954 resultados para Ethical culture movement


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This paper explores the current conventions and intentions of the game jam - contemporary events that encourage the rapid, collaborative creation of game design prototypes. Game jams are often renowned for their capacity to encourage creativity and the development of alternative, innovative game designs. However, there is a growing necessity for game jams to continue to challenge traditional development practices through evolving new formats and perspectives to maintain the game jam as a disruptive, refreshing aspect of game development culture. As in other creative jam style events, a game jam is not only a process but also, an outcome. Through a discussion of the literature this paper establishes a theoretical basis with which to analyse game jams as disruptive, performative processes that result in original creative artefacts. In support of this, case study analysis of Development Cultures: a series of workshops that centred on innovation and new forms of practice through play, chance, and experimentation, is presented. The findings indicate that game jams can be considered as processes that inspire creativity within a community and that the resulting performances can be considered as a form of creative artefact, thus parallels can be drawn between game jams and performative and interactive art.


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At the heart of corporate governance and social responsibility discourse is recognition of the fact that the modern corporation is primarily governed by the profit maximisation imperative coupled with moral and ethical concerns that such a limited imperative drives the actions of large and wealthy corporations which have the ability to act in influential and significant ways, shaping how our social world is experienced. The actions of the corporation and its management will have a wide sphere of impact over all of its stakeholders whether these are employees, shareholders, consumers or the community in which the corporation is located. As globalisation has become central to the way we think it is also clear that ‘community’ has an ever expanding meaning which may include workers and communities living very far away from Corporate HQ. In recent years academic commentators have become increasingly concerned about the emphasis on what can be called short-term profit maximisation and the perception that this extremist interpretation of the profit imperative results in morally and ethically unacceptable outcomes.1 Hence demands for more corporate social responsibility. Following Cadbury’s2 classification of corporate social responsibility into three distinct areas, this paper will argue that once the legally regulated tier is left aside corporate responsibility can become so nebulous as to be relatively meaningless. The argument is not that corporations should not be required to act in socially responsible ways but that unless supported by regulation, which either demands high standards, or at the very least incentivises the attainment of such standards such initiatives are doomed to failure. The paper will illustrate by reference to various chosen cases that law’s discourse has already signposted ways to consider and resolve corporate governance problems in the broader social responsibility context.3 It will also illustrate how corporate responsibility can and must be supported by legal measures. Secondly, this paper will consider the potential conflict between an emphasis on corporate social responsibility and the regulatory approach.4 Finally, this paper will place the current interest in corporate social responsibility within the broader debate on the relationship between law and non-legally enforceable norms and will present some reflections on the norm debate arising from this consideration of the CSR movement.


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This thesis explores the evolution of the concept of traditional Chinese femininity in relation to women’s lives in ancient China (221 BCE – A.D.1840). It proposes that the traditional Chinese femininity had been trying to seek a balance between the permanent principles and contingency plans for the stability and development of the society, which caused women’s humiliation and freedom. In reality, politicians and thinkers in ancient China had been transforming the concept of femininity itself to make it more adaptable to the social conditions of that time. This may be discussed in terms of three aspects. Firstly, the traditional concept of Chinese human relationships, including the ethical order, always emphasised the influence of individual behaviour on others and the overall stability and linked development of family, society and nation. Thus, both men and women, must be placed within this interrelated, interacting and cooperating relationship. Secondly, the association of family and country created an overlap of family and public affairs, which, objectively, facilitated the movement of women from the inner to the public arena. Thirdly, the notions of political and ethical morality and of men’s virtues and women’s virtues were integrated because of the union of family and nation. Therefore, typically virtuous women could be a source of encouragement for men and, furthermore, men formulated their virtues in the public space by formulating women’s virtues in the private space. The shaping of the gender image and concept of women in ancient China reflected the country’s changing cultural and gender norms. Chinese femininity and lifestyles, like Chinese history, were a continuous presence in the society but were also constantly changing. Through this study, it could be noted that Chinese women were not hidden and that their subjectivity and the concepts motivating them were not merely devised by a male-dominated society and culture.


