221 resultados para Griselda Gambaro


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La investigación propone abordar los procesos de subjetivación en adolescentes que habitan contextos de violencia. Se intenta correr la mirada desde la cual se ubica a la violencia como intrínseca y propia de la población juvenil a posicionar nuestro eje de análisis en la forma en cómo los conflictos son producidos y regulados por el entorno socio- cultural y el efecto que ello tiene en la conformación de las subjetividades de los jóvenes al decir de Wacquant (2007) y Winnicott (1989) al establecer la relación entre la deprivación – concepto que alude al déficit de un sostén ambiental lo suficientemente bueno - y los actos delictivos, considerando estos últimos a nivel colectivo en términos de vulnerabilidad subjetiva y de exclusión social. Su objetivo es abordar la complejidad de la violencia y las particularidades que presentan los procesos de subjetivación en los jóvenes escolarizados que habitan contextos de vulnerabilidad psicosocial como los del Barrio Villa Barranca Yaco, de la Ciudad de Córdoba. Para ello se propone, explorar las representaciones y prácticas subjetivantes de los adolescentes que habitan en estos contextos; estudiar las “subjetividades en situación” como modalidades subjetivas de habitar en ese contexto, entre ellas las prácticas de desubjetivación, de resistencia y de invención; así como indagar las representaciones que tienen las familias, la comunidad educativa y los referentes comunitarios, en relación a los adolescentes y la violencia. El trabajo se enmarca en una metodología de investigación acción participativa, la cual concibe la investigación y la participación, como momentos dentro de un mismo proceso de producción de conocimientos. La complejidad de la realidad a abordar requiere metodologías que permitan identificar y describir los diferentes niveles y perspectivas implícitas en su entramado a través de formas dinámicas de producir y desarrollar conocimientos y cambios, promoviendo espacios que faciliten el debate, la formación de consensos y la explicitación de disensos y perspectivas (Minayo, 2004). Se busca integrar estrategias cuali y cuantitativas triangulando: fuentes de datos (adolescentes, familias, docentes); instrumentos (encuestas, observaciones, entrevistas semiestructuradas, talleres grupales). Los datos recolectados a través de las diferentes instancias y herramientas se analizarán cualitativamente identificando emergentes y categorías, tanto en sus concepciones presentes como futuras.


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BACKGROUND: The elongase of long chain fatty acids family 6 (ELOVL6) is an enzyme that specifically catalyzes the elongation of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids with 12, 14 and 16 carbons. ELOVL6 is expressed in lipogenic tissues and it is regulated by sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP-1). OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether ELOVL6 genetic variation is associated with insulin sensitivity in a population from southern Spain. DESIGN: We undertook a prospective, population-based study collecting phenotypic, metabolic, nutritional and genetic information. Measurements were made of weight and height and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Insulin resistance was measured by homeostasis model assessment. The type of dietary fat was assessed from samples of cooking oil taken from the participants' kitchens and analyzed by gas chromatography. Five SNPs of the ELOVL6 gene were analyzed by SNPlex. RESULTS: Carriers of the minor alleles of the SNPs rs9997926 and rs6824447 had a lower risk of having high HOMA_IR, whereas carriers of the minor allele rs17041272 had a higher risk of being insulin resistant. An interaction was detected between the rs6824447 polymorphism and the intake of oil in relation with insulin resistance, such that carriers of this minor allele who consumed sunflower oil had lower HOMA_IR than those who did not have this allele (P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Genetic variations in the ELOVL6 gene were associated with insulin sensitivity in this population-based study.


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Treball que recull l'experiència de l’autora durant 4 mesos en l’IES Vallvera. Durant aquest temps ha pogut observar, aprendre i conèixer les tasques dels professionals de la psicopedagogia. L’IES Vallvera és un centre que acull molts alumnes immigrants, i per tant el tracte amb alumnes i l’assessorament d’aquests és el treball del dia a dia de la psicopedagoga del centre


