187 resultados para Fountain
We have characterized a distinctive type of bistratified amacrine cell in the rabbit retina at both the single cell and population levels. These cells correspond to the fountain amacrine cells recently identified by MacNeil and Masland (1998). The fountain cells can be distinguished in superfused retinal wholemounts labeled with nuclear dyes, thus enabling them to be targeted for intracellular injection with Neurobiotin. This revealed that the primary dendrites ascend steeply to sublamina b of the inner plexiform layer, where they form an irregular arbor at the border of strata 4 and 5. These dendrites then give rise to multiple varicose processes that descend obliquely to sublamina a, where they form a more extensive arbor in stratum 1. The fountain amacrine cells show strong homologous tracer coupling when injected with Neurobiotin, and this has enabled us to map their density distribution across the retina and to examine the dendritic relationships between neighboring cells. The fountain amacrine cells range in density from 90 to 360 cells/mm(2) and they account for 1.5% of the amacrine cells in the rabbit retina. The thick tapering dendrites in sublamina b form highly territorial arbors that tile the retina with minimal overlap, whereas the thin varicose processes intermingle in sublamina a. The fountain cells are immunopositive for gamma-aminobutyric acid and immunonegative for glycine. We further propose that these cells are homologous to the substance P-immunoreactive (SP-IR) amacrine cells in the cat retina and that they may account for a subset of the SP-IR amacrine cells in the rabbit retina.
Le galassie a spirale, come la Via Lattea, sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di gas freddo e formazione stellare e vengono perciò chiamate star-forming. Per creare nuove stelle è necessaria una sufficiente riserva di gas, la cui disponibilità governa l’evoluzione della galassia stessa. Finora, non è stato individuato con certezza un meccanismo che possa alimentare la formazione di nuove stelle nelle galassie star-forming. Una delle possibili sorgenti di tale gas è l’alone galattico caldo (corona galattica) il cui raffreddamento e successivo accrescimento possono essere stimolati dal processo di fontana galattica. L’esplosione di supernovae porta nubi di gas freddo in orbita al di sopra del disco stellare; queste nubi raggiungono altezze dell’ordine del kiloparsec, interagendo con la corona di gas caldo. Il moto delle nubi all’interno di un mezzo meno denso comporta l’instaurarsi dell’instabilità di Kelvin-Helmholtz, che ’strappa’ gas dalle nubi e causa la condensazione di materia coronale. Quest’ultima viene quindi accresciuta e, ricadendo sul disco, trasferisce nuovo materiale alla galassia e ne alimenta la formazione stellare. Lo scopo di questa tesi è derivare un modello analitico di fontana galattica che consenta di ottenere una formulazione analitica per il tempo orbitale, cioè il tempo richiesto alle nubi per ricadere sul disco galattico. Infatti, più u tempo le nubi impiegano per attraversare il materiale coronale caldo e ricadere sul disco, più materiale viene accresciuto durante l’orbita. Conoscendo i tempi orbitali sarebbe possibile calcolare il tasso di accrescimento legato al fenomeno di fontana e studiarne l’andamento con il raggio del disco. Questo modello potrebbe rivelarsi utile per lo studio dell’impatto della fontana nell’evoluzione globale del disco galattico e della chimica dell’intera galassia.
Germline mutations within the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) gene and one of its targets, the cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) gene, have been identified in a proportion of melanoma kindreds. In the case of CDK4, only one specific mutation, resulting in the substitution of a cysteine for an arginine at codon 24 (R24C), has been found to be associated with melanoma. We have previously reported the identification of germline CDKN2A mutations in 7/18 Australian melanoma kindreds and the absence of the R24C CDK4 mutation in 21 families lacking evidence of a CDKN2A mutation. The current study represents an expansion of these efforts and includes a total of 48 melanoma families from Australia. All of these families have now been screened for mutations within CDKN2A and CDK4, as well as for mutations within the CDKN2A homolog and 9p21 neighbor, the CDKN2B gene, and the alternative exon 1 (E1beta) of CDKN2A. Families lacking CDKN2A mutations, but positive for a polymorphism(s) within this gene, were further evaluated to determine if their disease was associated with transcriptional silencing of one CDKN2A allele. Overall, CDKN2A mutations were detected in 3/30 (10%) of the new kindreds. Two of these mutations have been observed previously: a 24 bp duplication at the 5' end of the gene and a G to C transversion in exon 2 resulting in an M531 substitution. A novel G to A transition in exon 2, resulting in a D108N substitution was also detected. Combined with our previous findings, we have now detected germline CDKN2A mutations in 10/48 (21%) of our melanoma kindreds. In none of the 'CDKN2A-negative' families was melanoma found to segregate with either an untranscribed CDKN2A allele, an R24C CDK4 mutation, a CDKN2B mutation, or an E1beta mutation. The last three observations suggest that these other cell cycle control genes (or alternative gene products) are either not involved at all, or to any great extent, in melanoma predisposition.
