912 resultados para Facial emotion recognition
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
The purpose of this multiple case study was 1) to explore the effectiveness of an emotions recognition program for preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and 2) to investigate one parent's perception of the emotions program. To address these objectives, the emotion unit scores of 7 preschoolers with ASD aged 3 to 5 years old (1 female, 6 males) were graphed and analyzed using visual inspection. In addition, the mother of 1 participant was interviewed to explore her perceptions of the emotions program and emotional learning. Overall, results revealed that participants' emotion recognition scores increased over the course of the emotions unit. The parent reported improvements in her son's expression and understanding of emotion, but noted that he continued to have difficulty with regulation of emotion. Implications for theory, education, and future research are discussed.
Lors d'une intervention conversationnelle, le langage est supporté par une communication non-verbale qui joue un rôle central dans le comportement social humain en permettant de la rétroaction et en gérant la synchronisation, appuyant ainsi le contenu et la signification du discours. En effet, 55% du message est véhiculé par les expressions faciales, alors que seulement 7% est dû au message linguistique et 38% au paralangage. L'information concernant l'état émotionnel d'une personne est généralement inférée par les attributs faciaux. Cependant, on ne dispose pas vraiment d'instruments de mesure spécifiquement dédiés à ce type de comportements. En vision par ordinateur, on s'intéresse davantage au développement de systèmes d'analyse automatique des expressions faciales prototypiques pour les applications d'interaction homme-machine, d'analyse de vidéos de réunions, de sécurité, et même pour des applications cliniques. Dans la présente recherche, pour appréhender de tels indicateurs observables, nous essayons d'implanter un système capable de construire une source consistante et relativement exhaustive d'informations visuelles, lequel sera capable de distinguer sur un visage les traits et leurs déformations, permettant ainsi de reconnaître la présence ou absence d'une action faciale particulière. Une réflexion sur les techniques recensées nous a amené à explorer deux différentes approches. La première concerne l'aspect apparence dans lequel on se sert de l'orientation des gradients pour dégager une représentation dense des attributs faciaux. Hormis la représentation faciale, la principale difficulté d'un système, qui se veut être général, est la mise en œuvre d'un modèle générique indépendamment de l'identité de la personne, de la géométrie et de la taille des visages. La démarche qu'on propose repose sur l'élaboration d'un référentiel prototypique à partir d'un recalage par SIFT-flow dont on démontre, dans cette thèse, la supériorité par rapport à un alignement conventionnel utilisant la position des yeux. Dans une deuxième approche, on fait appel à un modèle géométrique à travers lequel les primitives faciales sont représentées par un filtrage de Gabor. Motivé par le fait que les expressions faciales sont non seulement ambigües et incohérentes d'une personne à une autre mais aussi dépendantes du contexte lui-même, à travers cette approche, on présente un système personnalisé de reconnaissance d'expressions faciales, dont la performance globale dépend directement de la performance du suivi d'un ensemble de points caractéristiques du visage. Ce suivi est effectué par une forme modifiée d'une technique d'estimation de disparité faisant intervenir la phase de Gabor. Dans cette thèse, on propose une redéfinition de la mesure de confiance et introduisons une procédure itérative et conditionnelle d'estimation du déplacement qui offrent un suivi plus robuste que les méthodes originales.
