999 resultados para FILLING MATERIALS


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A cárie secundária representa problema de saúde pública e socioeconômico no mundo. A restauração de dentes acometidos por cárie pode criar condições favoráveis à proliferação microbiana na superfície do material restaurador ou na interface dente/restauração, criando ambiente propício para o estabelecimento de cárie secundária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de retenção de placa bacteriana em cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais (Chelon-Fil e Vidrion R) e modificados por resina (Vitremer e Fuji II LC) e de resina composta híbrida (Z100), utilizada como controle. Nos testes de retenção de microrganismos, in situ, 12 voluntários utilizaram, por 7 dias, placa de Hawley contendo corpos-de-prova de todos os materiais. A seguir, os corpos-de-prova foram transferidos para tubos contendo 2,0 ml de Ringer-PRAS e os microrganismos presentes em sua superfície foram cultivados em placa com ágar-sangue e ágar Mitis Salivarius Bacitracina, os quais foram incubados, a 37ºC, em anaerobiose (90% N2, 10% CO2), por 10 e 2 dias, respectivamente. Os ionômeros modificados por resina retiveram quantidade de bactérias similar àquela mostrada pela resina testada. Os ionômeros modificados por resina também apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans do que a resina e os cimentos ionoméricos convencionais. Os ionômeros de vidro convencionais apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans que a resina, sendo que essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa.


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Aim To evaluate the radiopacity of calcium hydroxide-based root canal sealers (Acroseal, Sealapex and Sealer 26), a glass-ionomer-based sealer (Activ GP Sealer) and a zinc oxide and eugenol-based sealer (Intrafill).Methodology Five disc-shaped specimens (10 x 1 mm) were fabricated from each material, according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 6876/2001 standard. After setting of the materials, radiographs were taken using occlusal films and a graduated aluminum step-wedge varying from 2 to 16 mm in thickness. The dental X-ray unit (GE1000) was set at 50 Kvp, 10 mA, 18 pulses s(-1) and distance of 33.5 cm. The radiographs were digitized and the radiopacity compared with that of the aluminum step-wedge, using WIXWIN-2000 software (Gendex). Data (mm Al) were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test.Results Intrafill was the most radiopaque material (7.67 mm Al) followed by Sealer 26 (6.33 mm Al), Sealapex (6.05 mm Al) and Acroseal (4.03 mm Al). Activ GP was the least radiopaque material (1.95 mm Al, P < 0.05).Conclusions The sealers evaluated in this study had different radiopacities. However, except for the glass-ionomer-based sealer, all materials had radiopacity values above the minimum recommended by the ISO standard.


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BackgroundEndodontic treatment, involves removal of the dental pulp and its replacement by a root canal filling. Restoration of root filled teeth can be challenging due to structural differences between vital and non-vital root filled teeth. Direct restoration involves placement of a restorative material e.g. amalgam or composite directly into the tooth. Indirect restorations consist of cast metal or ceramic (porcelain) crowns. The choice of restoration depends on the amount of remaining tooth which may influence long term survival and cost. The comparative in service clinical performance of crowns or conventional fillings used to restore root filled teeth is unclear.ObjectivesTo assess the effects of restoration of endodontically treated teeth (with or without post and core) by crowns versus conventional filling materials.Search methodsWe searched the following databases: the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE via OVID, EMBASE via OVID, CINAHL via EBSCO, LILACS via BIREME and the reference lists of articles as well as ongoing trials registries. There were no restrictions regarding language or date of publication. Date of last search was 13 February 2012.Selection criteriaRandomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-randomised controlled trials in participants with permanent teeth which have undergone endodontic treatment. Single full coverage crowns compared with any type of filling materials for direct restoration, as well as indirect partial restorations (e.g. inlays and onlays). Comparisons considered the type of post and core used (cast or prefabricated post), if any.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data.Main resultsOne trial judged to be at high risk of bias due to missing outcome data, was included. 117 participants with a root filled premolar tooth restored with a carbon fibre post, were randomised to either a full coverage metal-ceramic crown or direct adhesive composite restoration. At 3 years there was no reported difference between the non-catastrophic failure rates in both groups. Decementation of the post and marginal gap formation occurred in a small number of teeth.Authors' conclusionsThere is insufficient evidence to support or refute the effectiveness of conventional fillings over crowns for the restoration of root filled teeth. Until more evidence becomes available clinicians should continue to base decisions on how to restore root filled teeth on their own clinical experience, whilst taking into consideration the individual circumstances and preferences of their patients.


