258 resultados para Extremities


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Here we review the recent progress made in the detection, examination, characterisation and interpretation of oscillations manifesting in small-scale magnetic elements in the solar photosphere. This region of the Sun's atmosphere is especially dynamic, and importantly, permeated with an abundance of magnetic field concentrations. Such magnetic features can span diameters of hundreds to many tens of thousands of km, and are thus commonly referred to as the `building blocks' of the magnetic solar atmosphere. However, it is the smallest magnetic elements that have risen to the forefront of solar physics research in recent years. Structures, which include magnetic bright points, are often at the diffraction limit of even the largest of solar telescopes. Importantly, it is the improvements in facilities, instrumentation, imaging techniques and processing algorithms during recent years that have allowed researchers to examine the motions, dynamics and evolution of such features on the smallest spatial and temporal scales to date. It is clear that while these structures may demonstrate significant magnetic field strengths, their small sizes make them prone to the buffeting supplied by the ubiquitous surrounding convective plasma motions. Here, it is believed that magnetohydrodynamic waves can be induced, which propagate along the field lines, carrying energy upwards to the outermost extremities of the solar corona. Such wave phenomena can exist in a variety of guises, including fast and slow magneto-acoustic modes, in addition to Alfven waves. Coupled with rapid advancements in magnetohydrodynamic wave theory, we are now in an ideal position to thoroughly investigate how wave motion is generated in the solar photosphere, which oscillatory modes are most prevalent, and the role that these waves play in supplying energy to various layers of the solar atmosphere.


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Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a systemic large vessel vasculitis, with extracranial arterial involvement described in 10-15% of cases, usually affecting the aorta and its branches. Patients with GCA are more likely to develop aortic aneurysms, but these are rarely present at the time of the diagnosis. We report the case of an 80-year-old Caucasian woman, who reported proximal muscle pain in the arms with morning stiffness of the shoulders for eight months. In the previous two months, she had developed worsening bilateral arm claudication, severe pain, cold extremities and digital necrosis. She had no palpable radial pulses and no measurable blood pressure. The patient had normochromic anemia, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 120 mm/h, and a negative infectious and autoimmune workup. Computed tomography angiography revealed concentric wall thickening of the aorta extending to the aortic arch branches, particularly the subclavian and axillary arteries, which were severely stenotic, with areas of bilateral occlusion and an aneurysm of the ascending aorta (47 mm). Despite corticosteroid therapy there was progression to acute critical ischemia. She accordingly underwent surgical revascularization using a bilateral carotid-humeral bypass. After surgery, corticosteroid therapy was maintained and at six-month follow-up she was clinically stable with reduced inflammatory markers. GCA, usually a chronic benign vasculitis, presented exceptionally in this case as acute critical upper limb ischemia, resulting from a massive inflammatory process of the subclavian and axillary arteries, treated with salvage surgical revascularization.


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Most universities and higher education systems have formally taken up a third mission, which involves various public outreach and engagement activities. Little is known regarding how higher education institutions' organisations interact with academic's level of public outreach. This article examines to which extent the perceptions academics have of their institutions' culture and management style, as well as some of their own individual and statutory characteristics interact with their level of public outreach. Using the Academic Profession in Europe comparative and quantitative research database, this article focuses on two countries on the extremities of the spectrum - Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


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ABSTRACT Background: Previous studies have implied that weight-bearing, intense and prolonged physical activities optimize bone accretion during the grow^ing years. The majority of past inquiries have used dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to examine bone strength and hand-wrist radiography to determine skeletal maturity in children. Recently, quantitative ultrasound (QUS) technologies have been developed to examine bone properties and skeletal maturity in a safe, noninvasive and cost-effective manner. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare bone properties and skeletal maturity in competitive male child and adolescent athletes with minimallyactive, age-matched controls, using QUS technology. >. Methods: In total, 224 males were included in the study. The 115 pre-pubertal boys aged 10-12 years consisted of control, minimally-active children (n=34), soccer players (n=26), gymnasts (n=25) and hockey players (n=30). In addition, the 109 late-pubertal boys aged 14-16 years consisted of control, minimally-active adolescents (n=31), soccer players (n=30), gymnasts (n=17) and hockey players (n=31). The athletic groups were elite level players that predominantly trained year-round. Physical activity, nutrition and sports participation were assessed with various questionnaires. Anthropometries, such as height, weight and relative body fat percentage (BF%) were assessed using standard measures. Skeletal strength and age were evaluated using bone QUS. Lastly, salivary testosterone (sT) concentration was measured using Radioimmunoassay (RIA). Results: Within each age group, there were no significant differences between the activity groups in age and pubertal stage. An age effect was apparent in all variables, as expected. A sport effect was noted in all physical characteristics: the child and adolescent gymnasts were shorter and lighter than other sports groups. Adiposity was greater in the controls and in the hockey players. All child subjects were pubertal stage (fanner) I or II, while adolescent subjects were pubertal stage IV or V. There were no differences in daily energy and mineral intakes between sports groups. In both age groups, gymnasts had a higher training volume than other athletic groups. Bone speed of sound (50s) was higher in adolescents compared with the children. Gymnasts had signifieantly higher radial 50S than controls, hockey and soccer players in both age cohorts. Hockey athletes also had higher radial 50S than controls and soccer players in the child and adolescent groups, respectiyely. Child gymnasts and soccer players had greater tibial 50S compared with the hockey players and control groups. Likewise, adolescent gymnasts and soccer players had higher tibial SoS compared with the control group. No interaction was apparent between age and type of activity in any of the bone measures. » Lastly, maturity as assessed by sT and secondary sex characteristics (Tanner stage) was not different between sports group within each age group. Despite the similarity in chronological age, androgen levels and sexual maturity, differences between activity groups were noted in skeletal maturity. In the younger group, hockey players had the highest bone age while the soccer players had the lowest bone age. In the adolescent group, gymnasts and hockey players were characterized by higher skeletal maturity compared with controls. An interaction between the age and sport type effects was apparent in skeletal maturity, reflecting the fact that among the children, the soccer players were significantly less mature than the rest of the groups, while in the adolescents, the controls were the least skeletally mature. Summary and Conclusions: In summary, radial and tibial SOS are enhanced by the unique loading pattern in each sport (i.e, upper and lower extremities in gymnastics, lower extremities in soccer), with no cumulative effect between childhood and adolescence. That is, the effect of sport participation on bone SOS was apparent already among the young athletes. Enhanced bone properties among athletes of specific sports suggest that participation in these sports can improve bone strength and potential bone health.


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This thesis compares the responses of regenerating forelimb tissues of the newt Notophthalmu..f vlridescens to the stresses of hyperthermia and ID.echanical injury of amputation. In particular, both quantitative and qualitative changes in the synthesis of soluble proteins in stump tissues, including those of the heat shock protein family (HSP70-1ike) were examined. Results from SDS-PAGEfluorography indicate that the trauma of amputation mimics the heat shock response both quantitatively and temporally in its transient repression of the synthesis of most normal cellular proteins, and qualitatively. in the locaJized expression of two unique proteins (hsp30 and hsp70). Fluorography of proteins separated by twodimensional gets revealed that thelCl4:alizedt amputation induced 70kDa protein (amp70) was distinct from the more basic newt hsp/hsc70 isoforms. Although limb amputation resulted in an increase in the synthesis of HSP70 mRNA analogous to that induced by heat 3.b.OCKf amp70 did not cross-react with murine monoclonal antibodies directed against both the inducible and cognate HSP70 proteins of the human. Thus, the possible relationship of amp70 to other members of the HSP70-1ike protein family remains unclear. Western analyses indicated that the levels of the constitutive form of HSP70 (hsc70) were found to be regulated in a stage-dependent manner in the distal stump tissues of the regen,erating forelimb of the newt. The highest levels were found in the mid-late bud stage, a period during which rapidly dividing blastema cells begin to redifferentiate in a proximodistal direction. Immediately after amputation) hsc70 synthesis and accumulation was depressed below steady-state levels measured in the unamputated limb~ The results are discussed in light of a possible role for HSPs and amputatio~ induced proteins in the epimorphic regeneration of the amphibian limb.