La présente recherche est constituée de deux études. Dans l’étude 1, il s’agit d’améliorer la validité écologique des travaux sur la reconnaissance émotionnelle faciale (REF) en procédant à la validation de stimuli qui permettront d’étudier cette question en réalité virtuelle. L’étude 2 vise à documenter la relation entre le niveau de psychopathie et la performance à une tâche de REF au sein d’un échantillon de la population générale. Pour ce faire, nous avons créé des personnages virtuels animés de différentes origines ethniques exprimant les six émotions fondamentales à différents niveaux d’intensité. Les stimuli, sous forme statique et dynamique, ont été évalués par des étudiants universitaires. Les résultats de l’étude 1 indiquent que les stimuli virtuels, en plus de comporter plusieurs traits distinctifs, constituent un ensemble valide pour étudier la REF. L’étude 2 a permis de constater qu’un score plus élevé à l’échelle de psychopathie, spécifiquement à la facette de l’affect plat, est associé à une plus grande sensibilité aux expressions émotionnelles, particulièrement pour la tristesse. Inversement, un niveau élevé de tendances criminelles est, pour sa part, associé à une certaine insensibilité générale et à un déficit spécifique pour le dégoût. Ces résultats sont spécifiques aux participants masculins. Les données s’inscrivent dans une perspective évolutive de la psychopathie. L’étude met en évidence l’importance d’étudier l’influence respective des facettes de la personnalité psychopathique, ce même dans des populations non-cliniques. De plus, elle souligne la manifestation différentielle des tendances psychopathiques chez les hommes et chez les femmes.
This study aimed to measure, using fMRI, the effect of diazepam on the haemodynamic response to emotional faces. Twelve healthy male volunteers (mean age = 24.83 +/- 3.16 years), were evaluated in a randomized, balanced-order, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design. Diazepam (10 mg) or placebo was given 1 h before the neuroimaging acquisition. In a blocked design covert face emotional task, subjects were presented with neutral (A) and aversive (B) (angry or fearful) faces. Participants were also submitted to an explicit emotional face recognition task, and subjective anxiety was evaluated throughout the procedures. Diazepam attenuated the activation of right amygdala and right orbitofrontal cortex and enhanced the activation of right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) to fearful faces. In contrast, diazepam enhanced the activation of posterior left insula and attenuated the activation of bilateral ACC to angry faces. In the behavioural task, diazepam impaired the recognition of fear in female faces. Under the action of diazepam, volunteers were less anxious at the end of the experimental session. These results suggest that benzodiazepines can differentially modulate brain activation to aversive stimuli, depending on the stimulus features and indicate a role of amygdala and insula in the anxiolytic action of benzodiazepines.
La tesi tratta i temi di computer vision connessi alle problematiche di inserimento in una piattaforma Web. Nel testo sono spiegate alcune soluzioni per includere una libreria software per l'emotion recognition in un'applicazione web e tecnologie per la registrazione di un video, catturando le immagine da una webcam.
Extracting opinions and emotions from text is becoming increasingly important, especially since the advent of micro-blogging and social networking. Opinion mining is particularly popular and now gathers many public services, datasets and lexical resources. Unfortunately, there are few available lexical and semantic resources for emotion recognition that could foster the development of new emotion aware services and applications. The diversity of theories of emotion and the absence of a common vocabulary are two of the main barriers to the development of such resources. This situation motivated the creation of Onyx, a semantic vocabulary of emotions with a focus on lexical resources and emotion analysis services. It follows a linguistic Linked Data approach, it is aligned with the Provenance Ontology, and it has been integrated with the Lexicon Model for Ontologies (lemon), a popular RDF model for representing lexical entries. This approach also means a new and interesting way to work with different theories of emotion. As part of this work, Onyx has been aligned with EmotionML and WordNet-Affect.
