977 resultados para Guimarães, Ulysses, 1916-1992


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The memoirs were written in 1982 in Sydney, Australia and include excerpts of letters from various relatives during the years 1938-1941. Early childhood recollections of World War One. The family was living in the 6th district of Vienna. Description of domestic life with maids, laundresses and a French governess. Death of her mother in 1918. Trip with her stepmother Ida Plohn to Prague. Recollections of a stay in the countryside at their maid's family, where Selma and her older sister Martha awaited the birth of their younger sister Trude. Memories of Christmas celebrations. Summer vacations in the mountains. Description of the extended family. Inflation and economic depression in the 1920s. Strict upbringing by her stepmother. Children recreation trip to Grado, Italy in 1925. Selma was accepted at the "Bundeserziehungsanstalt" for gifted students. Only few fellow Jewish students. Religious education with beloved rabbi Diamant. Recovery from tonsilitis in a senatorium in Aflenz, Austria. Celebration of Jewish holidays and visits at the Synagogue on Yom Kippur. Transfer to Realschule. Due to a sudden onset of various illnesses Selma was unable to continue school and had put an end to her father's dream of an university education for her. Difficult to find a position in the depression times of the early 1930s. Only few working options for a Jewish woman. Position as a secretary in a Jewish firm. Outings in the Vienna Woods. Membership in the Zionist group Betar.


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This is a collection of the records of Rabbi Salamon Faber, Chair of the Queens Bet Din or Rabbinic Court, concerning the gittin (plural of get, Jewish religious divorces) that the Queens Bet Din granted between 1947 and 1992. These records include Rabbi’s Faber’s personal notes about the gittin, correspondence with the husband and wife and with any other concerned parties, copies of civil and religious marriage and divorce documents, divorce contracts signed by the husband, and copies of conversion certificates.


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Contains papers and photos including correspondence and other materials relating to work as Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (and Israel), as National Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, as a leading campaigner for Israel Bonds, and as co-founder of and Chairman of the Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science; 2 texts of radio broadcasts made in 1948 informing America about the Israeli war for independence and the new Israeli republic; a list of military equipment supplied by Mr. Stone to Israel in 1948; letters and biographical material relating both to pressure applied by Mr. Stone and others on Pres. Truman to recognize and support the new Jewish state and to Mr. Stone's financial support of Truman's campaign and the Democratic Party in 1948; materials on associations with Boston University (including the dedication of the Dewey D. and Harry K. Stone Science Building), and the Truman Library; tributes and awards; biographical material; memorials; misc. speeches, presentations, and essays; misc. press clippings; and various photographs. Among the correspondents are: Chaim Weizmann, Vera Weizmann, Abba Eban, David Ben Gurion, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, the Rothschilds, Hubert Humphrey, Adlai E. Stevenson II, Teddy Kollek, Golda Meir, Richard Cardinal Cushing, Jacob Fine, Henry Ford II, Solomon Goldman, John M. McCormack, Meyer Weisgal, and Stephen S. Wise.


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The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts by Roth of the first two volumes in his Mercy of a Rude Stream series. The manuscripts include editing notes by Roth and others. Several items of memorabilia are also included in the collection.


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Various materials pertaining to the recollections of Eugene (Egon) Katz about his life in the 1920s and 1930s in Barntrup in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.


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Background Investigating population changes gives insight into effectiveness and need for prevention and rehabilitation services. Incidence rates of amputation are highly varied, making it difficult to meaningfully compare rates between studies and regions or to compare changes over time. Study Design Historical cohort study of transtibial amputation, knee disarticulation, and transfemoral amputations resulting from vascular disease or infection, with/without diabetes, in 2003-2004, in the three Northern provinces of the Netherlands. Objectives To report the incidence of first transtibial amputation, knee disarticulation, or transfemoral amputation in 2003-2004 and the characteristics of this population, and to compare these outcomes to an earlier reported cohort from 1991 to 1992. Methods Population-based incidence rates were calculated per 100,000 person-years and compared across the two cohorts. Results Incidence of amputation was 8.8 (all age groups) and 23.6 (≥45 years) per 100,000 person-years. This was unchanged from the earlier study of 1991-1992. The relative risk of amputation was 12 times greater for people with diabetes than for people without diabetes. Conclusions Investigation is needed into reasons for the unchanged incidence with respect to the provision of services from a range of disciplines, including vascular surgery, diabetes care, and multidisciplinary foot clinics. Clinical relevance This study shows an unchanged incidence of amputation over time and a high risk of amputation related to diabetes. Given the increased prevalence of diabetes and population aging, both of which present an increase in the population at risk of amputation, finding methods for reducing the rate of amputation is of importance.


