887 resultados para Generic APIs


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Hyönteispölytys lisää monien ristipölytteisten viljelykasvien siemensatoa sekä parantaa sadon laatua. Marjakasveilla, kuten mansikalla ja vadelmalla marjojen koko suurenee sekä niiden laatu paranee onnistuneen pölytyksen seurauksena. Aiempien havaintojen mukaan mansikan kukat eivät pääsääntöisesti houkuttele mehiläisiä, kun taas vadelma on yksi mehiläisten pääsatokasveista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tehokkaasti mehiläiset vierailevat mansikalla sekä vadelmalla, keskittyen kukkakohtaisiin käynteihin tuntia kohti. Mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää Gliocladium catenulatum-vektoreina torjuttaessa mansikan ja vadelman harmaahometta (Botrytis cinerea). Kukkavierailujen perusteella arvioidaan, onko vektorilevitys riittävän tehokas torjumaan harmaahometta ja miten hyvin mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää pölytyspalveluihin, etenkin mansikalla. Havainnot kerättiin kuudelta eri tilalta Sisä-Savosta kesällä 2007. Kukkavierailuja laskettiin mansikan ja vadelman kukinnan aikana erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa, eri kellonaikoina ja eri etäisyyksillä mehiläispesistä. Kukat valittiin satunnaisesti, ja valintaperusteena oli kukan avonaisuus. Tarkkailuaika riippui mehiläisten lentoaktiivisuudesta. Mansikan koko havaintojakson keskiarvoksi tuli 1,75 käyntiä kukkaa kohti tunnissa. Vadelmalla vastaava luku oli 4,27, joten keskiarvojen perusteella vadelma oli houkuttelevampi kuin mansikka. Kasvukauden vaiheella ei ollut eroja vierailuihin kummallakaan kasvilla, mutta vuorokaudenajan suhteen vierailuja oli enemmän aamupäivällä kuin iltapäivällä. Lämpötila korreloi positiivisesti vierailutiheyden kanssa kummallakin kasvilla. Sääolosuhteet rajoittivat havaintojen keräämistä ja kesä oli erittäin sateinen. Mehiläiset vierailivat kukissa riittävästi haastavissakin sääolosuhteissa niin, että harmaahometorjunta onnistui. Vektorilevitystä suunnitellessa, etenkin mansikalla, tulee ottaa huomioon pesien sijoittelu sekä riittävä lukumäärä. Pesien ravinnontarpeen tulee olla suuri, jotta mehiläiset keräisivät ravintoa kukista mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Pesiin voidaan lisätä tarvittaessa avosikiöitä tai poistaa siitepölyvarastoja ravinnonkeruuaktiivisuuden lisäämiseksi. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan pesien sijoittelun, kilpailevien kasvien sekä mansikkalajikkeiden houkuttelevuuden vaikutuksesta vierailutiheyteen. Suomalaisten mansikkalajikkeiden meden sekä siitepölyneritystä olisi myös hyvä selvittää.


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A controller design for vibration control and alignment maintenance at critical location is developed in a generic launch vehicle whose equipment bay (EB) houses the main inertial platform. The controller uses active control to reduce the attitude disturbance in the attitude at the EB due to elastic deformation. The vibration energy is redistributed by the technique of vibration confinement, which enables the response at the EB to reach its steady state faster in the remaining portion of the structure. (AIAA)


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Defending a large social insect colony containing several thousands of workers requires the simultaneous action of many individuals. Ideally this action involves communication between the workers, enabling coordinated action and a fast response. The Asian dwarf honeybee, Apis florea, is a small honeybee with an open nesting habit and a comparatively small colony size, features that leave them particularly exposed to predators. We describe here a novel defence response of these bees in which the emission of an initial warning signal from one individual (“piping”) is followed 0.3 to 0.7 seconds later by a general response from a large number of bees (“hissing”). Piping is audible to the human ear, with a fundamental frequency of 384 ± 31Hz and lasting for 0.82 ± 0.35 seconds. Hissing is a broad band, noisy signal, clearly audible to the human observer and produced by slight but visible movements of the bees' wings. Hissing begins in individuals close to the piping bee, spreads rapidly to neighbours and results in an impressive coordinated crescendo occasionally involving the entire colony. Piping and hissing are accompanied by a marked decrease, or even cessation, of worker activities such as forager dancing and departures from the colony. We show that whereas hissing of the colony can be elicited without piping, the sequential and correlated piping and hissing response is specific to the presence of potential predators close to the colony. We suggest that the combined audio-visual effect of the hissing might deter small predators, while the cessation of flight activity could decrease the risk of predation by birds and insects which prey selectively on flying bees.


