994 resultados para HD6096.B2 R6


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Trabajo fin de m??ster (Universidad de Ja??n-FUNIBER, 2013)


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Esta publicaci??n de la serie de propuestas curriculares para la ense??anza y el aprendizaje de la lengua de signos espa??ola recoge las especificaciones (objetivos, contenidos y orientaciones metodol??gicas) para el Nivel B2, que se corresponde con el hom??nimo de la escala del MCER. Con ella se describe, en l??nea de continuidad con las entregas anteriores (Niveles A1 y A2; y Nivel B1), lo que supone que los alumnos alcancen un nuevo estadio en la estructura del curr??culo de la lengua de signos espa??ola.


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Existe una versi??n en espa??ol, con el t??tulo "Nivel B2 de euskera : al finalizar la ense??anza obligatoria (4?? ESO) : ISEI-IVEI 2005"


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Existe una versi??n en euskera, con el t??tulo "Euskararen B2 maila : Derrigorrezko irakaskuntzaren amaieran (DBH-4) : ISEI-IVEI 2005"


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Considering the growing importance of the interaction between components of kallikreinkinin and renin-angiotensin systems in physiological and pathological processes, particularly in diabetes mellitus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of enalapril on the reduced response of bradykinin and on the interaction between angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) and bradykinin (BK), important components of these systems, in an insulin-resistance model of diabetes. For the above purpose, the response of mesenteric arterioles of anesthetized neonatal streptozotocin-induced (n-STZ) diabetic and control rats was evaluated using intravital microscopy. In n-STZ diabetic rats, enalapril treatment restored the reduced response to BK but not the potentiation of BK by Ang-(1-7) present in non-diabetic rats. The restorative effect of enalapril was observed at a dose that did not correct the altered parameters induced by diabetes such as hyperglycernia, glicosuria, insulin resistance but did reduce the high blood pressure levels of n-SZT diabetic rats. There was no difference in mRNA and protein expressions of B1 and B2 kinin receptor subtypes between n-STZ diabetic and control rats. Enalapril treatment increased the B2 kinin receptor expression. From our data, we conclude that in diabetes enalapril corrects the impaired BK response probably by increasing the expression of B2 receptors. The lack of potentiation of BK by Ang-(1-7) is not corrected by this agent. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Muscle invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder is associated with a high frequency of metastasis, resulting in poor prognosis for patients presenting with this disease. Models that capture and demonstrate step-wise enhancement of elements of the human metastatic cascade on a similar genetic background are useful research tools. We have utilized the transitional cell carcinoma cell line TSU-Pr1 to develop an in vivo experimental model of bladder TCC metastasis. TSU-Pr1 cells were inoculated into the left cardiac ventricle of SCID mice and the development of bone metastases was monitored using high resolution X-ray. Tumor tissue from a single bone lesion was excised and cultured in vitro to generate the TSU-Pr1-B1 subline. This cycle was repeated with the TSU-Pr1-B1 cells to generate the successive subline TSU-Pr1-B2. DNA profiling and karyotype analysis confirmed the genetic relationship of these three cell lines. In vitro, the growth rate of these cell lines was not significantly different. However, following intracardiac inoculation TSU-Pr1, TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2 exhibited increasing metastatic potential with a concomitant decrease in time to the onset of radiologically detectable metastatic bone lesions. Significant elevations in the levels of mRNA expression of the matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) membrane type 1-MMP (MT1-MMP), MT2-MMP and MMP-9, and their inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-2 (TIMP-2), across the progressively metastatic cell lines, were detected by quantitative PCR. Given the role of MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 in MMP-2 activation, and the upregulation of MMP-9, these data suggest an important role for matrix remodeling, particularly basement membrane, in this progression. The TSU-Pr1-B1/B2 model holds promise for further identification of important molecules.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, involving psychiatric, cognitive and motor symptoms, caused by a CAG-repeat expansion encoding an extended polyglutamine tract in the huntingtin protein. Oxidative stress and excitotoxicity have previously been implicated in the pathogenesis of HD. We hypothesized that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may reduce both excitotoxicity and oxidative stress through its actions on glutamate reuptake and antioxidant capacity. The R6/1 transgenic mouse model of HD was used to investigate the effects of NAC on HD pathology. It was found that chronic NAC administration delayed the onset and progression of motor deficits in R6/1 mice, while having an antidepressant-like effect on both R6/1 and wild-type mice. A deficit in the astrocytic glutamate transporter protein, GLT-1, was found in R6/1 mice. However, this deficit was not ameliorated by NAC, implying that the therapeutic effect of NAC is not due to rescue of the GLT-1 deficit and associated glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. Assessment of mitochondrial function in the striatum and cortex revealed that R6/1 mice show reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity specific to the striatum. This deficit was rescued by chronic treatment with NAC. There was a selective increase in markers of oxidative damage in mitochondria, which was rescued by NAC. In conclusion, NAC is able to delay the onset of motor deficits in the R6/1 model of Huntington's disease and it may do so by ameliorating mitochondrial dysfunction. Thus, NAC shows promise as a potential therapeutic agent in HD. Furthermore, our data suggest that NAC may also have broader antidepressant efficacy.


