994 resultados para Experimental hypertension in rats


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A regeneração periodontal e do rebordo ósseo utilizando barreiras físicas são procedimentos bem estabelecidos em cirurgias reconstrutivas. As características do biomaterial e o desenho da membrana empregados na regeneração tecidual guiada desempenham um papel importante na obtenção de bons resultados. O objetivo deste estudo experimental histológico foi comparar o uso de dois tipos de barreiras físicas na regeneração óssea guiada em defeitos criados na tíbia de ratos. Quinze animais foram divididos em três grupos: grupo I (barreira não-porosa de politetrafluoretileno), grupo II (blocos de hidroxiapatita de coral) e grupo III (controle que não recebeu nenhuma barreira). A análise histológica demonstrou várias quantidades de osso neoformado com ambos os tipos de barreiras. A barreira de politetrafluoretileno mostrou melhores resultados do que a hidroxiapatita. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a regeneração óssea pode ser conseguida com a técnica de submersão da barreira física.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The maintenance of the arterial pressure in normal levels is important for the homeostasis of body fluids. The central nervous system regulating sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic efferent can adjust arterial pressure which allows animals or human to face different daily activities with the best performance. Different central areas are responsible for the control of autonomic discharges to cardiovascular system and many of them are also involved in the control of fluid electrolyte balance. One of these areas is the tissue surrounding the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V region) localized in the forebrain and a main central site for angiotensin II receptors and osmoreceptors. The AV3V lesions impair the development of many models of experimental hypertension in rats and the pressor responses to different stimuli. Lesions of the AV3V region also reduce dipsogenic responses to angiotensin II, central cholinergic activation, water deprivation and increase in plasma osmolarity, atrial natriuretic peptide secretion produced by body fluid expansion and the increase in renal excretion to central cholinergic activation. Recent evidence also suggests the participation of AV3V region in pressor responses produced by the activation of medullary mechanisms.


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Gestational hypothyroidism is a prevalent disorder in pregnant women. We aimed to investigate the impact of experimental gestational hypothyroidism (EGH) on cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems (ANS) in the offspring of rats. EGH was induced with methimazole (MMI) 0.02% in drinking water from day 9 of gestation until birth. Sixty day old offspring from MMI-treated dams (OMTD, n = 13) or water-treated dams (OWTD, n = 13) had femoral arteries surgically assessed for the measurements of heart rate (HR), mean (MAP), systolic (SAP) and diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). To investigate the balance of ANS, we established the high (HF) and low frequency (LF) bands of pulse interval (PI) and LF band of SAP spectrum. OMTD had increased MAP (130.2 +/- 2.0 vs 108.8 +/- 3.0 mm Hg, p<0.001), SAP (157.3 +/- 2.9 vs 135.7 +/- 4.5 mm Hg, p<0.001) and DAP (109.7 +/- 1.9 vs 88.4 +/- 2.6 mm Hg, p<0.001) when compared to OWED, and had lower HR (355.1 +/- 8.9 vs 386.8 +/- 9.2 bpm, p<0.05). After spectral analysis of PI and SAP, only LF band of SAP spectrum was higher (7.2 +/- 0.8 vs 4.0 +/- 0.6 mm Hg-2, p<0.01) in OMTD under spontaneous condition. Despite bradycardia, EGH promotes spontaneous hypertension in 60 day old offspring, probably due to increased sympathetic modulation of vessels, which is suggested by the higher LF of SAP. These findings suggest a critical role of maternal THs in the development of fetal cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: The sural nerve has been widely investigated in experimental models of neuropathies but information about its involvement in hypertension was not yet explored. The aim of the present study was to compare the morphological and morphometric aspects of different segments of the sural nerve in male and female spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Rats aged 20 weeks (N = 6 in each group) were investigated. After arterial pressure and heart rate recordings in anesthetized animals, right and left sural nerves were removed and prepared for epoxy resin embedding and light microscopy. Morphometric analysis was performed with the aid of computer software, and took into consideration the fascicle area and diameter, as well as myelinated fiber number, density, area and diameter. Results: Significant differences were observed for the myelinated fiber number and density, comparing different genders of WKY and SHR. Also, significant differences for the morphological (thickening of the endoneural blood vessel walls and lumen reduction) and morphometric (myelinated fibers diameter and G ratio) parameters of myelinated fibers were identified. Morphological exam of the myelinated fibers suggested the presence of a neuropathy due to hypertension in both SHR genders. Conclusions: These results indicate that hypertension altered important morphometric parameters related to nerve conduction of sural nerve in hypertensive animals. Moreover the comparison between males and females of WKY and SHR allows the conclusion that the morphological and morphometric parameters of sural nerve are not gender related. The morphometric approach confirmed the presence of neuropathy, mainly associated to the small myelinated fibers. In conclusion, the present study collected evidences that the high blood pressure in SHR is affecting the sural nerve myelinated fibers.


