968 resultados para FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT


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The deterioration in staff-student ratios in UK higher education has had a disproportionate impact on assessment and feedback, meaning that contemporary students may have fewer assessments and much less feedback than a generation ago (Gibbs, 2006). Early use of a quiz assessment may offer a blend of social benefits (social comparison, shared problem solving leading to engagement, belonging and continuation), academic benefits (early formative assessment, immediate feedback) and administrative benefits (on-the-spot verbal marking and feedback to 230 students simultaneously). This study sought student views on the acceptability and contribution to learning of the quiz. Social benefits were apparent but difficulties in creating questions to elicit deeper reasoning and problem solving are discussed and the quiz had limited pedagogic value in the eyes of participants. The use of assertion-reason questions are considered as a way of taking the table quiz to a higher level and extending its pedagogic value.


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At the EDEN Conference an introduction to the EMMA platform will be combined with learning activities relevant to the topic of Formative Assessment. EDEN conference participants will have an opportunity to join the MOOC prior to the conference or at the conference. A range of learning activities will be offered during the training to ensure that all interested have sufficient opportunities to learn.


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Formative assessment or assessment for learning is a relevant theme for teachers and educationalists. Formative assessment is a valuable tool for supporting the learning process. It is applied during learning and offers you more and better opportunities to guide your students. Formative assessment allows for more individual and/or personalised guidance. In this MOOC Assessment for learning in practice we will provide you with theory and guidelines for knowledge construction on the topic of formative assessment while offering support in designing assessments that can be applied as a tool for learning and training of competences. In this MOOC you can learn what formative assessment is, learn to differentiate between summative and formative assessment, and how formative assessment can contribute to the learning of your pupils or students. Design of rubrics, the role and functions of feedback, the use of technology for formative assessment are the topics of the MOOC.


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In this paper, we describe how the pathfinder algorithm converts relatedness ratings of concept pairs to concept maps; we also present how this algorithm has been used to develop the Concept Maps for Learning website (www.conceptmapsforlearning.com) based on the principles of effective formative assessment. The pathfinder networks, one of the network representation tools, claim to help more students memorize and recall the relations between concepts than spatial representation tools (such as Multi- Dimensional Scaling). Therefore, the pathfinder networks have been used in various studies on knowledge structures, including identifying students’ misconceptions. To accomplish this, each student’s knowledge map and the expert knowledge map are compared via the pathfinder software, and the differences between these maps are highlighted. After misconceptions are identified, the pathfinder software fails to provide any feedback on these misconceptions. To overcome this weakness, we have been developing a mobile-based concept mapping tool providing visual, textual and remedial feedback (ex. videos, website links and applets) on the concept relations. This information is then placed on the expert concept map, but not on the student’s concept map. Additionally, students are asked to note what they understand from given feedback, and given the opportunity to revise their knowledge maps after receiving various types of feedback.


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The introduction of a poster presentation as a formative assessment method over a multiple choice examination after the first phase of a three phase “health and well-being” module in an undergraduate nursing degree programme was greeted with a storm of criticism from fellow lecturers stating that poster presentations are not valid or reliable and totally irrelevant to the assessment of learning in the module. This paper seeks to investigate these criticisms by investigating the literature regarding producing nurses fit for practice, nurse curriculum development and wider nurse education, the purpose of assessment, validity and reliability to critically evaluate the poster presentation as a legitimate assessment method for these aims.


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Interpretations of “literacy” and approaches to literacy pedagogy and assessment are under renewal as meaning-making and learning are increasingly situated in digitized environments. While the implications of these shifts are in part technological, they are also relational, as students are increasingly positioned as interactive with participatory roles in self-knowledge and increased responsibility for their learning. However, while shifts are occurring in understandings of literacy and approaches to literacy pedagogy, the same cannot be said for the way in which assessments of digital literacies are undertaken. There is a lack of valid, reliable, and practical assessments of new literacies to inform and help students to become better prepared for study, work, and citizenship in digital environments. This article maps five characteristics of effective formative assessment in print-based classrooms with seven affordancesin digital learning and assessment to suggest an analytical framework for examining teacher and student assessment in digital environments. Drawing on data from a research project in which a team of teachers introduced a one-to-one computing program and worked to renew their literacy assessment practices, this article discusses how each of the seven affordances are enacted in the assessment practices in a years five and six primary school classroom. The findings from this research project show that educational technologies have the potential to enable new approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment that better align with the needs of twenty-first century literacy learners. The findings alsosupport approaches to formative assessment that value print and multimodality and engage students in more flexible and differentiated ways. They can enable teachers and students to be re-positioned as designers, knowledge producers, and collaborative learners. The seven affordances provide a framework that holds rich possibilities for teacher learning and planning as prompts to support reflection on formative assessment practices, critique habitual practices, and considernew opportunities.


