985 resultados para Festas populares - Juiz de Fora (MG)


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SANTANA, André M.; SANTIAGO, Gutemberg S.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Real-Time Visual SLAM Using Pre-Existing Floor Lines as Landmarks and a Single Camera. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 2008, Juiz de Fora, MG. Anais... Juiz de Fora: CBA, 2008.


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AIRES, Kelson R. T.; ARAÚJO, Hélder J.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Plane Detection Using Affine Homography. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 2008, Juiz de Fora, MG: Anais... do CBA 2008.


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As vespas sociais são predadoras de várias espécies de insetos e, portanto, o estudo de suas presas pode revelar seu potencial para programas de controle biológico de pragas. Durante o período de setembro de 2000 a janeiro de 2002, foram realizadas 70h de coleta de presas capturadas em doze ninhos de Polybia platycephala Richards, localizados em áreas urbanas do município de Juiz de Fora, MG. As presas capturadas por P. platycephala compreenderam cinco ordens de insetos: Diptera (33,4%), Lepidoptera (28,6%), Hemiptera (12,0%), Hymenoptera (9,4%) e Coleoptera (7,2%). O peso médio da carga protéica transportada pelas vespas foi 1,9 ±1,6 mg (n = 34, 0,3 - 6,2 mg), e a taxa média de proteína transportada por dia foi 22,8 mg. de acordo com os resultados, pode-se estimar a captura de 4.380 presas por ano por uma única colônia de P. platycephala. Desta forma, a espécie pode ser utilizada em programas de manejo em ambientes urbanos contribuindo para o controle de insetos pragas como larvas de pernilongos, lagartas desfolhadoras de plantas de jardins, pulgões e formas aladas de formigas.


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As vespas sociais são predadoras de muitas espécies de insetos e o estudo de suas presas pode revelar seu potencial para programas de controle biológico de pragas. Foram realizadas 240h de coleta de presas em 32 colônias de Polistes versicolor (Olivier) no município de Juiz de Fora, MG, de março de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001. As presas capturadas por P. versicolor foram, principalmente, das ordens Lepidoptera (95,4%) e Coleoptera (1,1%) além de 3,4% de indivíduos não identificados. A espécie mais coletada foi Chlosyne lacinia saundersii Doubleday & Hewitson (13,5%) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) e o número total estimado de presas capturadas por colônia de P. versicolor foi de 4.015 indivíduos por ano. Isso mostra que a espécie pode ser utilizada em programas de manejo integrado de pragas de insetos herbívoros, principalmente lagartas desfolhadoras.


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This work discusses the impacts of the globalization in the Brazilian northeast culture, specifically in the popular field. The background of theses reflections is the carnival festivities in Recife-PE. In this context, attempts to changes as well as resistance to them maintaining the cultural values and the popular manifestations take a new dimension, presenting different ways of being nordestino. The option for the context of the carnival festivities is due to its significance to the people of this place, particularly as it is a space in which people represent themselves. The work presents a version of the history of carnival in Recife, identifies some manifestations that comprise it, analyzes its changes and shows the process of valuing the local culture in the latest years of the 20th century. The research also reveals how the popular culture assumes a functional and dynamic character where the themes of the popular traditions are being reworked. This process allows not only the survival of the local culture, but also the resistance against the capitalist project to construct a global culture and its uniform character. Even though the carnival festivity has become a mega show, composing a market design, it is still a space to construct differences and see the other. Lastly, for the people of that region, it is a space of fighting for a place in the international panorama


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This work discusses the impacts of the globalization in the Brazilian northeast culture, specifically in the popular field. The background of theses reflections is the carnival festivities in Recife-PE. In this context, attempts to changes as well as resistance to them maintaining the cultural values and the popular manifestations take a new dimension, presenting different ways of being nordestino. The option for the context of the carnival festivities is due to its significance to the people of this place, particularly as it is a space in which people represent themselves. The work presents a version of the history of carnival in Recife, identifies some manifestations that comprise it, analyzes its changes and shows the process of valuing the local culture in the latest years of the 20th century. The research also reveals how the popular culture assumes a functional and dynamic character where the themes of the popular traditions are being reworked. This process allows not only the survival of the local culture, but also the resistance against the capitalist project to construct a global culture and its uniform character. Even though the carnival festivity has become a mega show, composing a market design, it is still a space to construct differences and see the other. Lastly, for the people of that region, it is a space of fighting for a place in the international panorama


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The analysis of this work seeks to investigate the meaning of the laughter in the paraibano writer Ariano Suassuna s armorial theater. The study departs, firstly, from an argumentation which centers its content in the theory of the many theoreticians of the question: Henri Bergson, Vladimir Propp, Jolles, Freud, Bakhtin. The essence of the laughter in Suassuna and its esthetic relations are commented, because those elements are responsible for the strength of the literary text. On the condition of scholar about Esthetic and Art History, Suassuna always puts the methods of the estheticism in favor of the loud laughter bearing in mind that it is a source of improvisation, i.e., it may have many senses depending on what it is pretended to transmit to the reader/viewer. The laughter is a mask which is changed to each new situation, representing that way own human condition. Because the theater is an art subjected to recreation, the laughter also is. And because it is a great party where other arts (the dance, the music, mamulengo e the bumba-meu-boi) are present, united to compose a confluent and hybrid language, the meaning of hilarity during the popular celebrations is studied mainly those that happened in Medieval Europe. Thus, in the second part, the basis of the research is the Russian Mikhail Bakhtin s theory that helps to link Suassuna s laughter to the popular party, showing the language used in them and the jokes that give life to the joy of the folk. Soon after, the importance of Suassuna s laughter to the Brazilian Culture, is examined making a reflection about its function at the sociocultural context of the country


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Ce travail présente l'image du diable qui jouait un rôle important dans la culture populaire du Moyen Âge. Des fêtes comme le Carnaval, la Fête des Fous, la Fête de l'Âne, m'ont permis voir, a travers le symbole du diable, l'interaction de deux formes de culture: la première, sérieuse, religieuse, féodale - ayant un rapport avec le monde des institutions du Moyen Âge; l'autre, comique, irrévérencieuse, profane liée au monde médiéval en dehor des institutions.


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Propõe-se discutir, ainda que inicialmente, as dinâmicas de inserção de indígenas em cidades brasileiras e refletir acerca de suas percepções sobre o espaço urbano. O foco recai sobre o contexto amazônico (particularmente, a cidade de Manaus) e apresenta as percepções de um grupo de índiosBarésobre o lugar. Demonstro como, a despeito das desigualdades sociais no que tange ao acesso a direitos elementares e das formas de violência a qual estão submetidos, os Baréconstroem de modo singular seu cotidiano na cidade, cabendo reconhecer seu papel de agência nesse processo


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Seven colonies of Mischocyttarus cassununga were studied under field conditions at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG, in southeastern Brazil: in pre-emergence, post-emergence and decline stages, during 145.8 hours. Dominance interactions among the females were quantified to verify the dynamics of succession in the social hierarchy of the colonies. Early pre-emergence colonies present more intense aggressive interactions than late pre-emergence ones, because the females are engaged in securing the role of main egg layer in the nest. In post-emergence (pre-male) colonies the dominance hierarchy is more defined and the frequency of dominance and subordination behaviors were lower than in pre-emergence stages: most of the agonistic behaviors are restricted to the first ranked females (potentially queens) and the subordinate individuals play the role of workers in the nests. In the post-emergence, post-male, and decline stages the hierarchy is still maintained by the aggressive behaviors of the 1st-ranked female but because the presence of males and future nest foundresses these interactions are not well defined in a linear way.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT