988 resultados para Finite density


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In terabit-density magnetic recording, several bits of data can be replaced by the values of their neighbors in the storage medium. As a result, errors in the medium are dependent on each other and also on the data written. We consider a simple 1-D combinatorial model of this medium. In our model, we assume a setting where binary data is sequentially written on the medium and a bit can erroneously change to the immediately preceding value. We derive several properties of codes that correct this type of errors, focusing on bounds on their cardinality. We also define a probabilistic finite-state channel model of the storage medium, and derive lower and upper estimates of its capacity. A lower bound is derived by evaluating the symmetric capacity of the channel, i.e., the maximum transmission rate under the assumption of the uniform input distribution of the channel. An upper bound is found by showing that the original channel is a stochastic degradation of another, related channel model whose capacity we can compute explicitly.


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A finite element method for solving multidimensional population balance systems is proposed where the balance of fluid velocity, temperature and solute partial density is considered as a two-dimensional system and the balance of particle size distribution as a three-dimensional one. The method is based on a dimensional splitting into physical space and internal property variables. In addition, the operator splitting allows to decouple the equations for temperature, solute partial density and particle size distribution. Further, a nodal point based parallel finite element algorithm for multi-dimensional population balance systems is presented. The method is applied to study a crystallization process assuming, for simplicity, a size independent growth rate and neglecting agglomeration and breakage of particles. Simulations for different wall temperatures are performed to show the effect of cooling on the crystal growth. Although the method is described in detail only for the case of d=2 space and s=1 internal property variables it has the potential to be extendable to d+s variables, d=2, 3 and s >= 1. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Scattering of water waves by a sphere in a two-layer fluid, where the upper layer has an ice-cover modelled as an elastic plate of very small thickness, while the lower one has a rigid horizontal bottom surface, is investigated within the framework of linearized water wave theory. The effects of surface tension at the surface of separation is neglected. There exist two modes of time-harmonic waves - the one with lower wave number propagating along the ice-cover and the one with higher wave number along the interface. Method of multipole expansions is used to find the particular solution for the problem of wave scattering by a submerged sphere placed in either of the layers. The exciting forces for vertical and horizontal directions are derived and plotted against different values of the wave number for different submersion depths of the sphere and flexural rigidity of the ice-cover. When the flexural rigidity and the density of the ice-cover are taken to be zero, the numerical results for the exciting forces for the problem with free surface are recovered as particular cases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented for the Bethe lattice with connectivity Z = 3 and antiferromagnetic exchange between nearest-neighbor spins s = 1/2 or 1 sites in successive generations g. The algorithm is accurate for s = 1 sites. The ground states are magnetic with spin S(g) = 2(g)s, staggered magnetization that persists for large g > 20, and short-range spin correlation functions that decrease exponentially. A finite energy gap to S > S(g) leads to a magnetization plateau in the extended lattice. Closely similar DMRG results for s = 1/2 and 1 are interpreted in terms of an analytical three-site model.


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We derive sum rules which constrain the spectral density corresponding to the retarded propagator of the T-xy component of the stress tensor for three gravitational duals. The shear sum rule is obtained for the gravitational dual of the N = 4 Yang-Mills, theory of the M2-branes and M5-branes all at finite chemical potential. We show that at finite chemical potential there are additional terms in the sum rule which involve the chemical potential. These modifications are shown to be due to the presence of scalars in the operator product expansion of the stress tensor which have non-trivial vacuum expectation values at finite chemical potential.