Germ-line mutations in CDKN2A have been shown to predispose to cutaneous malignant melanoma. We have identified 2 new melanoma kindreds which carry a duplication of a 24bp repeat present in the 5' region of CDKN2A previously identified in melanoma families from Australia and the United States. This mutation has now been reported in 5 melanoma families from 3 continents: Europe, North America, and Australasia. The M53I mutation in exon 2 of CDKN2A has also been documented in 5 melanoma families from Australia and North America. The aim of this study was to determine whether the occurrence of the mutations in these families from geographically diverse populations represented mutation hotspots within CDKN2A or were due to common ancestors. Haplotypes of 11 microsatellite markers flanking CDKN2A were constructed in 5 families carrying the M53I mutation and 5 families carrying the 24bp duplication. There were some differences in the segregating haplotypes due primarily to recombinations and mutations within the short tandem-repeat markers; however, the data provide evidence to indicate that there were at least 3 independent 24bp duplication events and possibly only 1 original M53I mutation. This is the first study to date which indicates common founders in melanoma families from different continents.
Deletions detected in cytogenetic and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies indicate that at least one tumour suppressor gene maps to the long arm of chromosome 10. Previous deletion mapping studies have observed LOH on 10q in about 30% of melanomas analysed. The PTEN gene, mapping to chromosome band 10q23.3, encodes a protein with both lipid and protein phosphatase activity. Somatic mutations and deletions in have been detected in a variety of cell lines and tumours, including melanoma samples. We performed mutation analyses and extensive allelic loss studies to investigate the role this gene plays in melanoma pathogenesis. We found that a total of 34 out of 57 (60%) melanoma cell lines carried hemizygous deletions of chromosome 10q encompassing the PTEN locus. A further three cell lines carried smaller deletions excluding PTEN. Inactivation of both PTEN alleles by exon-specific homozygous deletion or mutation was observed in 13 out of 57 (23%) melanoma cell lines. The mutation spectrum observed does not indicate an important role for ultraviolet radiation in the genesis of these mutations, and evidence from three cell lines supports the acquisition of PTEN aberrations in culture. Ten out of 49 (20%) matched melanoma tumour/normal samples harboured hemizygous deletions of either the whole chromosome or most of the long arm. Mutations within were detected in only one of the 10 tumours demonstrating LOH at 10q23 that were analysed. These results suggest that PTEN inactivation may be important for the propagation of melanoma cells in culture, and that another chromosome 10 tumour suppressor gene may be important for melanoma pathogenesis.
The behavior of plane fountains, resulting from the injection of dense fluid (water) upwards into a large container of homogeneous fluid of lower density (air),was investigated. In this study the behavior of fountains was examined numerically and experimentally for different Froude and Reynolds numbers. The flow rate and nozzle diameter of the inlet of the fountain was varied to cover a wide range of Reynolds and Froude numbers. The effect of inclination angle of the inlet for different nozzle diameter and flow rate on fountain behavior was observed. It was found that the height of the fountain greatly depends on Froude number. An empirical correlation was developed for non-dimensional fountain height with Froude number. However the non-dimensional fountain height can more accurately be represented when regressed with both Reynolds and Froude number by the following relationship H/r=exp(5.94)*Re^-0.72*Fr^2.26. The result are compared with previous numerical and experimental results and found to be consistent.
“Tranquility Falls” depicts a computer-generated waterfall set to sentimental stock music. As the water gushes, text borrowed from a popular talk show host’s self-help advice fade in and out graphically down the screen. As the animated phrases increase in tempo, the sounds of the waterfall begin to overwhelm the tender music. By creating overtly fabricated sensations of inspiration and awe, the work questions how and where we experience contemplation, wonderment and guidance in a contemporary context. “Tranquility Falls” contributes to studies in the field of contemporary art. It is particularly concerned with representations of spirituality and nature. These have been important themes in art practice for some time. For example, artists such as Olafur Eliasson and James Turrell have created artificial insertions in nature in order to question contemporary experiences of the natural environment. Other artists such as Nam Jun Paik have more directly addressed the changing relationship between spirituality and popular culture. Using a practice-led research methodology, “Tranquility Falls” extends these creative inquiries. By presenting an overtly synthetic but strangely evocative pun on a ‘fountain of knowledge’, it questions whether we are informed less by traditional engagements with organised religions and natural wonder, and instead, increasingly reliant on the mechanisms of popular culture for moments of insight and reflection. “Tranquility Falls” has been exhibited internationally at LA Louver Gallery, Venice, California in 2013 and nationally with GBK as part of Art Month Sydney, also in 2013. It has been critically reviewed in The Los Angeles Times.
