104 resultados para FLT3-ITD
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica / Psicologia
Interaural intensity and time differences (IID and ITD) are two binaural auditory cues for localizing sounds in space. This study investigated the spatio-temporal brain mechanisms for processing and integrating IID and ITD cues in humans. Auditory-evoked potentials were recorded, while subjects passively listened to noise bursts lateralized with IID, ITD or both cues simultaneously, as well as a more frequent centrally presented noise. In a separate psychophysical experiment, subjects actively discriminated lateralized from centrally presented stimuli. IID and ITD cues elicited different electric field topographies starting at approximately 75 ms post-stimulus onset, indicative of the engagement of distinct cortical networks. By contrast, no performance differences were observed between IID and ITD cues during the psychophysical experiment. Subjects did, however, respond significantly faster and more accurately when both cues were presented simultaneously. This performance facilitation exceeded predictions from probability summation, suggestive of interactions in neural processing of IID and ITD cues. Supra-additive neural response interactions as well as topographic modulations were indeed observed approximately 200 ms post-stimulus for the comparison of responses to the simultaneous presentation of both cues with the mean of those to separate IID and ITD cues. Source estimations revealed differential processing of IID and ITD cues initially within superior temporal cortices and also at later stages within temporo-parietal and inferior frontal cortices. Differences were principally in terms of hemispheric lateralization. The collective psychophysical and electrophysiological results support the hypothesis that IID and ITD cues are processed by distinct, but interacting, cortical networks that can in turn facilitate auditory localization.
The tumor microenvironment mediates induction of the immunosuppressive programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) pathway, and targeted interventions against this pathway can help restore antitumor immunity. To gain insight into these responses, we studied the interaction between PD-1 expressed on T cells and its ligands (PD-1:PD-L1, PD-1:PD-L2, and PD-L1:B7.1), expressed on other cells in the tumor microenvironment, using a syngeneic orthotopic mouse model of epithelial ovarian cancer (ID8). Exhaustion of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) correlated with expression of PD-1 ligands by tumor cells and tumor-derived myeloid cells, including tumor-associated macrophages (TAM), dendritic cells, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). When combined with GVAX or FVAX vaccination (consisting of irradiated ID8 cells expressing granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor or FLT3 ligand) and costimulation by agonistic α-4-1BB or TLR 9 ligand, antibody-mediated blockade of PD-1 or PD-L1 triggered rejection of ID8 tumors in 75% of tumor-bearing mice. This therapeutic effect was associated with increased proliferation and function of tumor antigen-specific effector CD8(+) T cells, inhibition of suppressive regulatory T cells (Treg) and MDSC, upregulation of effector T-cell signaling molecules, and generation of T memory precursor cells. Overall, PD-1/PD-L1 blockade enhanced the amplitude of tumor immunity by reprogramming suppressive and stimulatory signals that yielded more powerful cancer control.
A pesquisa sobre bactérias diazotróficas na cultura do trigo tem demonstrado a necessidade de associar bactérias eficientes a genótipos promissores, os quais se beneficiariam dessa associação. Em um experimento com parcelas subdivididas, instalado em condições de campo, em Mococa (SP), empregando os tratamentos: três doses de N (0, 60 e 120 kg ha-1) e três genótipos de trigo (IAC-24, ITD-19 e IAC-355), foi avaliada a ocorrência de microrganismos diazotróficos endofíticos em raízes desinfestadas superficialmente, utilizando-se três meios de cultivo distintos, NFb, JNFb e LGI-P. Somente para o genótipo IAC-355, houve um ajuste linear ascendente da quantidade de bactérias diazotróficas com o aumento na quantidade de N adicionada, apesar de o mesmo genótipo apresentar o menor número de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas nos três meios de cultivo utilizados para quantificação. Foram obtidos oito isolados bacterianos do meio NFb com as características de Azospirillum e doze do meio JNFb com as características de Herbaspirillum. Esses isolados foram testados "in vitro", nos genótipos dos quais foram originalmente isolados, ou seja, ITD-19 e IAC-24. Todos os isolados testados no genótipo ITD-19 causaram maior crescimento radicular que a testemunha e apenas um isolado do meio JNFb propiciou aumento significativo do N acumulado na parte aérea. A interação planta-bactéria diazotrófica associativa indicou que é possível obter benefícios desta associação.
