925 resultados para Farsalia, Batalla de, 48 a.C.


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This thesis presents the potential sensing applications of fibre Bragg gratings in polymer optical fibres. Fibre Bragg gratings are fabricated in different kinds of polymer optical fibres, including Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer based microstructured polymer optical fibres and PMMA based step-index photosensitive polymer optical fibre, using the 325nm continuous wave ultraviolet laser and phase mask technique. The thermal response of fabricated microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings has been characterized. The PMMA based single mode microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings exhibit negative non-linear Bragg wavelength shift with temperature, including a quasi-linear region. The thermal sensitivity of such Bragg gratings in the linear region is up to -97pm/C. A permanent shift in the grating wavelength at room temperature is observed when such gratings are heated above a threshold temperature which can be extended by annealing the fibre before grating inscription. The largest positive Bragg wavelength shift with temperature in transmission is observed in TOPAS based few moded microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and the measured temperature sensitivity is 2500.5pm/C. Gluing method is developed to maintain stable optical coupling between PMMA based single mode step index polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and single mode step index silica optical fibre. Being benefit from this success, polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings are able to be characterised for their temperature, humidity and strain sensitivity, which are -48.21pm/C, 38.30.5pm per %RH and 1.330.04 pm/??respectively. These sensitivities have been utilised to achieve several applications. The strain sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices has been exploited in the potential application of the strain condition monitoring of heavy textiles and when being attached to textile specimens with certain type of adhesives. These polymer fibre Bragg grating devices show better strain transfer and lower structure reinforcement than silica optical fibre Bragg grating devices. The humidity sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices is applied to detecting water in jet fuel and is proved to be able to measure water content of less than 20 ppm in Jet fuel. A simultaneous temperature and humidity sensor is also made by attaching a polymer fibre Bragg grating to a silica optical fibre Bragg grating and it shows better humidity measurement accuracy than that of electronic competitors.


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Introduction: The changes in the health area and the set of structural changes in the nursing profession and career interfere in the dynamics and stability of the future of the nurses. Objectives: To study the influence of organizational and professional commitment of the nurses in the strategies of conflict resolution. Methods: This is a quantitative, transversal and non-experimental research, following a descriptive-correlational way. Data were obtained by applying a questionnaire to nurses that work on different types of Primary Health Care Units. As measuring instruments we used three scales that grouped a total of nine subscales used to evaluate: the organizational commitment, the professional commitment and the strategies of conflict resolution. Results: The majority of nurses present moderate scores of organizational and Professional commitment with higher affective commitment to the normative commitment or instrumental commitment and feel that nursing is an interesting and challenging profession, but personal and social perception of nursing relevance is moderately weak. Nurses adopt the domination conflict resolution strategies and accommodation over the head and less integrative strategies and commitment. With subordinates more nurses adopt the avoidance strategy. When the conflictual situation arises with colleagues more endow the integrative strategies and commitment and less domination strategy. The organizational and professional commitment is significantly associated with some solving strategies conflict adopted by nurses as the conflictual situation arises with the boss, with subordinates or colleagues. Some dimensions of organizational commitment and professional foretell to significantly shape the adoption of conflict resolution strategy adopted.


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Objetivo: El propsito del estudio fue relacionar la etapa en el cambio en el comportamiento frente a la actividad fsica y el estado nutricional en escolares entre 9 y 17 aos de Bogot- Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Mtodo: Se trata de un estudio transversal, en 6.606 nios y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 aos, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas, de Bogot-Colombia. Se aplic de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento en funcin a la intensin de realizar actividad fsica (CCC-Fuprecol) y se midi el peso y la estatura para determinar el estado nutricional con el ndice de masa corporal (IMC). Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue 94% y se consideraron vlidos 6,606 registros, siendo 58.3 % (n=3.850) nias con un promedio de edad de 12,72,3 aos. En la poblacin general, el 5,3 % de los escolares se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplacin, 31,8 % en contemplacin, el 26,7 % en accin y el 36,2 % en etapa de mantenimiento. Al comparar la etapa de cambio con el estado nutricional por IMC, los escolares clasificados en obesidad mostraron mayor frecuencia de respuesta en la etapa de pre-contemplacin, mientras que los escolares con peso saludable acusaron mayores porcentajes en la etapa de mantenimiento. Conclusin: En escolares de Bogot, Colombia, se encontr una relacin estadsticamente significativa entre a la intensin de realizar actividad con el estado nutricional medido con el IMC. Fomentar la promocin de la actividad fsica y monitorear el estado nutricional, deber ser una prioridad en las agendas y polticas pblicas dentro del mbito escolar.


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Objetivo: Describir la relacin de las etapas de cambio conductual frente al consumo de frutas y verduras con el estado nutricional en un grupo de escolares de Bogot, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Mtodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 1.922 nios y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 aos, pertenecientes a nueve instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogot. Se aplic de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento (CCC-Fuprecol) validado en el estudio FUPRECOL y se calcul el ndice de Masa Corporal (IMC) como marcador del estado nutricional. Se calcularon prevalencias y se establecieron asociaciones mediante modelos de regresin logstica binaria. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.045 nios-nias y adolescentes vs hombres (45.6%) y mujeres (54.3%) y 877. La mayor proporcin de consumo de frutas en el subgrupo de hombres (nios entre 9 y 12 aos vs. adolescentes entre 13 y 17 aos) se observ en la etapa de mantenimiento, (53.3 % vs. 38.8 %, X2 p<0.001), seguido de preparacin/accin (25.0 % vs. 32.4 %, X2 p<0.001). En mujeres entre 9 y 12 aos, la mayor proporcin se ubic en la etapa de mantenimiento (54.4 %), a diferencia de las adolescentes entre 13 y 17 aos que acusaron mayor frecuencia la etapa de preparacin/accin (42.0 %). Se observ que pertenecer al grupo de mujeres, se asociaba como variable para el cumplimiento de la recomendacin mnima de frutas y verduras con valores de OR 1.54 (IC95% 1.22-1.93) y OR 1.48 (IC95% 1.19-1.84), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Aproximadamente, 66 % de los participantes tienen la intencin o la voluntad de cumplir las recomendaciones de consumo de frutas y verduras. La identificacin temprana de nios y adolescentes con bajo consumo de alimentos vegetales, permitir implementar intervenciones para promover comportamientos saludables a fin de prevenir el riesgo cardiometablico en la edad adulta.