The Glashaus is considered a significant exemplar of early modernist architecture and is generally accepted as having had Expressionist origins. However, current research has revealed that the design origins of this important building are not fully understood. While the historical record acknowledges the contributions of the bohemian poet Paul Scheerbart and the art critic Adolf Behne, the role of the Glashaus’ architect, Bruno Taut, has been moderated. In an attempt to rectify this situation this article proposes that the design origins of the Glashaus can be found in a strong architect-client interaction. It is argued that the Glashaus’ client, the Deutsche Luxfer Prismen Syndikat under the directorship of Frederick Keppler, exerted a significant influence on its design. In order to showcase the glazed products of Luxfer in the best manner possible, Keppler insisted that the design feature a glazed dome, electric lighting, a fountain as well as a cascade. Given the detailed stipulations of this brief, Taut had few options other than to offer interpretations of precedent that derived from the Victoria regia lily and Gothic proportioning. By expounding this architect-client relationship, this article expands our understanding of the Glashaus, and reinvigorates our understanding of this important early example of modern architecture.
With the aim of finding simple methods for the fabrication of He II refilling devices, He II flow has been studied through filters made from various fine powders (oxides and metals, grain sizes in the range 0.05–2 μm) by compacting them under pressure. The results obtained for the different states of He II flow, especially in the “breakthrough” and “easy flow” range, are explained by the fountain effect, He II hydrodynamics and the choking effect. According to the results, pressedpowder filters can be classified into three groups with different flow characteristics, of which the “good transfer filters” with a behaviour neatly described by simple theory are suitable for use in He II refilling devices.
The treatment of large segmental bone defects remains a significant clinical challenge. Due to limitations surrounding the use of bone grafts, tissue-engineered constructs for the repair of large bone defects could offer an alternative. Before translation of any newly developed tissue engineering (TE) approach to the clinic, efficacy of the treatment must be shown in a validated preclinical large animal model. Currently, biomechanical testing, histology, and microcomputed tomography are performed to assess the quality and quantity of the regenerated bone. However, in vivo monitoring of the progression of healing is seldom performed, which could reveal important information regarding time to restoration of mechanical function and acceleration of regeneration. Furthermore, since the mechanical environment is known to influence bone regeneration, and limb loading of the animals can poorly be controlled, characterizing activity and load history could provide the ability to explain variability in the acquired data sets and potentially outliers based on abnormal loading. Many approaches have been devised to monitor the progression of healing and characterize the mechanical environment in fracture healing studies. In this article, we review previous methods and share results of recent work of our group toward developing and implementing a comprehensive biomechanical monitoring system to study bone regeneration in preclinical TE studies.
We demonstrate the launching of laser-cooled Yb atoms in a continuous atomic beam. The continuous cold beam has significant advantages over the more-common pulsed fountain, which was also demonstrated by us recently. The cold beam is formed in the following steps: i) atoms from a thermal beam are first Zeeman-slowed to a small final velocity; ii) the slowed atoms are captured in a two-dimensional magneto-optic trap (2D-MOT); and iii) atoms are launched continuously in the vertical direction using two sets of moving-molasses beams, inclined at +/- 15 degrees to the vertical. The cooling transition used is the strongly allowed S-1(0) -> P-1(1) transition at 399 nm. We capture about 7x10(6) atoms in the 2D-MOT, and then launch them with a vertical velocity of 13m/s at a longitudinal temperature of 125(6) mK. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2013
[ES] La parte documentada consta de un edificio independiente (que no exento) que corresponde a la antigua hospedería, que tiene unas dimensiones de 25x15 metros y está formado por ocho espacios abovedados. En la fachada exterior Norte tiene adosada la denominada «Fuente de Felipe II». Por otro lado, los «aposentos del arcediano» consisten en una entrada al claustro por la conocida como «Puerta de los Caballeros» que es un espacio abovedado de 6 x 6 metros que da también acceso a una estancia rectangular de 12 x 6 metros que actualmente se utiliza como capilla. Este espacio cuenta también con varias vidrieras que también se han documentado.