996 resultados para Equatorial Guinea


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To reconstruct the deep-water circulation for the last 3.5 Ma from deep-sea sediments of the eastern equatorial Atlantic, sea floor morphology, sub-bottom reflectors and the echo character have been mapped on the basis of 3.5 kHz records and sediment cores. Physical properties of sediments and synthetic seismograms derived from them enable us to decipher reflector sequences in environments of pelagic, current-resuspended and turbidity sedimentation. The individual reflectors originate from carbonate dissolution, hiatus, coarse sand layers and interferences. Those which are related to carbonate dissolution and hiatus provide evidence of water-mass boundaries by their distribution. Five phases of different deep-water circulation can be seen in the record of th elast 3.5 Ma, and these are related to climate history: 1. Between 3.7 Ma and 2.2 Ma a strong deep-water circulation indicates a northward flow of bottom water below 4200 m (AABW = Antarctic-Bottom Water) and a southward flow of deep-water above 4200 m (NADW = North-Atlantic Deep Water). 2. Between 1.6 and 1.4 Ma a southward flow of bottom water below 4500 m and a diminished southward flow above 4500 m can be detected. This water-mass geometry can be interpreted by an expansion of the NADW-masses and a displacement of the AABW-masses during the same time. 3. Since 1.4 Ma a northward flow of a bottom-water current developed again. This current flow created a leeside sediment ridge in the southern part of the Kane Gap and furrows in the northern part of it. 4. Between 400,000 and 200,000 yrs B. P. the oceanic and atmospheric circulation increased. The strengthened oceanic circulation caused and increase in carbonate dissolution, which is documented by a traceable reflector from 2800 m to 4500 m water depth. At the same time an increase of the atmospheric circulation caused a drastic rise in the pelagic sediment accumulation (> 100 %) through an intensification of upwelling. This runs parallel with a higher oceanic productivity in the northern equatorial divergence zone and an enhanced supply of fluvial and probably eolian sediments from the Senegal and Guinea. 5. Before 10,000 yrs B. P. an erosive northward flowing bottom-water current prevailed below 4500 m water depth. After 10,000 yrs B.P. the bottom-water flow was sluggish and non erosive.


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The areas of marine pollen deposition are related to the pollen source areas by aeolian and fluvial transport regimes, whereas wind transport is much more important than river transport. Pollen distribution patterns of Pinus, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and Asteraceae Tubuliflorae trace atmospheric transport by the northeast trades. Pollen transport by the African Easterly Jet is reflected in the pollen distribution patterns of Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae Tubuliflorae, and Mitracarpus. Grass pollen distribution registers the latitudinal extension of Sahel, savannas and dry open forests. Marine pollen distribution patterns of Combretaceae-Melastomataceae, Alchornea, and Elaeis reflect the extension of wooded grasslands and transitional forests. Pollen from the Guinean-Congolian/Zambezian forest and from the Sudanian/Guinean vegetation zones mark the northernmost extension of the tropical rain forest. Rhizophora pollen in marine sediments traces the distribution of mangrove swamps. Only near the continent, pollen of Rhizophora, Mitracarpus, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, and pollen from the Sudanian and Guinean vegetation zones are transported by the Upwelling Under Current and the Equatorial Under Current, where those currents act as bottom currents. The distribution of pollen in marine sediments, reflecting the position of major climatic zones (desert, dry tropics, humid tropics), can be used in tracing climatic changes in the past.