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Tanomaru-Filho M, Silveira GF, Reis JMSN, Bonetti-Filho I, Guerreiro-Tanomaru JM. Effect of compression load and temperature on thermomechanical tests for gutta-percha and Resilon (R). International Endodontic Journal, 44, 1019-1023, 2011.Aim To analyse a method used to evaluate the thermomechanical properties of gutta-percha and Resilon at different temperatures and compression loads.Methodology Two hundred and seventy specimens measuring 10 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm in height were made from the following materials: conventional gutta-percha (GCO). thermoplastic gutta-percha (GTP) and Resilon (R) cones (RE). After 24 h, the specimens were placed in water at 50 degrees C. 60 degrees C or 70 degrees C for 60 s. After that, specimens were placed between two glass slabs, and loads weighing 1.0, 3.0 or 5.0 kg were applied. Images of the specimens were digitized before and after the test and analysed using imaging software to determine their initial and final areas. The thermomechanical property of each material was determined by the difference between the initial and final areas of the specimens. Data were subjected to ANOVA and SNK tests at 5% significance. To verify a possible correlation between the results of the materials, linear regression coefficients (r) were calculated.Results Data showed higher flow area values for RE under all compression loads at 70 degrees C and under the 5.0 kg load at 60 degrees C (P < 0.05). Regarding gutta-percha, GTP showed higher flow under loads weighing 3.0 and 5.0 kg. at 60 and 70 degrees C (P < 0.05). GCO presented higher flow at 70 degrees C with a load of 5.0 kg. Regression analyses showed a poor linear correlation amongst the results of the materials under the different experimental conditions.Conclusion Gutta-percha and Resilon (R) cones require different compression loads and temperatures for evaluation of their thermomechanical properties. For all materials, the greatest flow occurred at 70 degrees C under a load of 5.0 kg: therefore. these parameters may be adopted when evaluating endodontic tilling materials.


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Aim To analyse the thermoplasticity of several endodontic filling materials using the Obtura II System at different temperature settings.Methodology The following materials based on gutta-percha: Regular Obtura (OBT), Obtura Flow 150 (OBT F), Endo Flow (EDF), Odous (ODO) and the synthetic thermoplastic polymer material Resilon (RE) were heated using the Obtura II System at three temperature settings (140, 170 and 200 degrees C). Samples of the heated materials were placed on the sensor of a digital thermometer (THR-140; Instrutherm, São Paulo, Brazil) to determine their real temperature (RT) when the system was set at 140 degrees C (from 64.5 to 69 degrees C), 170 degrees C (from 73.8 to 77.5 degrees C) and 200 degrees C (from 83.6 degrees C for EDF and 100 degrees C for RE). Specimens (n = 30) were made by placing samples of each material in metallic ring moulds and compressing them between two glass slabs. After 24 h, specimens (n = 10) were heated at the different settings (RT) and submitted to compression under a 5-kg load. Plasticization was assessed by calculating the differences between the post-compression and initial diameters of each specimen. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance.Results At 140 degrees C, Obtura Flow presented the highest thermoplasticity values and Regular Obtura, the lowest. At 170 degrees C, Obtura Flow and Resilon demonstrated greater plasticization. Resilon had the highest mean thermoplasticity values at 200 degrees C.Conclusions Thermoplasticity values were influenced both by the temperature settings on the Obtura II System and by the type of material analysed. Obtura Flow and Resilon had the highest mean thermoplasticity values.


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The Epiphany (TM) Sealer is a new dual-curing resin-based sealer and has been introduced as an alternative to gutta-percha and traditional root canal sealers. The canal filling is claimed to create a seal with the dentinal tubules within the root canal system producing a 'monoblock' effect between the sealer and dentinal tubules. Therefore, considering the possibility to incorporate the others adhesive systems, it is important to study the bond strength of the resulting cement. Forty-eight root mandibular canines were sectioned 8-mm below CEJ. The dentine discs were prepared using a tapered diamond bur and irrigated with 1% NaOCl and 17% EDTA. Previous the application Epiphany (TM) Sealer, the Epiphany (TM) Primer, AdheSE, and One Up Bond F were applied to the root canal walls. The LED and QTH (Quartz Tungsten Halogen) were used to photo-activation during 45 s with power density of 400 and 720 mW/cm(2), respectively. The specimens were performed on a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min until bond failure occurred. The force was recorded and the debonding values were used to calculate Push-out bond strength. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's post-hoc tests showed significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) to Epiphany (TM) Sealer/Epiphany (TM) Primer/QTH and EpiphanyTM Sealer/AdheSE/QTH, which had the highest mean values of bond strength. The efficiency of resin-based filling materials are dependent the type of light curing unit used including the power density, the polymerization characteristics of these resin-based filling materials, depending on the primer/adhesive used.