Desde hace más de 20 años, muchos grupos de investigación trabajan en el estudio de técnicas de reconocimiento automático de expresiones faciales. En los últimos años, gracias al avance de las metodologías, ha habido numerosos avances que hacen posible una rápida detección de las caras presentes en una imagen y proporcionan algoritmos de clasificación de expresiones. En este proyecto se realiza un estudio sobre el estado del arte en reconocimiento automático de emociones, para conocer los diversos métodos que existen en el análisis facial y en el reconocimiento de la emoción. Con el fin de poder comparar estos métodos y otros futuros, se implementa una herramienta modular y ampliable y que además integra un método de extracción de características que consiste en la obtención de puntos de interés en la cara y dos métodos para clasificar la expresión, uno mediante comparación de desplazamientos de los puntos faciales, y otro mediante detección de movimientos específicos llamados unidades de acción. Para el entrenamiento del sistema y la posterior evaluación del mismo, se emplean las bases de datos Cohn-Kanade+ y JAFFE, de libre acceso a la comunidad científica. Después, una evaluación de estos métodos es llevada a cabo usando diferentes parámetros, bases de datos y variando el número de emociones. Finalmente, se extraen conclusiones del trabajo y su evaluación, proponiendo las mejoras necesarias e investigación futura. ABSTRACT. Currently, many research teams focus on the study of techniques for automatic facial expression recognition. Due to the appearance of digital image processing, in recent years there have been many advances in the field of face detection, feature extraction and expression classification. In this project, a study of the state of the art on automatic emotion recognition is performed to know the different methods existing in facial feature extraction and emotion recognition. To compare these methods, a user friendly tool is implemented. Besides, a feature extraction method is developed which consists in obtaining 19 facial feature points. Those are passed to two expression classifier methods, one based on point displacements, and one based on the recognition of facial Action Units. Cohn-Kanade+ and JAFFE databases, both freely available to the scientific community, are used for system training and evaluation. Then, an evaluation of the methods is performed with different parameters, databases and varying the number of emotions. Finally, conclusions of the work and its evaluation are extracted, proposing some necessary improvements and future research.
Este trabalho avalia a influência das emoções humanas expressas pela mímica da face na tomada de decisão de sistemas computacionais, com o objetivo de melhorar a experiência do usuário. Para isso, foram desenvolvidos três módulos: o primeiro trata-se de um sistema de computação assistiva - uma prancha de comunicação alternativa e ampliada em versão digital. O segundo módulo, aqui denominado Módulo Afetivo, trata-se de um sistema de computação afetiva que, por meio de Visão Computacional, capta a mímica da face do usuário e classifica seu estado emocional. Este segundo módulo foi implementado em duas etapas, as duas inspiradas no Sistema de Codificação de Ações Faciais (FACS), que identifica expressões faciais com base no sistema cognitivo humano. Na primeira etapa, o Módulo Afetivo realiza a inferência dos estados emocionais básicos: felicidade, surpresa, raiva, medo, tristeza, aversão e, ainda, o estado neutro. Segundo a maioria dos pesquisadores da área, as emoções básicas são inatas e universais, o que torna o módulo afetivo generalizável a qualquer população. Os testes realizados com o modelo proposto apresentaram resultados 10,9% acima dos resultados que usam metodologias semelhantes. Também foram realizadas análises de emoções espontâneas, e os resultados computacionais aproximam-se da taxa de acerto dos seres humanos. Na segunda etapa do desenvolvimento do Módulo Afetivo, o objetivo foi identificar expressões faciais que refletem a insatisfação ou a dificuldade de uma pessoa durante o uso de sistemas computacionais. Assim, o primeiro modelo do Módulo Afetivo foi ajustado para este fim. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um Módulo de Tomada de Decisão que recebe informações do Módulo Afetivo e faz intervenções no Sistema Computacional. Parâmetros como tamanho do ícone, arraste convertido em clique e velocidade de varredura são alterados em tempo real pelo Módulo de Tomada de Decisão no sistema computacional assistivo, de acordo com as informações geradas pelo Módulo Afetivo. Como o Módulo Afetivo não possui uma etapa de treinamento para inferência do estado emocional, foi proposto um algoritmo de face neutra para resolver o problema da inicialização com faces contendo emoções. Também foi proposto, neste trabalho, a divisão dos sinais faciais rápidos entre sinais de linha base (tique e outros ruídos na movimentação da face que não se tratam de sinais emocionais) e sinais emocionais. Os resultados dos Estudos de Caso realizados com os alunos da APAE de Presidente Prudente demonstraram que é possível melhorar a experiência do usuário, configurando um sistema computacional com informações emocionais expressas pela mímica da face.