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The draft Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Checkpoints Assessments were in open and supported trial during Semester 2, 2010. The purpose of these trials was to evaluate the Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Checkpoints Assessments (hereafter the Year 1 Checkpoints) that were designed in 2009 as a way to incorporate the use of the Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators as formative assessment in Year 1 in Queensland Schools. In these trials there were no mandated reporting requirements. The processes of assessment were related to future teaching decisions. As such the trials were trials of materials and the processes of using those materials to assess students, plan and teach in year 1 classrooms. In their current form the Year 1 Checkpoints provide assessment resources for teachers to use in February, June and October. They aim to support teachers in monitoring children's progress and making judgments about their achievement of the targeted P‐3 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators by the end of Year 1 (Queensland Studies Authority, 2010 p. 1). The Year 1 Checkpoints include support materials for teachers and administrators, an introductory statement on assessment, work samples, and a Data Analysis Assessment Record (DAAR) to record student performance. The Supported Trial participants were also supported with face‐to‐face and on‐line training sessions, involvement in a moderation process after the October Assessments, opportunities to participate in discussion forums as well as additional readings and materials. The assessment resources aim to use effective early years assessment practices in that the evidence is gathered from hands‐on teaching and learning experiences, rather than more formal assessment methods. They are based in a model of assessment for learning, and aim to support teachers in the “on‐going process of determining future learning directions” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2010 p. 1) for all students. Their aim is to focus teachers on interpreting and analysing evidence to make informed judgments about the achievement of all students, as a way to support subsequent planning for learning and teaching. The Evaluation of the Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Checkpoints Assessments Supported Trial (hereafter the Evaluation) aimed to gather information about the appropriateness, effectiveness and utility of the Year 1 Checkpoints Assessments from early years’ teachers and leaders in up to one hundred Education Queensland schools who had volunteered to be part of the Supported Trial. These sample schools represent schools across a variety of Education Queensland regions and include schools with:  - A high Indigenous student population; - Urban, rural and remote school locations; - Single and multi‐age early phase classes; - A high proportion of students from low SES backgrounds. The purpose of the Evaluation was to: Evaluate the materials and report on the views of school‐based staff involved in the trial on the process, materials, and assessment practices utilised. The Evaluation has reviewed the materials, and used surveys, interviews, and observations of processes and procedures to collect relevant data to help present an informed opinion on the Year 1 Checkpoints as assessment for the early years of schooling. Student work samples and teacher planning and assessment documents were also collected. The evaluation has not evaluated the Year 1 Checkpoints in any other capacity than as a resource for Year 1 teachers and relevant support staff.


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A strategy initiated in 2010 to support and improve the retention rate of diverse cohorts of accelerated nursing students at two QUT campuses continued to be successful in 2012. An additional procedure involving the formation of learning communities was trialled in 2012 to address the social dimension of learning and assist in enhancing the quality of accelerated nurse’s first year university experience. A supported formative assessment activity was planned to allow the students to collaborate in learning communities.


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Objective To assess the usability and validity of the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool (PC-PIT), a practice performance improvement tool based on 13 key elements identified by a systematic review. It was co-created with a range of partners and designed specifically for primary health care. Design This pilot study examined the PC-PIT using a formative assessment framework and mixed-methods research design. Setting and participants Six high-functioning general practices in Queensland, Australia, between February and July 2013. A total of 28 staff participated — 10 general practitioners, six practice or community nurses, 12 administrators (four practice managers; one business manager and eight reception or general administrative staff). Main outcome measures Readability, content validity and staff perceptions of the PC-PIT. Results The PC-PIT offers an appropriate and acceptable approach to internal quality improvement in general practice. Quantitative assessment scores and qualitative data from all staff identified two areas in which the PC-PIT required modification: a reduction in the indicative reading age, and simplification of governance-related terms and concepts. Conclusion The PC-PIT provides an innovative approach to address the complexity of organisational improvement in general practice and primary health care. This initial validation will be used to develop a suite of supporting, high-quality and free-to-access resources to enhance the use of the PC-PIT in general practice. Based on these findings, a national trial is now underway.


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Engineers must have deep and accurate conceptual understanding of their field and Concept inventories (CIs) are one method of assessing conceptual understanding and providing formative feedback. Current CI tests use Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to identify misconceptions and have undergone reliability and validity testing to assess conceptual understanding. However, they do not readily provide the diagnostic information about students’ reasoning and therefore do not effectively point to specific actions that can be taken to improve student learning. We piloted the textual component of our diagnostic CI on electrical engineering students using items from the signals and systems CI. We then analysed the textual responses using automated lexical analysis software to test the effectiveness of these types of software and interviewed the students regarding their experience using the textual component. Results from the automated text analysis revealed that students held both incorrect and correct ideas for certain conceptual areas and provided indications of student misconceptions. User feedback also revealed that the inclusion of the textual component is helpful to students in assessing and reflecting on their own understanding.