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The solution of the forward equation that models the transport of light through a highly scattering tissue material in diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using the finite element method gives flux density (Phi) at the nodal points of the mesh. The experimentally measured flux (U-measured) on the boundary over a finite surface area in a DOT system has to be corrected to account for the system transfer functions (R) of various building blocks of the measurement system. We present two methods to compensate for the perturbations caused by R and estimate true flux density (Phi) from U-measured(cal). In the first approach, the measurement data with a homogeneous phantom (U-measured(homo)) is used to calibrate the measurement system. The second scheme estimates the homogeneous phantom measurement using only the measurement from a heterogeneous phantom, thereby eliminating the necessity of a homogeneous phantom. This is done by statistically averaging the data (U-measured(hetero)) and redistributing it to the corresponding detector positions. The experiments carried out on tissue mimicking phantom with single and multiple inhomogeneities, human hand, and a pork tissue phantom demonstrate the robustness of the approach. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.2.026023]


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In this paper, we investigate the achievable rate region of Gaussian multiple access channels (MAC) with finite input alphabet and quantized output. With finite input alphabet and an unquantized receiver, the two-user Gaussian MAC rate region was studied. In most high throughput communication systems based on digital signal processing, the analog received signal is quantized using a low precision quantizer. In this paper, we first derive the expressions for the achievable rate region of a two-user Gaussian MAC with finite input alphabet and quantized output. We show that, with finite input alphabet, the achievable rate region with the commonly used uniform receiver quantizer has a significant loss in the rate region compared. It is observed that this degradation is due to the fact that the received analog signal is densely distributed around the origin, and is therefore not efficiently quantized with a uniform quantizer which has equally spaced quantization intervals. It is also observed that the density of the received analog signal around the origin increases with increasing number of users. Hence, the loss in the achievable rate region due to uniform receiver quantization is expected to increase with increasing number of users. We, therefore, propose a novel non-uniform quantizer with finely spaced quantization intervals near the origin. For a two-user Gaussian MAC with a given finite input alphabet and low precision receiver quantization, we show that the proposed non-uniform quantizer has a significantly larger rate region compared to what is achieved with a uniform quantizer.


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We develop a strong-coupling (t << U) expansion technique for calculating the density profile for bosonic atoms trapped in an optical lattice with an overall harmonic trap at finite temperature and finite on-site interaction in the presence of superfluid regions. Our results match well with quantum Monte Carlo simulations at finite temperature. We also show that the superfluid order parameter never vanishes in the trap due to the proximity effect. Our calculations for the scaled density in the vacuum-to-superfluid transition agree well with the experimental data for appropriate temperatures. We present calculations for the entropy per particle as a function of temperature which can be used to calibrate the temperature in experiments. We also discuss issues connected with the demonstration of universal quantum critical scaling in the experiments.


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Stone-Wales (SW) defects in materials having hexagonal lattice are the most common topological defects that affect the electronic and mechanical properties. Using first principles density functional theory based calculations, we study the formation energy and kinetic barrier of SW-defect in infinite and finite sheets of silicene. The formation energies as well as the barriers in both the cases are significantly lower than those of graphene. Furthermore, compared with the infinite sheets, the energy barriers and formation energies are lower for finite sheets. However, due to low barriers these defects are expected to heal out of the finite sheets. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that the third Goldstone mode, which emerges in binary condensates at phase separation, persists to higher interspecies interaction for density profiles where one component is surrounded on both sides by the other component. This is not the case with symmetry-broken density profiles where one species is entirely to the left and the other is entirely to the right. We, then, use Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with Popov approximation to examine the mode evolution at T not equal 0 and demonstrate the existence of mode bifurcation near the critical temperature. The Kohn mode, however, exhibits deviation from the natural frequency at finite temperatures after the phase separation. This is due to the exclusion of the noncondensate atoms in the dynamics.


