997 resultados para Force plate


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We have previously observed a change in the magnitude of the soleus (SOL) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) H-reflexes during different sway positions of quiet standing. The purpose of the present study was to extend the earlier finding by examining whether the SOL and MG H-reflexes are additionally influenced by the velocity of sway, i.e., whether the body is swaying in either the forward or backward direction. Five healthy subjects participated in the study. The mean position of the centre of pressure (COP) in the antero-posterior direction was determined while the subject stood quietly on a force plate for 60 s. In contrast to the earlier study, where the H-reflex was tested at the outermost positions of sway (±6 mm from the baseline mean), the current study elicited a SOL and MG H-reflex as the COP passed through the mean position of sway. This resulted in two sway conditions, where the position of the COP was the same but the sway velocity was different (10 mm s-1 forward and 10 mm s-1 backward). During the forward as compared to the backward velocity condition, there was a 20% and 25% increase in the amplitude of the H-reflex for the SOL and MG muscles, respectively, while the size of their respective background activities were the same. SOL and MG M-waves, as well as the level of background activity from the antagonist (tibialis anterior), were not different between the two sway conditions and thus cannot account for the observed changes to the amplitude of the H-reflexes. It can be concluded from these results that the direction (velocity) of sway has the ability to influence the size of the SOL and MG H-reflexes. The facilitation of the SOL and MG H-reflexes observed while swaying forward may be due to a reduction in presynaptic inhibition or an improvement in Ia synaptic efficacy brought about by changes in muscle length.


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Context: Core strength training (CST) has been popular in the fitness industry for a decade. Although strong core muscles are believed to enhance athletic performance, only few scientific studies have been conducted to identify the effectiveness of CST on improving athletic performance. Objective: Identify the effects of a 6-wk CST on running kinetics, lower extremity stability, and running performance in recreational and competitive runners. Design and Setting: A test-retest, randomized control design was used to assess the effect of CST and no CST on ground reaction force (GRF), lower extremity stability scores, and running performance. Participants: Twenty-eight healthy adults (age, 36.9+9.4yrs, height, 168.4+9.6cm, mass, 70.1+15.3kg) were recruited and randomly divided into two groups. Main outcome Measures: GRF was determined by calculating peak impact vertical GRF (vGRF), peak active vGRF, duration of the breaking or horizontal GRF (hGRF), and duration of the propulsive hGRF as measured while running across a force plate. Lower extremity stability in three directions (anterior, posterior, lateral) was assessed using the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). Running performance was determined by 5000 meter run measured on selected outdoor tracks. Six 2 (time) X 2 (condition) mixed-design ANOVA were used to determine if CST influences on each dependent variable, p < .05. Results: No significant interactions were found for any kinetic variables and SEBT score, p>.05. But 5000m run time showed significant interaction, p < .05. SEBT scores improved in both groups, but more in the experimental group. Conclusion: CST did not significantly influence kinetic efficiency and lower extremity stability, but did influence running performance.


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Introdução: Os efeitos a longo prazo de exercícios de Pilates têm sido bem documentados, não entanto os seus efeitos imediatos no controlo postural estático e dinâmico de jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica permanecem por desvendar. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos imediatos de uma sessão composta por 4 exercícios de Pilates Clínico no controlo postural estático e dinâmico de jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica. Métodos: 46 estudantes universitários com dor lombar não específica participaram no estudo randomizado e controlado. Os participantes foram randomizados para um grupo de Pilates (n = 23, 10 do sexo masculino, idade: 21,8 ± 3,2 anos; peso: 64,5 ± 11,5 kg; altura: 1,70 ± 0,1 m) e um grupo controlo (n = 23, 9 do sexo masculino; idade: 22,8 ± 3,6 anos; peso: 62,5 ± 9,9 kg; altura: 1,68 ± 0,1 m). O controlo postural estático foi avaliado com uma plataforma de forças e o controlo postural dinâmico com o Star Excursion Balance Test, antes e depois da intervenção ou período de repouso. Para avaliar o controlo postural estático, os participantes estavam em posição ortostática, o mais quietos possível durante 90s, com os olhos fechados em superfície instável. A intervenção durou 20 minutos e consistiu em 4 exercícios de Pilates Clínico: single leg stretch (nível 1), pelvic press (nível 1), swimming (nível 1) e kneeling opposite arm and leg reach. Resultados: No momento de avaliação inicial, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos em nenhuma das variáveis. Após a intervenção, o grupo Pilates melhorou em todos as variáveis do controlo postural estático (COPx: 5,7 ± 1,0 para 5,1 ± 0,7 cm, p = 0,005; COPy: 4,4 ± 1,0 para 3,8 ± 0,7 cm, p < 0,001; comprimento total: 255,2 ± 55,9 para 210,5 ± 42,7 cm, p < 0,001 ; área: 11,5 ± 3,4 para 9,7 ± 2,7 cm2, p = 0,002 e velocidade : 2,8 ± 0,6 para 2,3 ± 0,5 cm/s, p < 0,001) e no Star Excursion Balance Test (anterior: 65,3 ± 8,3 para 68,6 ± 6,4%, p = 0,001; póstero-medial: 82,6 ± 11,7 para 89,5 ± 9,7%, p < 0,001; póstero-lateral: 83,9 ± 11,0 para 87,6 ± 10,2%, p < 0,001 e composite: 86,2 ± 12,4 para 91,1 ± 11,0%, p < 0,001). O grupo de controlo só melhorou na velocidade (2,8 ± 0,5 para 2,6 ± 0,5 cm/s, p = 0,009) e comprimento total (248,5 ± 45,3 para 237,3 ± 47,2 cm, p = 0,009) no controlo postural estático. No entanto, as melhorias no grupo Pilates foram significativamente maiores do que as do grupo de controlo. Conclusão: Os exercícios de Pilates Clínico melhoraram, no imediato, o controlo postural estático e dinâmico em jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica.


