893 resultados para Federal Armed Forces
El objetivo de la presente monografía de grado es analizar la relación entre la identidad dentro de Rusia y la política exterior de dicho Estado hacia la región de Abjasia. Se analiza y explica la manera en que los referentes identitarios dentro de Rusia en el periodo 2000-2008 influyen en las decisiones de política exterior que Rusia tomó hacia Abjasia en el campo militar y político. Se efectúa una revisión de textos (transcripciones de intervenciones y textos escritos) del Presidente y Primer Ministro de la Federación Rusa entre 2000 y 2008 para encontrar los referentes identitarios que determinan el comportamiento de Rusia hacia otros Estados y la forma en que influenciaron sus acciones con respecto a Abjasia.
En el año 2010 el gobierno de Canadá pública su estrategia de política exterior hacia el Ártico, en la cual manifiesta que esta región es una de las principales prioridades del Gobierno de Stephen Harper en materia de política exterior. Así las cosas, a partir de la perspectiva teórica del realismo neoclásico la investigación se enfoca en analizar por qué la seguridad nacional y la prosperidad económica son los principales intereses de este Gobierno en la zona.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la incidencia de las agresiones cibernéticas en el desarrollo informático de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos. Los diferentes estudios que se han realizado sobre el ciberespacio se han enfocado en el papel del individuo como actor principal y se ha dejado de lado las repercusiones que éste ha tenido para el Estado, como un nuevo eje de amenazas. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, esta investigación demostrará a partir del concepto de securitización, que se busca priorizar la “ciberseguridad” dentro de la agenda del gobierno estadounidense. Al ser este un estudio que aborda experiencias concretas durante un periodo de tiempo de más de 10 años, el diseño metodológico de la investigación será longitudinal, ya que abarcará estudios, artículos, textos y resoluciones que se han realizado desde 2003 hasta la actualidad.
Este estudo busca identificar os fatores que contribuem para a motivação dos indivíduos nas organizações da Marinha do Brasil e quais fatores gerenciais podem contribuir para os métodos utilizados pelo Programa Netuno nas Organizações Militares da Marinha do Brasil. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada com base na literatura existente sobre o assunto e seguiu, primeiramente, uma linha histórica da procura por um Estado mais eficiente até o momento da criação dos Programas GesPública do Governo Federal e Programa Netuno da Marinha do Brasil. Foi estudado como a Motivação e a Liderança são tratadas dentro destes programas de gestão, seguindo-se uma análise de algumas das principais teorias motivacionais de processo e conteúdo: Teoria Motivacional de Abraham H. Maslow; Teoria X e Y de Douglas McGregor; Teoria de Herzberg de Dois Fatores; Teoria das Necessidades Adquiridas de McClelland; Teoria ERG de Alderfer; Teoria da Equidade de Stacy Adams; Teoria da Modificação do Comportamento Organizacional (ModCO) de Luthans e Kreitner; e Teoria da Expectância de Vroom. Além destas, foram analisadas teorias da motivação no setor público, em especial a de James Perry. Também são descritos aspectos que contextualizam as Forças Armadas no cenário mundial e o seu desdobramento na motivação do pessoal, a fim de analisar os diversos fatores que influenciam a motivação no pessoal da Marinha do Brasil, desenvolvendo-se um quadro de correlação destes fatores com os reflexos do desempenho.
Neste texto revisitamos a formação dos serviços de inteligência no Brasil e sua adaptação à cultura do segredo. Também avaliamos como a existência de serviços de inteligência no interior das forças armadas modificaram a estratégia de atuação castrense no âmbito interno, utilizando como exemplo a campanha Marajoara, terceira empreitada militar na guerrilha do Araguaia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Avalia-se aqui como evoluíram as relações entre governo e Forças Armadas, e o comportamento destas no interior da burocracia de Estado com base na análise dos orçamentos federais desde o governo autoritário até o atual (1964-2001). Os dados indicam um declínio lento e constante dos gastos com a defesa, entremeados por repiques elevatórios no início de novos governos. De maneira geral, sugerem que os governos civis definem o padrão orçamentário sem interferência militar, embora os recursos sejam usados sem um acompanhamento adequado das atividades castrenses. Indica-se ainda que a autonomia castrense, isto é, a sua capacidade de definir seu campo de atuação, as normas que a norteiam e as missões a desempenhar, pode ser revigorada. Essa autonomia endêmica não é fruto de escolhas militares, mas da omissão do poder civil.