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We report results of controlled tuning of the local density of states (LDOS) in versatile, flexible, and hierarchical self assembled plasmonic templates. Using 5 nm diameter gold (Au) spherical nanoantenna within a polymer template randomly dispersed with quantum dots, we show how the photoluminescence intensity and lifetime anisotropy of these dots can be significantly enhanced through LDOS tuning. Finite difference time domain simulations corroborate the experimental observations and extend the regime of enhancement to a wider range of geometric and spectral parameters bringing out the versatility of these functional plasmonic templates. It is also demonstrated how the templates act as plasmonic resonators for effectively engineer giant enhancement of the scattering efficiency of these nano antenna embedded in the templates. Our work provides an alternative method to achieve spontaneous emission intensity and anisotropy enhancement with true nanoscale plasmon resonators. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We study graphene, which has both spin-orbit coupling (SOC), taken to be of the Kane-Mele form, and a Zeeman field induced due to proximity to a ferromagnetic material. We show that a zigzag interface of graphene having SOC with its pristine counterpart hosts robust chiral edge modes in spite of the gapless nature of the pristine graphene; such modes do not occur for armchair interfaces. Next we study the change in the local density of states (LDOS) due to the presence of an impurity in graphene with SOC and Zeeman field, and demonstrate that the Fourier transform of the LDOS close to the Dirac points can act as a measure of the strength of the spin-orbit coupling; in addition, for a specific distribution of impurity atoms, the LDOS is controlled by a destructive interference effect of graphene electrons which is a direct consequence of their Dirac nature. Finally, we study transport across junctions, which separates spin-orbit coupled graphene with Kane-Mele and Rashba terms from pristine graphene both in the presence and absence of a Zeeman field. We demonstrate that such junctions are generally spin active, namely, they can rotate the spin so that an incident electron that is spin polarized along some direction has a finite probability of being transmitted with the opposite spin. This leads to a finite, electrically controllable, spin current in such graphene junctions. We discuss possible experiments that can probe our theoretical predictions.


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An efficient density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented and applied to Y junctions, systems with three arms of n sites that meet at a central site. The accuracy is comparable to DMRG of chains. As in chains, new sites are always bonded to the most recently added sites and the superblock Hamiltonian contains only new or once renormalized operators. Junctions of up to N = 3n + 1 approximate to 500 sites are studied with antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg exchange J between nearest-neighbor spins S or electron transfer t between nearest neighbors in half-filled Hubbard models. Exchange or electron transfer is exclusively between sites in two sublattices with N-A not equal N-B. The ground state (GS) and spin densities rho(r) = < S-r(z)> at site r are quite different for junctions with S = 1/2, 1, 3/2, and 2. The GS has finite total spin S-G = 2S(S) for even (odd) N and for M-G = S-G in the S-G spin manifold, rho(r) > 0(< 0) at sites of the larger (smaller) sublattice. S = 1/2 junctions have delocalized states and decreasing spin densities with increasing N. S = 1 junctions have four localized S-z = 1/2 states at the end of each arm and centered on the junction, consistent with localized states in S = 1 chains with finite Haldane gap. The GS of S = 3/2 or 2 junctions of up to 500 spins is a spin density wave with increased amplitude at the ends of arms or near the junction. Quantum fluctuations completely suppress AF order in S = 1/2 or 1 junctions, as well as in half-filled Hubbard junctions, but reduce rather than suppress AF order in S = 3/2 or 2 junctions.


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Helmke et al. have recently given a formula for the number of reachable pairs of matrices over a finite field. We give a new and elementary proof of the same formula by solving the equivalent problem of determining the number of so called zero kernel pairs over a finite field. We show that the problem is, equivalent to certain other enumeration problems and outline a connection with some recent results of Guo and Yang on the natural density of rectangular unimodular matrices over F-qx]. We also propose a new conjecture on the density of unimodular matrix polynomials. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A two-dimensional model has been developed based on the experimental results of stainless steel remelting with the laminar plasma technology to investigate the transient thermo-physical characteristics of the melt pool liquids. The influence of the temperature field, temperature gradient, solidification rate and cooling rate on the processing conditions has been investigated numerically. Not only have the appropriate processing conditions been determined according to the calculations, but also they have been predicted with a criterion established based on the concept of equivalent temperature area density (ETAD) that is actually a function of the processing parameters and material properties. The comparison between the resulting conditions shows that the ETAD method can better predict the optimum condition.