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Cyclosporine-A (CsA) is widely used after organ transplantation to prevent rejection and in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Hypertension and nephrotoxicity are common side-effects of CsA. Studies in patients on the prevention of the side-effects of CsA are difficult to conduct because the patients often receive a combination of different drugs thus making study of the side-effects of a single drug impossible. A challenge in experimental studies has been the lack of an animal model in which the side-effects concomitantly occur. Epidemiological data show an association between sodium (Na) intake and blood pressure. There is also evidence on low dietary intake of magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) and high blood pressure. Our study was designed to develop an experimental model to study the side-effects of CsA in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). On high dietary sodium, CsA caused hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), narrowing of the coronary arteries, small myocardial infarctions, and proteinuria, reduced creatinine clearance and histopathological renal injury in SHR. Loss of Mg into the urine caused by CsA resulted in Mg depletion in the tissues. Renal excretion of dopamine was reduced and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system was activated. We investigated the effects of dietary Mg and/or K and the calcium antagonist drug, isradipine, on the prevention of CsA toxicity. Dietary supplementation of Mg alone or in combination with K prevented from the deleterious pathophysiological and histopathological changes in the kidneys and the heart. K alone had little effect. Isradipine protected better than Mg from LVH, but the combination of isradipine and Mg was the most effective. Isradipine did not, however, protect against Mg loss. In our animal model, the combination of high dietary Na and treatment with CsA accelerated the development of the cardiovascular and renal changes clinically known as the side-effects of CsA. Dietary supplementation of Mg and K and reduction of Na intake and the calcium antagonist drug isradipine prevent from the deleterious effects of CsA.


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Oxytocinergic brainstem projections participate in the autonomic control of the circulation. We investigated the effects of hypertension and training on cardiovascular parameters after oxytocin (OT) receptor blockade within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) and NTS OT and OT receptor expression. Male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were trained (55% of maximal exercise capacity) or kept sedentary for 3 months and chronically instrumented (NTS and arterial cannulae). Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were measured at rest and during an acute bout of exercise after NTS pretreatment with vehicle or OT antagonist (20 pmol of OT antagonist (200 nl of vehicle)-1). Oxytocin and OT receptor were quantified (35S-oligonucleotide probes, in situ hybridization) in other groups of rats. The SHR exhibited high MAP and HR (P < 0.05). Exercise training improved treadmill performance and reduced basal HR (on average -11%) in both groups, but did not change basal MAP. Blockade of NTS OT receptor increased exercise tachycardia only in trained groups, with a larger effect on trained WKY rats (+31 +/- 9 versus +12 +/- 3 beats min-1 in the trained SHR). Hypertension specifically reduced NTS OT receptor mRNA density (-46% versus sedentary WKY rats, P < 0.05); training did not change OT receptor density, but significantly increased OT mRNA expression (+2.5-fold in trained WKY rats and +15% in trained SHR). Concurrent hypertension- and training-induced plastic (peptide/receptor changes) and functional adjustments (HR changes) of oxytocinergic control support both the elevated basal HR in the SHR group and the slowing of the heart rate (rest and exercise) observed in trained WKY rats and SHR.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Angiogenesis is a pathological hallmark of portal hypertension. Although VEGF is considered to be the most important proangiogenic factor in neoangiogenesis, this process requires the coordinated action of a variety of factors. Identification of novel molecules involved in angiogenesis is highly relevant, since they may represent potential new targets to suppress pathological neovascularization in angiogenesis-related diseases like portal hypertension. The apelin/APJ signaling pathway plays a crucial role in angiogenesis. Therefore, we determined whether the apelin system modulates angiogenesis-driven processes in portal hypertension. METHODS: Partial portal vein-ligated rats were treated with the APJ antagonist F13A for seven days. Splanchnic neovascularization and expression of angiogenesis mediators (Western blotting) was determined. Portosystemic collateral formation (microspheres), and hemodynamic parameters (flowmetry) were also assessed. RESULTS: Apelin and its receptor APJ were overexpressed in the splanchnic vasculature of portal hypertensive rats. F13A effectively decreased, by 52%, splanchnic neovascularization and expression of proangiogenic factors VEGF, PDGF and angiopoietin-2 in portal hypertensive rats. F13A also reduced, by 35%, the formation of portosystemic collateral vessels. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first experimental evidence showing that the apelin/APJ system contributes to portosystemic collateralization and splanchnic neovascularization in portal hypertensive rats, presenting a potential novel therapeutic target for portal hypertension.


