980 resultados para Guinea pigs


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Background Chinese aphrodisiacs have become popular remedy for sexual dysfunction and improvement of libido in men in Malawi. However, selling of these drugs seems not to be well regulated. Probably the aphrodisiacs that are currently on the market have unknown efficacy, potency and safety profiles. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of imported Chinese aphrodisiacs using guinea pigs as a model. Materials and Methods Two types of drugs were purchased from vendors in Blantyre City. Tonic tea, which was purported to improve erectile function and libido, and sperm multiplier tablets which were claimed to increase the sperm count. The tonic tea was prepared by soaking one tea bag in 100ml boiling water. The tea was cooled and administered to eight male experimental animals in varying doses. Each animal was introduced into a separate cage with a female guinea pig. Sexual behaviour such as mounting, sniffing behind the female were observed and recorded. Each sperm multiplier tablet was dissolved in distilled water and administered to the experimental animals in the morning and evening for seven days. At the end of the treatment, the experimental and control animals were sacrificed, their semen collected and analysed sperm motility, concentration and morphology. Results For the tonic tea, there were no statistical differences between the experimental and the control animals in terms of the number of mountings and sniffing behind the female. The sperm multiplier drug showed statistically significant differences between the experimental and the control animals in terms of the sperm motility (78.24 ± 1.35 vs. 86.54 ± 1.88, p< 0.05), and concentration (54.28 ± 1.24 vs. 67.59 ± 2.12, p<0.05). Conclusion The tonic tea did not show any efficacy in improving erection and libido. The sperm multiplier tablets, purported to increase sperm production, significantly increased the sperm motility, sperm concentration in the treated animals.


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H7N9 has caused fatal infections in humans. A safe and effective vaccine is the best way to prevent large-scale outbreaks in the human population. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), an avirulent paramyxovirus, is a promising vaccine vector. In this work, we generated a recombinant PIV5 expressing the HA gene of H7N9 (PIV5-H7) and tested its efficacy against infection with influenza virus A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9) in mice and guinea pigs. PIV5-H7 protected the mice against lethal H7N9 challenge. Interestingly, the protection did not require antibody since PIV5-H7 protected JhD mice that do not produce antibody against lethal H7N9 challenge. Furthermore, transfer of anti-H7 serum did not protect mice against H7N9 challenge. PIV5-H7 generated high HAI titers in guinea pigs, however it did not protect against H7N9 infection or transmission. Intriguingly, immunization of guinea pigs with PIV5-H7 and PIV5 expressing NP of influenza A virus H5N1 (PIV5-NP) conferred protection against H7N9 infection and transmission. Thus, we have obtained a H7N9 vaccine that protected both mice and guinea pigs against lethal H7N9 challenge and infection respectively.


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Chlamydia trachomatis is a major cause of sexually transmitted diseases worldwide. There currently is no vaccine to protect against chlamydial infection of the female reproductive tract. Vaccine development has predominantly involved using the murine model, however infection of female guinea pigs with Chlamydia caviae more closely resembles chlamydial infection of the human female reproductive tract, and presents a better model to assess potential human chlamydial vaccines. We immunised female guinea pigs intranasally with recombinant major outer membrane protein (r-MOMP) combined with CpG-10109 and cholera toxin adjuvants. Both systemic and mucosal immune responses were elicited in immunised animals. MOMP-specific IgG and IgA were present in the vaginal mucosae, and high levels of MOMP-specific IgG were detected in the serum of immunised animals. Antibodies from the vaginal mucosae were also shown to be capable of neutralising C. caviae in vitro. Following immunisation, animals were challenged intravaginally with a live C. caviae infection of 102 inclusion forming units. We observed a decrease in duration of infection and a significant (p<0.025) reduction in infection load in r-MOMP immunised animals, compared to animals immunised with adjuvant only. Importantly, we also observed a marked reduction in upper reproductive tract (URT) pathology in r-MOMP immunised animals. Intranasal immunisation of female guinea pigs with r-MOMP was able to provide partial protection against C. caviae infection, not only by reducing chlamydial burden but also URT pathology. This data demonstrates the value of using the guinea pig model to evaluate potential chlamydial vaccines for protection against infection and disease pathology caused by C. trachomatis in the female reproductive tract.


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The objective the study was to determine the levels of glucose and triglycerides in seminal plasma of 10 guinea pigs, which were fed for a period of 2 months with a diet containing 10% more ED. The level of glucose found in seminal plasma was 11.59 ± 0.5 mg/dL and triglyceride value was 55.95 ± 3.2 mg/dL, while the motility was 97% on average. We conclude that in guinea pigs the levels both glucose and triglycerides were increased by major level of ED in feed, but the spermatic motility was not.


