982 resultados para Gestão de ativos


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O objetivo desse estudo é analisar a relação entre a gestão do capital de giro e o valor das empresas. A motivação para o estudo é a importância que a gestão do capital de giro tem no desempenho das empresas, bem como a quantidade relativamente pequena de estudos realizados sobre o tema. Na maioria dos estudos sobre capital de giro, a proxy para o desempenho das empresas é a lucratividade, medida através dos retornos sobre ativo, vendas ou patrimônio líquido. O presente trabalho utiliza o Q de Tobin como a medida de desempenho das empresas. O Q de Tobin relaciona o valor de mercado de uma empresa com o valor de reposição de seus ativos. A gestão do capital de giro é medida através do ciclo financeiro. O estudo analisa individualmente as influências de cada um dos componentes do ciclo financeiro no valor das empresas; portanto utiliza como variáveis independentes os prazos médios de estocagem, contas a receber e pagamento a fornecedores. Foi realizada uma pesquisa com amostra de empresas brasileiras listadas na BOVESPA, no período de 1995 a 2011. Os dados foram analisados através de regressões utilizando Dados em Painel, e foram encontradas correlações negativas e estatisticamente significativas entre o ciclo financeiro e o Q de Tobin, sugerindo que empresas que possuem um ciclo financeiro reduzido conseguem gerar maior valor aos acionistas. Também foi feita análise separada nos diferentes setores da economia, mostrando que existem diferenças nessa relação para os diferentes ramos de negócio. Por exemplo, enquanto que empresas do ramo Químico conseguem na média aumentar seu valor na bolsa em 0,32% ao reduzirem em um dia no ciclo financeiro, empresas de Siderurgia e Metalurgia tem um aumento da ordem de 0,08%, portanto quatro vezes menor. Entre os componentes do ciclo financeiro, o prazo médio de recebimento de clientes é o mais relevante, e os resultados obtidos são consistentes com demais trabalhos sobre o tema e entre os diversos setores da economia.


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O segmento de previdência privada fechada tem 3,2 milhões de participantes e assistidos com mais de 1.000 planos de previdência administrados por 330 fundos de pensão (EFPC). Para que essas entidades cumpram a sua missão é necessário um acompanhamento dos recursos acumulados, do desempenho atingido pelos investimentos e a avaliação de se o montante acumulado permite o complemento de renda esperado, e também se faz necessário que os participantes dos planos de previdência tenham acesso às informações de sua performance. Este trabalho abordará o estudo desses fundos de pensão, com foco naqueles cujo patrocínio é de uma entidade pública regida pela Lei Complementar nº108/2001, que disciplina a relação dessas entidades públicas, enquanto patrocinadoras, com suas respectivas entidades fechadas de previdência privada. Há diferenças significativas entre os fundos de pensão e as demais empresas, porém os fundos de pensão passam por problemas similares nos aspectos de gestão e governança. Este trabalho analisará a governança dos fundos de pensão e o papel e atribuições da área de Controladoria, normalmente a responsável por gerar informações para alta administração das empresas em geral, adaptando-as ao contexto da previdência. Como caso prático, será analisada a PREVI - Fundo de Pensão dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil e sua área de controladoria. A PREVI é uma entidade fechada de previdência complementar, fundada há 109 anos, maior fundo de pensão de América Latina e o 27o do mundo. Atualmente administra três planos de previdência que totalizam mais de R$ 160 bilhões em ativos.


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O dado e a informação passaram a ser vistos como recursos essenciais e ativos preciosos das organizações. Nas últimas décadas, as empresas investiram maciçamente em projetos de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) que visavam ter uma melhor gestão dos seus dados com o propósito de ganhar vantagem competitiva. Apesar de ter evoluído, trata-se de um assunto não totalmente resolvido: as organizações continuam em busca de soluções que, efetivamente, organizem seus dados de maneira íntegra e garantam seu crescimento sustentável. Esta pesquisa pretendeu investigar, sob a ótica dos atores envolvidos nas grandes projetos de organização, integração, gestão, governança dos dados na empresa, o efeito que o histórico dessas iniciativas proporcionou em uma instituição de grande porte nacional. A partir da análise iterativa do ciclo de negociação dos grupos constituídos pelos atores envolvidos, além de tentar traçar a trajetória em que se deu essa história de dados na empresa, também se pretendeu investigar a dinâmica presente nas iniciativas e o quanto ela, por meio dos stakeholders envolvidos, influencia nas iniciativas atualmente existentes na organização. Para suportar esse objetivo, o trabalho se baseou nas categorias conceituais da Abordagem Multinível (DINIZ; POZZEBON; JAYO, 2009; POZZEBON; DINIZ, 2012) – Contexto, Processo e Conteúdo, identificando os Grupos Sociais Relevantes que interagiram no processo de negociação para implantação da tecnologia, na busca pela melhor solução de dados que atendesse à empresa em um mercado em constante movimento e na tomada de decisões que direcionam a prática deste processo. Tratou-se de um estudo exploratório realizado com entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores de TI e negócios envolvidos que tiveram alguma interação ou influência com algumas iniciativas na empresa. A análise dos resultados revela aspectos que poderão contribuir de forma a deixar cada vez mais evidente a interferência dos stakeholders nas soluções de tecnologia e o quanto isso pode ser uma ameaça para o uso efetivo do dado como um ativo da empresa e, assim, garantir sua sobrevivência e seu desenvolvimento, caso os incentivos não estejam alinhados.