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This research interrogates the status of citizenship education in Irish secondary schools. The following questions are examined: How does school culture impact on citizenship education? What value is accorded to the subjects, Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) and Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)? To what extent are the subjects of both the cognitive and non-cognitive curricula affirmed? The importance of these factors in supporting the social, ethical, personal, political and emotional development of students is explored. The concept of citizenship is dynamic and constantly evolving in response to societal change. Society is increasingly concerned with issues such as: globalisation; cosmopolitanism; the threat of global risk; environment sustainability; socio-economic inequality; and recognition/misrecognition of new identities and group rights. The pedagogical philosophy of Paulo Freire which seeks to educate for the conscientisation and humanisation of the student is central to this research. Using a mixed methods approach, data on the insights of students, parents, teachers and school Principals was collected. In relation to Irish secondary school education, the study reached three main conclusions. (1) The educational stakeholders rate the subjects of the non-cognitive curriculum poorly. (2) The subjects Civic, Social and Political education (CSPE), and Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) command a low status in the secondary school setting. (3) The day-to-day school climate is influenced by an educational philosophy that is instrumentalist in character. Elements of school culture such as: the ethic of care; the informal curriculum; education for life after school; and affirmation of teachers, are not sufficiently prioritised in supporting education for citizenship. The research concludes that the approach to education for citizenship needs to be more robust within the overall curriculum, and culture and ethos of the Irish education system.


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Alternative food initiatives (AFIs) have been described as an attempt to change and improve aspects of how the food system operates. They are focused around more traditional, local and sustainable food production and circulation. AFIs such as farmers’ markets, allotments and community gardens, share a desire to reduce the number of steps food goes through from production to plate. The role of these initiatives in the food system, and their potential to impact real change, has however been questioned. Working to better understand this issue is a central concern of this research. To do this a two tier analysis has been deployed. The first tier involves identifying the characteristics and general dynamics of AFIs. Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and the theories of field and capital, are the concepts applied. The research then uses these findings in the second tier of analysis concerned with relating AFI characteristics and dynamics back to their key traits, positive and negative, as well as arguments made about AFI’s role identified from previous research. Another part of this second tier of analysis is exploring if AFIs, the producers, consumers, organisations and groups that make up this phenomenon, can be considered a social movement. AFIs can be referred to collectively as a social movement, but are not often explored theoretically from this perspective. AFIs in Ireland provide the empirical context for this research. A series of qualitative interviews in four areas of Ireland, as well as evidence from primary and secondary sources are analysed. The research finds that AFIs can be understood as the potential beginnings of a lifestyle social movement. Leaders are of central importance to its development. It is also found that an important role of AFIs is revitalising, supporting and contributing to food culture.


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Purpose: This paper investigates the link between two knowledge areas that have not been previously linked conceptually; stakeholder management and corporate culture. Focussing on the UK Construction Industry, the research study demonstrates mutual dependency of each of these areas on the other and establishes a theoretical framework with real potential to impact positively upon industry.

Design/methodology/approach: The study utilises both qualitative and quantitative data collection and then analysis to produce results contributing to the final framework. Semi-structured interviews were used and analysed through a cognitive mapping procedure. The result of this stage, set in the context of previous research, facilitated a questionnaire to be developed which helped gather quantitative values from a larger sample to enhance the final framework.

Findings: The data suggests that stakeholder management and corporate culture are key areas of an organisation’s success, and that this importance will only grow in future. A clearly identifiable relationship was established between the two theoretical areas and a framework developed and quantified.

Originality/value: It is evident that change is needed within the UK Construction Industry. Companies must employ ethical and social stakeholder management and manage their corporate culture like any other aspect of their business. Successfully doing this will lead to more successful projects, better reputation and survival. The findings of this project begin to show how change may occur and how companies might intentionally deploy advantageous configurations of corporate culture and stakeholder management.


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The Community Arts sector in Australia has a history of resistance. It has challenged hegemonic culture through facilitating grassroots creative production, contesting notions of artistic processes, and the role of the artist in society. This paper examines this penchant for resistance through the lens of contemporary digital culture, to establish that the sector is continuing to challenge dominant forms of cultural control. It then proposes that this enthusiasm and activity lacks ethical direction, describing it as feral to encompass the potential of current practices, while highlighting how a level of taming is needed in order to develop ethical approaches.