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Als Alfred Merz mich aufforderte, die sedimentpetrographische Bearbeitung der "Meteor"-Expedition zu übernehmen, schwebte mir von vornherein als Ziel vor, die Sedimente nicht nur in größerer Zahl als bisher und im Zusammenhang mit den übrigen Wissenschaften vom Meer nach den bisherigen Untersuchungsmethoden zu beschreiben. Es war mir klar, daß neue Ergebnisse nur zu erwarten waren, wenn die Untersuchung der Sedimente und damit ihre Beschreibung auf Grund vertiefter und neuer Methoden unternommen wurde. Ich erhoffte von einer solchen verfeinerten Beschreibung auch ein klareres Bild der Abhängigkeit der Sedimente von ihrer Umwelt. Wir werden diese Abhängigkeit nur verstehen, wenn wir die allgemeinen Gesetzmäßigkeiten herausarbeiten können. Diese werden dann auch eine Anwendung auf andere Sedimente ermöglichen. Für solche Untersuchungen sind Tiefseesedimente günstig, weil wir bei ihnen relativ einfache Bildungsumstände haben, einfacher jedenfalls, als es in der Flachsee im allgemeinen der Fall ist, ungünstig aber, weil diese Umwelteinflüsse weniger bekannt und schwerer zu erforschen sind und die Auswahl der Untersuchungspunkte nicht nach sedimentpetrographischen Gesichtspunkten erfolgen konnte. Die ersten Jahre nach der Rückkehr von der Expedition wurden deshalb auf methodische Untersuchungen verwandt. Insbesondere kam es mir darauf an herauszubekommen, wie die feinsten Bestandteile der Sedimente zusammengesetzt sind. Diese "tonigen" Bestandteile bilden nicht nur den wesentlichen Anteil der Roten Tone und der Blauschlicke, wir finden sie auch, durch Kalk verdünnt, in den Globigerinenschlämmen wieder. Sie sind von der Wissenschaft bisher recht stiefmütterlich behandelt worden. Die Ausarbeitung der Methoden, die gerade auf diesem Gebiet Neuland betreten mußte, ließ sich nicht rasch erzwingen. Es kam hinzu, daß ich mir in Rostock erst meine Arbeitsmöglichkeiten schaffen mußte. Ich habe hier der Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft und der Mecklenburgischen Regierung für ihre Unterstützung mit Apparaten und Personal wärmstens zu danken. Ferner mußte als Vorbedingung für die Deutung der Sedimente zunächst festgestellt werden, zu welchen geologischen Zeiten sie gebildet worden sind und wie groß ihre Bildungsgeschwindigkeit überhaupt ist. Diese Untersuchungen hat W. Schott mit Hilfe der Foraminiferenfaunen als Notgemeinschaftsstipendiat durchgeführt. Diese Vorarbeiten, insbesondere der Ausbau der Methoden, hatten den Nachteil, daß die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse nicht so rasch erfolgen konnte, wie ich es selbst gewünscht hätte. Bald nachdem die Darstellung der Methoden und die Foraminiferenuntersuchungen als erste Lieferung erschienen waren, stellte es sich als notwendig heraus, eine beträchtliche Kürzung des restlichen Teiles vorzunehmen. Das hat zur Folge, daß die erste Lieferung breiter dargestellt ist als die Ergebnisse. Als die Nachricht von der Kürzung und dem notwendigen raschen Abschluß des Werkes mir bekannt wurde (Januar 1935), mußte eine Reihe von Untersuchungen eingestellt werden, insbesondere mikroskopische Untersuchungen, die besonders viel Zeit und in der Darstellung viel Raum beanspruchen. Deshalb ist systematisch nur das Guinea-Becken durch V. Leinz und das Kapverden-Becken durch O. E. Radczewski untersucht worden.


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From 27 January to 23 June 1979 R.V. "Meteor" surveyed the central equatorial Atlantic on a section along 22° W from 3° N to 2° S. During the observation period, a hydrographic section down to 600 m was repeated ten times with a continous "Howaldt-Bathysonde" CTD and a rosette sampler. The station distance was 10 to 15 nm. The water samples were used to recalibrate salinity and to determine oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll a. An undulating CTD system ("Delphin") was towed on 11 sections. A profiling distance of one to two nautical miles and a profile depth of 90 m was obtained. Five current meter arrys were moored along 22° W between 3° N and 1°S from January to March 1979. In May and June two moorings were installed at 2° N and at the equator. On the buoys measurements of wind speed and direction were obtained. At 43 stations a wire-guided Aanderaa profiling current meter was successfully lowered. Drifting buoy experiments were repeated three times with clusters of 5 to 10 buoys. A fourth experiment took place in 1978 in the Gulf of Guinea. On the way from and to XBT sections were carried out. The data sets obtained by these instruments are presented in this data report.


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Individual planktonic microfossil species, or assemblage groups of different species, are often used to, qualitatively and/or quantitatively, reconstruct past (sub)surface-water conditions of the world's oceans and seas. Until now, little information has been available on the surface sediment distribution patterns and paleoenvironmental reconstruction potential of coccolith, calcareous dinoflagellate cyst and organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the South and equatorial Atlantic, especially at the species level. This paper (i) summarizes the distributions of these three phytoplanktonic microfossil groups in numerous Atlantic surface sediments from 20°N-50°S and 30°E-65°W and determines their relationship with the physicochemical and trophic conditions of the overlying (sub)surface-waters, and (ii) determines the synecology of the three phytoplankton groups by carrying out statistical analyses (i.e. detrended and canonical correspondence analyses) on all groups simultaneously. Ecological relationships are additionally strengthened by statistically comparing the distribution patterns of the phytoplankton groups with those of planktonic foraminifera (Pflaumann et al. 1996; Niebler et al. 1998), as the ecological preferences of the latter are much better known. Many of the analyzed phytoplanktonic microfossil species or groups of species in the surface sediments do show restricted distributions which primarily reflect the environmental conditions of the upper water masses above them (e.g. sea-surface temperature, productivity, stratification). The acquired 'reference' data sets are large and diverse enough to allow future development of transfer functions for the reconstruction of past surface-water conditions, and show that there is still an enormous paleoenvironmental reconstruction potential concealed in many fossil coccolith and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages.


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At the turn of the century in Melbourne, a notice typed on the verso of a postcard stated that the South Yarra Baptist Young Men's class was meeting on the following Sunday at 2.45 p.m. The card, published in the United Kingdom, was numbered 51828 in the Valentine series of Papuan postcards.1 The image, a photograph of Hanuabada village taken in the early 1880s, and the text, written early in 1900, are contradictory and constitute separate realms of evidence that invite a renegotiation of meaning, analysis, and interpretation of the relationships between images, tourism, colonial rule, and ethnographic knowing. The visual evidence suggests the postcard may have played an ethnographic, educative role in the public understanding of Papua, which had just become an Australian Territory and was not yet well known. It is also suggestive of educative roles related to mission endeavours, subimperialist ambitions and the new tourist traffic through the ports of Port Moresby, Samarai, and Rabaul.