MeAs from alkylated DNA to initiate the base excision repair pathway. Here we report the generation of mice deficient in the 3MeA DNA glycosylase encoded by the Aag (Mpg) gene. Alkyladenine DNA glycosylase turns out to be the major DNA glycosylase not only for the cytotoxic 3MeA DNA lesion, but also for the mutagenic 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA) and hypoxanthine lesions. Aag appears to be the only 3MeA and hypoxanthine DNA glycosylase in liver, testes, kidney, and lung, and the only ɛA DNA glycosylase in liver, testes, and kidney; another ɛA DNA glycosylase may be expressed in lung. Although alkyladenine DNA glycosylase has the capacity to remove 8-oxoguanine DNA lesions, it does not appear to be the major glycosylase for 8-oxoguanine repair. Fibroblasts derived from Aag −/− mice are alkylation sensitive, indicating that Aag −/− mice may be similarly sensitive.


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The AG dinucleotide at the 3′ splice sites of metazoan nuclear pre-mRNAs plays a critical role in catalytic step II of the splicing reaction. Previous studies have shown that replacement of the guanine by adenine in the AG (AG → GG) inhibits this step. We find that the second step was even more severely inhibited by cytosine (AG → CG) or uracil (AG → UG) substitutions at this position. By contrast, a relatively moderate inhibition was observed with a hypoxanthine substitution (AG → HG). When adenine was replaced by a purine base (AG → PG) or by 7-deazaadenine (AG → c7AG), little effect on the second step was observed, suggesting that the 6-NH2 and N7 groups do not play a critical role in adenine recognition. Finally, replacement of adenine by 2-aminopurine (AG → 2-APG) had no effect on the second step. Taken together, our results suggest that the N1 group of adenine functions as an essential determinant in adenine recognition during the second step of pre-mRNA splicing.


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The increasing resistance of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to currently available drugs demands a continuous effort to develop new antimalarial agents. In this quest, the identification of antimalarial effects of drugs already in use for other therapies represents an attractive approach with potentially rapid clinical application. We have found that the extensively used antimycotic drug clotrimazole (CLT) effectively and rapidly inhibited parasite growth in five different strains of P. falciparum, in vitro, irrespective of their chloroquine sensitivity. The concentrations for 50% inhibition (IC50), assessed by parasite incorporation of [3H]hypoxanthine, were between 0.2 and 1.1 μM. CLT concentrations of 2 μM and above caused a sharp decline in parasitemia, complete inhibition of parasite replication, and destruction of parasites and host cells within a single intraerythrocytic asexual cycle (≈48 hr). These concentrations are within the plasma levels known to be attained in humans after oral administration of the drug. The effects were associated with distinct morphological changes. Transient exposure of ring-stage parasites to 2.5 μM CLT for a period of 12 hr caused a delay in development in a fraction of parasites that reverted to normal after drug removal; 24-hr exposure to the same concentration caused total destruction of parasites and parasitized cells. Chloroquine antagonized the effects of CLT whereas mefloquine was synergistic. The present study suggests that CLT holds much promise as an antimalarial agent and that it is suitable for a clinical study in P. falciparum malaria.