984 resultados para Good News


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Dissertação de mestrado, Finanças Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Dès les débuts du christianisme, l’Église s’est servie de l’art. Au Moyen âge, en particulier, la décoration des cathédrales (sculptures, fresques vitraux) avait une valeur esthétique, mais plus encore, une valeur didactique. Moyens matériels pour faire la catéchèse, voire évangéliser, les crèches du Musée de l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal s’inscrivent dans cette perspective. Tenant compte de cette mission d’évangélisation qui incombe à l’Église et de l’importance que prend de plus en plus le visuel dans la culture et la société actuelles, nous voulons partir de l’exposition des crèches de Noël à l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph, de l’année 2009, pour découvrir en quoi elle pourrait contribuer à l’évangélisation et à la croissance du christianisme et des chrétiens. En effet, les crèches de Noël sont essentiellement œuvre de foi, – non pas liée à la foi de l’auteur mais plutôt à l’effet que cette oeuvre peut avoir sur celui qui la regarde, – dont la dévotion à la sainte Famille. Ce moyen d’évangélisation dans ce monde en mutation où l’art visuel s’est avéré d’une extrême importance convient bien au contexte de la déchristianisation et peut offrir une complémentarité aux méthodes traditionnelles d’évangélisation basées surtout sur le discours. Ils sont complémentaires, dans le sens où il ne s’agit pas de « cheminer à travers villes et villages, prêchant et annonçant la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu » (Lc 8,1) aux personnes qui n’ont pas encore entendu parler du Christ, mais d’éveiller la curiosité chez les visiteurs non-chrétiens (Evangelii Nuntiandi 53), de stimuler l’intérêt à l’égard de la religion chez les non-pratiquants (EN 56) et, de soutenir et approfondir la foi des fidèles. Mots-clés : Christianisme – Église – transmission – évangélisation – éducation de la foi – musée – crèches – Oratoire Saint-Joseph.


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The media attribute a great significance to criminal events. However, those are not all reported in the same way. The media treatment of one generally depends of its sensationalism. The more impressive the event is, the more importance will be given by the media. Although street gangs have been very much present in the news content for several years, very few studies have assessed the extent to which the phenomenon is appealing to the media in relation to all criminal news. Considering the importance of media content and its impact on our society, the present study focuses on this question in order to determine whether the news about street gangs are treated differently. The sample of this study consists of 417 reports from Radio-Canada’s TV channel and Internet content, from that 210 are related to street gangs and 207 don’t bear on the phenomenon. The results suggest that the audiovisual and digital media present a more specific aspect of the phenomenon. Reports about street gangs are also more detailed and benefit from a greater mediatic treatment, regardless the medium of information used. Independently of the components that determine what make good news, the events involving street gangs and their members seem to receive a special media treatment.


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A key concern for conservation biologists is whether populations of plants and animals are likely to fluctuate widely in number or remain relatively stable around some steady-state value. In our study of 634 populations of mammals, birds, fish and insects, we find that most can be expected to remain stable despite year to year fluctuations caused by environmental factors. Mean return rates were generally around one but were higher in insects (1.09 +/- 0.02 SE) and declined with body size in mammals. In general, this is good news for conservation, as stable populations are less likely to go extinct. However, the lower return rates of the large mammals may make them more vulnerable to extinction. Our estimates of return rates were generally well below the threshold for chaos, which makes it unlikely that chaotic dynamics occur in natural populations - one of ecology's key unanswered questions.


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The question as to whether active management adds any value above that of the funds investment policy is one of continual interest to investors. In order to investigate this issue in the UK real estate market we examine a number of related questions. First, how much return variability is explained by investment policy? Second, how similar are the policies across funds? Third, how much of a fund’s return is determined by investment policy? Finally, how was this added value achieved? Using data for 19 real estate funds we find that investment policy explains less than half of the variability in returns over time, nothing of the variation across funds and that more than 100% of a level of return is attributed to investment policy. The results also show UK real estate fund focus exclusively on trying to pick winners to add value and that in pursuit of active return fund mangers incur high tracking error risk, consequently, successful active management is very difficult to achieve. In addition, the results are dependent on the benchmark used to represent the investment policy of the fund. Nonetheless, active management can indeed add value to a real estate funds performance. This is the good news. The bad news is adding value is much more difficult to achieve than is generally accepted.


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For several years the authors of this paper have monitored the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in primary and secondary schools. In this paper they report on their work in progress, focusing particularly on data collected via teacher interviews in 2003. It is a 'good news' story that celebrates a shift in the way school teachers approach ICT, and that shows that teachers are a lot more comfortable with ICT than the authors have previously observed. The authors argue that a significant transition has occurred in the hardware, software and 'warmware', the people and how they can work with the hardware and software as part of their pedagogy. Existing research tends to construct change as something that has to be planned, prepared for and managed (eg. Fullan, 1997), and as something that teachers often resist (eg. Cuban, 1993; Grunberg & Summers, 1992; Hodas, 1998). This paper is distinctive in drawing on Eastern approaches to understanding change. Through an examination of the concepts of "impermanence" and "flow," and how they apply to ICT, schools and teachers' work, we seek to demystify change: Change happens, has happened and will continue to happen. We conclude that teachers' increased familiarity with, and increasingly relaxed approach to, ICT has led to a shift in their attentions, such that they are less concerned with obtaining and mastering particular software and hardware, and more concerned with pedagogy and student learning.


