902 resultados para Graphical User Interfaces
Användargränssnittsdesign är en stor del av en webbsidas intryck och förändras snabbt i takt med teknologins utveckling och trender. Men det gäller även att locka rätt användare. Hur lockar en webbsida till sig rätt målgrupp? Målet med rapporten var att analysera målgruppen gamers utifrån hur de upplever det grafiska användargränssnittet på en spelrelaterad webbsida. Rapporten behandlar även översiktitligt om aktuella trender för webbdesign tilltalar gamers. Undersökningen utfördes i två delar. I den första delen undersöktes 20 av de största spelrelaterade webbsidornas användargränssnitt. Under del två genomfördes en enkät och intervjuer med målgruppen gamers. I både enkäten och intervjuerna fick respondenterna ta ställning till olika mockups av en fiktiv webbsida. Det var stor skillnad på vad gamers ansåg vara tilltalande jämfört med hur de analyserade webbsidorna såg ut. Exempelvis var endast 25 % av de analyserade webbsidorna mörka medan 71,9 % av respondenterna föredrog en mörk layout.
It is increasingly common use of a single computer system using different devices - personal computers, telephones cellular and others - and software platforms - systems graphical user interfaces, Web and other systems. Depending on the technologies involved, different software architectures may be employed. For example, in Web systems, it utilizes architecture client-server - usually extended in three layers. In systems with graphical interfaces, it is common architecture with the style MVC. The use of architectures with different styles hinders the interoperability of systems with multiple platforms. Another aggravating is that often the user interface in each of the devices have structure, appearance and behaviour different on each device, which leads to a low usability. Finally, the user interfaces specific to each of the devices involved, with distinct features and technologies is a job that needs to be done individually and not allow scalability. This study sought to address some of these problems by presenting a reference architecture platform-independent and that allows the user interface can be built from an abstract specification described in the language in the specification of the user interface, the MML. This solution is designed to offer greater interoperability between different platforms, greater consistency between the user interfaces and greater flexibility and scalability for the incorporation of new devices
Using formal methods, the developer can increase software s trustiness and correctness. Furthermore, the developer can concentrate in the functional requirements of the software. However, there are many resistance in adopting this software development approach. The main reason is the scarcity of adequate, easy to use, and useful tools. Developers typically write code and test it. These tests usually consist of executing the program and checking its output against its requirements. This, however, is not always an exhaustive discipline. On the other side, using formal methods one might be able to investigate the system s properties further. Unfortunately, specification languages do not always have tools like animators or simulators, and sometimes there are no friendly Graphical User Interfaces. On the other hand, specification languages usually have a compiler which normally generates a Labeled Transition System (LTS). This work proposes an application that provides graphical animation for formal specifications using the LTS as input. The application initially supports the languages B, CSP, and Z. However, using a LTS in a specified XML format, it is possible to animate further languages. Additionally, the tool provides traces visualization, the choices the user did, in a graphical tree. The intention is to improve the comprehension of a specification by providing information about errors and animating it, as the developers do for programming languages, such as Java and C++.
This paper describes an interactive environment built entirely upon public domain or free software, intended to be used as the preprocessor of a finite element package for the simulation of three-dimensional electromagnetic problems.
This paper describes two solutions for systematic measurement of surface elevation that can be used for both profile and surface reconstructions for quantitative fractography case studies. The first one is developed under Khoros graphical interface environment. It consists of an adaption of the almost classical area matching algorithm, that is based on cross-correlation operations, to the well-known method of parallax measurements from stereo pairs. A normalization function was created to avoid false cross-correlation peaks, driving to the true window best matching solution at each region analyzed on both stereo projections. Some limitations to the use of scanning electron microscopy and the types of surface patterns are also discussed. The second algorithm is based on a spatial correlation function. This solution is implemented under the NIH Image macro programming, combining a good representation for low contrast regions and many improvements on overall user interface and performance. Its advantages and limitations are also presented.
