945 resultados para Environment theory


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An experiment was carried out to examine the impact on electrodermal activity of people when approached by groups of one or four virtual characters at varying distances. It was premised on the basis of proxemics theory that the closer the approach of the virtual characters to the participant, the greater the level of physiological arousal. Physiological arousal was measured by the number of skin conductance responses within a short time period after the approach, and the maximum change in skin conductance level 5 s after the approach. The virtual characters were each either female or a cylinder of human size, and one or four characters approached each subject a total of 12 times. Twelve male subjects were recruited for the experiment. The results suggest that the number of skin conductance responses after the approach and the change in skin conductance level increased the closer the virtual characters approached toward the participants. Moreover, these response variables were inversely correlated with the number of visits, showing a typical adaptation effect. There was some evidence to suggest that the number of characters who simultaneously approached (one or four) was positively associated with the responses. Surprisingly there was no evidence of a difference in response between the humanoid characters and cylinders on the basis of this physiological data. It is suggested that the similarity in this quantitative arousal response to virtual characters and virtual objects might mask a profound difference in qualitative response, an interpretation supported by questionnaire and interview results. Overall the experiment supported the premise that people exhibit heightened physiological arousal the closer they are approached by virtual characters.


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In this correspondence, we propose applying the hiddenMarkov models (HMM) theory to the problem of blind channel estimationand data detection. The Baum–Welch (BW) algorithm, which is able toestimate all the parameters of the model, is enriched by introducingsome linear constraints emerging from a linear FIR hypothesis on thechannel. Additionally, a version of the algorithm that is suitable for timevaryingchannels is also presented. Performance is analyzed in a GSMenvironment using standard test channels and is found to be close to thatobtained with a nonblind receiver.


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An experiment was carried out to examine the impact on electrodermal activity of people when approached by groups of one or four virtual characters at varying distances. It was premised on the basis of proxemics theory that the closer the approach of the virtual characters to the participant, the greater the level of physiological arousal. Physiological arousal was measured by the number of skin conductance responses within a short time period after the approach, and the maximum change in skin conductance level 5 s after the approach. The virtual characters were each either female or a cylinder of human size, and one or four characters approached each subject a total of 12 times. Twelve male subjects were recruited for the experiment. The results suggest that the number of skin conductance responses after the approach and the change in skin conductance level increased the closer the virtual characters approached toward the participants. Moreover, these response variables were inversely correlated with the number of visits, showing a typical adaptation effect. There was some evidence to suggest that the number of characters who simultaneously approached (one or four) was positively associated with the responses. Surprisingly there was no evidence of a difference in response between the humanoid characters and cylinders on the basis of this physiological data. It is suggested that the similarity in this quantitative arousal response to virtual characters and virtual objects might mask a profound difference in qualitative response, an interpretation supported by questionnaire and interview results. Overall the experiment supported the premise that people exhibit heightened physiological arousal the closer they are approached by virtual characters.


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Tämä diplomityö kirjoitettiin UPM- Kymmene konsernin UPM Net Services sa/nv osastolle Brysselissä ja Helsingissä. Työn aihe, Data communication in paper sales environment, määriteltiin käsittelemään paperin myyntijärjestelmään liittyviä aiheita. Nykyinen paperin myyntijärjestelmä on käsitelty ensin teoriassa ja aiheeseen kuuluvat ohjelmistotuotteet ja työkaluohjelmistot on esitelty. Parannuksia nykyiseen järjestelmään on pohdittu ohjelmistosuunnittelun, tehokkuuden, tiedon hallinnan, tietoturvallisuuden ja liiketoiminnan näkökulmista. Diplomityön käytännön osuudessa esitellään kaksi ohjelmistoa. Nämä ohjelmistot tehtiin UPM Net Services'lle, jotta saatiin kokemuksia viestin välitykseen perustuvasta tiedon siirrosta. Diplomityön johtopäätösosuudessa todetaan, että paperin myyntijärjestelmän tiedon siirto toimii luotettavasti nykyisessä järjestelmässä. Tulevaisuuden tarpeet ja parannukset ovat kuitenkin vaikeasti toteutettavissa nykyään käytettävin välinein. Erityisesti internetin hyödyntäminen nähdään tärkeänä, mutta se on vaikeasti otettavissa käyttöön nykyisessä järjestelmässä. Viestin välitykseen perustuvat järjestelmät ovat osoittautuneet käytännössä toimiviksi ja tärkein kehitysehdotus onkin viestin välitysjärjestelmän käyttöönotto.


