969 resultados para Fisher, Jim


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On December 8, 2008, a male fisher (Martes pennanti) housed in a quarantine enclosure at the St-Félicien Zoo was found dead with multiple skin ulcers on the muzzle and plantar pads. At necropsy, no major findings were found, and a specific cause of death was not determined microscopically. However, at the borders of ulcerated sites, there were increased numbers of koilocytes, with perinuclear vacuolation and nuclear enlargement. A pan-herpesvirus nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was conducted, and an expected PCR product of 230 nucleotides was obtained within tissues collected from around the skin ulcers. Other tissues, including intestines and pool of lung, liver, and kidney, tested negative. The obtained PCR amplicon was sequenced and was highly related to the partial viral DNA polymerase (DPOL) gene of Mustelid herpesvirus 1. Virus isolation was negative, and no virion was detected by electron microscopy. The pathogenic potential of this novel herpesvirus and its role in the death of the fisher are unknown.


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Dept.of Applied Economics,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The Kerala model of development mostly bypassed the fishing community, as the fishers form the main miserable groups with respect to many of the socio-economic and quality of life indicators. Modernization drive in the fishing sector paradoxically turns to marginalization drives as far as the traditional fishers in Kerala are concerned. Subsequent management and resource recuperation drives too seemed to be detrimental to the local fishing community. Though SHGs and cooperatives had helped in overcoming many of the maladies in most of the sectors in Kerala in terms of livelihood and employment in the 1980s, the fishing sector by that time had been moving ahead with mechanization and export euphoria and hence it bypassed the fishing sector. Though it has not helped the fishing sector in the initial stages, but because of necessity, it soon has become a vibrant livelihood and employment force in the coastal economy of Kerala. Initial success made it to link this with the governmental cooperative set up and soon SHGs and Cooperatives become reinforcing forces for the inclusive development of the real fishers.The fisheries sector in Kerala has undergone drastic changes with the advent of globalised economy. The traditional fisher folk are one of the most marginalized communities in the state and are left out of the overall development process mainly due to the marginalization of this community both in the sea and in the market due to modernization and mechanization of the sector. Mechanization opened up the sector a great deal as it began to attract people belonging to non-fishing community as moneylenders, boat owners, employers and middle men which often resulted in conflicts between traditional and mechanized fishermen. These factors, together with resource depletion resulted in the backwardness experienced by the traditional fishermen compared to other communities who were reaping the benefits of the overall development scenario.The studies detailing the activities and achievements of fisher folks via Self Help Groups (SHGs) and the cooperative movement in coastal Kerala are scant. The SHGs through cooperatives have been effective in livelihood security, poverty alleviation and inclusive development of the fisher folk (Rajasenan and Rajeev, 2012). The SHGs have a greater role to play as estimated fall in demand for marine products in international markets, which may result in reduction of employment opportunities in fish processing, peeling, etc. Also, technological advancement has made them unskilled to work in this sector making them outliers in the overall development process resulting in poor quality of physical and social infrastructure. Hence, it is all the more important to derive a strategy and best practice methods for the effective functioning of these SHGs so that the


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Social Networks on the World Wide Web - lecture by Dr. Jennifer Golbeck


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Slides on URIs and the HTTP protocol


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Notes on Web Crawling


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Programming Assignment on Web Crawling


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Programming Assignment on Search Engines


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Objetive. To determine if high grades of Fisher scale are useful to predict the development of hydrocephalus in consecutive Colombian patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) assessed from January 2005 to April 2012 with 12 month follow-up. Methods. 251 patients were included in a restrospective manner. The association between Fisher scale and hydrocephalus was analyzed bivariate and multivariate analysis. In addition, a systematic literature review (SLR) was done. Results. In our cohort of patients, the etiology of SAH was due to aneurysms; 78,5%. The prevalence of hydrocephalus was found to be of 27,1%. Overall survival with a 12 month follow-up was of 65,7%. Average age of included patients was 55,5 ± 15 years, and most of them were women; 65,7%. Having Fisher 4 and Hunt-Hess III are significantly associated with hydrocephalus: adjusted OR: 2.93 95% CI: 1.51-5.65, P <0.001, adjusted OR: 2.83 95% CI: 1.31-6.17 P=0.008 respectively. The SRL showed an overall prevalence of hydrocephalus between 17 and 68% and mortality varied between 3.0% and 33%. 50% of the included studies significantly associated intraventricular hemorrhage ( Fisher 4) with hydrocephalus. Conclusion. Our results confirm current concepts on post-SAH hydrocephalus and the fact that is obstructive and secondary to Fisher 4 and having neurological impairment on admission (Hunt and Hess III).


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Objetivo. Determinar si la cantidad de sangre y su localización es el espacio subaracnoideo, medible con la escala de Fisher en las primeras 24 horas de ocurrido el ictus hemorrágico, es un factor predictor para el desarrollo de hidrocefalia en pacientes con diagnóstico de hemorragia subaracnoidea (HSA) espontánea, vistos en el Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael (HUCSR) con seguimiento de 12 meses. Métodos. 251 pacientes fueron incluidos en una cohorte retrospectiva. La asociación entre la escala de Fisher y el desarrollo de hidrocefalia en pacientes con HSA espontánea fue analizada a través de un análisis bivariado y multivariado. Resultados. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 55,5 ± 15 años; con predominancia en el sexo femenino 65,7%. La prevalencia de hidrocefalia fue de 27,1% en la cohorte y la etiología de la HSA fue en su mayoría por ruptura de aneurismas de arterias cerebrales; 78,5%. La sobrevida a 12 meses fue de 65,7%. Tanto el grado 4 en la escala de Fisher como Hunt-Hess III se asocian con el desarrollo de hidrocefalia: ORA; 2.93 IC 95%: 1.51-5.65, P <0.001, ORA 2.83 IC 95%: 1.31-6.17 P=0.008 respectivamente. Conclusión. La presencia de sangrado Intraventricular o intraparenquimatoso ( Fisher 4) en las primeras 24 horas, asociado a un deterioro neurológico al ingreso Hunt-Hess III están asociados con el desarrollo de hidrocefalia en los 251 pacientes evaluados con diagnóstico de HSA espontánea; hallazgos consistentes con lo reportado en la literatura mundial.


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This work aims to test the equilibrium relations of two international macroeconomics models for Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Brazil. The first model is the rational expectation hypothesis (REH) where three key relations will be tested: Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), Uncovered Interest Rate Parity (UIP) and the Fisher Parity condition. The second model follows the line of though of Imperfect Knowledge Economics (IKE) where two equilibrium relations will be tested. According to IKE, even under the assumption that agents are rational, the presence of speculative behavior in financial markets helps explain the long swings often observed in the behavior of exchange rates. The results support the view that the predictions of the IKE model hold for Colombia, while those of the REH hold for both Brazil and Mexico. Mixed findings are obtained for Chile.


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??ndice de nombres


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Un grupo de niños prepara una fiesta y cada uno tiene una tarea, la de Jim es pasar la mermelada. Por las páginas del libro desfilan pilas y pilas de comida, pero Jim parece que no va a pasar la mermelada. Una parte se la ha comido, otra se ha derramado, otra cubre las paredes y el suelo y al propio Jim, que se ha comido toda la mermelada.


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Cuando Jim se despierta, se asoma a la ventana y ve una enorme planta que crece por encima del tejado de su casa. Por curiosidad, decide trepar por ella y trepando, trepando, llega hasta más allá de las nubes, donde descubre un castillo. Siente hambre y se dirige a éste donde es recibido por un viejo y enfermo gigante.