Bactérias diazotróficas pertencentes a diferentes espécies podem estar associadas a gramíneas, como o trigo, promovendo incrementos no crescimento e na produtividade de grãos. Foi realizado um experimento, em condições de campo, com o objetivo de avaliar os benefícios e a viabilidade econômica da inoculação de novos isolados homólogos de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas em genótipos de trigo sob diferentes doses de N. Foram empregados três isolados de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas (IAC-AT-8-Azospirillum brasiliense, IAC-HT-11-Achromobacter insolitus e IAC-HT-12-Zoogloea ramigera), dois genótipos de trigo (ITD- 19-Triticum durum L. e IAC-370-Triticum aestivum hard L.) e três doses de N (0, 60 e 120 kg ha-1). Foram avaliados, no estádio de perfilhamento e de maturidade fisiológica, a matéria seca, o N acumulado e o índice de eficiência de utilização do N na parte aérea e na colheita; a produtividade de grãos, os componentes de rendimento e os índices de colheita para biomassa e N. No estádio de perfilhamento, somente houve aumento na produção de biomassa com a inoculação de Azospirillum brasiliense e Achromobacter insolitus no genótipo IAC-370, com a adição de N. Entretanto, não houve especificidade dos genótipos de trigo empregados e essas novas bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas para as demais caracaterísticas avaliadas. Houve aumento no acumulado de N na espiga com a inoculação de Azospirillum brasiliense. A inoculação de Achromobacter insolitus propiciou aumento da produtividade de grãos, na maior dose de N utilizada (120 kg ha-1). A inoculação, embora não tenha substituído a adubação nitrogenada, reverteu-se em lucro para o agricultor.
Existeixen un gran nombre d’investigacions sobre els indicadors de risc de la conducta violenta intrainstitucional en l’àmbit penitenciari, especialment en els EUA. Malgrat això, poc se sap sobre aquesta qüestió a Espanya, tot i que aquest és el país que presenta un dels índex de població reclusa més elevats d’Europa Occidental. Aquest estudi té per objecte la determinació de la prevalença i els correlats associats a les infraccions disciplinàries violentes i potencialment violentes d’11 centres penitenciaris de Catalunya. Per assolir aquest objectiu el present estudi prospectiu, basat en dades oficials, examina la relació entre variables sociodemogràfiques, criminals, penitenciàries i psicològiques d’una mostra de 7517 interns/es durant un període de seguiment de 2 anys. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que ser més jove, estar en situació de presó preventiva en el cas de les dones, haver presentat conducta violenta o antisocial anteriorment, tant en la comunitat com en l’àmbit penitenciari, respondre d’una manera poc exitosa als tractaments recents o mostrar problemes en el consum d’alcohol o drogues i les actituds procriminals són factors de gran potència en la predicció d’infraccions disciplinàries. Per concloure, cal esmentar que investigacions addicionals en altres àrees geogràfiques i la consideració de variables situacionals són necessàries per corroborar els resultats aquí obtinguts. També es discuteixen algunes implicacions per a polítiques penitenciàries i per a futures línies d’investigació.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em condições de campo, o efeito e a viabilidade econômica da inoculação de novos isolados homólogos de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas, sob diferentes doses de nitrogênio, em dois genótipos de trigo, em duas localidades. Foram utilizados: três isolados de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas (IAC-AT-8, Azospirillum brasilense; IAC-HT-11, Achromobacter insolitus; IAC-HT-12, Zoogloea ramigera), dois genótipos de trigo (ITD-19 e IAC-370) e três doses de N, na forma de uréia (0, 60 e 120 kg ha-1). No estádio de quatro folhas e no perfilhamento, foram avaliados a massa de matéria seca e o N acumulado na parte aérea. Na colheita, foram avaliados o teor de N, a massa de 1.000 sementes e a produtividade de grãos. A inoculação promoveu maior massa de matéria seca e N acumulado e aumentou a produtividade de grãos, principalmente na presença de adubo nitrogenado, com lucro para o agricultor. Entretanto, o maior aumento na produtividade de grãos foi obtido nas plantas do genótipo IAC-370, com o emprego do isolado IAC-HT-12, na ausência de N, que superou em 45% o tratamento testemunha. As respostas variaram em relação ao local de cultivo, o que sugere expressiva interação planta-bactéria-ambiente.