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Sperm competition theory predicts semen characteristics to be affected by the social environment. We used the polygamous horse (Equus caballus) to experimentally study within-subject plasticity in response to different social environments. Stallions were sequentially exposed, over a period of 8 weeks each, to other stallions and then singly to mares, or vice versa (in adjacent boxes separated by grills). Ejaculates were collected to determine semen characteristics. Highest sperm numbers were found in stallions that were first exposed to other stallions and then to mares, while lowest sperm numbers were observed in stallions that had been exposed to mares but not yet to other stallions. One of three sperm velocity measures (curvilinear velocity) was consistently elevated in stallions that were first exposed to stallions and then to mares. Sperm number after exposure to mares and curvilinear sperm velocity after exposure to stallions were both positively correlated to average blood testosterone levels during the corresponding period of exposure. We conclude that ejaculate characteristics are plastic traits affected by the social environment in horses.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on laadullisin menetelmin syventää tietoa työikäisten (28–60-vuotiaiden) suomalaisten kvantitatiivisesti mitatun koherenssin tunteen takana olevista tekijöistä. Tutkimuksella halutaan tuottaa aineistolähtöisesti tietoa siitä, mitkä käsitteet kuvaavat tutkittavien kerrottujen elämänkokemusten kautta selvitettyä koherenssin tunnetta ja samalla lisäämään ymmärrystä Antonovskyn salutogeenisesta teoreettisesta mallista. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat Health and Social Support tutkimukseen vuosina 1998 ja 2003 osallistuneita. Koko kyseinen tutkimusotos edusti vuonna 1998 20–24, 30–34, 40–44 ja 50–54 -vuotiasta Suomen väestöä. Tutkimuksen metodina käytettiin glaserilaista grounded theory -metodologiaa. Tutkimuksen aineistonkeruu toteutettiin kolmessa eri vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa haastateltiin 27 tutkittavaa. Toisessa vaiheessa haastateltavilta kerättiin lisäaineistoa kirjallisesti. Kahdeksan vastasi tähän pyyntöön. Kolmannessa vaiheessa haastateltiin seitsemää. Haastattelujen yhteydessä haastateltavat täyttivät koherenssin tunteen mittarin (13-osainen). Aineisto analysoitiin koherenssipisteiden mukaisesti kolmena eri aineistona. Tulokseksi saatiin substantiivinen teoria. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kuvattiin sosiaalinen perusprosessi, joka nimitettiin Elämän kokonaisuudeksi tässä hetkessä. Sosiaalisen perusprosessin sisällä on typologia. Jokaisesta koherenssipisteryhmästä muodostettiin oma typologia. Kukin typologia sisälsi neljä tyyppiä. Sosiaalisen perusprosessin vaiheet olivat: ehdot tämän hetken taustalla, eläminen ehtojen varassa ja uusia luoden (tietynlainen ihminen, eläminen tässä hetkessä, kokonaisnäkemys elämästä) sekä jatkaminen ehtojen varassa ja uusia luoden. Typologiat ovat nimeltään eheät, pärjäävät ja sinnittelijät. Haastateltavien kokemuksia ei analyysivaiheessa pyritty liittämään tiettyyn kontekstiin, vaan ne liittyivät toimintaan ja käyttäytymiseen. Tulosten tarkasteluvaiheessa tehtiin kuitenkin lyhyt kuvaus elämänkulkututkimuksesta sekä sosiaalisesta ja kulttuurisesta ympäristöstä. Tutkimustulokset ovat kuvailevia ja niiden perusteella saadaan viitteitä siitä, millaiset asiat ovat yhteydessä koherenssin tunteeseen ja millä tavalla yhteys rakentuu. Saatu substantiivinen teoria on pätevä tässä aineistossa. Tulokset noudattelevat Antonovskyn salutogeenista teoreettista mallia siltä osin, että mitä korkeammat koherenssipisteet olivat, sitä enemmän typologiassa oli eheyttä lisääviä tekijöitä. Eheys tuo elämään henkistä liikkumavaraa, jota typologian tyypit (rakentava, ilmavasti elävä, elämänmyönteinen, juureva realisti) ilmentävät. Typologioiden kuvauksista voidaan lukea, että kaikissa tyypeissä kuvataan vaikeita elämänkokemuksia. Olennaista on se, miten näihin vaikeuksiin suhtaudutaan. Eheillä on parhaat edellytykset käsitellä elämän haasteita. Voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että kaikki tähän tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat selviytyjiä.