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Dentro do contexto da avaliação formativa, as práticas de correção dos textos produzidos devem ser entendidas não como medição da aprendizagem, mas principalmente como uma pesquisa, elas devem avaliar o aluno, o professor, o processo, as práticas enunciativas, a mediação, a escola e mesmo a família. Contudo, apesar de essa abordagem sobre a avaliação ser compatível com a concepção sócio-histórica e cognitiva da linguagem, que por sua vez é consoante com as orientações dos PCN de Língua Portuguesa, ela parece ainda se mostrar distante dos métodos adotados pelos professores. O objetivo geral desta dissertação é identificar as abordagens teóricas que subjazem aos métodos avaliativos de professores do ensino fundamental em relação à produção textual. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se (i) mapear os modelos de correção textual utilizado por esses professores a fim de oferecer um panorama sobre a realidade do ensino-aprendizagem da escrita; e (ii) organizar um material teórico capaz de embasar a prática avaliativa não apenas como um componente do ato pedagógico, mas também como componente simbólico da construção da imagem que o aluno tem sobre si e sobre sua capacidade de escrever. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa constituída por dois corpora, organizados a partir dos seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semiestruturada com sete professores que lecionam no terceiro e quarto ciclos do ensino fundamental em escolas públicas e/ou particulares; e textos escritos por alunos e corrigidos pelos mesmos professores-informantes. Constituindo um total de 35 documentos, cinco de cada professor e 3h48min de gravações transcritas. Para análise dos corpora optou-se pelo paradigma interpretativista, aliado ao paradigma indiciário, que busca olhar para além das recorrências, os dados episódicos, singulares, dados que possam ajudar a levantar hipóteses sobre uma realidade não observável por via direta. Em relação às abordagens teóricas, podem-se perceber três manifestações: (i) as que são focadas no sistema, observável quando o professor privilegia aspectos formais e quando suas marcações, ainda que busquem o aspecto discursivo, não são suficientes para que os alunos efetuem reflexões sobre o uso da língua; (ii) as que flutuam entre o estruturalismo e o sociointeracionismo, quando o professor, embora se utilize de práticas mais interacionais ainda deixa amplo espaço para correções formais; (iii) as que são eminentemente sociointeracionistas, em cujas marcas avaliativas pode-se observar respeito pela autoria, apreciação do texto, interferência significativa e convite à reflexão. Dessas práticas emergem dois papéis sociais dicotômicos assumidos pelo professor: o de revisor, que tem profunda relação com práticas avaliativas de medição, e o de leitor-avaliador, em que se pode perceber, além de métodos ligados ao sociointeracionismo e às práticas avaliativas formativas um outro aspecto singular: a afetividade. Para discorrer sobre cada um desses aspectos propostos, construiu-se uma revisão bibliográfica que buscou incorporar à discussão teórico-metodológica questões de ordem subjetivas, que orientam pensar a escrita não só sob seu aspecto sócio-histórico e cognitivo, mas também afetivo


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O trabalho discute a qualidade da escola aferida por instrumentos avaliativos externos e a qualidade na escola vivida no cotidiano, por meio de transações. Traz a contribuição de autores que discutem as correlações entre qualidade e avaliação educacional, bem como o advento do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) como principal ferramenta de aferição da qualidade das escolas. Tem como questões: investigar de que forma a cultura do exame tem contribuído na produção de indicadores de qualidade na escola, quais os sentidos de qualidade atribuídos pela comunidade escolar ao conhecer os resultados das avaliações externas e de que forma as avaliações em larga escala interferem nas concepções de qualidade dos sujeitos no cotidiano escolar. A metodologia considera o cotidiano escolar em sua complexidade e, no viés do paradigma indiciário, percebe o sentido e o significado de práticas exercidas pela escola que, principalmente, estão sendo desprezadas na concepção que vem se criando do que é uma escola de qualidade. Conceituando a avaliação formativa como ferramenta para a promoção da qualidade escolar social, a pesquisa chama a atenção para o uso da avaliação em larga escala de forma vertical, pontual, inspirada nos parâmetros de neutralidade, centrada no produto, entendendo ser este o conhecimento a ser medido, o sujeito da educação. Na contramão, procura compreender os sentidos de qualidade entendidos pelos partícipes do projeto educativo da escola e a forma como esta qualidade é negociada, em sua operacionalização, vislumbrando práticas e proposições que apontam um movimento de avaliação interna nas escolas.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej


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The efficiency of large group teaching (lectures) has long been called into question with much research high lighting low levels of student participation, and poor attention spans leading to a lack of engagement with learning which inhibits deep learning. Small group teaching and Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) are methods of teaching that can help promote deep learning. There is also a growing need and demand for Technology Enhanced Learning to suit changing lifestyles. The Labtutor® System, is one such piece of software that is designed to incorporate EBL and small group teaching quality into the large group setting.