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House Finches (CarpQdacqs mexiCAnuS) were introduced to Long Island, New York from southern'California in 1940. Apparently, an initial sample of less than 100 birds has given rise to a population that now occupies much of the eastern United States. This study was to determine if morphological and reproductive changes have taken place in introduced eastern birds, which have colonized a novel environment. A study area in Goleta, California (CAL) represented the parental population whereas for comparison, House Finches in St. Catharines, Ontario (ONT) represented the introduced population. Interlocality variation in 25 morphometric characters of 100 adult House Finches was examined statistically. Singleclassification analysis of variance revealed significant interlocality differentiation in seven characters of males and nine of females. Females showed differentiation in more limb elements than males. Analysis of character variation using discriminant and principal component analysis distinguished samples on the basis of variation in shape. Compared to CAL, aNT birds (especially females) had smaller extremities relative to certain core parts and weight. Females showed similar patterns of character covariation in each locality on the second principal component, which suggests that differentiation of the ONT population may not be solely environmentally induced. Sexual dimorphism was evident in four charaoters in aNT and five in CAL. Disoriminant analysis distinguished sex on the basis of variation in shape. Males possessed a relatively larger flying apparatus and small.er hind limbs than females. The dearee of sexual dimorphism did not vary sicnifioantly between looalities. 3 Data on reproduotive parameters were oolleoted in 1983 and 1984 in ONT, and 1984 in CAL. In 1984, Bouse Finohes began breedina approximately three months earlier in CAL than in ONT. In ONT, there was no sianifioant differenoe in mean olutoh initiation date between 1983 and 1984. In both looalities most nests oontained either four or five ea",s, and olutoh size differenoes between looalites were not signifioant. Seasonal deolines in olutch size were evident in ONT but not in CAL. Intralooality variation in e.g weight and size was not related to clutch size. E",g weiaht showed no seasonal trend in ONT, but inoreased sianifioantly with breed ina season in OAL. In both looalities e8'''' weiaht increased sipifioantly with order of layina in olutohes of four but not in clutohes of five. Eag's in ONT in 1983 and 1984 were sip.ificantly larser than in CAL in 1984. The modal inoubation period was 13 days and did not vary sip.ifioantly between localites. In both looalities nestling weiaht on the day of hatohing was oorrelated to fresh ega welaht. For muoh of the period between hatohing and 14 days post-hatoh, ONT nestlinas were signifioantly laraer than CAL nestlings in terms of weiaht. bill length, bill depth, and manus length.


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The regenerating amphibian limb provides a useful system for studying genes involved in the establishment of positional information. While a number of candidate genes that may playa role in pattern formation have been identified, their function in vivo is unknown in this system. To better ascertain the role of these genes, it would be useful to be able to alter their normal patterns of expression in vivo and to assess the effects of this misexpression on limb pattern. In order to achieve this, a method of introducing a plasmid containing the eDNA of a gene of interest into a newt blastema (a growth zone of mesenchymal progenitor cells) is needed. Unfortunately, most commonly used transfection techniques cannot be used with newt blastema cells. In this study, I have used the techniques of lipofection and direct gene transfer to introduce plasmid DNA containing reporter genes into the cells of a regenerating newt limb. The technique of lipofection was most effective when the blastema cells were transfected in vitro. The optimal ratio for transfection was shown to be 1:3 DNA:Lipofectin (W/w) , and an increase in the amount of DNA present in the mixture (1:3 ratio maintained) resulted in a corresponding increase in gene expression. The technique of direct gene transfer was used to transfect newt blastema cells with and without prior complex formation with Lipofectin. Injection of plasmid DNA alone provided the most 3 promising results. It was possible to introduce plasmid DNA containing the reporter gene ~-galactosidase and achieve significant gene expression in cells associated with the injection site. In the future, it would be interesting to use this technique to inject plasmid DNA containing a gene which may have a role in pattern formation into specific areas of the newt blastema and to analyze the resulting limb pattern that emerges.