The communication between user and software is a basic stage in any Interaction System project. In interactive systems, this communication is established by the means of a graphical interface, whose objective is to supply a visual representation of the main entities and functions present in the Virtual Environment. New ways of interacting in computational systems have been minimizing the gap in the relationship between man and computer, and therefore enhancing its usability. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to present a proposal for a non-conventional user interface library called ARISupport, which supplies ARToolKit applications developers with an opportunity to create simple GUI interfaces, and provides some of the functionality used in Augmented Reality systems. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una herramienta que permita al alumno la autocorrección de prácticas de la asignatura de Procesado Digital de la Señal. La herramienta será diseñada por medio del GUI de Matlab, que permite la creación de interfaces gráficos de usuario para la interacción con el alumno, así él mismo podrá comprobar si los resultado obtenidos para el enunciado de la práctica facilitado son correctos. La evaluación del alumno se llevará a cabo pidiendo distintas respuestas sobre las prácticas y comparándolas posteriormente con los resultados correctos. El código invisible al usuario será el encargado de indicar si el resultado es correcto o no lo es. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to develop a tool for the students of Digital Signal Processing that help them self-correct their lab exercises. The tool will be designed using the Matlab GUI, which allows the creation of graphical user interfaces to interact with the student, who can check whether the results obtained are correct or not. The student will be asked about different results of the exercises and the answers will be compared with the correct results. A part of the tool hidden to the student will reveal to the lecturer the outcome of this comparison.
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Integrating information in the molecular biosciences involves more than the cross-referencing of sequences or structures. Experimental protocols, results of computational analyses, annotations and links to relevant literature form integral parts of this information, and impart meaning to sequence or structure. In this review, we examine some existing approaches to integrating information in the molecular biosciences. We consider not only technical issues concerning the integration of heterogeneous data sources and the corresponding semantic implications, but also the integration of analytical results. Within the broad range of strategies for integration of data and information, we distinguish between platforms and developments. We discuss two current platforms and six current developments, and identify what we believe to be their strengths and limitations. We identify key unsolved problems in integrating information in the molecular biosciences, and discuss possible strategies for addressing them including semantic integration using ontologies, XML as a data model, and graphical user interfaces as integrative environments.
Cloud computing offers massive scalability and elasticity required by many scien-tific and commercial applications. Combining the computational and data handling capabilities of clouds with parallel processing also has the potential to tackle Big Data problems efficiently. Science gateway frameworks and workflow systems enable application developers to implement complex applications and make these available for end-users via simple graphical user interfaces. The integration of such frameworks with Big Data processing tools on the cloud opens new oppor-tunities for application developers. This paper investigates how workflow sys-tems and science gateways can be extended with Big Data processing capabilities. A generic approach based on infrastructure aware workflows is suggested and a proof of concept is implemented based on the WS-PGRADE/gUSE science gateway framework and its integration with the Hadoop parallel data processing solution based on the MapReduce paradigm in the cloud. The provided analysis demonstrates that the methods described to integrate Big Data processing with workflows and science gateways work well in different cloud infrastructures and application scenarios, and can be used to create massively parallel applications for scientific analysis of Big Data.
Modern software application testing, such as the testing of software driven by graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or leveraging event-driven architectures in general, requires paying careful attention to context. Model-based testing (MBT) approaches first acquire a model of an application, then use the model to construct test cases covering relevant contexts. A major shortcoming of state-of-the-art automated model-based testing is that many test cases proposed by the model are not actually executable. These \textit{infeasible} test cases threaten the integrity of the entire model-based suite, and any coverage of contexts the suite aims to provide. In this research, I develop and evaluate a novel approach for classifying the feasibility of test cases. I identify a set of pertinent features for the classifier, and develop novel methods for extracting these features from the outputs of MBT tools. I use a supervised logistic regression approach to obtain a model of test case feasibility from a randomly selected training suite of test cases. I evaluate this approach with a set of experiments. The outcomes of this investigation are as follows: I confirm that infeasibility is prevalent in MBT, even for test suites designed to cover a relatively small number of unique contexts. I confirm that the frequency of infeasibility varies widely across applications. I develop and train a binary classifier for feasibility with average overall error, false positive, and false negative rates under 5\%. I find that unique event IDs are key features of the feasibility classifier, while model-specific event types are not. I construct three types of features from the event IDs associated with test cases, and evaluate the relative effectiveness of each within the classifier. To support this study, I also develop a number of tools and infrastructure components for scalable execution of automated jobs, which use state-of-the-art container and continuous integration technologies to enable parallel test execution and the persistence of all experimental artifacts.