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Objective: To assess the setting time (ST), flow (FL), radiopacity (RD), solubility (SB) and dimensional change following setting (DC) of different sealers (AH Plus (R), Polifil, Apexit Plus (R), Sealapex (R), Endomethasone (R) and Endofill (R)) according to American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association (ANSI/ADA) Specification 57. Material and methods: Five samples of each material were used for each test. For ST, cast rings were filled with sealers and tested with a Gillmore needle. For FL, the sealer was placed on a glass plate. After 180 s, another plate with 20 g and a load of 100 g were applied on the material, and the diameters of the discs formed were measured. In RD, circular molds were filled with the sealers, radiographed and analyzed using Digora software. For SB, circular molds were filled with the sealers, a nylon thread was placed inside the material and another glass plate was positioned on the set, pressed and stored at 37 degrees C. Samples were weighed, placed in water, dried and reweighed. The water used for SB was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. For DC, circular molds were filled with the sealers, covered by glass plates and stored at 37 degrees C. Samples were measured and stored in water for 30 days. After this period, they were dryed and measured again. Results: Regarding ST, AH Plus (R), Apexit (R) and Endofil (R) sealers are in accordance with ANSI/ADA standards. Endomethasone's manufacturer did not mention the ST; Polifil is an experimental sealer and Sealapex (R) did not set. Considering RD, SB and DC, all sealers were in accordance with ANSI/ADA. The spectrometric analysis showed that a significant amount of K+ and Zn2(+) ions was released from Apexit Plus (R) and Endofill (R), respectively. Conclusion: Except for DC, all other physicochemical properties of the tested sealers conformed to ANSI/ADA requirements.


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Dentin wall structural changes caused by 810-nm-diode laser irradiation can influence the sealing ability of endodontic sealers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the apical leakage of AH Plus and RealSeal resin-based sealers with and without prior diode laser irradiation. Fifty-two single-rooted mandibular premolars were prepared and divided into 4 groups, according to the endodontic sealer used and the use or non-use of laser irradiation. The protocol for laser irradiation was 2.5W, continuous wave in scanning mode, with 4 exposures per tooth. After sample preparation, apical leakage of 50% ammoniacal silver nitrate impregnation was analyzed. When the teeth were not exposed to irradiation, the Real Seal sealer achieved the highest scores, showing the least leakage, with significant differences at the 5% level (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.0004), compared with AH Plus. When the teeth were exposed to the 810-nm-diode laser irradiation, the sealing ability of AH Plus sealer was improved (p = 0282). In the Real Seal groups, the intracanal laser irradiation did not interfere with the leakage index, showing similar results in the GRS and GRSd groups (p = 0.1009).


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Objective. Recently, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement have been used in dentistry as root-end-filling materials. However, the reported results concerning the biocompatibility of these materials are inconsistent. The goal of this study was to examine the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of MTA and Portland cements in vitro by the single-cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test.Study design. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were exposed to MTA and regular and white Portland cements at final concentration ranging from 1 to 1000 mu g/mL for 1 h at 37 degrees C.Results. All compounds tested did not show genotoxic effects in all concentrations evaluated. No significant differences (P > .05) in cytotoxicity were observed for all compounds tested.Conclusions. Taken together, our results suggest that MTA and Portland cements are not genotoxins and are not able to induce cellular death.


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Some endodontists use iodoform in Sealapex in order to rend it more radiopac. This procedure is empiric and for this reason we decided to observe, histologically, if the iodoform introduces some modification in the biological properties of Sealapex. Thirty root canals of dogs' teeth were overinstrumented and filled, by lateral condensation technique, with gutta percha points and Sealapex, with or without iodoform. The iodoform was added in two different proportions: 30 mg or 112 mg for one centimeter of the base and one centimeter of the catalyst of Sealapex. The pieces were removed for histological studies, 6 months after the treatment. The histological results showed that Sealapex encourages apical closure by cementum deposition and that the addition of iodoform does not change that biological property.