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The aim of this study was to further investigate the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of fetal cererbral white matter injury associated with chorioamnionitis by charaterizing the time course of the cytokine response in the pregnant guinea pig following a maternal inflammatory insult. Chorioamnionitis increases the risk for fetal brain injury. In the guinea pig, a threshold maternal inflammatory response must be reached for significant fetal brain injury to occur. However, a previous study demonstrated that, by seven days after an acute maternal inflammatory insult, cytokine levels in both maternal and fetal compartments are not different from controls. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to test the hypothesis that a significant cytokine response occurs within the first seven days following an acute maternal inflammatory response. Pregnant guinea pigs (n=34) were injected intraperitoneally with 100µg/kg lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at 70% gestation and euthanized at 24 hours, 48 hours or 5 days following endotoxin exposure. Control animals were euthanized at 70% gestation without exposure. Concentrations of interleukin-6, interleukin 1-β and tumour necrosis factor-α (IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α) were quantified in the maternal serum and amniotic fluid by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. IL-6 and IL-1β concentrations were elevated in the maternal serum at 24 hours and returned to control levels by five days. In the amniotic fluid, IL-6 peaked at 48 hours and IL-1β at 24 hours. TNF-α levels were not significantly increased. A single maternal LPS injection produces transient increases in cytokine concentrations in the maternal serum and amniotic fluid. This further implicates the cytokines as potential mediators of fetal white matter damage. Although this response might not be sufficient to produce the brain injury itself, it may initiate harmful pro-inflammatory cytokine cascades, which could even continue to harm the fetus following delivery. A human diagnostic protocol was developed to assess the use of serial serum biomarkers, including IL-6 and TNF-α, in the prediction of histological chorioamnionitis. Preliminary analysis of the pilot study suggests that certain biomarkers might be worthy of further investigation in a larger-scale study.


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PURPOSE: We describe the presence of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) throughout the wall of the guinea pig bladder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bladders obtained from male guinea pigs were prepared for immunohistochemical investigations using various primary antibodies, including the specific ICC marker c-kit (Gibco BRL, Grand Island, New York). Enzymatically dispersed cells with a branched morphology were identified as ICC using anti-c-kit. They were loaded with fluo-4acetoxymethyl (Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon) and studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: Anti-c-kit labeling demonstrated that ICC were oriented in parallel with the smooth muscle bundles that run diagonally throughout the bladder. Double labeling with anti-smooth muscle myosin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Missouri) revealed that ICC were located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles. When anti-c-kit was used in combination with the general neuronal antibody protein gene product 9.5 (Ultraclone Ltd., Isle of Wight, United Kingdom) or anti-neuronal nitric oxide synthase, it was noted that there was a close association between nerves and ICC. Enzymatic dissociation of cells from tissue pieces yielded a heterogeneous population of cells containing typical spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells and branched cells resembling ICC from other preparations. The latter could be identified immunohistochemically as ICC using anti-c-kit, whereas the majority of spindle-shaped cells were not Kit positive. Branched cells responded to the application of carbachol by firing Ca2+ waves and they were often spontaneously active. CONCLUSIONS: ICC are located on the boundary of smooth muscle bundles in the guinea pig bladder. They fire Ca2+ waves in response to cholinergic stimulation and can be spontaneously active, suggesting that they could act as pacemakers or intermediaries in the transmission of nerve signals to smooth muscle cells.


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Several populations of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) exist in the bladder, associated with intramural nerves. Although ICC respond to exogenous agonists, there is currently no evidence of their functional innervation. The objective was to determine whether bladder ICC are functionally innervated. Guinea-pig bladder tissues, loaded with fluo-4AM were imaged with fluorescent microscopy and challenged with neurogenic electrical field stimulation (EFS). All subtypes of ICC and smooth muscle cells (SMC) displayed spontaneous Ca2+-oscillations. EFS (0.5Hz, 2Hz, 10Hz) evoked tetrodotoxin (1µM)-sensitive Ca2+-transients in lamina propria ICC (ICC-LP), detrusor ICC and perivascular ICC (PICC) associated with mucosal microvessels. EFS responses in ICC-LP were significantly reduced by atropine or suramin. SMC and vascular SMC (VSM) also responded to EFS. Spontaneous Ca2+-oscillations in individual ICC-LP within networks occurred asynchronously whereas EFS evoked coordinated Ca2+-transients in all ICC-LP within a field of view. Non-correlated Ca2+-oscillations in detrusor ICC and adjacent SMC pre-EFS, contrasted with simultaneous neurogenic Ca2+ transients evoked by EFS. Spontaneous Ca2+-oscillations in PICC were little affected by EFS, whereas large Ca2+-transients were evoked in pre-EFS quiescent PICC. EFS also increased the frequency of VSM Ca2+-oscillations. In conclusion, ICC-LP, detrusor ICC and PICC are functionally innervated. Interestingly, Ca2+-activity within ICC-LP networks and between detrusor ICC and their adjacent SMC were synchronous under neural control. VSM and PICC Ca2+-activity was regulated by bladder nerves. These novel findings demonstrate functional neural control of bladder ICC. Similar studies should now be carried out on neurogenic bladder to elucidate the contribution of impaired nerve-ICC communication to bladder pathophysiology.