During the lifetime of a research project, different partners develop several research prototype tools that share many common aspects. This is equally true for researchers as individuals and as groups: during a period of time they often develop several related tools to pursue a specific research line. Making research prototype tools easily accessible to the community is of utmost importance to promote the corresponding research, get feedback, and increase the tools’ lifetime beyond the duration of a specific project. One way to achieve this is to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that facilitate trying tools; in particular, with web-interfaces one avoids the overhead of downloading and installing the tools. Building GUIs from scratch is a tedious task, in particular for web-interfaces, and thus it typically gets low priority when developing a research prototype. Often we opt for copying the GUI of one tool and modifying it to fit the needs of a new related tool. Apart from code duplication, these tools will “live” separately, even though we might benefit from having them all in a common environment since they are related. This work aims at simplifying the process of building GUIs for research prototypes tools. In particular, we present EasyInterface, a toolkit that is based on novel methodology that provides an easy way to make research prototype tools available via common different environments such as a web-interface, within Eclipse, etc. It includes a novel text-based output language that allows to present results graphically without requiring any knowledge in GUI/Web programming. For example, an output of a tool could be (a structured version of) “highlight line number 10 of file ex.c” and “when the user clicks on line 10, open a dialog box with the text ...”. The environment will interpret this output and converts it to corresponding visual e_ects. The advantage of using this approach is that it will be interpreted equally by all environments of EasyInterface, e.g., the web-interface, the Eclipse plugin, etc. EasyInterface has been developed in the context of the Envisage [5] project, and has been evaluated on tools developed in this project, which include static analyzers, test-case generators, compilers, simulators, etc. EasyInterface is open source and available at GitHub2.
A partir dos avanços obtidos pela industria farmacêutica surgiram diversos medicamentos para o combate de enfermidades. Esses medicamentos possuem efeito tópico similar porém com suaves modificações em sua estrutura bioquímica, com isso a concorrência entre as industrias farmacêuticas se torna cada vez mais acirrada. Como forma de comparar a efetividade desses medicamentos, surgem diversas metodologias, com o objetivo de encontrar qual seria o melhor medicamento para uma dada situação. Uma das metodologias estudadas é a comparação mista de tratamentos, cujo objetivo é encontrar a efetividade de determinadas drogas em estudos e/ou ensaios clínicos que abordem, mesmo que de maneira indireta, os medicamentos estudados. A utilização dessa metodologia é demasiadamente complexa pois requer conhecimento de linguagens de programação em ambientes estatísticos além do domínio sobre as metodologias aplicadas a essa técnica. O objetivo principal desse estudo é a criação de uma interface gráfica que facilite a utilização do MTC para usuários que não possuam conhecimento em linguagens de programação, que seja de código aberto e multiplataforma. A expectativa é que, com essa interface, a utilização de técnicas mais abrangentes e avançadas seja facilitada, além disso, venha tornar o ensinamento sobre o tema mais facilitado para pessoas que ainda não conhecem o método
A prototype presentation system base is described. It offers mechanisms, tools, and ready-made parts for building user interfaces. A general user interface model underlies the base, organized around the concept of a presentation: a visible text or graphic for conveying information. Te base and model emphasize domain independence and style independence, to apply to the widest possible range of interfaces. The primitive presentation system model treats the interface as a system of processes maintaining a semantic relation between an application data base and a presentation data base, the symbolic screen description containing presentations. A presenter continually updates the presentation data base from the application data base. The user manipulates presentations with a presentation editor. A recognizer translates the user's presentation manipulation into application data base commands. The primitive presentation system can be extended to model more complex systems by attaching additional presentation systems. In order to illustrate the model's generality and descriptive capabilities, extended model structures for several existing user interfaces are discussed. The base provides support for building the application and presentation data bases, linked together into a single, uniform network, including descriptions of classes of objects as we as the objects themselves. The base provides an initial presentation data base network graphics to continually display it, and editing functions. A variety of tools and mechanisms help create and control presenters and recognizers. To demonstrate the base's utility, three interfaces to an operating system were constructed, embodying different styles: icons, menu, and graphical annotation.
A method called "SymbolDesign" is proposed that can be used to design user-centered interfaces for pen-based input devices. It can also extend the functionality of pointer input devices such as the traditional computer mouse or the Camera Mouse, a camera-based computer interface. Users can create their own interfaces by choosing single-stroke movement patterns that are convenient to draw with the selected input device and by mapping them to a desired set of commands. A pattern could be the trace of a moving finger detected with the Camera Mouse or a symbol drawn with an optical pen. The core of the SymbolDesign system is a dynamically created classifier, in the current implementation an artificial neural network. The architecture of the neural network automatically adjusts according to the complexity of the classification task. In experiments, subjects used the SymbolDesign method to design and test the interfaces they created, for example, to browse the web. The experiments demonstrated good recognition accuracy and responsiveness of the user interfaces. The method provided an easily-designed and easily-used computer input mechanism for people without physical limitations, and, with some modifications, has the potential to become a computer access tool for people with severe paralysis.