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Results of this thesis suggest that a significant negative relation between stock returns and inflation identified in Australia during ‘inflation targeting’ is mainly due to an incidence of ‘flight to safety’. Furthermore, the impact of inflation news on stock returns is industry-sector dependent. Specifically, in Australia rising inflation seems to be good news for Financials, but bad news for Materials.


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This chapter argues that, both theologically and practically, development is a form of mission and therefore dividing 'mission' and 'development' is artificial. A theological understanding of mission clearly incorporates upholding rights especially of people most excluded and vulnerable, the core task of development.One church agency involved in both development and supporting partners in communicating the gospel is UnitingWorld – the national agency of the Uniting Church in Australia responsible for international partnerships including development. The Uniting Church was formed in 1977 from the merging of three denominations, all of which had a long history of overseas engagement – for example with Fiji since 1844 and Korea since 1889. Such partnerships have endured and spread to the point where the Uniting Church now has thirty six formal partners, mainly in the Pacific and Asia.Over the past 20 years, a range of social trends, such as decolonisation, climate change, and increased global commitment to justice, as well as changes in missiological thinking, have influenced collaboration with indigenous churches as well as organisations not explicitly Christian.Recolonising approaches by international inter-government bodies and by the Australian government through promoting predominantly western neo-liberal economic values to neighbours, invites the church to collaborate in valuing partner cultures, spiritualities, values and world-views. For UnitingWorld this is most evident in its Pacific engagement, especially with programs arising from the Pacific Conference of Churches.These factors have further relativised the tensions between what was seen as “mission” and what was seen as “development”. Evangelism as communication of good news exhibits a different hue – now coming out of the natural conversations between partners and speaking of God’s life- giving alternatives to destructive social and economic models. Whilst development is inherent in mission, the major challenge faced by UnitingWorld is with Protestant partners strongly influenced by an era of church teaching that emphasised personal commitment tied to distinctive religious expressions.In this chapter we use case studies from the Pacific to show how UnitingWorld is partnering with a range of church and other organisations to support people in exercising their rights and re-engaging Australian church communities in this task.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors driving greenhouse gas reporting by Chinese companies.
Design/methodology/approach – Content analysis of annual reports and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports for the year 2010 of the top 100 A-share companies listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange was conducted to investigate the extent of greenhouse gas reporting. Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the factors driving these companies’ greenhouse gas reporting.
Findings – It was found that most Chinese companies reported neutral and good news. The results also indicate larger companies operating in an industry which has higher level of carbon dioxide emissions tend to have higher levels of greenhouse gas disclosures, consistent with the expectation of legitimacy theory. However, profitability and overseas listing were not significantly related to greenhouse gas reporting. This is consistent with the findings of previous literature. Finally, contrary to expectations, state-owned companies report less greenhouse gas information than private companies.
Originality/value – The paper contributes towards theory development by testing legitimacy theory in the context of greenhouse gas reporting by Chinese companies and contributes to existing literature on greenhouse gas reporting by focussing on the large emerging economy of China. The practical contribution of the paper rests in the area of accounting practice. The results outline the dearth in greenhouse gas reporting by Chinese companies, suggesting there needs to be future development of accounting standards in this area.


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This paper studied sales of BP branded gasoline in the United States of America prior, during and after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill accident. The research was funded by the Centre for Sustainable and Responsible Organisations at Deakin University. In what is perhaps the first behavioral study of consumer boycott using market level data, we found that consumers’ with geographic proximity to the accident were more likely to boycott the BP brand. In States that bordered or were close to the Gulf of Mexico, BP sales experienced a small but significant decline as compared to sales in States farther away. The small effect is surprising. We suspect this may be related to the inelastic nature of the product category and the high degree of product homogeneity within the category. It appears that consumers’ and the media’s vocalized outrage over the Deepwater Horizon accident did not result in significant changes in purchase behavior. As such, while consumers were outraged by BP’s actions, they continued to purchase the BP brand. Consumers who lived farther from the spill did not appear to alter their buying patterns even in the short-term, despite being exposed to similar media coverage and high levels of negative public sentiment. In examining changes in BP brand-share with both positive (i.e., claims of success in dealing with the spill) and negative events (evidence that attempts to stop the spill failed), we observed some associations between these events and changes in buying behavior. In States close to the accident, BP purchases increased with good news, market share declined with bad news. No apparent correlation was seen in States that were farther from the accident.


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How do shareholders perceive managers who lever up under a takeover threat? Increasing leverage conveys good news if it reflects management's ability to enhance value. It conveys bad news, though, if inefficient managers are more pressured to lever up. This paper demonstrates that negative (positive) updating prevails when takeover costs are small (large). Managers who leve r up to end a takeover threat thus may commit to an increase in the firm's value and yet increase their chances of being replaced by their shareholders. The model predicts that intraindustry leverage is less dispersed when takeover costs are low.


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Foreword by Alicia Bárcena


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Includes bibliography


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Document prepared on the occasion of the visit of President Barack Obama to Brazil, Chile and El Salvador in March 2011


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I consider Nixon’s essay a well thought discussion of the possibility of a genuine science of consciousness. Most of the sections are worth discussing, but to find the main message it may be necessary to read between the lines. The good news is that he does not present true impossibilities for this science, but his discussion leads to the (sound) conclusion that it would have to account for many unconscious factors that make us creative and human.