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Objectifs: Le Nystatin est un antibiotique efficace pour le traitement d’otomycose. Bien que sa sécurité au niveau de l’oreille externe soit bien établie, son utilisation n’est pas recommandée lorsqu’il y a une perforation tympanique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le potentiel ototoxique du Nystatin lorsque celui-ci est appliqué directement au niveau de l’oreille moyenne. Méthodes: Nous avons fait une étude expérimentale avec 18 cochons d’Indes de souche Hartley que nous avons divisés en deux groupes. En exposant l’oreille moyenne de chaque animal au Nystatin (groupe I) ou à la néomycine (groupe II) et chaque oreille controlatérale à une solution physiologique (NaCl), la fonction auditive a été évaluée avec un test de potentiels évoqués auditif du tronc cérébral avant et après les injections. Une étude par microscopie électronique a permis une comparaison histologique de l’état des cellules ciliées cochléaires entre les 2 groupes. Résultats: Les pertes auditives moyennes du groupe « Nystatin » étaient de 13.0 dB et comparables aux pertes moyennes observées dans les oreilles ayant été injectées avec du NaCl (4.0 dB dans le groupe I et 15.1 dB dans le groupe II). Le groupe de contrôle « néomycine » a subi une perte auditive moyenne de 39.3 dB, ce qui représente une différence cliniquement et statistiquement significative (p<0.001). L’étude histologique avec une microscopie à balayage électronique a démontré une conservation de l’architecture des cellules ciliées cochléaires dans les groupe Nystatin et NaCl. La néomycine a causé une destruction marquée de ces structures. Conclusions: Le Nystatin ne provoque pas d’atteinte auditive ni de destruction des cellules ciliées externes après injection directe dans l’oreille moyenne chez le cochon d’Inde.


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The protease activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) belongs to a family of G-protein-coupled receptors that are activated by proteolysis. Trypsin cleaves PAR-2, exposing an N-terminal tethered ligand (SLIGRL) that activates the receptor. Messenger RNA (mRNA) for PAR-2 was found in guinea pig airway tissue by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and PAR-2 was found by immunohistochemistry in airway epithelial and smooth-muscle cells. In anesthetized guinea pigs, trypsin and SLIGRL-NH(2) (given intratracheally or intravenously) caused a bronchoconstriction that was inhibited by the combination of tachykinin-NK(1) and -NK(2) receptor antagonists and was potentiated by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Trypsin and SLIGRL-NH(2) relaxed isolated trachea and main bronchi, and contracted intrapulmonary bronchi. Relaxation of main bronchi was abolished or reversed to contraction by removal of epithelium, administration of indomethacin, and NOS inhibition. PAR-1, PAR-3, and PAR-4 were not involved in the bronchomotor action of either trypsin or SLIGRL-NH(2), because ligands of these receptors were inactive either in vitro or in vivo, and because thrombin (a PAR-1 and PAR-3 agonist) did not show cross-desensitization with PAR-2 agonists in vivo. Thus, we have localized PAR-2 to the guinea-pig airways, and have shown that activation of PAR-2 causes multiple motor effects in these airways, including in vivo bronchoconstriction, which is in part mediated by a neural mechanism.


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Damage following ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) is common in the intestine and can be caused during abdominal surgery, in several disease states and following intestinal transplantation. Most studies have concentrated on damage to the mucosa, although published evidence also points to effects on neurons. Moreover, alterations of neuronally controlled functions of the intestine persist after I/R. The present study was designed to investigate the time course of damage to neurons and the selectivity of the effect of I/R damage for specific types of enteric neurons. A branch of the superior mesenteric artery supplying the distal ileum of anesthetised guinea pigs was occluded for 1 h and the animals were allowed to recover for 2 h to 4 weeks before tissue was taken for the immunohistochemical localization of markers of specific neuron types in tissues from sham and I/R animals. The dendrites of neurons with nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity, which are inhibitory motor neurons and interneurons, were distorted and swollen by 24 h after I/R and remained enlarged up to 28 days. The total neuron profile areas (cell body plus dendrites) increased by 25%, but the sizes of cell bodies did not change significantly. Neurons of type II morphology (intrinsic primary afferent neurons), revealed by NeuN immunoreactivity, were transiently reduced in cell size, at 24 h and 7 days. These neurons also showed signs of minor cell surface blebbing. Calretinin neurons, many of which are excitatory motor neurons, were unaffected. Thus, this study revealed a selective damage to NOS neurons that was observed at 24 h and persisted up to 4 weeks, without a significant change in the relative numbers of NOS neurons.


