995 resultados para Food poisoning


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No Estado do Pará, o beneficiamento do caranguejo-uçá ocorre de forma totalmente artesanal, sendo o seu produto frequentemente associado a eventos de intoxicação alimentar. Neste trabalho o autor tem por finalidade propor adequações tecnológicas no processamento deste crustáceo desenvolvido na comunidade de Caratateua, município de Bragança/Pará. Foram realizadas excursões mensais à comunidade de abril/2008 a maio/2009 com aplicação de 120 entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores sociais envolvidos na atividade, constando de aspectos econômicos, sociais e tecnológicos, além de análises laboratoriais (composição química e microbiologia), observações de campo e revisão de literatura. Constatou-se que a quantidade de caranguejo desembarcada e o tamanho médio dos indivíduos vêm diminuindo nos últimos anos. A captura é realizada exclusivamente por indivíduos do sexo masculino, sendo o gancho o principal apetrecho utilizado. O beneficiamento é praticado principalmente por mulheres e crianças, porém homens eventualmente também o fazem. Não há uma padronização do processamento e as condições higiênico-sanitárias dos locais de beneficiamento são na grande maioria das vezes inadequadas, podendo este ser realizado no interior da residência, em “puxadinhas” ou nos quintais, geralmente na presença de animais domésticos, insetos e sem a adequada assepsia de manipuladores, equipamentos e superfícies de contato. Desta forma, conclui-se que tal realidade é ocasionada principalmente pelo desordenamento da pescaria e falta de preocupação dos catadores quanto à qualidade do produto, sendo de fundamental importância a criação de uma legislação específica para a carne de caranguejo e a adoção de boas práticas de fabricação levando em consideração a realidade local visando agregação de valor ao produto e maior segurança alimentar aos consumidores.


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Salmonella food poisoning is a public health problem. Feed withdrawal from broiler chickens before slaughter can favor the multiplication of Salmonella in the cecum and crop of contaminated animals and subsequently lead to contamination of carcasses in the processing plant. In the present study, a cocktail of lytic bacteriophages isolated from sewage water was orally administered to 45-d-old broiler chickens 1 h after they received an oral dose of 107 cfu/mL Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Enteritidis. Immediately after phage administration and 30 min, 1, 3, 6, and 12 h thereafter, groups of chicken were killed. Ceca and crops were analyzed for the presence of Salmonella. At 3 h posttreatment, there were 103 cfu/g and 101 cfu/g of cecal and crop suspension, respectively. At 6 h after treatment, the number of Salmonella was 103 cfu/g in the cecal suspension, but below the detection limit in the crops. our results suggest that bacteriophage therapy may be able to reduce the contamination of chicken carcasses by reducing the preslaughter load of Salmonella in the birds.


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Food poisoning can cause infection on its consumers by the presence of pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, it is important to check its quality, which can be affected by many factors. The sanitary quality of foods can be assessed by thermotolerant coliform. Since food safety is a matter of great concern, this study aimed to evaluate the hygienic sanitary conditions of samples of ice cream and desserts marketed in the city of Botucatu, by determining the most probable number (MPN) of thermotolerant coliform, identification and enumeration of coagulase positive staphylococci and verification of classical enterotoxin production by strains of S. aureus and also for detecting the presence of Salmonella sp. Among the ice cream analyzed, 56.3% were unfit for consumption and between the creamy desserts, the percentage of unfit samples was 33.3%. Coagulase positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella were not found in the samples. It is then an inadequacy in handling and / or storage conditions in a considerable number of samples, indicating need for improvement in the conditions of preparation


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Members of the Staphylococcus genus, especially Staphylococcus aureus, are the most common pathogens found in hospitals and in community-acquired infections. Some of their pathogenicity is associated with enzyme and toxin production. Until recently, S. aureus was the most studied species in the genus; however, in last few years, the rise of infections caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci has pointed out the need for further studies on virulence factors that have not yet been completely elucidated so as to better characterize the pathogenic potential of this group of microorganisms. Several staphylococcal species produce enterotoxins, a family of related proteins responsible for many diseases, such as the toxic-shock syndrome, septicemia and food poisoning. To this date, 23 different enterotoxin types have been identified besides toxic-shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), and they can be divided into five phylogenetic groups. The mechanism of action of these toxins includes superantigen activity and emetic properties, which can lead to biological effects of infection. Various methods can detect genes that encode enterotoxins and their production. Molecular methods are the most frequently used at present. This review article has the objective to describe aspects related to the classification, structure and regulation of enterotoxins and toxic-shock syndrome toxin-1 detection methods.