Treatment options for patients with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia (AML) include high-dose chemotherapy regimens in combination with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which takes advantage of the donor T-cell-mediated graft-versus-leukemia effect. Together with beneficial responses observed in assays targeted at leukemia-associated antigens (LAA), this encouraged research on cancer vaccines and adoptive cellular therapies in AML. The receptor for hyaluronic acid-mediated motility (RHAMM, CD168) was identified as one of the most promising LAA in AML. Thus far, little is known about in situ expression in leukemic bone marrow blasts or the prognostic role of RHAMM and its interaction partners in AML. We immunohistochemically analyzed the expression and prognostic significance of RHAMM on trephine bone marrow biopsies from 71 AML cases that had been evaluated for cytogenetics and presence of FLT3-internal tandem duplications and NPM1 mutations. Fifty-five patients (77%) were treated with curative intent, while 16 (23%) received the most appropriate supportive care. Twenty of 71 (28%) AML cases were considered RHAMM+. Receiver operating characteristic curves showed significant discriminatory power considering overall survival (OS) in AML patients treated curatively for RHAMM (p = 0.015). Multivariable analysis revealed that expression of RHAMM in >5% of leukemic blasts identifies a subgroup of curatively treated cases with adverse OS independent of failures to achieve complete remission. RHAMM not only represents a promising LAA with specific T-cell responses in AML but, if assessed in situ on blasts, also a probable prognostic factor.
Este estudio tiene por objeto la determinación de la prevalencia y las correlaciones asociadas a las infracciones disciplinarias violentas y potencialmente violentas de 11 centros penitenciarios de Cataluña. Para alcanzar este objetivo el presente estudio prospectivo, basado en datos oficiales, examina la relación entre variables sociodemográficas, criminales, penitenciarias y psicológicas de una muestra de 7517 internos/as durante un período de seguimiento de 2 años. Los resultados obtenidos indican que ser más joven, estar en situación de prisión preventiva en el caso de las mujeres, haber presentado conducta violenta o antisocial anteriormente, tanto en la comunidad como en el ámbito penitenciario, responder de una manera poco exitosa a los tratamientos recientes o mostrar problemas en el consumo de alcohol o drogas y las actitudes procriminales son factores de gran potencia en la predicción de infracciones disciplinarias. Para concluir, cabe mencionar que investigaciones adicionales en otras áreas geográficas y la consideración de variables situacionales son necesarias para corroborar los resultados aquí obtenidos. También se discuten algunas implicaciones para políticas penitenciarias y para futuras líneas de investigación.
Dans les cas de lymphopénie, les lymphocytes T résiduels prolifèrent exagérément dans un phénomène appelé «expansion homéostatique périphérique» (HPE), qui est efficace pour la régénération des T CD8+, mais inefficace pour les T CD4+. L’interleukine-7 (IL7) est une cytokine homéostatique utilisée afin d’augmenter les comptes lymphocytaires T des patients lymphopéniques. Toutefois, la raison de l’expansion préférentielle des lymphocytes T CD8+ par l’IL7 demeure toujours inconnue. Nous montrons que cette expansion est due au fait que l’IL7 induit une prolifération efficace des T CD8+ périphériques (CD8+PERI) ainsi que des émigrants thymiques CD8+ (CD8+RTEs). Par contre, l’effet prolifératif de l’IL7 est restreint presqu’uniquement aux CD4+RTEs même si les CD4+PERI survivent mieux que les CD4+RTEs. De plus faibles doses d’IL7 sont nécessaires aux CD4+RTEs afin de phosphoryler STAT5 ou de proliférer comparativement aux CD4+PERI et nous démontrons que les contacts TCR/CMHII sont nécessaires à la prolifération induite par l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs en périphérie. De fait, augmenter au Flt3 ligand le nombre de cellules dendritiques périphériques d’une souris donneuse, avant de transférer ses TPERI dans des souris receveuses traitées à l’IL7 induit une prolifération significative des CD4+PERI. Nos résultats indiquent donc que l’abondance des contacts TCR/CMHII reçus dans le thymus semble contrôler la sensibilité à l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs. Finalement, l’observation que les CD8+PERI et CD8+RTEs prolifèrent pareillement pendant la thérapie à l’IL7, alors que la prolifération des T CD4+ est largement restreinte aux RTEs expliquerait pourquoi, dans les cas de lymphopénie, la régénération des T CD4+ est aussi dépendante de la thymopoïèse.