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Righteousness, justice or faithfulness? The Hebrew Root ṣdq in the Psalter of the Finnish Church Bible of 1992 This study attempts to answer three questions. Firstly, what do the derivates of the root ṣdq mean in the Hebrew Psalter? Secondly, with which equivalents are these Hebrew words translated in the Psalter of the Finnish Church Bible of 1992 and why? And thirdly, how is the translation of the root ṣdq in the Psalter placed in comparison with the translations of the root ṣdq in certain ancient and modern Bible translations? The root ṣdq has a very wide semantic field in Biblical Hebrew. The basic meaning of the root ṣdq is ‘right’ or ‘to be in the right’. The traditional English equivalent of the root ṣdq is righteousness. In many European languages the equivalent of the root ṣdq has some connection with the word ‘right’, but this is not the case in Finnish. The Finnish word vanhurskaus has been present since the first Finnish Bible translation by Mikael Agricola in 1548. However, this word has nothing to do with the Finnish word for ‘right’. The word vanhurskaus has become a very specific religious and theological word in Finnish, and it can be a word that is not obvious or at all understandable even to a native Finnish speaker. In the Psalter of the earlier Finnish Church Bible of 1938 almost every derivate of the root ṣdq (132/139) was translated as vanhurskaus. In the Psalter of the Finnish Church Bible of 1992 less than half of these derivates (67/139) are translated as that. Translators have used 20 different equivalents of the Hebrew derivates of the root ṣdq. But this type of translation also has its own problems. The most disputed is the fact that in it the Bible reader finds no connections between many Bible verses that have obvious connections with each other in the Hebrew Bible. For example, in verse Ps. 118, 15 one finds a Finnish word for ‘saved’ and in verse Ps. 142, 8 one finds another Finnish word for ‘friends’, while in the Hebrew Bible the same word is used in both verses, ṣaddîqīm. My study will prove that it is very challenging to compare or fit together the semantics of these two quite different languages. The theoretical framework for the study consists of biblical semantic theories and Bible translation theories. Keywords: religious language, Bible translations, Book of Psalms.


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Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 26(4) -numeron liitteenä.


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The aim of the thesis was to study the extent of spatial concentration of immigrant population in Helsinki and to analyse the impact of housing policy on ethnic residential segregation in 1992-2005. For the purpose of the study, immigrant population was defined based on the language spoken at home. The theory of residential segregation by Andersson and Molina formed the main theoretical framework for the study. According to Andersson and Molina ethnic residential segregation results from different dynamic intra-urban migration processes. Institutionally generated migration, i.e. migration patterns generated by various housing and immigrant policies and procedures, is one of the central factors in the development of ethnic segregation. The data of the study consisted of population and housing statistics and housing and immigrant policy documents of Helsinki municipality. Spatial concentration of immigrant population was studied both at district and building levels using GIS-methods and statistical methods. The housing policy of Helsinki municipality was analysed using a method created by Musterd et al. Musterd et al. categorise two types of policy approaches to residential segregation: spatial dispersion policy and compensating policy. The housing policy of Helsinki has a strong focus on social mixing and spatial dispersion of housing stock. Ethnic segregation is regarded as a threat. The importance of ethnic communities and networks is, however, acknowledged and small-scale concentration is therefore not considered harmful. Despite the spatial dispersion policy, the immigrant population is concentrated in the eastern, north-eastern and north-western suburbs of Helsinki. The spatial pattern of concentration was formed already at the beginning of the 1990's when immigration to Finland suddenly peaked. New immigrant groups were housed in the neighbourhoods where public housing was available at the time. Housing policy, namely the location of new residential areas and public housing blocks and the policies of public housing allocation were key factors influencing the residential patterns of immigrant population in the 1990's. The immigration and refugee policies of the state have also had an impact on the development. The concentration of immigrant population has continued in the same areas in the beginning of the 2000's. Dispersion to new areas has mainly taken place within the eastern and north-eastern parts of the city or in the adjacent areas. The migration patterns of native population and the reasonably rapid changes in the housing market have emerged as new factors generating and influencing the ethnic residential segregation in Helsinki in the 2000's. Due to social mixing and spatial dispersion policies, ethnic segregation in Helsinki has so far been fairly small-scale, concentrated in particular housing blocks. The number of residential buildings with a high share of immigrant population is very modest. However, the number of such buildings has doubled between 1996-2002. The concentration of immigrant population concerns mainly the public housing sector. The difference in the level of concentration between the public housing sector and privately owned housing companies is remarkable.