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Non-absorbable microgranular hydroxyapatite was infiltrated into the subepidermal abdominal region of guinea pigs in order to assess the possibility of using this material to correct deficiencies in orbital volume. Microgranular hydroxyapatite (2.0 ml) was subepidermally infiltrated into the abdominal region of 20 guinea pigs. The animals were divided into four experimental groups of 5 animals each, which were killed 7 (G1), 15 (G2), 30 (G3) and 60 (G4) days after infiltration. The area and the largest and smallest diameters of the nodules formed by infiltration were evaluated at the site of infiltration and histological examination was performed. The mean granuloma area was similar in all groups. Histopathological examination showed that the material remained isolated from surrounding tissues by a pseudocapsule that became denser throughout the experiment. A host reaction started with young fibroblastic tissue that evolved to dense tissue until cartilaginous tissue was formed in G4, progressively advancing towards the center of the granuloma from G1 to G4. Non-absorbable microgranular hydroxyapatite is an inert material that was well tolerated by the animals studied, with maintenance of the infiltrated volume, and may perhaps be useful to fill anophthalmic cavities.


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The tea made with leaves and stems of plant Anchietia salutaris is traditionally used in Brazil to treat allergies. We examined the effects of a crude aqueous extract and of purified fractions of this plant on the histamine release induced in rat and guinea pig tissues. The crude extract (3-10 mu g/ml) inhibits the histamine release induced by compound 48/80 (0.5 mu g/ml) and antigen in rat peritoneal mast cells. The inhibition is significant after 10 s of preincubation and is completed after 3 min. The crude extract dissolved in the perfusion fluid (1-30 mu g/ml) also inhibits the histamine release induced in guinea pig heart by cardiac anaphylaxis and in hearts from pretreated animals (10-100 mg/kg i.p.). In pretreated animals, the effect manifests after 3 h, is maximum after 12 h and disappears after 48 h. The histamine release induced in isolated guinea pig heart by ionophore A23187 is inhibited by similar doses as in antigen-induced histamine release. Extraction with solvents concentrated the active principle (s) in the hexane fractions, as demonstrated by the inhibition of the histamine release induced by antigen in isolated cells from guinea pig heart dispersed with collagenase. In subfractions produced by the fractionation of the hexane fraction, the active principle(s) concentrated in the subfractions obtained by extraction with hexane and ethyl acetate, which shows the low polarity of the compound(s). The same subfractions that inhibit the histamine release induced by antigen in cells from guinea pig heart also inhibit pulmonary cells. Our result show that A. salutaris contains low-polarity compound(s) that inhibit the histamine release induced by three different mechanisms in mast cells from two animal species. These facts suggest that the active principle(s) of A, salutaris could be useful in the treatment of allergies and/or as a tool for the study of mast cell secretions.


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Heparin is the most frequently used drug for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis. Its use, however, is restricted by its side-effects. To study the efficacy of other glycosaminoglycans that could substitute heparin in the management of arterial thrombosis, 60 guinea-pigs were randomly allocated into 6 groups: G1= control, G2= heparin (150 IU/kg), G3= heparan sulfate from beef pancreas (2.5 mg/kg), G4= heparan sulfate from beef lung (2.5 mg/kg), G5= N-acetylated heparan from beef pancreas, G6= dermatan sulfate from beef intestine (2.5 mg/kg). Ten minutes after intravenous injection of the drugs, thrombosis was induced by the injection of a 50% glucose solution into a segment of the right carotid artery isolated between 2 thread loops during 10 minutes. Three hours later the artery was re-exposed and if a thrombus was present it was measured, withdrawn and weighed. Thrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were measured in all animals. Thrombus developed in 90% of the animals in the control group, 0% in G2 and G3, 62.5% in G4, 87.5% in G5 and G6. Only in the animals treated with heparin the coagulation tests were prolonged. In conclusion, in the used dose only the heparan sulfate from beef pancreas presented an antithrombotic effect similar to heparin in this experimental model.