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Clostridium perfringens is an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium known as common pathogen for humans, for domestic and wildlife animals. Although infections caused by C. perfringens type C and A in swine are well studied, just a few reports describe the genetic relationship among strains in the epidemiological chain of swine clostridioses, as well as the presence of the microorganism in the slaughterhouses. The aim of the present study was to isolate C. perfringens from feces and carcasses from swine slaughterhouses, characterize the strains in relation to the presence of enterotoxin, alpha, beta, epsilon, iota and beta-2 toxins genes. using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and comparing strains by means of Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Clostridium perfringens isolation frequencies in carcasses and finishing pig intestines were of 58.8% in both types of samples. According to the polymerase chain reaction assay, only, alfa toxin was detected, being all isolates also negative to enterotoxin and beta2 toxin. Through PFGE technique, the strains were characterized in 35 pulsotypes. In only one pulsotype, the isolate from carcass sample was grouped with fecal isolate of the same animal, suggesting that the risk of cross-contamination was low. Despite the high prevalence of C. perfringens in swine carcasses from the slaughterhouses assessed, the risk of food poisoning to Brazilian pork consumers is low, since all strains were negative to cpe-gene, codifying enterotoxin.


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Clostridium perfringens is an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium known as common pathogen for humans, for domestic and wildlife animals. Although infections caused by C. perfringens type C and A in swine are well studied, just a few reports describe the genetic relationship among strains in the epidemiological chain of swine clostridioses, as well as the presence of the microorganism in the slaughterhouses. The aim of the present study was to isolate C. perfringens from feces and carcasses from swine slaughterhouses, characterize the strains in relation to the presence of enterotoxin, alpha, beta, epsilon, iota and beta-2 toxins genes, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and comparing strains by means of Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Clostridium perfringens isolation frequencies in carcasses and finishing pig intestines were of 58.8% in both types of samples. According to the polymerase chain reaction assay, only alfa toxin was detected, being all isolates also negative to enterotoxin and beta2 toxin. Through PFGE technique, the strains were characterized in 35 pulsotypes. In only one pulsotype, the isolate from carcass sample was grouped with fecal isolate of the same animal, suggesting that the risk of cross-contamination was low. Despite the high prevalence of C. perfringens in swine carcasses from the slaughterhouses assessed, the risk of food poisoning to Brazilian pork consumers is low, since all strains were negative to cpe-gene, codifying enterotoxin.


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Domoinsäure ist ein von mehreren Arten mariner Kieselalgen der Gattung Pseudonitzschia produziertes Toxin, welches während einer Algenblüte in Molluscen wie z.B. der Miesmuschel Mytilus sp. akkumuliert werden kann. Beim Verzehr solch kontaminierter Muscheln können sowohl beim Menschen als auch bei Tieren erhebliche Vergiftungserscheinungen auftreten, die von Übelkeit, Kopfschmerzen und Orientierungsstörungen bis hin zum Verlust des Kurzzeitgedächtnisses (daher auch als amnesic shellfish poisoning bekannt) reichen und in einigen Fällen tödlich enden. rnDie heute gängigen Methoden zur Detektion von Domoinsäure in Muschelgewebe wie Flüssigkeitschromatographie und Maus-Bioassay sind zeit- und kostenintensiv bzw. in Anbetracht einer Verbesserung des Tierschutzes aus ethischer Sicht nicht zu vertreten. Immunologische Testsysteme stellen eine erstrebenswerte Alternative dar, da sie sich durch eine vergleichsweise einfache Handhabung, hohe Selektivität und Reproduzierbarkeit auszeichnen.rnDas Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein solches immunologisches Testsystem zur Detektion von Domoinsäure zu entwickeln. Hierfür wurden zunächst Antikörper gegen Domoinsäure gewonnen, wofür das Toxin wiederum als erstes über die Carbodiimid-Methode an das Trägerprotein keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) gekoppelt wurde, um eine Immunantwort auslösen zu können. Kaninchen und Mäuse wurden mit KLH-DO-Konjugaten nach vorgegebenen Immunisierungsschemata immunisiert. Nach vier Blutabnahmen zeigte das polyklonale Kaninchenantiserum eine ausreichend hohe Sensitivität zum Antigen; das nachfolgende Detektionssystem wurde mit Hilfe dieses polyklonalen Antikörpers aufgebaut. Zwar ist es gegen Ende der Arbeit auch gelungen, einen spezifischen monoklonalen Antikörper aus der Maus zu gewinnen, jedoch konnte dieser aus zeitlichen Gründen nicht mehr im Detektionssystem etabliert werden, was durchaus wünschenswert gewesen wäre. rnWeiterhin wurde Domoinsäure im Zuge der Entwicklung eines neuartigen Testsystems an die Trägerproteine Ovalbumin, Trypsininhibitor und Casein sowie an Biotin konjugiert. Die Kopplungserfolge wurden im ELISA, Western Blot bzw. Dot Blot nachgewiesen. Die Ovalbumin-gekoppelte sowie die biotinylierte Domoinsäure dienten im Folgenden als die zu messenden Größen in den Detektionsassays- die in einer zu untersuchenden Probe vorhandende, kompetitierende Domoinsäure wurde somit indirekt nachgewiesen. rnDer zulässige Höchstwert für Domoinsäure liegt bei 20 µg/g Muschelgewebe. Sowohl mit Biotin-DO als auch mit OVA-DO als den zu messenden Größen waren Domoinsäurekonzentrationen unterhalb dieses Grenzwertes nachweisbar; allerdings erwies sich der Aufbau mit Biotin-DO um das ca. 20-fache empfindlicher als jener mit OVA-DO. rnDie in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse könnten als Grundlage zur Etablierung eines kommerzialisierbaren immunologischen Testsystems zur Detektion von Domoinsäure und anderen Biotoxinen dienen. Nach erfolgreicher Validierung wäre ein solches Testsystem in seiner Handhabung einfacher als die gängige Flüssigkeitschromatographie und besser reproduzierbar als der Maus-Bioassay.rn