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O item não apresenta o texto completo, pois está passando por revisão editorial


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The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN


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The Behavioral Finance develop as it is perceived anomalies in these markets efficient. This fields of study can be grouped into three major groups: heuristic bias, tying the shape and inefficient markets. The present study focuses on issues concerning the heuristics of representativeness and anchoring. This study aimed to identify the then under-reaction and over-reaction, as well as the existence of symmetry in the active first and second line of the Brazilian stock market. For this, it will be use the Fuzzy Logic and the indicators that classify groups studied from the Discriminant Analysis. The highest present, indicator in the period studied, was the Liabilities / Equity, demonstrating the importance of the moment to discriminate the assets to be considered "winners" and "losers." Note that in the MLCX biases over-reaction is concentrated in the period of financial crisis, and in the remaining periods of statistically significant biases, are obtained by sub-reactions. The latter would be in times of moderate levels of uncertainty. In the Small Caps the behavioral responses in 2005 and 2007 occur in reverse to those observed in the Mid-Large Cap. Now in times of crisis would have a marked conservatism while near the end of trading on the Bovespa speaker, accompanied by an increase of negotiations, there is an overreaction by investors. The other heuristics in SMLL occurred at the end of the period studied, this being a under-reaction and the other a over-reaction and the second occurring in a period of financial-economic more positive than the first. As regards the under / over-reactivity in both types, there is detected a predominance of either, which probably be different in the context in MLCX without crisis. For the period in which such phenomena occur in a statistically significant to note that, in most cases, such phenomena occur during the periods for MLCX while in SMLL not only biases are less present as there is no concentration of these at any time . Given the above, it is believed that while detecting the presence of bias behavior at certain times, these do not tend to appear to a specific type or heuristics and while there were some indications of a seasonal pattern in Mid- Large Caps, the same behavior does not seem to be repeated in Small Caps. The tests would then suggest that momentary failures in the Efficient Market Hypothesis when tested in semistrong form as stated by Behavioral Finance. This result confirms the theory by stating that not only rationality, but also human irrationality, is limited because it would act rationally in many circumstances


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The objective is to analyze the relationship between risk and number of stocks of a portfolio for an individual investor when stocks are chosen by "naive strategy". For this, we carried out an experiment in which individuals select actions to reproduce this relationship. 126 participants were informed that the risk of first choice would be an asset average of all standard deviations of the portfolios consist of a single asset, and the same procedure should be used for portfolios composed of two, three and so on, up to 30 actions . They selected the assets they want in their portfolios without the support of a financial analysis. For comparison we also tested a hypothetical simulation of 126 investors who selected shares the same universe, through a random number generator. Thus, each real participant is compensated for random hypothetical investor facing the same opportunity. Patterns were observed in the portfolios of individual participants, characterizing the curves for the components of the samples. Because these groupings are somewhat arbitrary, it was used a more objective measure of behavior: a simple linear regression for each participant, in order to predict the variance of the portfolio depending on the number of assets. In addition, we conducted a pooled regression on all observations by analyzing cross-section. The result of pattern occurs on average but not for most individuals, many of which effectively "de-diversify" when adding seemingly random bonds. Furthermore, the results are slightly worse using a random number generator. This finding challenges the belief that only a small number of titles is necessary for diversification and shows that there is only applicable to a large sample. The implications are important since many individual investors holding few stocks in their portfolios


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This study aims to investigate the influence of the asset class and the breakdown of tangibility as determinant factors of the capital structure of companies listed on the BM & FBOVESPA in the period of 2008-2012. Two current assets classes were composed and once they were grouped by liquidity, they were also analyzed by the financial institutions for credit granting: current resources (Cash, Bank and Financial Applications) and operations with duplicates (Stocks and Receivables). The breakdown of the tangible assets was made based on its main components provided as warrantees for loans like Machinery & Equipment and Land & Buildings. For an analysis extension, three metrics for leverage (accounting, financial and market) were applied and the sample was divided into economic sectors, adopted by BM&FBOVESPA. The data model in dynamic panel estimated by a systemic GMM of two levels was used in this study due its strength to problems of endogenous relationship as well as the omitted variables bias. The found results suggest that current resources are determinants of the capital structure possibly because they re characterized as proxies for financial solvency, being its relationship with debt positive. The sectorial analysis confirmed the results for current resources. The tangibility of assets has inverse proportional relationship with the leverage. As it is disintegrated in its main components, the significant and negative influence of machinery & equipment was more marked in the Industrial Goods sector. This result shows that, on average, the most specific assets from operating activities of a company compete for a less use of third party resources. As complementary results, it was observed that the leverage has persistence, which is linked with the static trade-off theory. Specifically for financial leverage, it was observed that the persistence is relevant when it is controlled for the lagged current assets classes variables. The proxy variable for growth opportunities, measured by the Market -to -Book, has the sign of its contradictory coefficient. The company size has a positive relationship with debt, in favor of static trade-off theory. Profitability is the most consistent variable in all the performed estimations, showing strong negative and significant relationship with leverage, as the pecking order theory predicts