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Insufficient understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities characterizes entrepreneurship research (Companys & McMullen 2006, 302). Subsequently, the purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of entrepreneurial opportunity and to explore and synthetize the integrated theory of entrepreneurial opportunity. A theoretical and concept analytical approach was adapted. Findings of this study was that entrepreneurial opportunity concept was used for variety of different phenomena. No commonly accepted definition existed. Altogether 24 attributes that described the concept were found. The most frequently attached attributes were agent and action, new goods and services, market, value, new means ends or both, and future. Further, the results implied that opportunity could be best understood as a part of a process. Opportunity emerges out of intervened factors. Changes in the environment together with factors related to knowledge, cognition and social ties are the most important drivers of opportunity. Preventing factors that impeded the emergence of opportunity were typically related to cognitive and organizational factors. This study found a tendency towards more integrated theory of entrepreneurial opportunity. The integrated theory acknowledged the usefulness of both discovery and creation theories of opportunity in explaining opportunity. Yet three argument types of integrating two different opportunity theories were identified. These were process category, contextual category and complementing category. Opportunity is at the same time cognitive, social and linguistic construct, although it is shaped by the objective environment. Opportunity requires linguistic endeavors to become explicit. Materialization of opportunity occurs in a social context. Moreover, it is always characterized by some extent of subjectivity, as opportunities cannot appear without the agent and their action. Due to these the concept remains always to some extent ambiguous. Tolerating and harnessing change and investing in human and social capital create the preeminent environment for the entrepreneurial opportunity to be identified.


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The purpose of this study is based on the need of finding what kind of problems Finnish SMEs face in Russian market and how they could be supported. Used support activities in certain levels of internationalization and internationalization patterns are evaluated, international experience of entrepreneur is compared to used support activities and the most challenging pillars in Russia from the Institutional Theory are defined. The empirical part of the study is a semi structured qualitative analysis of ten case companies that represent different industry fields. All of them are SMEs and they represent different levels of internationalization and internationalization patterns. The results of this study indicated that usefulness of support activities have to be evaluated case by case. All the companies are individual organizations and usefulness of support activities have to be evaluated according to the actual situation of the company. International experience of manager has effect on the use of support activities. SMEs identified many problems related to pillars of Institutional theory and regulative environment seems to be the most challenging one.