The recognition of faces and of facial expressions in an important evolutionary skill, and an integral part of social communication. It has been argued that the processing of faces is distinct from the processing of non-face stimuli and functional neuroimaging investigations have even found evidence of a distinction between the perception of faces and of emotional expressions. Structural and temporal correlates of face perception and facial affect have only been separately identified. Investigation neural dynamics of face perception per se as well as facial affect would allow the mapping of these in space, time and frequency specific domains. Participants were asked to perform face categorisation and emotional discrimination tasks and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to measure the neurophysiology of face and facial emotion processing. SAM analysis techniques enable the investigation of spectral changes within specific time-windows and frequency bands, thus allowing the identification of stimulus specific regions of cortical power changes. Furthermore, MEG’s excellent temporal resolution allows for the detection of subtle changes associated with the processing of face and non-face stimuli and different emotional expressions. The data presented reveal that face perception is associated with spectral power changes within a distributed cortical network comprising occipito-temporal as well as parietal and frontal areas. For the perception of facial affect, spectral power changes were also observed within frontal and limbic areas including the parahippocampal gyrus and the amygdala. Analyses of temporal correlates also reveal a distinction between the processing of faces and facial affect. Face perception per se occurred at earlier latencies whereas the discrimination of facial expression occurred within a longer time-window. In addition, the processing of faces and facial affect was differentially associated with changes in cortical oscillatory power for alpha, beta and gamma frequencies. The perception of faces and facial affect is associated with distinct changes in cortical oscillatory activity that can be mapped to specific neural structures, specific time-windows and latencies as well as specific frequency bands. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis provides further insight into the sequential processing of faces and facial affect.
The study aimed to determine if the memory bias for negative faces previously demonstrated in depression and dysphoria generalises from long- to short-term memory. A total of 29 dysphoric (DP) and22 non-dysphoric (ND) participants were presented with a series of faces and asked to identify the emotion portrayed (happiness, sadness, anger, or neutral affect). Following a delay, four faces were presented (the original plus three distractors) and participants were asked to identify the target face. Half of the trials assessed memory for facial emotion, and the remaining trials examined memory for facial identity. At encoding, no group differences were apparent. At memory testing, relative to ND participants, DP participants exhibited impaired memory for all types of facial emotion and for facial identity when the faces featured happiness, anger, or neutral affect, but not sadness. DP participants exhibited impaired identity memory for happy faces relative to angry, sad, and neutral, whereas ND participants exhibited enhanced facial identity memory when faces were angry. In general, memory for faces was not related to performance at encoding. However, in DP participants only, memory for sad faces was related to sadness recognition at encoding. The results suggest that the negative memory bias for faces in dysphoria does not generalise from long- to short-term memory.
In this report we summarize the state-of-the-art of speech emotion recognition from the signal processing point of view. On the bases of multi-corporal experiments with machine-learning classifiers, the observation is made that existing approaches for supervised machine learning lead to database dependent classifiers which can not be applied for multi-language speech emotion recognition without additional training because they discriminate the emotion classes following the used training language. As there are experimental results showing that Humans can perform language independent categorisation, we made a parallel between machine recognition and the cognitive process and tried to discover the sources of these divergent results. The analysis suggests that the main difference is that the speech perception allows extraction of language independent features although language dependent features are incorporated in all levels of the speech signal and play as a strong discriminative function in human perception. Based on several results in related domains, we have suggested that in addition, the cognitive process of emotion-recognition is based on categorisation, assisted by some hierarchical structure of the emotional categories, existing in the cognitive space of all humans. We propose a strategy for developing language independent machine emotion recognition, related to the identification of language independent speech features and the use of additional information from visual (expression) features.