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El objetivo principal del estudio fue conocer el comportamiento económico de tres fincas ganaderas de Doble Propósito; dos de ellas, ubicadas en el municipio de "Muy Muy" y explotadas de forma extensiva (fincas 1 y 2) y una tercera en el municipio de Tipitapa explotada de forma intensiva (3). La. base principal de este trabajo la constituyó la información proporcionada por loa productores, la que fue recolectada a través de un diagnóstico estático y un dinámico por el periodo de un año, la mayor parte de esta era de carácter económico, dándole prioridad a los gastos e ingresos incurridos en el periodo, además, se consideró algunas actividades de manejo practicado en ella. Se determinaron algunos índices productivos, la inversión inicial en medios fijos, los gastos por componentes, los ingresos y la rentabilidad entre otras. Los resultados indican que las fincas ubicadas en la zona de Tipitapa presentan ventajas comparativas en cuanto a la calidad de los suelos, facilidad de tecnificación, acceso al mercado, adquisición de insumos a más bajos precios Etc., dentro de las fincas evaluadas la tierra represento la mayor inversión de capital en medios fijos (53.58%), para las fincas de "Muy Muy" y 38% para la finca tres. Los mayores gastos correspondieron al componente mano de obra en las tres fincas, mientras que lo efectuado en alimentación en la finca uno y dos (10%) reflejan la baja suplementación en relación a la finca tres (40%) el que constituyó en esta un gasto constante. Respecto a los costos fijos y variables, la finca uno fue la que presentó los costos fijos más altos (76.29%); y la finca tres los costos variables (39.50%). El costo de producción de un litro de leche resultó superior al precio de venta del mismo en las tres fincas, al considerar dentro de los costos el interés de capital (Método A), el precio de venta fue C$1.25, C$1.15 y C$1,50 y el costo de producción de C$1.44, C$1.16 y C$1. 72. Al excluir dicho interés (Método B) el costo de producción fue de C$1.09, C$0.86 y C$1.42. Los mayores ingresos fueron aportados por el subsistema leche en las tres fincas, por concepto de venta de leche fluida y animales propios de esta actividad (85.40%, 98.12% y 67.24%). Al establecer relación entre los ingresos totales, costos totales y la inversión se encontró que las fincas 1 y 3 operaron con pérdidas determinándose entonces que las actividades no fueron rentables (-7.283%) y (-12.663%) durante este período, mientras que la finca 2 presentó una rentabilidad de (4.4%). Se identificaron algunas limitantes que al final repercuten en la actividad económica de las fincas sobresaliendo entre otros: Los bajos precios por la venta de los productos, los altos costos de los insumos, falta de conservación de pastos en la época seca, asistencia técnica irregular, la no utilización de registros, entre otras. Sólo con el incremento del volumen de la producción y superando la mayoría de las limitantes es que se logrará que las fincas amplíen sus beneficios, cubran sus costos y logren operar sin pérdidas.


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I. INTRODUCCION..............1; 1.1. Objetivos................ 3; 1.2. Deberes y Derechos........4; 1.3. Logros obtenidos...........5; II. CARACTERIZACION DEL CENTRO DE PRODUCCION...........6; III. GINECOLOGIA Y OBSTETRICIA......................16; IV. SANIDAD ANIMAL.......34; 4.1. Anatomía patológica (necropsia>.... 34; 4.2. Parasitología.....38; 4.3. Epizootiología....42; V. SITUACION TOXICOLOGICA DE LA ZONA.....46; VI. EVALUACION DE LAS PERDIDAS ECONOMICAS.....49; VII. CONCLUSIONES........54; VIII. RECOMENDACIONES.......55; IX. BIBLIOGRAFIA.........56; X. ANEXOS .............57


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Se estudió el comportamiento de las epidemias de roya en el ciclo 1992-93 en la zona norte de Nicaragua, así como sus diferencias respecto al ciclo 1991-92; el efecto de las precipitaciones sobre el desarrollo de las epidemias; la relación entre la enfermedad y la defoliación, y el efecto de la enfermedad sobre la producción en un ciclo de estudio, comparando métodos para la estimación de la relación roya-café. Se seleccionaron lotes colindantes en tres fincas ubicadas en la zona norte. En uno de los lotes se realizó un muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados, utilizando 15 plantas en un periodo de muestreo que duró 7 meses (un muestreo cada 2 semanas). Se registró cada dos semanas el número de nudos, nudos con frutos, hojas presentes, incidencia y severidad; además se registró la precipitación acumulada cada dos semanas, y el manejo agronómico realizado durante el periodo de muestreo. Este lote fue utilizado para la descripción de las epidemias y la comparación con los datos del ciclo 1991-92. Un segundo lote, colindante al anterior, se sometió a un diseño experimental de Parcelas Apareadas, donde se registraron las mismas variables, pero en lugar del número de nudos con frutos se registraron el número de frutos por bandola. Este último lote fue utilizado exclusivamente para la comparación con el lote del muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados. La epidemia comenzó a desarrollarse entre octubre y noviembre, alcanzando niveles bajos durante todo el muestreo, sus valores máximos se registraron en febrero. El inóculo residual tuvo un efecto importante en el desarrollo de la epidemia en el presente ciclo. Las precipitaciones moderadas determinaron el periodo adecuado para el desarrollo de la epidemia. La incidencia resultó ser un parámetro adecuado para la descripción de la epidemia. El desarrollo de la epidemia coincidió con el periodo de defoliación natural del café; la incidencia de la enfermedad influye considerablemente en la intensidad de ese fenómeno. La comparación entre ciclos demostró que la importancia de la enfermedad varía de un ciclo a otro, ya que los niveles de la incidencia y defoliación disminuyeron considerablemente. Los métodos estudiados mostraron que no hay un efecto negativo tangible de la roya sobre la producción del mismo ciclo de estudio de la incidencia. El muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados resultó ser un método práctico y sencillo, por lo tanto más adecuado para este tipo de estudio.