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This study discusses the evolution of an omni-channel model in managing customer experience. The purpose of this thesis is to expand the current academic literature available on omni-channel and offer suggestions for omni-channel creation. This is done by studying the features of an omni-channel approach into engaging with customers and through the sub-objectives of describing the process behind its initiation as well as the special features communication service providers need to take in consideration. Theories used as a background for this study are related to customer experience, channel management, omni-channel and finally change management. The empirical study of this thesis consists of seven expert interviews conducted in a case company. The interviews were held between March and November 2014. One of the interviewees is the manager of an omni-channel development team, whilst the rest were in charge of the management of the various customer channels of the company. The organization and analysis of the interview data was conducted topically. The use of themes related to major theories on the subject was utilized to create linkages between theory and practice. The responses were also organized in two groups based on the viewpoint to map responses related to the company perspective as well as the customers´ perspective. The findings in this study are that omni-channel is among the best tools for companies to respond to the challenge induced by changing customer needs and preferences, as well as intensifying competitive environment. The omni-channel model was found to promote excellent customer experience and thus to be a source of competition advantage and increasing financial returns by creating an omni-experience for the customer. Through omniexperience customers see all of the transactions with a company presenting one brand and providing ease and effortlessness in every encounter. The processes behind omni-channel formulation were identified as customer experience proclaimed as the most important strategic goal, mapping and establishing a unified brand experience in all (service) channels and empowering the first line personnel as the gate keepers of omniexperience. Further the tools, measurement and supporting strategies were to be in accordance with the omni-channel strategy and the customer needs to become a partner in a two way transaction with the firm. Based on these findings a model for omni-channel creation is offered. Future research is needed to firstly, further test these findings and expand the theoretical framework on omni-channel, as it is quite scarce to date and secondly, to increase the generalizability of the model suggested.


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ABSTRACT The present study aims to evaluate crop, pasture and forest land prices in Brazil, between 1994 and 2010, in the light of Post-Keynesian theory. The results provide evidence that land, more than just a simple factor of production, must be conceived of as an economic asset. In fact, the price of rural land is determined not only by the expected profitability deriving from agricultural activities but also by the agents' expectations about its future appreciation and liquidity in an economic environment permeated with uncertainty. In this context, as an object of speculation, land has been particularly important as a store of value.


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Tutkimus sai innoituksensa, kun tutkija huomasi tarpeen liiketaloudelliselle, ajantasaiselle ja realistiselle tutkimukselle Pohjois-Korean markkinoista, joka kuvailisi markkinoiden olemassaolevia ja puuttuvia rakenteita sekä tutkisi mahdollisuuksia ylittää puuttuvat rakenteet. Institutionaalinen teoria valittiin sopivaksi viitekehykseksi kuvailla ja tutkia markkinarakennetta. Tutkimuskysymys muotoiltiin seuraavasti: “Miten ulkomaiset yritykset voivat reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin Pohjois-Koreassa?”. Tutkimuskysymys jaettiin kolmeen osakysymykseen: (1) Millainen on Pohjois-Korean markkinoiden institutionaalinen ympäristö? (2) Mitkä ovat merkittävimmät puuttuvat markkinarakenteet Pohjois-Koreassa? (3) Mitä mahdollisuuksia ulkomaisilla yrityksillä voisi olla reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin? Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena, koska tutkimuskysymys on deskriptiivinen. Aineisto kerättiin asiantuntijahaastattelun ja kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Primääriaineiston muodostavat 2 asiantuntijahaastattelua ja sekundääriaineiston muodostavat 95 artikkelia, jotka kerättiin 40 lähteestä. Aineisto analysoitiin kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Aineisto koodattiin, luokiteltiin ja esitettiin kokonaisuuksina luokittelurungon avulla, joka laadittiin tutkimusta varten muodostetun teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaan. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset voidaan tiivistää seuraavasti. (1) Pohjois-Korean markkinan instituutioihin vaikuttaa kaksoisrakenne, jossa muodollinen, sosialistinen rakenne ja epämuodollinen, markkinalähtöinen rakenne toimivat päällekkäin. (2) Puuttuvia rakenteita on sekä markkinan kontekstissa että markkinatasolla. Puutteet ovat osittain seurausta vanhojen rakenteiden korvaantumisesta uusilla, jotka eivät ole institutionalisoituneet. (3) Yritykset voivat käyttää samoja mahdollisuuuksia reagoida puuttuviin markkinarakenteisiin Pohjois-Koreassa, joita kehittyvien markkinoiden yhteydessä on esitetty. Sen tulkittiin vähentävän käsitystä, jonka mukaan Pohjois-Korean markkina on liian erikoinen yritystoiminnalle. (4) Kasvava keskiluokka sekä yrittäjyyden ja naisten yhä merkittävämpi rooli liike-elämässä aiheuttavat alhaalta ylöspäin suuntautuvaa kehitystä markkinoilla. Nämä ovat merkkejä viimeaikaisesta kehityksestä, jotka eivät ole saaneet laajaa huomiota länsimaisessa mediassa. Se korostaa tarvetta liiketaloudelliselle, ajantasaiselle jatkotutkimukselle Pohjois-Korean markkinoista.


