960 resultados para Grade 9
The problem of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railroad in Pasadena is a very dynamic one, as is readily recognized by engineers, city officials, and laymen. The route of the railroad was first laid out in the eighties and because of certain liberal concessions granted by the City of Pasadena, the right-of-way was located through Pasadena, despite the fact that the grade coming into the city either from Los Angeles or San Bernardino was enormous. Some years later, other transcontinental routes of the Santa Fe out of Los Angles were sought, and a right-of-way was obtained by way of Fullerton and Riverside to San Bernardino, where this route joins the one from Los Angeles through Pasadena. This route, however, is ten miles longer than the one through Pasadena, which means a considerable loss of time in a short diversion of approximately only sixty miles in length.
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar e a dimensionar a relevância que as propostas de produção de texto oral recebem nos livros didáticos do 6 ao 9 ano do Ensino Fundamental selecionados e indicados pelo Ministério da Educação, em seu Guia do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), em contraste com as de produção escrita. Também analisa a adequação dos gêneros textuais trabalhados em tais propostas, tendo em vista a preparação do aluno para o exercício da cidadania e a participação no mercado de trabalho por meio do domínio da linguagem oral, conforme orientação dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Na impossibilidade de se analisarem todas as coleções indicadas no referido documento, optou-se por selecionar as duas mais frequentemente adotadas nas escolas públicas em todo o território nacional. Cumpre ressaltar que os PCN, documento oficial que apresenta um conjunto de orientações teóricas e metodológicas para o ensino de Língua Portuguesa, colocam em evidência o estudo dos gêneros textuais como um dos eixos do trabalho com a língua materna e têm abrangência nacional naquilo que recomendam. O PNLD, por seu turno, garante a quase trinta milhões de alunos brasileiros do 6 ao 9 anos do Ensino Fundamental o acesso a livros didáticos de seis componentes curriculares, incluindo a Língua Portuguesa, daí a relevância da pesquisa. Os resultados da investigação apontam para uma menor relevância atribuída à oralidade nas coleções analisadas, apesar da consonância das obras com as orientações dos PCN, as quais recomendam que sejam priorizados os gêneros textuais da comunicação pública. O presente trabalho ainda sugere linhas de ação no ensino da língua materna, de modo a reforçar, no aluno, o uso de variedades linguísticas orais publicamente adequadas, visando à participação social mais ampla e legítima, às exigências do mercado de trabalho e à realização plena do indivíduo que pensa e tem necessidade prática de exprimir seus anseios
A presente dissertação nasceu da necessidade particular de abrir espaço para o texto literário no ambiente escolar. A escola é o espaço natural no qual os alunos entram em contato com as linguagens escritas; é, pois, o espaço onde os estudantes devem conviver com diferentes textos de gêneros variados. É preciso, contudo, refletir sobre a forma como estes textos serão apresentados aos estudantes. A partir desse questionamento, algumas dúvidas motivaram a presente pesquisa: como trabalhar a leitura e a escrita no Ensino Fundamental II?, como formar jovens leitores?, como despertar o gosto pelo texto literário?, como trabalhar a produção do texto escrito com esses jovens? Pesquisar o trabalho com o texto literário no segundo segmento, todavia, seria um tema amplo demais. Desse modo, foi realizado um recorte, definindo a série e o gênero textual que seriam o foco da pesquisa. O 9 ano foi eleito por ser a última etapa do Ensino Fundamental. Nessa fase, teoricamente, os alunos já tiveram contato com diversos gêneros textuais e já estudaram (e produziram) textos com diferentes modos de organização do discurso: narração, exposição, argumentação, injunção, descrição. A escolha do gênero conto se justifica por ser este um texto mais curto, possibilitando a leitura em sala com a turma. O corpus se compõe de contos de dois grandes autores brasileiros: Machado de Assis e Lima Barreto. Um dos propósitos dessa escolha era mostrar que autores clássicos podem e devem ser lidos no Ensino Fundamental. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é apresentar atividades realizadas em sala de aula com o gênero selecionado, visando à formação do leitor e ao desenvolvimento da produção escrita, ressaltando a importância do texto literário no contexto escolar. Defende-se, portanto, que o trabalho com os contos pode ser um estímulo para desenvolver o gosto e, se possível, ao prazer da leitura, o enriquecimento vocabular e, por conseguinte, para o amadurecimento da escrita
In this paper we present a novel growth of grade-strained bulk InGaAs/InP by linearly changing group-III TMGa source flow during low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (LP-MOVPE). The high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) measurements showed that much different strain was simultaneously introduced into the fabricated bulk InGaAs/InP by utilizing this novel growth method. We experimentally demonstrated the utility and simplicity of the growth method by fabricating common laser diodes. As a first step, under the injection current of 100 mA, a more flat gain curve which has a spectral full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of about 120 nm was achieved by using the presented growth technique. Our experimental results show that the simple and new growth method is very suitable for fabricating broad-band semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bullying is a common childhood experience that involves repeated mistreatment to improve or maintain one's status. Victims display long-term social, psychological, and health consequences, whereas bullies display minimal ill effects. The aim of this study is to test how this adverse social experience is biologically embedded to affect short- or long-term levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of low-grade systemic inflammation. The prospective population-based Great Smoky Mountains Study (n = 1,420), with up to nine waves of data per subject, was used, covering childhood/adolescence (ages 9-16) and young adulthood (ages 19 and 21). Structured interviews were used to assess bullying involvement and relevant covariates at all childhood/adolescent observations. Blood spots were collected at each observation and assayed for CRP levels. During childhood and adolescence, the number of waves at which the child was bullied predicted increasing levels of CRP. Although CRP levels rose for all participants from childhood into adulthood, being bullied predicted greater increases in CRP levels, whereas bullying others predicted lower increases in CRP compared with those uninvolved in bullying. This pattern was robust, controlling for body mass index, substance use, physical and mental health status, and exposures to other childhood psychosocial adversities. A child's role in bullying may serve as either a risk or a protective factor for adult low-grade inflammation, independent of other factors. Inflammation is a physiological response that mediates the effects of both social adversity and dominance on decreases in health.
Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of ISIS 3521, an antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotide to protein kinase C in patients with relapsed low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Patients and methods: Twenty-six patients received ISIS 3521 (2 mg/kg/day) as a continuous infusion over 21 days of each 28-day cycle. Results: The median age of the patients was 53 years (range 37–77). Histological subtypes were low-grade follicular lymphoma (n=22) and B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma (n=4). Twenty-one (81%) had stage III/IV disease. The median number of previous lines of chemotherapy was two (range one to six). A total of 87 cycles of ISIS 3521 were administered. Twenty-three patients were assessable for response. Three patients achieved a partial response. No complete responses were observed. Ten patients had stable disease. Grade 3–4 toxicity was as follows: neutropenia (3.8%) and thrombocytopenia (26.9%). Conclusions: ISIS 3521 has demonstrated anti-tumour activity in patients with relapsed low-grade NHL. There may be a potential role for this agent in combination with conventional chemotherapy for advanced low-grade lymphoma, and further trials are warranted.
Barrett's esophagus is a well-recognized precursor of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Surveillance of Barrett's esophagus patients is recommended to detect high-grade dysplasia (HGD) or early cancer. Because of wide variation in the published cancer incidence in Barrett's esophagus, the authors undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of cancer and HGD incidence in Barrett's esophagus. Ovid Medline (Ovid Technologies, Inc., New York, New York) and EMBASE (Elsevier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) databases were searched for papers published between 1950 and 2006 that reported the cancer/HGD risk in Barrett's esophagus. Where possible, early incident cancers/HGD were excluded, as were patients with HGD at baseline. Forty-seven studies were included in the main analysis, and the pooled estimate for cancer incidence in Barrett's esophagus was 6.1/1,000 person-years, 5.3/1,000 person-years when early incident cancers were excluded, and 4.1/1,000 person-years when both early incident cancer and HGD at baseline were excluded. Corresponding figures for combined HGD/cancer incidence were 10.0 person-years, 9.3 person-years, and 9.1/1,000 person-years. Compared with women, men progressed to cancer at twice the rate. Cancer or HGD/cancer incidences were lower when only high-quality studies were analyzed (3.9/1,000 person-years and 7.7/1,000 person-years, respectively). The pooled estimates of cancer and HGD incidence were low, suggesting that the cost-effectiveness of surveillance is questionable unless it can be targeted to those with the highest cancer risk.
The aim of this paper was to define the outcomes and risks of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for Spetzler-Martin Grade I and II arteriovenous malformations (AVMs).
The lack of suitable donors for all solid-organ transplant programs is exacerbated in lung transplantation by the low utilization of potential donor lungs, due primarily to donor lung injury and dysfunction, including pulmonary edema. The current studies were designed to determine if intravenous clinical-grade human mesenchymal stem (stromal) cells (hMSCs) would be effective in restoring alveolar fluid clearance (AFC) in the human ex vivo lung perfusion model, using lungs that had been deemed unsuitable for transplantation and had been subjected to prolonged ischemic time. The human lungs were perfused with 5% albumin in a balanced electrolyte solution and oxygenated with continuous positive airway pressure. Baseline AFC was measured in the control lobe and if AFC was impaired (defined as
The optimisation of Fe and Al oxyhydroxide materials produced using industrial grade coagulants is presented in this work. The effects of synthesis pH and post-synthesis washing procedure onto the arsenic adsorption capacity of the materials were investigated. It was shown that the materials produced at higher pH were more efficient in removing As(V), especially after cleaning procedure. The materials produced at lower pH were less efficient in removing As(V) but the higher presence of sulphate groups in the materials produced at lower pH enhanced As(III) adsorption. Most performing materials can remove up to 84.7 mg As(V) g-1 or 77.9 mg As(III) g-1.
AIMS: To determine whether Abl immunoreactivity correlates with grade and cell kinetics (apoptosis and mitosis) in chondrosarcoma.
METHODS: Sections from 16 chondrosarcomas were stained immunohistochemically using a polyclonal antibody to the c-Abl/Bcr-Abl oncoprotein. Apoptotic indices and mitotic indices were assessed in all tumours. Sections from 24 paraffin wax blocks of human fetal rib (gestational ages, 15-42 weeks) were also stained to determine whether the Abl protein is synthesised consistently throughout endochondral ossification.
RESULTS: Abl staining in immature fetal rib chondrocytes at all stages of development was predominantly nuclear, and 70% of cells showed moderate to strong staining. Abl immunoreactivity was minimal or absent in hypertrophic chondrocytes about to undergo apoptosis at the growth plate. There was strong Abl staining in grade 1 and grade 2 chondrosarcomas but staining was greatly reduced or absent in grade 3 chondrosarcomas. There was a very significant linear correlation between apoptotic index (mean, 0.68%; range, 0-3.2%) and mitotic index (mean, 0.23%; range, 0-0.9%), and both indices were significantly lower in grade 1 than in grade 2 and grade 3 chondrosarcomas.
CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that abl gene expression is associated with differentiation and apoptosis inhibition in fetal and neoplastic chondrocytes. However, these putative effects cannot be ascribed solely to the Abl protein, because several additional factors contribute to the regulation of both differentiation and apoptosis.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013