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The AEGISS (Ascertainment and Enhancement of Gastrointestinal Infection Surveillance and Statistics) project aims to use spatio-temporal statistical methods to identify anomalies in the space-time distribution of non-specific, gastrointestinal infections in the UK, using the Southampton area in southern England as a test-case. In this paper, we use the AEGISS project to illustrate how spatio-temporal point process methodology can be used in the development of a rapid-response, spatial surveillance system. Current surveillance of gastroenteric disease in the UK relies on general practitioners reporting cases of suspected food-poisoning through a statutory notification scheme, voluntary laboratory reports of the isolation of gastrointestinal pathogens and standard reports of general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease by public health and environmental health authorities. However, most statutory notifications are made only after a laboratory reports the isolation of a gastrointestinal pathogen. As a result, detection is delayed and the ability to react to an emerging outbreak is reduced. For more detailed discussion, see Diggle et al. (2003). A new and potentially valuable source of data on the incidence of non-specific gastro-enteric infections in the UK is NHS Direct, a 24-hour phone-in clinical advice service. NHS Direct data are less likely than reports by general practitioners to suffer from spatially and temporally localized inconsistencies in reporting rates. Also, reporting delays by patients are likely to be reduced, as no appointments are needed. Against this, NHS Direct data sacrifice specificity. Each call to NHS Direct is classified only according to the general pattern of reported symptoms (Cooper et al, 2003). The current paper focuses on the use of spatio-temporal statistical analysis for early detection of unexplained variation in the spatio-temporal incidence of non-specific gastroenteric symptoms, as reported to NHS Direct. Section 2 describes our statistical formulation of this problem, the nature of the available data and our approach to predictive inference. Section 3 describes the stochastic model. Section 4 gives the results of fitting the model to NHS Direct data. Section 5 shows how the model is used for spatio-temporal prediction. The paper concludes with a short discussion.


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In a period of increasing concern about food safety, food poisoning outbreaks where unpasterurized apple cider or apple juice was found contaminated with Escherichia coli 0157:H7 reinforces the need for using the best technologies in apple cider production. Most apple cider is sold as an unpasteurized raw product. Because of their acidity, it was believed that juice products do not usually contain microorganisms such as E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella, and Crytosporidium. Yet all of these foodborne pathogens are capable of being transmitted in unpasteurized juices. It is known that these pathogens can survive for several weeks in a variety of acidic juices. Although heat pasteurization is probably the best method to eliminate these pathogens, it is not the most desirable method as it changes sensory properties and also is very costly for small to mid-sized apple cider processors. Pasteurization of apple cider with Ultraviolet Irradiation (UV) is a potential alternative to heat pasteurization. Germicidal W irradiation is effective in inactivating microorganisms without producing undesirable by-products and changing sensory properties. Unpasteurized raw apple cider from a small local processor was purchased for this study. The effects of physical parameters, exposure time and dosage on the W treatment efficacy were examined as well as the effects of the UV light on apple cider quality. W light with principal energy at a wavelength of 254.7 nm, was effective in reducing bacteria (E .coli, ATCC 25922) inoculated apple cider. The W dosage absorbed by the apple cider was mathematically calculated. A radiation dose of 8,777 μW-s/cm2 reduced bacteria an average of 2.20 logs and in multiple passes, the FDA mandated 5-log reduction was achieved. Sensory analysis showed there was no significant difference between the W treated and non-treated cider. Experiments with W treated apple cider indicated a significant (p < 0.01) extension of product shelf life through inhibition of yeast and mold growth. The extension of the researched performed is applicable to other fruit juice processing operations.