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Information is one of the most valuable organization s assets, mainly on a global and highly competitive world. On this scenery there are two antagonists forces: on one side, organizations struggle for keeping protected its information, specially those considered as strategic, on the other side, the invaders, leaded by innumerous reasons - such as hobby, challenge or one single protest with the intention of capturing and corrupting the information of other organizations. This thesis presents the descriptive results of one research that had as its main objective to identify which variables influence the Executives´ and CIOs´ perceptions toward Information Security. In addition, the research also identified the profile of Rio Grande do Norte s organizations and its Executives/CIOs concerning Information Security, computed the level of agreement of the respondents according to NBR ISO/IEC 17799 (Information technology Code of practice for information security management) on its dimension Access Control. The research was based on a model, which took into account the following variables: origin of the organization s capital, sector of production, number of PCs networked, number of employees with rights to network, number of attacks suffered by the organizations, respondent´s positions, education level, literacy on Information Technology and specific training on network. In the goal´s point of view, the research was classified as exploratory and descriptive, and, in relation of the approach, quantitative. One questionnaire was applied on 33 Executives and CIOs of the 50 Rio Grande do Norte s organizations that collected the highest taxes of ICMS - Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias on 2000. After the data collecting, cluster analysis and chi-square statistical tools were used for data analysis. The research made clear that the Executives and CIOs of Rio Grande do Norte s organizations have low level of agreement concerning the rules of the NBR ISO/IEC 17799. It also made evident that the Executives and CIOs have its perception toward Information Security influenced by the number of PCs networked and by the number of attacks suffered by the organizations


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This dissertation deals with the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in the Military Police of Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN), an organization of service delivery in the area of public safety. For this purpose we sought refuge in the company's own documents, which presented the mission, vision and strategic objectives, which are items essential to the development of the instrument and its prospects. With the general objective of developing the BSC to PMRN, fitting into the methodology in a single case study, that from the desk study and according to their development, we established the classification of goals to the generic models and the BSC then adjusted according to public understanding of the corporation presented by professionals in the process of collection and in-depth interviews. Thus emerged the strategy map PMRN, based on the presentation of the causes and effects between the strategic objectives of each perspective, the value proposition to customers, internal processes needed to meet this value proposition and intangible assets, which are the basis to execute these processes


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The study aims to analyze the perception of managers on intangible assets as strategic and competitive resources in small hotels in Natal/RN, through the theory of the Resource Based View (RBV). This is a qualitative study of exploratory and descriptive, conducted with managers of the means of hosting small the capital of Rio Grande do Norte through semi-structured interviews, which was applied later, the technique content analysis based on the results of the information obtained in the interviews. Thus, research has shown that managers of small hotels visited (A, B, C) are not sufficient and satisfactory knowledge to set as their unique intangible assets of the company and makes use of them, on an occasional basis, without understanding or in essence understand its true value as a resource that can be used strategically for sustainable competitive advantage in the hotel market in Natal/RN. This means that managers do not know how to create new attributes and use them strategically. And they need to expand their partnerships with stakeholders. Given the importance of the subject of the present research, the information achieved by this analysis may contribute to the provision of information to establish a current situation with regard to the attributed to the knowledge and use of resources (intangible assets) importance as a strategic source and competitive for the internal management of the company by managers and thus, enabling a differential and greater economic profit over time in this segment


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The knowledge currently stands as one of the intangible assets of fundamental importance in the competitive market in which it is organizations. Knowledge management has become mandatory in the competitive environment of today, as a tool to systematize knowledge within the organization. Underscoring the importance of this management process, this thesis aimed to identify possible problems and generate recommendations for improving the performance of Knowledge Management. The objective was achieved by conducting the analysis of a case study of a fast-food franchise through a case study in the ground plan of all the franchise restaurants. For the preparation of the case study was required to respect a theoretical review on the introduction of the concepts of knowledge management in fast-food restaurants, in addition to reviewing the theory on the concepts of organizational learning and on Standardization. When finalizing the theoretical review and analyze the case study was proposed recommendations and highlight difficulties and good practice found in the analyzed organization, and procedures for demonstrating the success of knowledge management in organizations