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Force plate or pressure plate analysis came as an innovative tool to biomechanics and sport medicine -- This allows engineers, scientists and doctors to virtually reconstruct the way a person steps while running or walking using a measuring system and a computer -- With this information they can calculate and analyze a whole set of variables and factors that characterize the step -- Then they are able to make corrections and/or optimizations, designing appropriate shoes and insoles for the patient -- The idea is to study and understand all the hardware and software implications of this process and all the components involved, and then propose an alternative solution -- This solution should have at least similar performance to existing systems -- It should increase the accuracy and/or the sampling frequency to obtain better results -- By the end, there should be a working prototype of a pressure measuring system and a mathematical model to govern it -- The costs of the system have to be lower than most of the systems in the market


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Au cours des vingt dernières années, l’anesthésie régionale est devenue, autant en médecine vétérinaire qu’humaine, un outil essentiel à l’élaboration de protocoles analgésiques péri-opératoires. Parmi l’éventail de techniques mises au point en anesthésie canine, le bloc paravertébral du plexus vertébral (PBPB) et sa version modifiée sont d’un grand intérêt pour toute procédure du membre thoracique, dans sa portion proximale. Toutefois, l’essentiel des données publiées à ce jour provient d’études colorimétriques, sans évaluation clinique, et peu d’information est disponible sur les techniques de localisation nerveuse envisageables à ce site. Notre étude visait à décrire une approche échoguidée du PBPB modifié, puis à caractériser ses paramètres pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques après administration de lidocaïne (LI) ou lidocaïne adrénalinée (LA). Huit chiens ont été inclus dans un protocole prospectif, randomisé, en aveugle et croisé, réparti sur trois périodes. L’impact pharmacodynamique du bloc effectué avec LI ou LA a été évalué régulièrement pour 180 min suivant son exécution. Le traitement à l’adrénaline n’a pas démontré d’impact significatif (P = 0,845) sur la durée du bloc sensitif, tel qu’évalué par un stimulus douloureux mécanique appliqué aux dermatomes ciblés. À l’opposé, l’atteinte proprioceptive évaluée par la démarche a été trouvée prolongée (P = 0,027) et le bloc moteur mesuré par le pic de force verticale (PVF) au trot sur la plaque de force s’est avéré plus marqué (PVF réduit; P = 0,007) sous LA. À l’arrêt comme au trot, le nadir de la courbe PVF-temps a été trouvé retardé (P < 0,005) et la pente ascendante de retour aux valeurs normales adoucie (P = 0,005). Parallèlement aux évaluations cliniques, des échantillons plasmatiques ont été collectés régulièrement afin de quantifier et décrire le devenir pharmacocinétique de la lidocaïne. Parmi les trois élaborés, un modèle bi-compartimental doté d’une double absorption asynchrone d’ordre zéro a finalement été sélectionné et appliqué aux données expérimentales. Sous LA, la Cmax a été trouvée significativement diminuée (P < 0,001), les phases d’absorption prolongées [P < 0,020 (Dur1) et P < 0,001 (Dur2)] et leurs constantes réduites [P = 0,046(k01) et P < 0,001 (k02)], le tout en concordance avec les effets proprioceptifs et moteurs rapportés. Bien que l’extrapolation du dosage soit maintenant théoriquement envisageable à partir du modèle mis en lumière ici, des études supplémentaires sont encore nécessaires afin d’établir un protocole de PBPB d’intérêt clinique. L’analyse sur plaque de force pourrait alors devenir un outil de choix pour évaluer l’efficacité du bloc dans un cadre expérimental.