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BACKGROUND: Clostridium perfringens type A food poisoning is caused by enterotoxigenic C. perfringens type A isolates that typically possess high spore heat-resistance. The molecular basis for C. perfringens spore heat-resistance remains unknown. In the current study, we investigated the role of small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASPs) in heat-resistance of spores produced by C. perfringens food poisoning isolates. RESULTS: Our current study demonstrated the presence of all three SASP-encoding genes (ssp1, 2 and 3) in five surveyed C. perfringens clinical food poisoning isolates. beta-Glucuronidase assay showed that these ssp genes are expressed specifically during sporulation. Consistent with these expression results, our study also demonstrated the production of SASPs by C. perfringens food poisoning isolates. When the heat sensitivities of spores produced by a ssp3 knock-out mutant of a C. perfringens food poisoning isolate was compared with that of spores of the wild-type strain, spores of the ssp3 mutant were found to exhibit a lower decimal reduction value (D value) at 100 degrees C than exhibited by the spores of wild-type strain. This effect was restored by complementing the ssp3 mutant with a recombinant plasmid carrying wild-type ssp3, suggesting that the observed differences in D values between spores of wild-type versus ssp3 mutant was due to the specific inactivation of ssp3. Furthermore, our DNA protection assay demonstrated that C. perfringens SASPs can protect DNA from DNase I digestion. CONCLUSION: The results from our current study provide evidences that SASPs produced by C. perfringens food poisoning isolates play a role in protecting their spores from heat-damage, which is highly significant and relevant from a food safety perspective. Further detailed studies on mechanism of action of SASPs from C. perfringens should help in understanding the mechanism of protection of C. perfringens spores from heat-damage.


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The capacity of the East Asian seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla ("Ogonori") for production of prostaglandin E2 from arachidonic acid occasionally causes food poisoning after ingestion. During the last two decades the alga has been introduced to Europe and North America. Non-native populations have been shown to be generally less palatable to marine herbivores than native populations. We hypothesized that the difference in palatability among populations could be due to differences in the algal content of prostaglandins. We therefore compared the capacity for wound-activated production of prostaglandins and other eicosatetraenoid oxylipins among five native populations in East Asia and seven non-native populations in Europe and NW Mexico, using a targeted metabolomics approach. In two independent experiments non-native populations exhibited a significant tendency to produce more eicosatetraenoids than native populations after acclimation to identical conditions and subsequent artificial wounding. Fourteen out of 15 eicosatetraenoids that were detected in experiment I and all 19 eicosatetraenoids that were detected in experiment II reached higher mean concentrations in non-native than in native specimens. The datasets generated in both experiments are contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.855008. Wounding of non-native specimens resulted on average in 390 % more 15-keto-PGE2, in 90 % more PGE2, in 37 % more PGA2 and in 96 % more 7,8-di-hydroxy eicosatetraenoic acid than wounding of native specimens. The dataset underlying this statement is contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.854847. Not only PGE2, but also PGA2 and dihydroxylated eicosatetraenoic acid are known to deter various biological enemies of G. vermiculophylla that cause tissue or cell wounding, and in the present study the latter two compounds also repelled the mesograzer Littorina brevicula. The dataset underlying this statement is contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.854922. Non-native populations of G. vermiculophylla are thus more defended against herbivory than native populations. This increased capacity for activated chemical defense may have contributed to their invasion success and at the same time it poses an elevated risk for human food safety.


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The recent outbreaks of Escherichia coli 0157-associated food poisoning have focused attention on the virulence determinants of E. coli. Here, it is reported that single base substitutions in the fnr gene encoding the oxygen-responsive transcription regulator FNR (fumarate and nitrate reduction regulator) are sufficient to confer a hemolytic phenotype on E. coli K12, the widely used laboratory strain. The mechanism involves enhancing the expression of a normally dormant hemolysin gene (hlyE) located in the E. coli chromosome. The mutations direct single amino acid substitutions in the activating regions (AR1 and AR3) of FNR that contact RNA polymerase. It is concluded that altering a resident transcription regulator, or acquisition of a competent heterologous regulator, could generate a pool of hemolytic, and therefore more virulent, strains of E. coli in nature.