897 resultados para FEC-koulutus
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Jokioisten kartano Tammelan pitäjässä (nykyinen kunta Jokioinen)
Nordenlundin kartano (aikaisempi nimi Nuoramoinen) Sysmässä Nuoramoistenjärven rannalla
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida, miten suomalaiset kauppatieteelliset yksiköt tarjoavat eettisyyden koulutusta. Erityisesti tutkimuksessa keskityttiin laskentatoimen pääaineen opiskelijoille kohdistettuun eettisyyden koulutukseen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentui sekä eettisyyden koulutusta että eettisyyden ja liike-elämän välistä suhdetta yleisesti käsittelevään tutkimukseen. Empiirisen aineiston keräämiseen sovellettiin kyselytutkimusta, joka lähetettiin kaikille suomalaisen yliopiston tai korkeakoulun palveluksessa oleville laskentatoimen professoreille, lehtoreille, yliassistenteille sekä assistenteille. Kyselytutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat eettisyyden olevan osa jokaisen suomalaisen laskentatoimea opettavan kauppatieteellisen yksikön kurssitarjontaa. Vain neljä yksikköä tarjosi tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan erillistä, eettisyyteen tai yhteiskuntavastuuseen keskittyvää opetusta. Valtaosa opetti eettisyyttä osana muuta kauppatieteiden opetusta. Pääosa suomalaisista laskentatoimen opettajista piti tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan eettisyyden koulutusta joko erittäin tärkeänä tai melko tärkeänä osana laskentatoimen koulutusta.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää ja arvioida kahden konetekniikan maisteriohjelman vaikuttavuutta ohjelmiin osallistuneiden opiskelijoiden ja heidän työnantajiensa näkökulmasta. Aikuiskoulutuksen vaikuttavuutta arvioidaan teemoilla osaaminen, tiedon siirtyminen yrityselämään ja työura. Lisäksi tarkastellaan millaista tukea aikuisopiskelija saa ja arvioidaan jatkotarpeita vastaaville koulutuksille. Tutkimus toteutettiin opiskelijoille tehdyn kvantitatiivisen kyselylomaketutkimuksen ja työnantajille tehdyn kvalitatiivisen teemahaastattelututkimuksen avulla. Menetelmät täydentävät tutkimuksessa toisiaan ja antavat eri näkökulmia käsiteltäviin aiheisiin. Tulokset esitetään rinnakkain, joten samalla on mahdollisuus vertailla niiden tuloksia keskenään. Opiskelulla on selvästi vaikutusta ammatilliseen ja muuhun osaamiseen. Opiskellessa tullutta tietoa siirtyy työyhteisöön harjoitustöiden, palaverien ja varsinkin epävirallisten keskustelujen kautta. Uraan opiskelu vaikuttaa selvästi edistävästi, yritysten onkin syytä antaa valmistuneille uusia haasteita jos haluavat pitää nämä itsellään. Tukea aikuisopiskelija kaipaa monelta suunnalta, mutta erityisesti perheeltään. Vastaavanlaiselle, ja myös muulle alueelliselle koulutukselle on selkeä tarve myös jatkossa.
Elinikäisen oppimisen ja koulutuksen murroksesta keskusteltiin 15.-17. maaliskuussa Turun yliopiston kasvatustieteellisessä tiedekunnassa pidetyssä Nordic Educational Research Associationin (NERA) 35. kongressissa
Finnish health centres have suffered from a shortage of physicians in recent years. This is why more physicians are being educated, the tutelage of the young physicians has been improved and many tasks which were previously reserved for physicians have been transferred to nurses and other personnel of the health centres. Only a little research has been done about the effects of the shortage of physicians and education to the work atmosphere in the health centres The objectives of the study was to describe the situation of the physicians in the counties Satakunta and South-Western Finland at the time when the University of Turku started to decentralise its education to Satakunta and describe the health centres attitudes towards training and research co-operation with the University of Turku; to gain information about the training programmes for physicians in specific training in general medical practice (STPG); study how the shortage of physicians affects the job atmosphere, the job satisfaction and the operation of the health centres; study health centre employees opinions about their professional skills, their needs and interets in continuing education; study medical and nurse students professional indentity and their readiness to multiprofessional teamwork. The material of the study was gathered during 2003-2006 with three mail questionnaires and a questionnaire given to medical and nurse students who practised in the training health centre in Pori. The first questionnaire was sent to the chief physicians of the health centres in counties Satakunta and South-Western Finland to clarify the number of unfilled positions of physicians and the reasons for physician shortage as well as the readiness for practical training of medical students and research at the health centres. The second questionnaire was posted to doctors in specific training in general medical practice and their trainers at the health centres and it gained information about training programmes of young physicians at health centres. The third questionnaire was sent to personnel at health centres in Satakunta and South-Western Finland and included questions about job satisfaction and education. The survey for medical and nurse students gained information about their professional indentity and their readiness to multiprofessional teamwork. In spring 2003 the shortage of physicians was more severe in Satakunta than in South-Western Finland. Attitudes towards training of medical students and research co-operation with the universities were generally positive. The guidance of STGP doctors in health centres improved during 2003-2005. A shortage of physicians had only a slightly negative impact on employee job satisfaction. The shortage of physicians had also positive impact on the operation of the health centres because it led to reorganization of the operations. The personnel at Finnish health centres were willing to take more challenging tasks and also to acquire appropriate further education or training. The medical and nurse students had strong professional identity and they understood the significance of teamwork for the health care service system.