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“There is no mode of action, no form of emotion, that we do not share with the lower animals” (137). This evolutionary claim is not attributable to Darwin, but to Oscar Wilde, who allows Gilbert to voice this bold assertion in “The True Function of Criticism.” While critics have long wrestled with the ethical stance and coherence of Wilde's writings, they have overlooked a significant influence on his work: debates concerning the evolution of morality that animated the periodicals in which he was writing. Wilde was fascinated by the proposition that complex human behaviours, including moral and aesthetic responses, might be traced back to evolutionary impulses. Significantly, he also wrote for a readership already engaged with these controversies.


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This chapter explores whether ethical cultures can be created within a financial market context. Ongoing regulatory and legal actions, and press coverage of these, suggest that a definition of ethical problems in terms of ‘rogue traders’ and ‘bad apples’ would be inadequate, since entire business areas have been resorting to collusive illegal behaviour. The concept of ‘bad barrels’ seems to capture the situation rather better: the culture of firms fails to discourage transgression and indeed supports it. Unpacking the links between regulatory objectives and the cultural settings of firms and their employees, this chapter questions the chances of success of measures such as enhanced controls on individuals and restructured reward mechanisms. Financial firms typically have very flat, nodal structures, within which traders conceptualise themselves as an elite, in contrast to back office staff and also in contrast to managers. Traders’ functions and their occupational mobility mean that their linkages and attachments may be much stronger with others outside ‘their’ firm than their firm and those within it. Performance, camaraderie and their linkages are important in all work situations, yet all the more so for traders in financial markets. Thus, whether regulators and senior management combine to send a clear and consistent message to traders – or whether the logic of the financial marketplace leads some firms to continue send conflicting or ambivalent messages to them – misconduct is likely to continue to be a tough nut to crack.