This study provides a descriptive survey of adult nursing student’s perceptions of the Labtutor system following its use in two Life Science modules within an undergraduate nursing programme. A convenience sample of first year adult nursing students (n= 115) were identified to complete a 32 item questionnaire (appendix three).
Participants reported overall that they enjoyed using the system and found it beneficial to their learning specifically:
(a) Increased engagement with material in online learning as a result of using the system.
(b) Increased participation and levels of interactivity in the lecture as a result of using the system.
(c) Increased enhancement of learning as a result of using the system and
(d) Usefulness of the formative assessment facilitated by using the system.

The study concludes that Labtutor® system and other such methods of Technology Enhanced Learning packages if used correctly can enhance learning.


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O questionamento dos alunos é reconhecido como uma capacidade fundamental, de nível superior, associada ao desenvolvimento de outras competências centrais, como o pensamento crítico, a resolução de problemas ou a capacidade de reflexão, assumindo especial relevância no contexto de disciplinas científicas. O presente estudo surge no atual enquadramento de reestruturação curricular do ensino universitário em Portugal, como um caso de colaboração estreita entre investigadores do Departamento de Educação e professores das Unidades Curriculares de “Microbiologia”, “Genética” e “Temas e Laboratórios de Biologia”, do Departamento de Biologia, na Universidade de Aveiro. Estas unidades curriculares, dirigidas a alunos de várias licenciaturas, são sobretudo frequentadas por alunos do primeiro ano das licenciaturas em Biologia e Biologia/Geologia. Um dos principais objetivos era identificar contextos de prática no âmbito dos quais pudéssemos sugerir estratégias inovadoras de Ensino, Aprendizagem e Avaliação (EAA), que promovessem o questionamento dos estudantes, numa lógica de alinhamento construtivo. Outro dos objetivos era também o de analisar e caracterizar o questionamento dos alunos, associado à diversidade de estratégias adotadas. A presente investigação adota princípios dos paradigmas naturalista e sociocrítico, seguindo uma abordagem metodológica sobretudo de natureza qualitativa. As várias situações de EAA foram desenhadas, implementadas e adaptadas atendendo às particularidades de cada Unidade Curricular (UC), ao longo de dois estudos (2007/2008 e 2008/2009). O questionamento dos alunos foi caracterizado nos diversos contextos de EAA, atendendo ao seu nível cognitivo. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos selecionados, no fim de cada estudo (17 alunos no total), e também com os professores envolvidos (4 professores), no fim do segundo estudo. A análise do questionamento dos alunos nos variados contextos, permitiu confirmar um questionamento espontâneo pouco frequente e tendencialmente de baixo nível cognitivo associado à expressão oral. No entanto, em situações com efeitos sumativos na avaliação, verificou-se um maior envolvimento e uma maior participação dos alunos, associados a uma maior frequência e qualidade do questionamento. Confirmamos o papel fundamental que a avaliação desempenha no decurso da aprendizagem, valorizando o seu papel formativo bem como o feedback proporcionado pelos professores no sentido de alcançar melhores desempenhos em termos de questionamento e, em última análise, em termos de aprendizagem. Todas as evidências recolhidas permitem afirmar que o questionamento constituiu um importante motor para um alinhamento construtivo entre o ensino, a aprendizagem e a avaliação, devidamente articulados com os objetivos de aprendizagem de cada UC. Comprovamos, também, que se não forem criadas situações em que os alunos sejam incentivados a questionar, situações que constituam para si um desafio, um estímulo extrínseco, apenas teremos acesso ao seu questionamento oral e espontâneo, com as características que já lhe são conhecidas. Afirmamos, assim, a relevância de se desenharem situações de ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação, que promovam nos alunos o desenvolvimento da competência de questionamento. Um outro objetivo central de investigação a que nos tínhamos proposto era a caracterização do questionamento dos alunos numa perspetiva mais holística, situando-o como uma competência fundamental que deverá ser desenvolvida em contextos educativos, mas também ao longo da vida. Avançamos com uma proposta de modelo de competência de questionamento, como um dos resultados principais do presente estudo. Este modelo surge de toda a experiência investigativa e, sobretudo, do estudo aprofundado de dois casos, correspondentes a dois alunos selecionados, que permitiu a elucidação das dimensões de competência. Assumindo o questionamento como competência, consideramos que o modelo proposto, e ainda em evolução, poderá representar um importante contributo para a teoria e para a prática do questionamento.