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Trajectory optimization of a generic launch vehicle is considered in this paper. The trajectory from launch point to terminal injection point is divided in to two segments. The first segment deals with launcher clearance and vertical raise of the vehicle. During this phase, a nonlinear feedback guidance loop is incorporated to assure vertical raise in presence of thrust misalignment, centre of gravity offset, wind disturbance etc. and possibly to clear obstacles as well. The second segment deals with the trajectory optimization, where the objective is to ensure desired terminal conditions as well as minimum control effort and minimum structural loading in the high dynamic pressure region. The usefulness of this dynamic optimization problem formulation is demonstrated by solving it using the classical Gradient method. Numerical results for both the segments are presented, which clearly brings out the potential advantages of the proposed approach.


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We propose a generic three-pass key agreement protocol that is based on a certain kind of trapdoor one-way function family. When specialized to the RSA setting, the generic protocol yields the so-called KAS2 scheme that has recently been standardized by NIST. On the other hand, when specialized to the discrete log setting, we obtain a new protocol which we call DH2. An interesting feature of DH2 is that parties can use different groups (e.g., different elliptic curves). The generic protocol also has a hybrid implementation, where one party has an RSA key pair and the other party has a discrete log key pair. The security of KAS2 and DH2 is analyzed in an appropriate modification of the extended Canetti-Krawczyk security model.


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In today's API-rich world, programmer productivity depends heavily on the programmer's ability to discover the required APIs. In this paper, we present a technique and tool, called MATHFINDER, to discover APIs for mathematical computations by mining unit tests of API methods. Given a math expression, MATHFINDER synthesizes pseudo-code to compute the expression by mapping its subexpressions to API method calls. For each subexpression, MATHFINDER searches for a method such that there is a mapping between method inputs and variables of the subexpression. The subexpression, when evaluated on the test inputs of the method under this mapping, should produce results that match the method output on a large number of tests. We implemented MATHFINDER as an Eclipse plugin for discovery of third-party Java APIs and performed a user study to evaluate its effectiveness. In the study, the use of MATHFINDER resulted in a 2x improvement in programmer productivity. In 96% of the subexpressions queried for in the study, MATHFINDER retrieved the desired API methods as the top-most result. The top-most pseudo-code snippet to implement the entire expression was correct in 93% of the cases. Since the number of methods and unit tests to mine could be large in practice, we also implement MATHFINDER in a MapReduce framework and evaluate its scalability and response time.


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Today's programming languages are supported by powerful third-party APIs. For a given application domain, it is common to have many competing APIs that provide similar functionality. Programmer productivity therefore depends heavily on the programmer's ability to discover suitable APIs both during an initial coding phase, as well as during software maintenance. The aim of this work is to support the discovery and migration of math APIs. Math APIs are at the heart of many application domains ranging from machine learning to scientific computations. Our approach, called MATHFINDER, combines executable specifications of mathematical computations with unit tests (operational specifications) of API methods. Given a math expression, MATHFINDER synthesizes pseudo-code comprised of API methods to compute the expression by mining unit tests of the API methods. We present a sequential version of our unit test mining algorithm and also design a more scalable data-parallel version. We perform extensive evaluation of MATHFINDER (1) for API discovery, where math algorithms are to be implemented from scratch and (2) for API migration, where client programs utilizing a math API are to be migrated to another API. We evaluated the precision and recall of MATHFINDER on a diverse collection of math expressions, culled from algorithms used in a wide range of application areas such as control systems and structural dynamics. In a user study to evaluate the productivity gains obtained by using MATHFINDER for API discovery, the programmers who used MATHFINDER finished their programming tasks twice as fast as their counterparts who used the usual techniques like web and code search, IDE code completion, and manual inspection of library documentation. For the problem of API migration, as a case study, we used MATHFINDER to migrate Weka, a popular machine learning library. Overall, our evaluation shows that MATHFINDER is easy to use, provides highly precise results across several math APIs and application domains even with a small number of unit tests per method, and scales to large collections of unit tests.


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The tribe Iphigenieae (Colchicaceace, Liliales) includes two genera, viz. Camptorrhiza and Iphigenia, which are distributed in Africa, India, and Australasia. Iphigenia is represented by 12 species, of which six occur in India while Camptorrhiza comprises one species each in Africa (C. strumosa) and India (C. indica). The genus Camptorrhiza possesses a knee-shaped tuber attached to the corms, filaments with a thick bulge in the middle and styles with single stigma. Iphigenia on the other hand lacks knee-shaped tuber, bears linear filaments and has styles with three stigmas. Camptorrhiza indica possesses ovoid corms, linear filaments and styles with a single stigma. These characters are intermediate between Iphigenia and Camptorrhiza and hence we studied the cytogenetics and phylogenetic placement of this species to ascertain its generic identity. Somatic chromosome count (2n = 22) and karyotypic features of C. indica are very similar to that of Iphigenia species. Molecular phylogenetic studies based on atpB-rbcL, rps16, trnL, and trnL-F regions showed that C. indica is nested within a lineage of Indian Iphigenia species. Thus, C. indica was reduced to a species of Iphigenia, i.e., I. ratnagirica. Camptorrhiza is now a monotypic genus restricted only to southern Africa. A key to the Indian Iphigenia species is provided. In addition, a new combination Wurmbea novae-zelandiae is proposed for Iphigenia novae-zelandiae.