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O presente estudo inscreve-se na área científica da Formação de Professores, incidindo, particularmente, na compreensão do processo de desenvolvimento das competências reflexivas percebidas como factor de promoção do seu próprio desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal, do desenvolvimento da capacidade de pensar dos seus alunos, da revalorização dos processos curriculares de ensino-aprendizagem e de inovação dos contextos educacionais. Num contexto de complexidade, incerteza e mudança, importa repensar estratégias de formação de professores e de alunos para que possam constituir-se como fatores potenciadores do desenvolvimento da competência reflexiva. Estratégias que convocam, quer o professor, quer o aluno, para um tipo de questionamento de maior exigência reflexiva e consideradas potenciadoras do pensamento crítico, criativo e de cuidado com o outro, numa perspetiva educativa centrada no cuidar, que valoriza a dimensão humana, a atuação responsável, ética e solidária, em todos os planos da vida. Neste estudo propomo-nos retomar algumas das estratégias de formação já configuradas no movimento Filosofia para Crianças e que se constituíram como um programa de formação em contexto, no qual se procurou aprofundar e compreender as múltiplas dimensões e modos como interatuam os diferentes participantes da relação educativa em práticas curriculares reconfiguradas à luz dos pressupostos que sustentam este estudo. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a investigação inscreve-se num paradigma de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa, de matriz hermenêutica e ecológica, configurando uma abordagem de tipo complexo, e com características de estudo de caso, que considera indispensável a participação ativa do sujeito na construção do conhecimento próprio, bem como o carácter de imprevisibilidade e de recursividade das condições e subsistemas em que tal ocorre. No sentido de construir uma visão integrada do objeto em estudo, foram desenvolvidos procedimentos específicos (mixed-methods), nomeadamente análise documental, entrevista semiestruturada, observação participante e inquirição por questionário. O estudo, que decorreu na região centro do país, envolveu 5 professoras do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 100 alunos do mesmo nível de ensino e os seus pais/encarregados de educação, inquiridos através de questionário e desenvolveu-se em duas fases. A primeira destinou-se à formação teórico-prática das professoras e, na segunda, foram desenvolvidas sessões práticas de Filosofia para Crianças com os alunos. Os portfolios reflexivos construídos pelos participantes e pela investigadora principal constituíram outra fonte da informação recolhida no estudo empírico. Os resultados do estudo situam-se a quatro níveis: no que respeita aos saberes básicos, ao perfil de competência dos professores, à sua formação e às estratégias e recursos considerados como potenciadores de um pensar de mais elevada qualidade. Quanto ao primeiro nível, o presente estudo releva o carácter estruturante e epistémico de aprender a pensar (bem), salientando que este se processa numa maior amplitude e profundidade dos conteúdos da própria reflexão, às quais subjaz uma visão ampla de cidadania planetária e socialmente comprometida, evidenciando uma ampliação do quadro referencial dos saberes básicos e considerados imprescindíveis para a educação dos cidadãos. A um segundo nível, salienta-se a exigência de um perfil de competência profissional que permita aos professores desenvolver nos seus alunos um pensar de qualidade e, simultaneamente, melhorar a sua própria competência reflexiva. Neste sentido, o estudo aponta para a continuidade das respostas que têm vindo a ser equacionadas por vários autores nacionais e internacionais que, ao abordarem a problemática da formação, do conhecimento profissional e do desenvolvimento identitário dos professores, têm acentuado a importância dos modelos crítico-reflexivos da formação e de uma supervisão ecológica, integradora, não standard e humanizada, no desenvolvimento das sociedades contemporâneas. Conforme os dados sugerem, admite-se que a formação integral dos cidadãos passa pela inclusão e interligação de diferentes áreas do conhecimento que, concertada e complementarmente, possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento da sensibilidade, do pensamento crítico e criativo, de uma cultura da responsabilidade e de uma atitude ética mais ativa e interventiva. Neste sentido, reafirma-se a importância de um trajeto formativo que promova a efetiva articulação entre teoria e a prática, o diálogo crítico-reflexivo entre saberes científicos e experiência, que focalize o profissional na sua praxis e saliente a sua conexão com o saber situado em contexto vivencial e didático- -pedagógico. Realça-se a pertinência de dinâmicas formativas que, a exemplo de “comunidades de investigação/aprendizagem”, na sua aceção de redes de formação que, na prossecução de projetos e propósitos comuns, incentivam a construção de itinerários próprios e de aprendizagens individuais, mobilizando processos investigativos pessoais e grupais. Evidencia-se a valorização de práticas promotoras da reflexão, do questionamento, da flexibilidade cognitiva como eixos estruturadores do pensamento e da ação profissional e como suporte do desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal, corroborando a importância dos processos transformadores decorrentes da experiência, da ação e da reflexão sobre ela. Finalmente, no que respeita às estratégias e recursos, os dados permitem corroborar a riqueza e o potencial do uso de portfolios reflexivos no desenvolvimento de competências linguísticas, comunicacionais, reflexivas e meta-reflexivas e o entendimento de que o processo de construção da identidade profissional ocorre e desenha-se numa dinâmica reflexiva- -prospetiva (re)confirmadora ou (re)configuradora de ideias, convicções, saberes e práticas, ou seja, identitária. De igual modo, a investigação releva a importância da construção de portfolios, por parte dos alunos, para o desenvolvimento da qualidade do seu pensamento, sublinhando-se o seu carácter inovador nesta área. Evidencia-se, ainda, a diversidade de estratégias que respeitem os interesses, necessidades e expectativas dos alunos e o seu contexto de vida, tal como o recurso a materiais diversificados que, atentos ao conteúdo da mensagem, possibilitem a autonomia do pensamento, o exercício efetivo da reflexão crítica e do questionamento, na sua articulação com as grandes questões que sempre despertaram a curiosidade humana e cuja atualidade permanece. Materiais e recursos que estabeleçam o diálogo entre razão e imaginação, entre saber e sensibilidade, que estimulem o envolvimento dos alunos na resolução de problemas e na procura conjunta de soluções e na construção de projetos individuais na malha dos projetos comuns. Reafirma-se, pois, a importância da humanização do saber, a educação pensada como vivência solidária de direitos e deveres. Uma perspetiva educacional humanista que assenta nas trajetórias de vida, na recuperação de experiências pessoais e singulares, que procura compreender a identidade como um processo em (re)elaboração permanente. O presente estudo integra-se na rede de cooperação científica Novos saberes básicos dos alunos no século XXI, novos desafios à formação de professores sendo que, e na linha das investigações produzidas neste âmbito, destaca que o alargamento das funções do professor do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, que colocando a tónica da ação pedagógica no como se aprende e para quê e na possibilidade de aprender e incorporar o imprevisível, incide no desenvolvimento de um conjunto de capacidades que vão para além das tradicionalmente associadas ao ensinar a ler, escrever e contar. Releva-se, pois, a pertinência da criação de ambientes educativos nos quais professores e alunos entreteçam, conjunta e coerentemente, conhecer, compreender, fazer, sentir, dizer, ver, ouvir e (con)viver em prol de uma reflexão que nos encaminhe no sentido de ser(mos) consciência.