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Immune-mediated nephritis contributes to disease in systemic lupus erythematosus, Goodpasture syndrome (caused by antibodies specific for glomerular basement membrane [anti-GBM antibodies]), and spontaneous lupus nephritis. Inbred mouse strains differ in susceptibility to anti-GBM antibody-induced and spontaneous lupus nephritis. This study sought to clarify the genetic and molecular factors that maybe responsible for enhanced immune-mediated renal disease in these models. When the kidneys of 3 mouse strains sensitive to anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis were compared with those of 2 control strains using microarray analysis, one-fifth of the underexpressed genes belonged to the kallikrein gene family,which encodes serine esterases. Mouse strains that upregulated renal and urinary kallikreins exhibited less evidence of disease. Antagonizing the kallikrein pathway augmented disease, while agonists dampened the severity of anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis. In addition, nephritis-sensitive mouse strains had kallikrein haplotypes that were distinct from those of control strains, including several regulatory polymorphisms,some of which were associated with functional consequences. Indeed, increased susceptibility to anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis and spontaneous lupus nephritis was achieved by breeding mice with a genetic interval harboring the kallikrein genes onto a disease-resistant background. Finally, both human SLE and spontaneous lupus nephritis were found to be associated with kallikrein genes, particularly KLK1 and the KLK3 promoter, when DNA SNPs from independent cohorts of SLE patients and controls were compared. Collectively, these studies suggest that kallikreins are protective disease-associated genes in anti-GBM antibody-induced nephritis and lupus.


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La finalitat de la recerca és aportar una informació estructurada sobre les persones que es troben ingressades a presó per delictes relacionats amb la seguretat viària, tant pel que fa a les característiques dels infractors com dels programes i intervencions específiques que se’ls apliquen, per tal que aquesta informació pugui contribuir a millorar l‘aplicació de les intervencions que porten a terme els serveis penitenciaris. Els objectius generals de la investigació són tres: 1- Descriure el tractament penitenciari dels infractors de trànsit i comparar-lo amb les actuacions que es duen a terme a la resta de l’Estat i a d’altres quatre països europeus (Holanda, Alemanya, Suècia i Regne Unit). 2- Identificar les principals característiques sociodemogràfiques, personals i penitenciàries d’una mostra d’interns que hagin comès algun delicte relacionat amb la seguretat viària. 3- Identificar les possibles diferències entre les característiques psicològiques, sociodemogràfiques i personals, i l’estil de conducció d’una mostra d’interns amb algun delicte relacionat amb la seguretat viària i una mostra d’infractors condemnats a una mesura penal alternativa pel mateix tipus de delicte. Podem concloure que pel que fa a les variables psicològiques i l’estil de conducció hi ha algunes diferències significatives entre els grups analitzats però en general són petites. Això fa pensar que una part dels casos condemnats a pena de presó podrien ser abordats des de l’àmbit de les mesures penals alternatives. Una altra conclusió important és que l’abordatge d’aquests infractors no s’hauria de centrar tant en el delicte comès com en les seves necessitats criminògenes individuals.


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La finalidad de la investigación es aportar información estructurada sobre las personas que se encuentran ingresadas en prisión por delitos relacionados con la seguridad vial, respecto a las características de los infractores, como los programas e intervenciones específicas que se les aplican, para que esta información pueda contribuir a mejorar la aplicación de las intervenciones que llevan a cabo los servicios penitenciarios. Los objetivos generales de la investigación son tres: 1 - Describir el tratamiento penitenciario de los infractores de tráfico y compararlo con las actuaciones a nivel español y en otros cuatro países europeos (Holanda, Alemania, Suecia y Reino Unido). 2 - Identificar las principales características sociodemográficas, personales y penitenciarias de una muestra de internos que hayan cometido algún delito relacionado con la seguridad vial. 3 - Identificar las posibles diferencias entre las características psicológicas, sociodemográficas y personales y el estilo de conducción de una muestra de internos con algún delito relacionado con la seguridad vial y una muestra de infractores condenados a una medida penal alternativa por el mismo tipo de delito. Podemos concluir que respecto a las variables psicológicas y el estilo de conducción hay algunas diferencias significativas entre los grupos analizados pero en general son pequeñas. Esto hace pensar que gran parte de estos casos podrían ser abordados desde el ámbito de las medidas penales alternativas. Otra conclusión importante es que el abordaje de estos infractores no se tendría que centrar tanto en el delito cometido como en las necesidades criminógenas individuales.