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Au cours des vingt dernières années, l’anesthésie régionale est devenue, autant en médecine vétérinaire qu’humaine, un outil essentiel à l’élaboration de protocoles analgésiques péri-opératoires. Parmi l’éventail de techniques mises au point en anesthésie canine, le bloc paravertébral du plexus vertébral (PBPB) et sa version modifiée sont d’un grand intérêt pour toute procédure du membre thoracique, dans sa portion proximale. Toutefois, l’essentiel des données publiées à ce jour provient d’études colorimétriques, sans évaluation clinique, et peu d’information est disponible sur les techniques de localisation nerveuse envisageables à ce site. Notre étude visait à décrire une approche échoguidée du PBPB modifié, puis à caractériser ses paramètres pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques après administration de lidocaïne (LI) ou lidocaïne adrénalinée (LA). Huit chiens ont été inclus dans un protocole prospectif, randomisé, en aveugle et croisé, réparti sur trois périodes. L’impact pharmacodynamique du bloc effectué avec LI ou LA a été évalué régulièrement pour 180 min suivant son exécution. Le traitement à l’adrénaline n’a pas démontré d’impact significatif (P = 0,845) sur la durée du bloc sensitif, tel qu’évalué par un stimulus douloureux mécanique appliqué aux dermatomes ciblés. À l’opposé, l’atteinte proprioceptive évaluée par la démarche a été trouvée prolongée (P = 0,027) et le bloc moteur mesuré par le pic de force verticale (PVF) au trot sur la plaque de force s’est avéré plus marqué (PVF réduit; P = 0,007) sous LA. À l’arrêt comme au trot, le nadir de la courbe PVF-temps a été trouvé retardé (P < 0,005) et la pente ascendante de retour aux valeurs normales adoucie (P = 0,005). Parallèlement aux évaluations cliniques, des échantillons plasmatiques ont été collectés régulièrement afin de quantifier et décrire le devenir pharmacocinétique de la lidocaïne. Parmi les trois élaborés, un modèle bi-compartimental doté d’une double absorption asynchrone d’ordre zéro a finalement été sélectionné et appliqué aux données expérimentales. Sous LA, la Cmax a été trouvée significativement diminuée (P < 0,001), les phases d’absorption prolongées [P < 0,020 (Dur1) et P < 0,001 (Dur2)] et leurs constantes réduites [P = 0,046(k01) et P < 0,001 (k02)], le tout en concordance avec les effets proprioceptifs et moteurs rapportés. Bien que l’extrapolation du dosage soit maintenant théoriquement envisageable à partir du modèle mis en lumière ici, des études supplémentaires sont encore nécessaires afin d’établir un protocole de PBPB d’intérêt clinique. L’analyse sur plaque de force pourrait alors devenir un outil de choix pour évaluer l’efficacité du bloc dans un cadre expérimental.


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A new 8-node serendipity quadrilateral plate bending element (MQP8) based on the Mindlin-Reissner theory for the analysis of thin and moderately thick plate bending problems using Integrated Force Method is presented in this paper. The performance of this new element (MQP8) is studied for accuracy and convergence by analyzing many standard benchmark plate bending problems. This new element MQP8 performs excellent in both thin and moderately thick plate bending situations. And also this element is free from spurious/zero energy modes and free from shear locking problem.


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The Integrated Force Method (IFM) is a novel matrix formulation developed for analyzing the civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering structures. In this method all independent/internal forces are treated as unknown variables which are calculated by simultaneously imposing equations of equilibrium and compatibility conditions. This paper presents a new 12-node serendipity quadrilateral plate bending element MQP12 for the analysis of thin and thick plate problems using IFM. The Mindlin-Reissner plate theory has been employed in the formulation which accounts the effect of shear deformation. The performance of this new element with respect to accuracy and convergence is studied by analyzing many standard benchmark plate bending problems. The results of the new element MQP12 are compared with those of displacement-based 12-node plate bending elements available in the literature. The results are also compared with exact solutions. The new element MQP12 is free from shear locking and performs excellent for both thin and moderately thick plate bending situations.


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Closed form solutions for equilibrium and flexibility matrices of the Mindlin-Reissner theory based eight-node rectangular plate bending element (MRP8) using integrated Force Method (IFM) are presented in this paper. Though these closed form solutions of equilibrium and flexibility matrices are applicable to plate bending problems with square/rectangular boundaries, they reduce the computational time significantly and give more exact solutions. Presented closed form solutions are validated by solving large number of standard square/rectangular plate bending benchmark problems for deflections and moments and the results are compared with those of similar displacement-based eight-node quadrilateral plate bending elements available in the literature. The results are also compared with the exact solutions.