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This thesis answers some important questions about how Fair Trade is experienced and perceived by some Northern sellers, consumers, activists, advocates, practitioners, and an importer. As it relates to sellers, I focus only on small scale independent businesses (i.e. I do not include large corporate businesses in my interview sample). Fair Trade works to establish a dignified livelihood for many producers in the South. Some of the most important actors in the Fair Trade movement are the people who buy, sell, and/or advocate for Fair Trade in the North. Fair Trade is largely a consumer movement which relies on the purchase of Fair Trade products. Without consumers purchasing Fair Trade products, retailers providing the products for sale, and activists raising awareness of Fair Trade, the movement, as it is presently constituted, would be non-existent. This qualitative research is based on 19 in-depth i.nterviews with nine interviewees involved with Fair Trade in Canada. I focus on benefits, challenges, and limitations of Fair Trade in the context of their involvement with it. I describe and analyze how people become involved with Fair Trade, what motivates them to do so, what they hope to achieve, and the benefits of being involved. I also describe and analyze how people understand and deal with any challenges and limitations associated with their involvement with Fair Trade. I also explore whether involvement with Fair Trade influences how people think about other products that they purchase and, if so, in what ways. I focus mainly on the commodity of coffee, but my discussion is not limited to this single commodity. Interviewees' experiences with and participation in Fair Trade vary in terms of their level of involvement and interest in the broader Fair Trade movement (as opposed to just participating in the market component). This research reveals that while Fair Trade is a small movement, sellers, consumers, and activists have had much success in the advancement of Fair Trade. While challenges have not deterred interviewees from continuing to participate in Fair Trade, analysis and explanation of such challenges provides the opportunity for Fair Trade practitioners to develop effective solutions in an effort to meet the needs of various Fair Trade actors.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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The article discusses the present status of weblogs and examines whether legal standards applicable to traditional press and media should be applied to that specific forum. The analysis is based on two key documents: the Draft Report on the concentration and pluralism in the media in European Union (2007/2253(INI)) of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education presented in March 2008 and a landmark decision of the Polish Supreme Court from July 26, 2007 (IV KK 174/07) in the light of present judicial tendency in other European countries. The first of the mentioned documents calls for the “clarification of the legal status of different categories of weblog authors and publishers as well as disclosure of interests and voluntary labelling of weblogs”. It emphasizes that the “undetermined and unindicated status of authors and publishers of weblogs causes uncertainties regarding impartiality, reliability, source protection, applicability of ethical codes and the assignment of liability in the event of lawsuits”. The position of the European Parliament, expressed in the document, raises serious questions on the limits of freedom of thought and speech on the Internet and on the degree of acceptable state control. A recent Polish Supreme Court decision, which caused quite a stir in the Polish Internet community, seems to head in the very direction recommended by the EP Culture Committee. In a case of two editors of a web journal (“czasopismo internetowe”) called “Szyciepoprzemysku”, available on-line, accused of publishing a journal without the proper registration, the Polish Supreme Court stated that “journals and periodicals do not lose the character of a press release due solely to the fact that they appear in the form of an  Internet transmission”, and that ‘’the publishing of press in an electronic form, available on the Internet, requires  registration”. The decision was most surprising, as prior lower courts decisions declined the possibility to register Internet periodicals. The accused were acquitted in the name of the constitutional principle of the rule of law (art. 7 of the Polish Constitution) and the ensuing obligation to protect the trust of a citizen to the state (a conviction in this case would break the collateral estoppel rule), however the decision quickly awoke media frenzy and raised the fear of a need to register all websites that were regularly updated. The spokesman of the Polish Supreme Court later explained that the sentence of the Court was not intended to cause a mass registration of all Internet “periodicals” and that neither weblogs nor Internet sites, that were regularly updated, needed registration. Such an interpretation of the Polish press law did not appear clear based only on the original text of the judgment and the decision as such still raises serious practical questions. The article aims to examine the status of Internet logs as press and seeks the compromise between the concerns expressed by European authorities and the freedom of thought and speech exercised on the Internet.