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Background: The objective was to investigate the association between BMI and single nucleotide polymorphisms previously identified of obesity-related genes in two Spanish populations. Forty SNPs in 23 obesity-related genes were evaluated in a rural population characterized by a high prevalence of obesity (869 subjects, mean age 46 yr, 62% women, 36% obese) and in an urban population (1425 subjects, mean age 54 yr, 50% women, 19% obese). Genotyping was assessed by using SNPlex and PLINK for the association analysis. Results: Polymorphisms of the FTO were significantly associated with BMI, in the rural population (beta 0.87, p-value <0.001). None of the other SNPs showed significant association after Bonferroni correction in the two populations or in the pooled analysis. A weighted genetic risk score (wGRS) was constructed using the risk alleles of the Tag-SNPs with a positive Beta parameter in both populations. From the first to the fifth quintile of the score, the BMI increased 0.45 kg/m2 in Hortega and 2.0 kg/m2 in Pizarra. Overall, the obesity predictive value was low (less than 1%). Conclusion: The risk associated with polymorphisms is low and the overall effect on BMI or obesity prediction is minimal. A weighted genetic risk score based on genes mainly acting through central nervous system mechanisms was associated with BMI but it yields minimal clinical prediction for the obesity risk in the general population.


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Studies on the prevalence of infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) among children are scarce in Latin American countries, especially in Mexico. This study was aimed to investigate the prevalence of HBV infection, occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) and HBV genotypes among children with clinical hepatitis. In total, 215 children with clinical hepatitis were evaluated for HBV infection. HBV serological markers and HBV DNA were analysed. OBI diagnosis and HBV genotyping was performed. HBV infection was found in 11.2% of children with clinical hepatitis. Among these HBV DNA positive-infected children, OBI was identified in 87.5% (n = 21/24) of the cases and 12.5% (n = 3/24) were positive for both HBV DNA and hepatitis B surface antigen. OBI was more frequent among children who had not been vaccinated against hepatitis B (p < 0.05) than in those who had been vaccinated. HBV genotype H was prevalent in 71% of the children followed by genotype G (8%) and genotype A (4%). In conclusion, OBI is common among Mexican children with clinical hepatitis and is associated with HBV genotype H. The results show the importance of the molecular diagnosis of HBV infection in Mexican paediatric patients with clinical hepatitis and emphasise the necessity of reinforcing hepatitis B vaccination in children.


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We determined the serum IgE levels and T-helper (Th)17-related cytokines during distinct hepatitis A virus (HAV)-induced clinical courses in children. A significantly higher concentration of macrophage inflammatory protein 3α, interleukin (IL)-17E and IL-17F in HAV-infected children with intermediate liver injury compared with those with minor liver damage was found. A reduction in the IgE levels in those patients who showed the highest levels of IL-17F in the group of intermediate liver injury was found. The data suggested that the Th17-related profile is associated with the severity of HAV infection and might play a role on the modulation achieved by HAV during allergies.


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It is currently unknown whether treatment of Chagas disease decreases the risk of congenital transmission from previously treated mothers to their infants. In a cohort of women with Chagas disease previously treated with benznidazole, no congenital transmission of the disease was observed in their newborns. This finding provides support for the treatment of Chagas disease as early as possible.


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Elevated serum urate concentrations can cause gout, a prevalent and painful inflammatory arthritis. By combining data from >140,000 individuals of European ancestry within the Global Urate Genetics Consortium (GUGC), we identified and replicated 28 genome-wide significant loci in association with serum urate concentrations (18 new regions in or near TRIM46, INHBB, SFMBT1, TMEM171, VEGFA, BAZ1B, PRKAG2, STC1, HNF4G, A1CF, ATXN2, UBE2Q2, IGF1R, NFAT5, MAF, HLF, ACVR1B-ACVRL1 and B3GNT4). Associations for many of the loci were of similar magnitude in individuals of non-European ancestry. We further characterized these loci for associations with gout, transcript expression and the fractional excretion of urate. Network analyses implicate the inhibins-activins signaling pathways and glucose metabolism in systemic urate control. New candidate genes for serum urate concentration highlight the importance of metabolic control of urate production and excretion, which may have implications for the treatment and prevention of gout.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD), impairment of kidney function, is a serious public health problem, and the assessment of genetic factors influencing kidney function has substantial clinical relevance. Here, we report a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for kidney function-related traits, including 71,149 east Asian individuals from 18 studies in 11 population-, hospital- or family-based cohorts, conducted as part of the Asian Genetic Epidemiology Network (AGEN). Our meta-analysis identified 17 loci newly associated with kidney function-related traits, including the concentrations of blood urea nitrogen, uric acid and serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate based on serum creatinine levels (eGFRcrea) (P < 5.0 × 10(-8)). We further examined these loci with in silico replication in individuals of European ancestry from the KidneyGen, CKDGen and GUGC consortia, including a combined total of ∼110,347 individuals. We identify pleiotropic associations among these loci with kidney function-related traits and risk of CKD. These findings provide new insights into the genetics of kidney function.