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Increased consumption of dark-coloured fruits and vegetables may mitigate metabolic syndrome. This study has determined the changes in metabolic parameters, and in cardiovascular and liver structure and function, following chronic administration of either cyanidin 3-glucoside (CG) or Queen Garnet plum juice (QG) containing cyanidin glycosides to rats fed either a corn starch (C) or a high-carbohydrate, high-fat (H) diet. Eight to nine-week-old male Wistar rats were randomly divided into six groups for 16-week feeding with C, C with CG or QG, H or H with CG or QG. C or H were supplemented with CG or QG at a dose of ∼8 mg/kg/day cyanidin glycosides from week 8 to 16. H rats developed signs of metabolic syndrome including visceral adiposity, impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension, cardiovascular remodelling, increased collagen depots in left ventricle, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, increased plasma liver enzymes and increased inflammatory cell infiltration in the heart and liver. Both CG and QG reversed these cardiovascular, liver and metabolic signs. However, no intact anthocyanins or common methylated/conjugated metabolites could be detected in the plasma samples and plasma hippuric acid concentrations were unchanged. Our results suggest CG is the most likely mediator of the responses to QG but that further investigation of the pharmacokinetics of oral CG in rats is required.


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Parkinson s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN). Current therapies of PD do not stop the progression of the disease and the efficacy of these treatments wanes over time. Neurotrophic factors are naturally occurring proteins promoting the survival and differentiation of neurons and the maintenance of neuronal contacts. Neurotrophic factors are attractive candidates for neuroprotective or even neurorestorative treatment of PD. Thus, searching for and characterizing trophic factors are highly important approaches to degenerative diseases. CDNF (cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor) and MANF (mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor) are secreted proteins that constitute a novel, evolutionarily conserved neurotrophic factor family expressed in vertebrates and invertebrates. The present study investigated the neuroprotective and restorative effects of human CDNF and MANF in rats with unilateral partial lesion of dopamine neurons by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) using both behavioral (amphetamine-induced rotation) and immunohistochemical analyses. We also investigated the distribution and transportation profiles of intrastriatally injected CDNF and MANF in rats. Intrastriatal CDNF and MANF protected nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons when administered six hours before or four weeks after the neurotoxin 6-OHDA. More importantly, the function of the lesioned nigrostriatal dopaminergic system was partially restored even when the neurotrophic factors were administered four weeks after 6-OHDA. A 14-day continuous infusion of CDNF but not of MANF restored the function of the midbrain neural circuits controlling movement when initiated two weeks after unilateral injection of 6-OHDA. Continuous infusion of CDNF also protected dopaminergic TH-positive cell bodies from toxin-induced degeneration in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and fibers in the striatum. When injected into the striatum, CDNF and GDNF had similar transportation profiles from the striatum to the SNpc; thus CDNF may act via the same nerve tracts as GDNF. Intrastriatal MANF was transported to cortical areas which may reflect a mechanism of neurorestorative action that is different from that of CDNF and GDNF. CDNF and MANF were also shown to distribute more readily than GDNF. In conclusion, CDNF and MANF are potential therapeutic proteins for the treatment of PD.