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The purpose of this study was to observe the quality of seal of the glass ionomer cement, Ketac-Endo, after treatment of the root canal wall. The root canals of 140 extracted human teeth were prepared biomechanically. The root canals were treated with either EDTA or received an intracanal dressing of calcium hydroxide or camphorated paramonochlorphenol. The root canals were filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and the sealer Ketac-Endo, or zinc oxide-eugenol cement or Sealapex. The teeth were placed into a 2% methylene blue dye solution inside a flask, which was attached to a vacuum pump. Leakage was measured linearly. Sealapex exhibited significantly less leakage than Ketac-Endo or zinc oxide-eugenol cement (P<0.01). The use of EDTA and intermediary dressings reduced significantly (P<0.01) the leakage observed with the zinc oxide-eugenol sealer and Ketac-Endo.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate long-term pH changes in cavities prepared in root surface dentin of extracted teeth after obturation of the root canal with gutta-percha and a variety of sealers containing calcium hydroxide. After cleaning and shaping, root canals in 50 recently extracted, human single-rooted teeth were divided into five groups. Each of four groups was obturated with gutta-percha and either Sealapex, Sealer 26, Apexit, or CRCS, all of which contain calcium hydroxide. The remaining group served as the control and was not obturated with gutta-percha or sealer. Cavities were prepared in the facial surface of the roots in the cervical and middle regions. The pH was measured in these dentinal cavities at the initiation of the experiment, and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days after obturation. Results indicate that the pH at the surface of the root does not become alkaline when calcium hydroxide cements are used as root canal sealers. Regardless of the sealer used, the observed pattern of pH change was not different from that seen in the control group of roots that were not treated with sealer. It is concluded that calcium hydroxide-containing cements, although suitable for use as root canal sealants, do not produce an alkaline pH at the root surface. If such a pH change is related to treatment of root resorption, these sealants do not contribute to this treatment. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the pH, after defined periods of time, in cavities prepared in the facial surface of the cervical, middle, and apical regions of roots obturated with calcium hydroxide pastes. Root canal instrumentation was performed on 40 recently extracted, single-rooted human teeth. Cavities 1.5 mm in diameter and 0.75 mm in depth were prepared in the cervical, middle, and apical regions of the facial surface of each root. Teeth were randomly divided into four groups. One group was left unobturated and served as a control. The three remaining groups were obturated with either aqueous calcium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide mixed with camphorated monochlorophenol, or Pulpdent pastes. Access cavities and apical foramina were closed with Cavit. Each tooth was stored individually in a vial containing unbuffered isotonic saline. pH at the surface was measured in the cervical, middle, and apical cavities at 0 and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days. Results indicate that hydroxyl ions derived from calcium hydroxide pastes diffused through root dentin at all regions over the experimental period of 120 days. The pattern of pH change at the tooth surface was similar in all regions of the root, regardless of the type of calcium hydroxide paste used. This was a rapid rise in pH from a control value of pH 7.6, to greater than pH 9.5 by 3 days, followed by a small decline to pH 9.0 over the next 18 days, before finally rising and remaining at, or above pH 10.0 for the remainder of the experimental period. Pulpdent paste in the apical region was the only exception in this pattern, producing a pH rise nearly one full unit below the other pastes, pH 9.3. These results indicate that, for all pastes tested, a high pH is maintained at the root surface for at least 120 days. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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The calcium hydroxide ionization of four root canal sealers (Sealapex, CRCS, Sealer 26, and Apexit) was studied by measuring conductivity and pH and by conducting atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Samples 6 mm in diameter and 15 mm long were prepared from these sealers. After setting and 48 h storage in a desiccator, five samples of each material were placed in 50 mL distilled water and analysed after 0,1,2,4, 6 and 24 h and 5, 15 and 30 days. The results showed that Sealapex was the root canal sealer showing the highest pH, ionic calcium and total calcium values (P<0.05) throughout the experimental period, followed by CRCS, Apexit and Sealer 26.


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This study was conducted to observe the rat subcutaneous connective tissue reaction to the implanted dentin tubes filled with calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggregate. The animals were sacrificed after 7 and 30 days, and the specimens were prepared for morphological study. Some undecalcified specimens were prepared for histological analysis with polarized light and Von Kossa technique for calcium. The results were similar for both studied materials. At the tube openings, there were Von Kossa-positive granules that were birefringent to polarized light. Next to these granulations, there was an irregular tissue like a bridge that was Von Kossa-positive. The dentin walls of the tubes exhibited in the tubules a structure highly birefringent to polarized light, usually like a layer and at different depths. It is possible that the mechanism of action of both materials has some similarity. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.