988 resultados para Fire fighting equipment.


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The first theme of the book is ‘Directions’. This theme concerns the present and potential future expectations that L&D professionals may face in their practice. Chapter 1 is about ‘Developing professional practice in L&D’. In the first section, I discuss what is ‘professionalism’ and what it means for L&D professionals in terms of their development. In this chapter, I argue that expectations of L&D from senior management are growing. L&D professionals need to be able demonstrate ability to influence decision making by developing new competencies that enable them to provide senior management with new insight, which in turn increases L&D’s strategic credibility. In examining the diverse activities and tasks that L&D professionals currently, and may be expected to undertake in the future, four roles emerge; capacity and capability builders, boundary spanners, consultants and change agents. Capacity building primarily concerns creating space, time, and cultivating the right environment for the workforce to develop, which can be a challenge given how fire-fighting appears to be prevalent in many organizations today. Capability building involves enhancing knowledge, developing skills and competencies of the workforces, whilst boundary spanning involves networking and growing partnerships within and outside the organization. ‘Being a consultant’ is briefly touched upon as it is further discussed in Chapter 5, whilst the role of a change agent involves instigating and managing change. This chapter concludes with a discussion of twelve important knowledge, skill and capability areas that L&D professionals must develop to advance their practice.


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Anualmente, realizam-se no país inúmeras iniciativas de Todo-Terreno Turístico (TTT) onde são automaticamente registadas as coordenadas de Global Positioning System (GPS) por aplicações de dispositivos móveis. Este tipo de informação pode ser utilizada, quer para fins de divulgação turística, quer por outro tipo de entidades que necessitem de circular nesses caminhos rurais, tipicamente no meio da montanha. Entre outras, são registadas a posição, velocidade e altitude do veículo, o que permite obter informações relevantes, tais como, se o percurso se encontra transitável ou qual a velocidade recomendada. Por exemplo, durante os combates a incêndios, os bombeiros e proteção civil poderão saber se estes percursos são utilizáveis no planeamento dos combates a incêndios com reduzida probabilidade de complicações relativa ao acesso dos veículos, melhorando assim o tempo de resposta. O presente documento discute como poderá ser concebida uma aplicação web mapping, de código aberto, que permita a partilha, utilização e valorização de dados relativos aos percursos todo-terreno dos praticantes de TTT. O presente documento descreve como a aplicação desenvolvida no âmbito da dissertação de mestrado permite selecionar e ordenar possíveis trajetos que incluem os trajetos de TTT, apresentando as caraterísticas do terreno de modo a auxiliar a tomada de decisão por membros das corporações de Bombeiros. Será igualmente apresentada a interface atual da aplicação que inclui um mapa dinâmico e um gestor de pontos de referência.


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O presente trabalho pretende mostrar o desenvolvimento de um sistema de apoio à decisão no combate aos fogos florestais que assenta fundamentalmente em tecnologias da informação, em contraste com a dinâmica utilizada atualmente. O sistema é composto por três componentes: uma componente WebSig que disponibiliza a informação necessária à tomada de decisão no teatro de operações; uma componente para apoio às equipas terrestres; e, uma componente que serve de suporte aos meios de combate aéreos. Este sistema permite ainda a leitura dos dados provenientes da simulação de propagação de fogo proveniente do Farsite. Estas simulações são visualizados na aplicação WebSig. Uma das maiores preocupações em relação ao sistema é que todos os dados utilizados sejam certos e atualizados, mas também que as principais funcionalidades da aplicação sejam utilizadas em tempo real pelos principais agentes da proteção civil. Pelas validações efetuadas, conclui-se que a aplicação funciona conforme projetada tendo sido desenvolvido um sistema que se espera ser considerado uma mais-valia para a área de estudo e para a proteção civil.


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Background: Each year bushfire threatens Australia’s rural, forest, and urban-rural areas. Australia’s rural fire fighters work to curtail this threat in hot, smoky conditions, often at risk to their physical health. General practitioners, especially in rural areas, can help preserve the health of fire fighters during the fire season by understanding the stressors they face on the fireground.

Objective: This article outlines how the key fireground stressors of work intensity and duration, heat (from the weather, the fire, and the fire fighter’s own exertion) and smoke impact on the health of fire fighters. Practical advice for GPs treating Australia’s rural fire fighters is also included.

: General practitioners can help preserve fire fighters' health during bushfire suppression in a number of ways, including: identifying fire fighters at risk of cardiac distress during physical labour and educating them about the early warning signs; advocating regular exercise; discouraging smoking; and promoting the benefits of maintaining fluid, carbohydrate, and electrolyte levels during a shift.


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This study examined firefighters' sleep quantity and quality throughout multi-day wildfire suppression, and assessed the impact of sleep location, shift length, shift start time and incident severity on these variables. For 4 weeks, 40 volunteer firefighters' sleep was assessed using wrist actigraphy. Analyses revealed that the quantity of sleep obtained on fire days was restricted, and pre- and post-sleep fatigue ratings were higher, compared to non-fire days. On fire days, total sleep time was less when: (i) sleep location was in a tent or vehicle, (ii) shifts were greater than 14 h and (iii) shifts started between 05:00 and 06:00 h. This is the first empirical investigation providing objective evidence that firefighters' sleep is restricted during wildfire suppression. Furthermore, sleep location, shift length and shift start time should be targeted when designing appropriate controls to manage fatigue-related risk and preserve firefighters' health and safety during wildfire events. Practitioner Summary: During multi-day wildfire suppression, firefighters' sleep quantity was restricted, and pre- and post-sleep fatigue ratings were higher, compared to non-fire days. Furthermore, total sleep time was less when: (i) sleep occurred in a tent/vehicle, (ii) shifts were >14 h and (iii) shifts started between 05:00 and 06:00 h.