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Purpose: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is often associated with low bone mineral content and density (BMC, BMD). Bracing, used to manage spine curvature, may interfere with the growth-related BMC accrual, resulting in reduced bone strength into adulthood. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of brace treatment on BMC in adult women, diagnosed with AIS and braced in early adolescence. Methods: Participants included women with AIS who: (i) underwent brace treatment (AIS-B, n = 15, 25.6 ± 5.8 yrs), (ii) underwent no treatment (AIS, n = 15, 24.0 ± 4.0 yrs), and (iii) a healthy comparison group (CON, n = 19, 23.5 ± 3.8 yrs). BMC and body composition were assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Differences between groups were examined using a oneway ANOVA or ANCOVA, as appropriate. Results: AIS-B underwent brace treatment 27.9 ± 21.6 months, for 18.0 ± 5.4 h/d. Femoral neck BMC was lower (p = 0.06) in AIS-B (4.54 ± 0.10 g) compared with AIS (4.89 ± 0.61 g) and CON (5.07 ± 0.58 g). Controlling for lean body mass, calcium and vitamin D daily intake, and strenuous physical activity, femoral neck BMC was statistically different (p = 0.02) between groups. A similar pattern was observed at other lower extremity sites (p < 0.05), but not in the spine or upper extremities. BMC and BMD did not correlate with duration of brace treatment, duration of daily brace wear, or overall physical activity. Conclusion: Young women with AIS, especially those who were treated with a brace, have significantly lower BMC in their lower limbs compared to women without AIS. However, the lack of a relationship between brace treatment duration during adolescence and BMC during young adulthood, suggests that the brace treatment is not the likely mechanism of the low BMC.


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Signal relay by guidance receptors at the axonal growth cone is a process essential for the assembly of a functional nervous system. We investigated the in vivo function of Src family kinases (SFKs) as growth cone guidance signaling intermediates in the context of spinal lateral motor column (LMC) motor axon projection toward the ventral or dorsal limb mesenchyme. Using in situ mRNA detection we determined that Src and Fyn are expressed in LMC motor neurons of chick and mouse embryos at the time of limb trajectory selection. Inhibition of SFK activity by C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) overexpression in chickLMCaxons using in ovo electroporation resulted inLMC axons selecting the inappropriate dorsoventral trajectory within the limb mesenchyme, with medial LMC axon projecting into the dorsal and ventral limb nerve with apparently random incidence. We also detected LMC axon trajectory choice errors in Src mutant mice demonstrating a nonredundant role for Src in motor axon guidance in agreement with gain and loss of Src function in chickLMCneurons which led to the redirection ofLMCaxons. Finally, Csk-mediated SFK inhibition attenuated the retargeting ofLMCaxons caused by EphA or EphB over-expression, implying the participation of SFKs in Eph-mediated LMC motor axon guidance. In summary, our findings demonstrate that SFKs are essential for motor axon guidance and suggest that they play an important role in relaying ephrin:Eph signals that mediate the selection of motor axon trajectory in the limb.