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Apresentamos neste trabalho os resultados de um estudo experimental e teórico dos compostos borocarbetos supercondutores da série Y(Ni1-xMnx)2B2C com x = 0; 0,01; 0,025; 0,05; 0,10; 0,15. A principal motivação para este trabalho foi investigar a estrutura eletrônica e a possível formação do momento magnético sobre os átomos de impureza de Mn nos compostos Y(Ni1- xMnx)2B2C. O aparecimento do momento magnético localizado no sítio da impureza possibilitou estudar a influência do Mn sobre o mecanismo de quebra de pares supercondutores e sobre as propriedades magnéticas do composto. Os borocarbetos são compostos de estrutura cristalina tetragonal de corpo centrado e altamente anisotrópicos (c/a~3). São intermetálicos de alta temperatura crítica supercondutora Tc, com forte acoplamento elétron-fonon. Em alguns casos podem apresentar ordem magnética, supercondutividade e também coexistência ou competição energética entre ambos. As medidas de transporte eletrônico, em função da temperatura, foram feitas utilizando-se um detector síncroton baseado na técnica de quatro pontos operando na faixa de 4,2K até 300K. Essas medidas possibilitaram o estudo das propriedades relacionadas ao transporte eletrônico na fase supercondutora. Na fase normal, extraiu-se a dependência em energia da função espectral de fonons α² F (ω) para alguns compostos da série estudada. As medidas magnéticas em função da temperatura e do campo magnético foram feitas utilizando-se um SQUID (Superconducting Quantun Interference Device – Quantun Design Model MPMS XL). Tais medidas permitiram a caracterização das propriedades magnéticas de nossas amostras. Em particular determinou-se o valor, em regime de saturação, do momento magnético associado ao sítio cristalino do Mn. Foram determinadas também as correntes críticas supercondutoras usando o Modelo de estado crítico de Bean e a variação da temperatura crítica supercondutora (Tc) com a mudança do campo externo aplicado. As medidas magnéticas permitiram a obtenção do diagrama que relaciona o campo crítico inferior (HC1) e a temperatura, variando-se a concentração do átomo dopante de manganês. Foi feito um esforço teórico no sentido de interpretar os resultados experimentais. Para isso foram usados três modelos: O modelo de estado crítico de Bean já citado acima e um modelo baseado na fórmula de Ziman usando uma aproximação para a função espectral de fonons para descrever a resistividade no regime de alta temperatura. Além disto, usou-se o modelo de duas sub-redes para a descrição do momento magnético das impurezas de Mn, em função da concentração, na série Y(Ni ) ( 2 ω α F 1-xMnx)2B2C.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo determinar a pressão de colapso de tubos API 5L X56 de parede fina com trincas longitudinais internas e externas submetidas a pressão interna. Foi utilizado o método R6 conforme a norma BS7910:1999 e a Análise por Elementos Finitos. Foram feitos ensaios de tração e de caracterização da tenacidade do material utilizado por integral J, assim como o modelamento por Elementos Finitos do tubo e a aplicação dos “Failure Assessment Diagram” FAD para determinar a pressão de colapso. Verificou-se que para trincas internas a pressão de colapso é levemente maior que em trincas externas. Isto é mais acentuado para trincas com uma profundidade maior que a metade da parede do tubo. As predições da pressão de colapso em função do tamanho da trinca do método R6 em comparação com alguns resultados experimentais mostraram uma precisão satisfatória, porem em alguns casos não conservadora.


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As hemoglobinopatias e talassemias constituem as afecções genéticas mais comuns, apresentando-se, na maioria dos casos, em heterozigose. Diante da diversidade de hemoglobinas variantes encontrada na população brasileira, metodologias específicas e complementares para um diagnóstico laboratorial preciso, capaz de elucidar possíveis interações entre estas variantes genéticas, são necessárias. Este relato de caso descreve a interação entre hemoglobina B2 e a hemoglobina S em um indivíduo do sexo feminino, caucasoide, proveniente da região Sudeste do Brasil, identificada por meio de técnicas eletroforéticas em diferentes pH, cromatografia líquida de alta performance e PCR- RFLP. Visto que a hemoglobina B2 coelui com a hemoglobina S na análise cromatográfica e dificilmente é visualizada em eletroforese pH alcalino, devido à sua baixa concentração, justifica-se a necessidade da associação de testes laboratoriais, inclusive moleculares, na rotina do diagnóstico de hemoglobinas para a correta identificação do perfil de hemoglobinas do indivíduo e real frequência na população brasileira. Rev. Bras. Hematol. Hemoter.


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Background and Purpose Bone resorption induced by interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α) is synergistically potentiated by kinins, partially due to enhanced kinin receptor expression. Inflammation-induced bone resorption can be impaired by IL-4 and IL-13. The aim was to investigate if expression of B1 and B2 kinin receptors can be affected by IL-4 and IL-13. Experimental Approach We examined effects in a human osteoblastic cell line (MG-63), primary human gingival fibroblasts and mouse bones by IL-4 and IL-13 on mRNA and protein expression of the B1 and B2 kinin receptors. We also examined the role of STAT6 by RNA interference and using Stat6-/- mice. Key Results IL-4 and IL-13 decreased the mRNA expression of B1 and B2 kinin receptors induced by either IL-1β or TNF-α in MG-63 cells, intact mouse calvarial bones or primary human gingival fibroblasts. The burst of intracellular calcium induced by either bradykinin (B2 agonist) or des-Arg10-Lys-bradykinin (B1 agonist) in gingival fibroblasts pretreated with IL-1β was impaired by IL-4. Similarly, the increased binding of B1 and B2 ligands induced by IL-1β was decreased by IL-4. In calvarial bones from Stat6-deficient mice, and in fibroblasts in which STAT6 was knocked down by siRNA, the effect of IL-4 was decreased. Conclusions and Implications These data show, for the first time, that IL-4 and IL-13 decrease kinin receptors in a STAT6-dependent mechanism, which can be one important mechanism by which these cytokines exert their anti-inflammatory effects and impair bone resorption. © 2013 The Authors. British Journal of Pharmacology © 2013 The British Pharmacological Society.