This dissertation develops an image processing framework with unique feature extraction and similarity measurements for human face recognition in the thermal mid-wave infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The goals of this research is to design specialized algorithms that would extract facial vasculature information, create a thermal facial signature and identify the individual. The objective is to use such findings in support of a biometrics system for human identification with a high degree of accuracy and a high degree of reliability. This last assertion is due to the minimal to no risk for potential alteration of the intrinsic physiological characteristics seen through thermal infrared imaging. The proposed thermal facial signature recognition is fully integrated and consolidates the main and critical steps of feature extraction, registration, matching through similarity measures, and validation through testing our algorithm on a database, referred to as C-X1, provided by the Computer Vision Research Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. Feature extraction was accomplished by first registering the infrared images to a reference image using the functional MRI of the Brain’s (FMRIB’s) Linear Image Registration Tool (FLIRT) modified to suit thermal infrared images. This was followed by segmentation of the facial region using an advanced localized contouring algorithm applied on anisotropically diffused thermal images. Thermal feature extraction from facial images was attained by performing morphological operations such as opening and top-hat segmentation to yield thermal signatures for each subject. Four thermal images taken over a period of six months were used to generate thermal signatures and a thermal template for each subject, the thermal template contains only the most prevalent and consistent features. Finally a similarity measure technique was used to match signatures to templates and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to validate the results of the matching process. Thirteen subjects were used for testing the developed technique on an in-house thermal imaging system. The matching using an Euclidean-based similarity measure showed 88% accuracy in the case of skeletonized signatures and templates, we obtained 90% accuracy for anisotropically diffused signatures and templates. We also employed the Manhattan-based similarity measure and obtained an accuracy of 90.39% for skeletonized and diffused templates and signatures. It was found that an average 18.9% improvement in the similarity measure was obtained when using diffused templates. The Euclidean- and Manhattan-based similarity measure was also applied to skeletonized signatures and templates of 25 subjects in the C-X1 database. The highly accurate results obtained in the matching process along with the generalized design process clearly demonstrate the ability of the thermal infrared system to be used on other thermal imaging based systems and related databases. A novel user-initialization registration of thermal facial images has been successfully implemented. Furthermore, the novel approach at developing a thermal signature template using four images taken at various times ensured that unforeseen changes in the vasculature did not affect the biometric matching process as it relied on consistent thermal features.
Emotion-based analysis has raised a lot of interest, particularly in areas such as forensics, medicine, music, psychology, and human-machine interface. Following this trend, the use of facial analysis (either automatic or human-based) is the most common subject to be investigated once this type of data can easily be collected and is well accepted in the literature as a metric for inference of emotional states. Despite this popularity, due to several constraints found in real world scenarios (e.g. lightning, complex backgrounds, facial hair and so on), automatically obtaining affective information from face accurately is a very challenging accomplishment. This work presents a framework which aims to analyse emotional experiences through naturally generated facial expressions. Our main contribution is a new 4-dimensional model to describe emotional experiences in terms of appraisal, facial expressions, mood, and subjective experiences. In addition, we present an experiment using a new protocol proposed to obtain spontaneous emotional reactions. The results have suggested that the initial emotional state described by the participants of the experiment was different from that described after the exposure to the eliciting stimulus, thus showing that the used stimuli were capable of inducing the expected emotional states in most individuals. Moreover, our results pointed out that spontaneous facial reactions to emotions are very different from those in prototypic expressions due to the lack of expressiveness in the latter.
We propose a novel analysis alternative, based on two Fourier Transforms for emotion recognition from speech -- Fourier analysis allows for display and synthesizes different signals, in terms of power spectral density distributions -- A spectrogram of the voice signal is obtained performing a short time Fourier Transform with Gaussian windows, this spectrogram portraits frequency related features, such as vocal tract resonances and quasi-periodic excitations during voiced sounds -- Emotions induce such characteristics in speech, which become apparent in spectrogram time-frequency distributions -- Later, the signal time-frequency representation from spectrogram is considered an image, and processed through a 2-dimensional Fourier Transform in order to perform the spatial Fourier analysis from it -- Finally features related with emotions in voiced speech are extracted and presented