The Ageing in Working Life. Do Adolescence and Schooling Beat Adulthood and Experience? This study examines the changes in the work and the work organisations of employees in the fields of health care and retail trade who have turned 45 and their experience of change. In addition, the question of how ageing employees experience their status in post-modern working life is explored. Attention is also focused on the choices and decisions connected with staying at work and retiring. These views are examined in relation to professions and professional cultures. Thematic interviews (N=98) were used to gather the material. The effects of the market liberalistic turn in welfare policy are clearly seen in the everyday work of the health care professions. These changes were examined from the point of view of managing by outcomes and quality assurance, multi-professional cooperation, flexibility in the division of labour, and the spread of market-like procedures. The discourse of those in involved retail trade was dominated by extremely tight global market competition and control of outcomes, and by the structural changes taking place in the retail trade sector. This change discourse was to a large extent a reaction to those changes in the functional environment which were experienced as negative and to the conflict between their own professional identity and professional ethics on the one hand, and their functional environment on the other. There were also obstacles connected with professional culture: defending one's own station and power, guarding the 'frontier', showed up in attitudes towards new management and organisation models or towards structural and functional reforms. The deep structures of professional culture and the mindset of the actors change much more slowly than the functional practices of organisations. For those in a supervisory position, the loss of power due to becoming part of a chain or because of the introduction of a team organisation model was not an easy thing to accept. The nurses and others in related fields felt that they were forced to do work that was below their level of training and professional skill. For sales personnel and those who did assisting work in health care, power and the possibility of having an influence were not so important, as long as they were able to do their work in their own way and were trusted. This view is often completely forgotten, for example, in various organisation models in which power and the possibility of having an influence entwined with power are taken for granted as being clearly positive and desired aspects of job satisfaction. Up to date professional skills were experienced as being important from the point of view of professional identity and self-worth. Thus, training can be understood as a moral obligation, which in turn is intertwined with professional ideology. In the rhetoric of adult education, an adult is expected to be an active player who will seek training again and again if working life so requires. The dark side of this ideology, which leads to feelings of guilt, was apparent in the thoughts of the respondents. Am I never good enough at my job; why must I continually strive for better, additional qualifications? The majority of the respondents evaluated their expertise as being at quite a high level. This self-confidence did not extend to applying for a job. Job recruitment was seen as a situation in which age discrimination reached its peak. The interviewees were unanimous about the idea that society favours the young. Especially among those in the retail trade sector, there was a feeling that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to find a new job of the same level or a permanent post if they were made redundant. Age discrimination was also apparent in the retail trade field in the form of older employees being retired against their will or transferred to other tasks. It was felt that ruthless forced retirement of older workers was part of the personnel policy of some organisations. The importance of one's outward appearance was connected with the theme of discrimination. This phenomenon is described using the concept of the double standard of ageing in feminist research. An ageing woman is relegated to an inferior position due to both her age and her sex. A culture that would both make possible and allow various types of choices regardless of age, which is described as being characteristic of the post-modern era, does not seem to be very topical in the practice of working life. It is important for employees that the management and the personnel policy that is being implemented makes them feel like both their contribution and they as individuals are appreciated, that their opinions are listened to and that they are noticed as persons. The interviewees hoped for gratitude and a concern for the well-being of employees that shows in everyday life. They valued training and activities aimed at maintaining their work ability, but thought that better coping at work and a pleasant working environment cannot be achieved through such measures as along as the foundation is 'in a mess'. Development of the quality of working life is the only thing that can improve job satisfaction and get people to remain in the work force longer than at present. There should be a sufficient number of properly trained employees at the work place. It was important to the respondents that they be able to stay on their job to the end with honour, since compromising with their own quality standards or acting contrary to their ideal self-image in terms of professional ethics would strike a blow to their professional self-esteem. They called for the development of various types of workplace flexibility, and felt that they have the right to a lightened workload and to early retirement. Early retirement was even seen as an altruistic deed: it would free up a place for younger workers. Thoughts of retirements were explained by familiar factors such as health and finances, life situation, the enticement of free-time, as well as by various factors related to work. It is very important to ageing employees that their work has meaningful content. The values related to self-fulfilment are felt to be of great importance, and if they cannot be realised at work, the respondents wanted more free time, either through retirement or in the form of flexibility in working life.