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Afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution des fonctions du récepteur EphA4 pendant le développement du système nerveux central (SNC), nous avons étudié sa localisation cellulaire et subcellulaire dans l’hippocampe du rat, d’abord chez l’adulte, puis pendant le développement postnatal, ainsi que ses rôles potentiels dans la genèse, la migration ou la maturation des cellules granulaires dans l’hippocampe adulte. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé la méthode d’immunocytochimie en microscopie photonique, électronique et confocale. En microscopie photonique, une forte immunoréactivité (peroxydase/DAB) pour EphA4 est observée aux jours 1 et 7 suivant la naissance (P1 et P7) dans les couches de corps cellulaires, avec un marquage notamment associé à la surface des corps cellulaires des cellules granulaires et pyramidales, ainsi que dans les couches de neuropile du gyrus dentelé et des secteurs CA3 et CA1. L’intensité du marquage diminue progressivement dans les couches de corps cellulaires, entre P7 et P14, pour devenir faible à P21 et chez l’adulte, tandis qu’elle persiste dans les couches de neuropile, sauf celles qui reçoivent des afférences du cortex entorhinal. En microscopie électronique, après marquage à la peroxydase/DAB, EphA4 décore toute la surface des cellules pyramidales et granulaires, du corps cellulaire jusqu’aux extrémités distales, entre P1 et P14, pour devenir confiné aux extrémités synaptiques, c’est-à-dire les terminaisons axonales et les épines dendritiques, à P21 et chez l’adulte. À la membrane plasmique des astrocytes, EphA4 est redistribué comme dans les neurones, marquant le corps cellulaire et ses prolongements proximaux à distaux, à P1 et P7, pour devenir restreint aux prolongements périsynaptiques distaux, à partir de P14. D’autre part, des axones en cours de myélinisation présentent souvent une forte immunoréactivité punctiforme à leur membrane plasmique, à P14 et P21. En outre, dans les neurones et les astrocytes, le réticulum endoplasmique, l’appareil de Golgi et les vésicules de transport, organelles impliquées dans la synthèse, la modification posttraductionnelle et le transport des protéines glycosylées, sont aussi marqués, et plus intensément chez les jeunes animaux. Enfin, EphA4 est aussi localisé dans le corps cellulaire et les dendrites des cellules granulaires générées chez l’adulte, au stade de maturation où elles expriment la doublecortine (DCX). De plus, des souris adultes knockouts pour EphA4 présentent des cellules granulaires DCX-positives ectopiques, c’est-à-dire positionnées en dehors de la zone sous-granulaire, ce qui suggère un rôle d’EphA4 dans la régulation de leur migration. Ces travaux révèlent ainsi une redistribution d’EphA4 dans les cellules neuronales et gliales en maturation, suivant les sites cellulaires où un remodelage morphologique s’effectue : les corps cellulaires lorsqu’ils s’organisent en couches, les prolongements dendritiques et axonaux pendant leur croissance, guidage et maturation, puis les épines dendritiques, les terminaisons axonales et les prolongements astrocytaires distaux associés aux synapses excitatrices, jusque chez l’adulte, où la formation de nouvelles synapses et le renforcement des connexions synaptiques existantes sont exercés. Ces localisations pourraient ainsi correspondre à différents rôles d’EphA4, par lesquels il contribuerait à la régulation des capacités plastiques du SNC, selon le stade développemental, la région, l’état de santé, ou l’expérience comportementale de l’animal.


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Le fullerène C60 est une molécule sphérique composée exclusivement d'atomes de carbone. Ce composé possède une surface aromatique convexe homogène et peut s'associer, entre autres, avec des molécules possédant des surfaces aromatiques par des interactions non-covalentes. Le triptycène est une molécule en forme de "Y" qui possède des surfaces aromatiques convexes. Cette molécule possède l'habileté de s'associer avec le C60 par des interactions de type π qui sont amplifiées par la complémentarité des surfaces concaves et convexes impliquées dans les arrangements cristallins. Nous avons synthétisé des dérivés triptycényles portant des groupements fonctionnels aux extrémités des bras de ce noyau de façon à étendre les cavités disponibles pour interagir avec le C60. En effet, nous avons découvert que les atomes de chlore, de brome et d'iode ainsi que les groupements méthyle permettent d'étendre les surfaces disponibles pour interagir avec les fullerènes C60 et C70. Nous avons étudié les associations entre les dérivés triptycényles et les fullerènes par l'analyse des structures cristallographiques résolues par diffraction des rayons-X. De plus, nous avons étudié les associations entre les molécules considérées par l'analyse des surfaces d'Hirshfeld entourant les fullerènes. Découlant de ces études, l'effet d'amplification des atomes de chlore, de brome et d'iode ainsi que les groupements méthyle a été employé pour identifier de nouveaux solvants aptes à solubiliser efficacement le C60.