Par une stratégie de dépistage combinant le caryotype et l’hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH), une insertion (X;6) présente chez des jumelles avec une leucémie myéloïde aiguë (LMA) et une translocation (12;13) dans deux cas de LMA et un cas de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) ont été mis en évidence. L’insertion (X;6) n’est pas rapportée et serait un variant de la translocation (X;6) rapportée dans 4 cas de LMA, dont un associe un gène de fusion MYB-GATA1. Nous avons mis en évidence la dérégulation de l’expression de ces gènes dans le cas d’insertion sans la présence de fusion MYB-GATA1. De plus, dans le premier cas de translocation (12;13) identifié, ETV6 serait fusionné à CDX2 ou FLT3. Le deuxième cas associe la délétion des gènes miR-15a et miR-16-1 à une fusion d’ETV6 et le troisième cas impliquerait une fusion ETV6- FOXO1.
La internacionalización de los Gobiernos Locales o las regiones es un fenómeno que día a día está tomando una dimensión y magnitud mayor a nivel internacional. Han sido la globalización, la descentralización y la participación en acuerdos de integración económica los incentivos que impulsan a las regiones a buscar un status y un espacio de participación internacional en temas económicos, ambientales, culturales y de cooperación. En ese sentido la motivación de este Estudio de Caso es analizar el proceso a través del cual Nuevo León logró impulsar la internacionalización de su territorio en el periodo 2003-2009 a partir de la entrada en vigencia del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Wild pollinators have been shown to enhance the pollination of Brassica napus(oilseed rape) and thus increase its market value. Several studies have previously shown that pollination services are greater in crops adjoining forest patches or other seminatural habitats than in crops completely surrounded by other crops. In this study, we investigated the specific importance of forest edges in providing potential pollinators in B. napus fields in two areas in France. Bees were caught with yellow pan traps at increasing distances from both warm and cold forest edges into B. napus fields during the blooming period. A total of 4594 individual bees, representing six families and 83 taxa, were collected. We found that both bee abundance and taxa richness were negatively affected by the distance from forest edge. However, responses varied between bee groups and edge orientations. The ITD (Inter-Tegular distance) of the species, a good proxy for bee foraging range, seems to limit how far the bees can travel from the forest edge. We found a greater abundance of cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.) of Andrena spp. and Andrena spp. males at forest edges, which we assume indicate suitable nesting sites, or at least mating sites, for some abundant Andrena species and their parasites (Fig. 1). Synthesis and Applications. This study provides one of the first examples in temperate ecosystems of how forest edges may actually act as a reservoir of potential pollinators and directly benefit agricultural crops by providing nesting or mating sites for important early spring pollinators. Policymakers and land managers should take forest edges into account and encourage their protection in the agricultural matrix to promote wild bees and their pollination services.
Context: Iodide transport defect (ITD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by impaired Na(+)/I(-) symporter (NIS)-mediated active iodide accumulation into thyroid follicular cells. Clinical manifestations comprise a variable degree of congenital hypothyroidism and goiter, and low to absent radioiodide uptake, as determined by thyroid scintigraphy. Hereditary molecular defects in NIS have been shown to cause ITD. Objective: Our objective was to perform molecular studies on NIS in a patient with congenital hypothyroidism presenting a clinical ITD phenotype. Design: The genomic DNA encoding NIS was sequenced, and an in vitro functional study of a newly identified NIS mutation was performed. Results: The analysis revealed the presence of an undescribed homozygous C to T transition at nucleotide -54 (-54C>T) located in the 5`-untranslated region in the NIS sequence. Functional studies in vitro demonstrated that the mutation was associated with a substantial decrease in iodide uptake when transfected into Cos-7 cells. The mutation severely impaired NIS protein expression, although NIS mRNA levels remained similar to those in cells transfected with wild-type NIS, suggesting a translational deficiency elicited by the mutation. Polysome profile analysis demonstrated reduced levels of polyribosomes-associated mutant NIS mRNA, consistent with reduced translation efficiency. Conclusions: We described a novel mutation in the 5`-untranslated region of the NIS gene in a newborn with congenital hypothyroidism bearing a clinical ITD phenotype. Functional evaluation of the molecular mechanism responsible for impaired NIS-mediated iodide concentration in thyroid cells indicated that the identified mutation reduces NIS translation efficiency with a subsequent decrease in protein expression and function. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96: E1100-E1107, 2011)