This dissertation engages the question of why German political elites accepted the use of force during the 1990s and started to commit the country's armed forces to multilateral peacekeeping missions. Previous governments of the Federal Republic had opposed foreign deployment of the military and Germany was characterized by a unique strategic culture in which the efficacy of military force was widely regarded as negative. The rediscovery of the use of force constituted a significant reorientation of German security policy with potentially profound implications for international relations. I use social role theory to explain Germany's security policy reorientation. I argue that political elites shared a national role conception of their country as a dependable and reliable ally. Role expectations of the international security environment changed as a result of a general shift to multilateral intervention as means to address emerging security problems after the Cold War. Germany's resistance to the use of force was viewed as inappropriate conduct for a power possessing the economic and military wherewithal of the Federal Republic. Elites from allied countries exerted social pressure to have Germany contribute commensurate with capabilities. German political elites adapted role behavior in response to external expectations in an effort to preserve the national role conception of a dependable and reliable ally. Security policy reorientation to maintain Germany's national role conception was pursued by conservative elites who acted as 'role entrepreneurs'. CDU/CSU politicians initiated a process of role adaptation to include the use of force for non-defensive missions. They persuaded Social Democrats and Alliance 90/Green party politicians that the maintenance of the country's role conception necessitated a reorientation in security policy to accommodate the changes in the security environment.
From the Introduction. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its aggression in eastern Ukraine have triggered a debate about the main directions of defence policy in the Nordic and Baltic region. In the Baltic states, but also in the Nordic countries and Poland, much attention is being paid to questions of Territorial Defence Forces (TDF). TDF are viewed as one of the elements in the national defence systems’ response during the early stages of a hybrid conflict. The Baltic states have decided to adapt their Territorial Defence Forces to new threats by making a number of changes to their functioning, depending on the local conditions in each case. Given the growing uncertainty in the region, they have opted not to undertake any in-depth reforms of TDF at this stage, as that could entail a temporary disorganisation in the armed forces. In the coming years Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will invest in increasing the size and combat readiness of their Territorial Defence Forces, providing them with better training and equipment, and creating a system of incentives to encourage more people to serve in volunteer formations.
Shipping list no.: 2013-0201-P (pt.1), 2013-0185-P (pt. 2), 2013-0213-P (pt. 3), 2013-0212-P (pt. 4), 2013-0140-P (pt. 5), 2013-0148-P (pt. 6), 2013-0209-P (pt. 7).
Vol. 2-3 have special t.p. only: Military bibliography of the Civil War.
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A difficult transition to a new paradigm of Democratic Security and the subsequent process of military restructuring during the nineties led El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua to re-consider their old structures and functions of their armed forces and police agencies. This study compares the institutions in the four countries mentioned above to assess their current condition and response capacity in view of the contemporary security challenges in Central America. This report reveals that the original intention of limiting armies to defend and protect borders has been threatened by the increasing participation of armies in public security. While the strength of armies has been consolidated in terms of numbers, air and naval forces have failed to become strengthened or sufficiently developed to effectively combat organized crime and drug trafficking and are barely able to conduct air and sea operations. Honduras has been the only country that has maintained a proportional distribution of its armed forces. However, security has been in the hands of a Judicial Police, supervised by the Public Ministry. The Honduran Judicial Police has been limited to exercising preventive police duties, prohibited from carrying out criminal investigations. Nicaragua, meanwhile, possesses a successful police force, socially recognized for maintaining satisfactory levels of security surpassing the Guatemalan and El Salvadoran police, which have not achieved similar results despite of having set up a civilian police force separate from the military. El Salvador meanwhile, has excelled in promoting a Police Academy and career professional education, even while not having military attachés in other countries. Regarding budgetary issues, the four countries allocate almost twice the amount of funding on their security budgets in comparison to what is allocated to their defense budgets. However, spending in both areas is low when taking into account each country's GDP as well as their high crime rates. Regional security challenges must be accompanied by a professionalization of the regional armies focused on protecting and defending borders. Therefore, strong institutional frameworks to support the fight against crime and drug trafficking are required. It will require the strengthening of customs, greater control of illicit arms trafficking, investment in education initiatives, creating employment opportunities and facilitating significant improvements in the judicial system, as well as its accessibility to the average citizen.
The period known as the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) was a period of history marked by Brazil's control of state power by the Armed Forces together, this started with the Civil-Military Coup of April 1964. Was characterized as a time where political freedoms of expression and were placed in check by authoritarian and repressive measures taken by the military governments. The sectional potiguar of the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB / RN), and the Federal Council of the institution, supported the establishment of this scam, but from the 1970s undertook measures that sought to corroborate the struggles around democracy the country, which has consolidated its image as a defender of democratic order. With the title inspired by the XII Meeting of OAB in October 1988, the research aims to analyze the participation of OAB / RN and its members within the Brazilian democratization. This analysis begins in 1979 with the participation of the entity in discussions Amnesty Policy to the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, since the Constitution is the beginning of a full rule of law. We seek to understand the object as a space for democratization, combining the concepts of History, Memory and Politics. In the analyzes are guided theoretically by Jacques Le Goff, Pierre Nora, Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Bourdieu and Hannah Arendt. Be rebuilt the period of democratic rule in the land potiguares birthing shares of OAB / RN, particularly in the following events: Amnesty Policy 1979, the mobilizations around the campaign of "Direct Now" and the 1988 Constitution We make use of legislation. minutes, papers and interviews built on Oral History.