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La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est une maladie très sévère, progressive et sans traitement vraiment efficace. Elle est caractérisée par l’absence fonctionnelle de la dystrophine, une protéine essentielle au maintien des muscles squelettiques. La thérapie génique est actuellement envisagée comme approche thérapeutique pour livrer la dystrophine dans les muscles. Les vecteurs adénoviraux de troisième génération (Helper-dependent adenoviral vector, HD) sont des véhicules de transfert génique très prometteurs pour traiter la DMD. Puisque les gènes adénoviraux ont été enlevés complètement du HD, ils sont peu toxiques, faiblement immunogéniques et ils possèdent un espace cargo suffisant pour transporter l’ADN codant complet de la dystrophine. Bien que le HD puisse fournir la dystrophine de façon thérapeutique chez des souris dystrophiques (mdx), l’expression du gène thérapeutique est progressivement perdue plusieurs mois suivant l’injection intramusculaire. Deux stratégies innovantes furent explorées dans cette thèse dans le but de stabiliser l’expression de la dystrophine. La première stratégie vise à l’intégration de l’ADN du HD dans les chromosomes cellulaires, ce qui pourrait le protéger contre son élimination progressive des muscles. Une intégrase site-spécifique issue du phage ΦC31 a été utilisée pour catalyser l’intégration d’un HD transportant un marqueur de sélection. Dans les cellules humaines et les myoblastes murins, l’activité de l’intégrase a été évaluée d’après son efficacité d’intégration (après sélection) et sa spécificité (dans les clones résistants). L’efficacité atteint jusqu’à 0,5 % par cellule et jusqu’à 76 % des événements d’intégration ont été réalisés de façon site-spécifique. Bien que des délétions aient été trouvées aux extrémités du vecteur, 70 % des clones analysés montraient une seule copie du vecteur intégré (le nombre attendu). Seulement une petite augmentation du nombre de brisures double-brin a été mesurée dans les myoblastes exprimant l’intégrase. En conclusion, l’intégration du HD est relativement efficace, spécifique et sécuritaire. Cette méthode est très prometteuse, car la dystrophine peut être livrée dans le muscle avec l’aide du HD et l’intégration de l’ADN du HD pourrait stabiliser son expression in vivo. La deuxième stratégie implique l’utilisation d’un nouveau promoteur musculospécifique (ΔUSEx3) pour réduire la toxicité induite liée à une expression trop étendue de la dystrophine. Dans cette étude, nous avons investigué l’effet du contexte viral sur l’activité du promoteur. Un HD et un vecteur lentiviral (LV) ont été construits avec le promoteur ΔUSEx3 pour contrôler l’expression d’un gène rapporteur. Les résultats démontrent que ΔUSEx3 confère une expression puissante, musculospécifique et stable (via le LV) in vitro. L’injection intramusculaire du HD a conduit à une expression puissante du transgène. Ces résultats contrastent avec ceux du LV, car après l’injection de ce dernier, l’expression était faible. La livraison du HD dans le muscle, mais aussi dans plusieurs organes démontre la musculospécificité de ΔUSEx3. Par conséquent, le contexte du vecteur et l’environnement musculaire modulent tous les deux l’activité de ΔUSEx3. Bien que ΔUSEx3 soit musculospécifique, d’autres études sont requises pour déterminer si le promoteur peut stabiliser l’expression de la dystrophine in vivo.