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Since fighting fires can pose a great risk to the lives of firefighters, it is important to understand how they perceive risks in dynamic wildfire situations. The aim of the current study was to determine whether career and volunteer firefighters differ in their perception of the risk of a going vs. contained fire and whether descriptions of a fire as either going or contained affected perceptions of risk. It was expected that career firefighters would rate a contained fire as significantly riskier than would volunteer firefighters. The sample consisted of 55 career and 84 volunteer CFA Victorian firefighters (134 males and 5 females). An ambiguous wildfire scenario was presented and described as either going or contained and risk ratings were recorded. Two-way ANOVA results showed that career firefighters rated a going fire as equally risky as a contained fire. On the other hand, volunteer firefighters perceived a fire described as contained to be significantly less risky than a fire described as going, despite the fact that the same fireground conditions were described in both cases. It was concluded that a framing effect had occurred and that career firefighters demonstrated a higher level of situation awareness than volunteer firefighters due to their heightened levels of risk perception when exposed to contained wildfire scenarios. A practical implication of the current research is that those conducting firefighting briefings need to be aware of possible framing effects in the way information is presented to firefighters and need to ensure that all briefings make risks cognitively salient to firefighters.


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Aching muscles and joints, lethargy, and sleepiness are all signs of firefighter fatigue during bushfire suppression. If not managed, fatigue may lead to injury or illness for the individual, which may also compromise the safety and productivity of their crew. Understanding the many sources of firefighter fatigue is, therefore, fundamental for all Australian fire agencies. This article will briefly address  several factors thought to contribute to firefighter fatigue including; sleep loss, firefighter’s work activity, their hydration, and nutrition, the hot and smoky  working environment, firefighter’s physical fitness and their experience. This brief overview draws on findings from firefighting research and the broader scientific literature.


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The Työmies translation project involves the translation of that newspaper’s accounts of significant events from Michigan’s 1913-1914 Copper Strike. Työmies was a Finnish-language newspaper, published in Hancock, Michigan, whose socialist-unionist perspective on the strike differed markedly from that of the local English-language newspapers. This project is the first time significant portions of Työmies have been translated into English. In June of 2013, the presenter printed the translation of the Työmies account of the strike’s first day on a hand-operated Chandler & Price platen press. Thus, the presentation describes this unique project: the translation itself, the presenter’s search for necessary type and equipment, and the printing of the broadsides. The presentation will include a history of Työmies and the Strike, with an emphasis on ways in which human culture and language is reflected in the material culture of printing.


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The Health Belief Model (HBM) provided the theoretical framework for examining Universal Precautions (UP) compliance factors by Firefighter, EMTs and Paramedics (prehospital care providers). A convenient sample of prehospital care providers (n = 4000) from two cities (Houston and Washington DC), were surveyed to explore the factors related to their decision to comply with Universal Precautions. Eight hundred and sixty-five useable questionnaires were analyzed. The responders were primarily male (95.7%) eight hundred and twenty-eight and thirty-seven were female, prehospital based (100%), EMTs (60.0%) and paramedics (12.8%) who had a mean 13 years of prehospital care experience. ^ Linear regression was used to evaluate the four hypotheses. The first hypothesis evaluating perceived susceptibility and seriousness with reported UP use was statistically significant (p = < .05). Perceived susceptibility, when considered independently, did not make a significant contribution (t = −4.2852; p = 0.0000) to the stated use of Universal precautions. The hypothesis is not supported as stated. The data indicates the opposite effect. Supported is the premise that as perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness increase the use of Universal Precautions decreases. Hypothesis two tested perceived benefits with internal and external barriers. Both perceived benefits and internal and external barriers as well as the overall regression were significant (F = 112.6, p = 0.0000). The contribution of internal and external barriers was statistically significant (t = 0.0175; p = 0.0000) and (t = 0.0128; p = 0.0000). Hypothesis three which tested modifying factors, cues to action, select demographic variables, and the main effects of the HBM with self reported UP compliance overall was significant. The variables gender, birth, education, job type, EMS certification, years of service, years of experience providing patient care, Universal Precautions training hours, type of apparatus assigned to and the number of EMS related incidents responded to in a month were found to have a significant contribution to the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ The additive effects were tested by use of a stepwise regression that assessed the contribution of each of the significant variables. Three variables in the equation were statistically significant. Internal barriers (t = −8.5507; p = 0.0000), external barriers (t = −6.2862; p = 0.000) and job type 2 & 3. Job type two (t = −2.8464; p = 0.0045 is titled Engineer/Operator. Job type three (t = −2.5730; p = 0.0103) is titled captain. The overall regression was significant (F = 24.06; p = 0.000). The Hypothesis is supported in the certain demographic variables do influence the stated use of Universal precautions and that as internal and external barriers are decreased, there is an increase in the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ In summary, this study demonstrated that internal and external barriers have a significant impact on the stated use of Universal Precautions. Internal barriers are those factors within the individual that require an internal change (i.e., forgetfulness, freedom, perception of the urgency of the patient's needs etc.) and external barriers are things in the environment that can be altered (i.e., equipment design, availability of equipment, ease of use). These two model variables explained 23%–30% of the variance. ^


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This paper explores the consequences of the emerging rivalry between Japanese and Chinese manufacturers. It focuses specifically on industrial organisation, one of the key factors that underlie the competitiveness of manufacturing industries. The question to be asked is what happens when distinctive models of industrial organisation, coming from Japan and China, clash in a developing country. An in-depth longitudinal analysis of the Vietnamese motorcycle industry adopting a modified version of the global value chain governance theory shows that a decade-long industrial transformation resulted in organisational diversity. The implications of the analysis for the literature on industrial organisation are discussed.