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Esta tesis de grado se intereza por observar y anlizar las red migratoria de los Kichwas de Sesquil, especificamente en los procesos que permitieron la construccin y consolidacin de las redes migratorias, las cuales se encienden o se apagan, a partir de las configuraciones polticas, religiosas, culturales y econmicas que la comunidad ha experimentado.


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This symposium aims to address some studies on violence in adults, as well as address the job done in an intervention network in domestic violence and a project on the study of violence in the elderly, in Alentejo. Communications: - PREVALNCE OF VIOLENCE IN ADULTS- Zango, Maria Otlia; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurncia; Pinheiro, Felcia Tavares; Magalhes, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Ftima - SOCIAL REPRESENTATION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Gemito, Maria Laurncia; Pinheiro, Felcia Tavares; Zango, Maria Otlia; Serra, Isaura; Magalhes, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Ftima - DOMESTIV VIOLENCE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF WOMEN WHO LIVE IT - Magalhes, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Ftima; Zango, Maria Otlia; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurncia; Pinheiro, Felcia Tavares - INTEGRATED INTERVENTION NETWORK OF DISTRICT OF VORA (RIIDE): A multidisciplinary response to violence - Gemito, Maria Laurncia; Pinheiro, Felcia Tavares; Lopes, Manuel - ESACA - Ageing Safely in Alentejo Understanding for Action - Mendes, Felismina; Gemito, Maria Laurncia; Zango, Maria Otilia; Chora, Maria Antnia; Pereira, Catarina Symposium goal(s): - To present studies on violence in Alentejo. - To discuss the importance of networks in the problem of violence. - To present Project underway on how to age with security in Alentejo. Symposium moderator(s): Maria Otlia Brites Zango Project affiliation:All three studies have resulted in an intervention project against domestic violence "Love me, love me not- Why does the violence exist and why does it not choose ages?" funded by POPH. ESACA Project - Aging Safely in Alentejo - Understanding to act, co-funded by: Alentejo 2020 Portugal 2020 and the European Union.


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Under mnga r har invandringsfrgan varit en mycket debatterad frga. Detta mrks inte minst i alla de insndare som publicerats i Dalarnas morgontidningar. Integration och ekonomi r exempel p mnen som nmns i dessa insndare d diskursen invandring diskuteras. En betydande faktor i debatten har bland annat varit Sverigedemokraternas valframgngar. Med denna underskning vill vi frska kartlgga hur diskursen invandring framstlls i insndare frn Dala-demokraten. Detta har gjorts med en innehlls- och diskursanalys. Analysen har utgtt frn insndare mellan tidsperioden augusti-april 2002/2003 och 2014/2015, vilket motsvarar tiden kring de bda riksdagsvalen.Analysen har genererat fyra teman (mngkultur och svenskhet, integrationsfrgan och invandring, demokrati och yttrandefrihet och ekonomi och vlfrd) som diskursen invandring kretsar kring. Utifrn dessa teman har vr analys visat att Sverigedemokraternas valframgngar tenderar att delvis influera diskursen invandring som insndarskribenterna frmedlar. Diskursen invandring har gtt frn att kretsa kring integrationsproblematik 2002/2003 till ekonomisk problematik 2014/2015. Analysen har ven visat p ett vi och dem-tnk som genomsyrar diskursen invandring under bgge tidsperioder. Detta sker bde genom frdomsfulla framstllningar av andra mnniskor och i uppdelningen av vilka som br f ta del av Sveriges gemensamma medel.


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Peginterferon-alpha plus ribavirin is the most effective therapy for chronic hepatitis C. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of peginterferon alpha-2a (40 kDa) plus ribavirin on sustained virological response (SVR) when administered for 24 vs 48 weeks in genotype 1 naive patients. One hundred and seventeen patients were enrolled in this controlled trial. Genotype 1 patients were randomized to 24 weeks treatment vs 48 weeks treatment. Genotype non-1 patients received 24 weeks treatment as an observational group. Outcomes were SVR (defined by hepatitis C virus-RNA-negative at week 24 of follow-up) and tolerability across the study period. The end-of-treatment response was 59% for genotype 1 (24 weeks treatment), 80% for genotype 1 (48 weeks treatment) and 92% for genotype non-1 (24 weeks treatment). The end-of-follow-up response was 19% (95% confidence interval (CI): 7.2-36.4) (genotype 1, 24 weeks) and 48% (95% CI: 30.2-66.9; P = 0.0175) (genotype 1, 48 weeks). Among genotype non-1, SVR was 76% (95% CI: 62.3-86.5). There were no unexpected adverse events.Almost half of the genotype 1 patients achieved an SVR after 48 weeks treatment with peginterferon alpha-2a (40 kDa) and low-dose ribavirin and confirmed that they should be treated for 48 weeks. Safety profile was acceptable.