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Dans ce mémoire, on étudie la désintégration d’un faux vide, c’est-à-dire un vide qui est un minimum relatif d’un potentiel scalaire par effet tunnel. Des défauts topologiques en 1+1 dimension, appelés kinks, apparaissent lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum qui brise spontanément une symétrie discrète. En 3+1 dimensions, ces kinks deviennent des murs de domaine. Ils apparaissent par exemple dans les matériaux magnétiques en matière condensée. Un modèle à deux champs scalaires couplés sera étudié ainsi que les solutions aux équations du mouvement qui en découlent. Ce faisant, on analysera comment l’existence et l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle. Un balayage numérique de l’espace des paramètres révèle que les solutions stables se trouvent entre les zones de dissociation, des régions dans l’espace des paramètres où les solutions stables n’existent plus. Le comportement des solutions instables dans les zones de dissociation peut être très différent selon la zone de dissociation dans laquelle une solution se trouve. Le potentiel consiste, dans un premier temps, en un polynôme d’ordre six, auquel on y rajoute, dans un deuxième temps, un polynôme quartique multiplié par un terme de couplage, et est choisi tel que les extrémités du kink soient à des faux vides distincts. Le taux de désintégration a été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste à déterminer les conditions qui permettent aux kinks de catalyser la désintégration du faux vide. Il appert qu’on a trouvé une expression pour déterminer la densité critique de kinks et qu’on comprend ce qui se passe avec la plupart des termes.


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El aumento del número de motocicletas en los últimos años se ha acompañado de un incremento en el porcentaje de accidentes que las involucra y se ha convertido en una causa relevante de morbilidad y mortalidad para la población Colombiana; razón por la cual, cobra importancia conocer las características sociodemográficas de la población involucrada en este tipo de accidentes, así como las características clínicas relacionadas con el tipo de trauma y tratamiento indicado. Para tal fin, se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo que permitió establecer las características clínicas y sociodemográficas de la población víctima de accidentes de motocicleta, en un periodo comprendido desde Enero 1 del 2008 hasta el 31 de Diciembre de 2011; población atendida en una Institución de Salud de Bogotá. Se estudiaron 717 pacientes atendidos en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Kennedy: 531 Hombres y 186 Mujeres, de grupos etáreos desde los 0-4 años (6%), hasta >65 años (5%), con mayor prevalencia de accidentalidad en el grupo de 15 – 64 años (43%). El 86% de los accidentados utilizaban casco y el 45% presentaron accidentes en el horario del día comprendido entre las 13 y 18 horas (45%). Sólo el 7% de los pacientes tenían indicios de uso de alcohol. En cuanto a las características del trauma, tuvo mayor prevalencia en las extremidades inferiores (63%), el 94% de las fracturas fueron cerradas, con trauma asociado en el 35% de los casos, relacionado con Trauma Cráneo Encefálico en el 24% de los casos (TCE). La distribución del trauma según el segmento corporal afectado en orden es el siguiente: Fractura tibia (21%), tobillo (17.2%), radio distal (10.6%) y diáfisis de radio (8.5%). Este estudio ofrece una base para futuras conductas en los departamentos de trauma.


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Introducción: Los dolores y las lesiones musculo esqueléticas que sufren los trabajadores en toda la industria, se han convertido en un problema de preocupación a nivel nacional e internacional. Objetivos: Caracterizar la presencia de sintomatología osteomuscular en el personal asistencial de una IPS Materno Infantil de tercer nivel de atención en la ciudad de Bogotá, mediante la aplicación de la encuesta Nórdica, identificando su relación con el área de trabajo en el cual se desempeñan. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal mediante la aplicación de la encuesta Nórdica a todo el personal asistencial diurno de una IPS Materno Infantil de III nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: Del 100% de la población estudiada (n: 49), el 65,3% correspondían al género femenino y el 34.7% al masculino, la mayoría de la población laboraba menos de 12 horas. El área del cuerpo en la que manifestaron tener más sintomatología en los últimos 12 meses fue en espalda alta con una prevalencia de 46,9%. El área del cuerpo que más manifestaron les impedía trabajar en los últimos 12 meses fue en mano y muñeca derecha con una prevalencia del 6,1% y el área que manifestaron les impedía trabajar en los últimos 7 días fue en espalda alta con una prevalencia de 16,3%.