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The research was sparked by an exchange in South Korea, as the author identified a gap in research that provides economic, up to date and realistic information about the North Korean market in English language. A need for a research was identified that would describe the market’s existing and missing market structures and explore possibilities to overcome the missing market structures. Institutional theory was chosen as a suitable framework to describe and explore the market. The research question was formulated as follows: “How can foreign companies overcome institutional voids in the North Korean market?”. To answer the research question, it was divided into three sub-questions as follows: (1) What is the institutional environment in North Korea like? (2) What are the major institutional voids in the North Korean market? (3) What possibilities do foreign companies have to overcome institutional voids? The research is qualitative by nature due to the descriptive and exploratory nature of the research question. Data collection consisted of expert interview and content analysis, resulting in primary data of two interviews and secondary data of 95 articles from 40 different sources. The data was analyzed with the systematical technique of content analysis. The data was coded, classified and presented as concepts with the help of a classification system that was build following the theoretical framework adapted for this study. The findings can be summarized as follows. (1) The market institutions are characterized by an overlapping dual system of formal, socialist structures and informal, market-oriented structures. (2) Institutional voids prevail on both the market’s contextual and on the market level. They are partly result of old institutions being replaced by new institutions that lack institutionalization. (3) Identified possibilities to overcome institutional voids correspond with possibilities drawn from previous research. This decreases the image of North Korea as an impossibly unique market to operate in. (4) Emerging middle class, rapidly growing entrepreneurial activities and women’s increasing role in business drive a down-to-up change in the market. This signals the recent development of the market, yet has been overlooked in the Western media. Thus there is a need for further economic, up to date research concerning North Korea.


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Dignity is seen important in health care context but considered as a controversial and complex concept. In health care context, it is described as being influenced by for example autonomy, respect, communication, privacy and hospital environment. Patient dignity is related to satisfaction with care, reduced stress, better confidence in health services, enhanced patient outcomes and shorter stay in a hospital. Stroke patients may struggle for dignity as being dependent on other people has impact on the patients’ self-image. In all, stroke patients are very specific patient group and considered vulnerable from emotional aspect. Therefore study findings from other patient groups in the area of ethical problems cannot be transferred to the stroke patients. This master’s thesis consists of two parts. The first part is the literature review of patients’ dignity in hospital care. The literature defined dignity and described factors promoting and reducing it. The results were ambiguous and thus a clear understanding was not able to create. That was the basis for the second part of the master’s thesis, the empirical study. This part aimed to develop theoretical construction to explore the realization of stroke patients’ dignity in hospital care. The data of the second part was collected by interviewing 16 stroke patients and analyzed using the constant comparison of Grounded Theory. The result was ‘The Theory of Realization of Stroke Patients’ Dignity in Hospital Care’ which is described not only in this master’s thesis but also as a scientific article. The theory consists of the core category, four generic elements and five specific types on realization. The core category emerged as ‘dignity in a new situation’. After a stroke, dignity is defined in a new way which is influenced by the generic elements: life history, health history, individuality and a stroke. Stroke patient’s dignity is realized through five specific types on realization: person related dignity type, control related dignity type, independence related dignity type, social related dignity type and care related dignity type. The theory points out possible special characteristics of stroke patients’ dignity in control related dignity type and independence related dignity type. Before implementing the theory, the relation between the core category, generic elements and specific types on realization needs to be studied further.


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The last several decades have been marked by tremendous changes in education - technological, pedagogical, administrative, and social. These changes have led to considerable increments in the budgets devoted to professional development for teachers ~ with the express purpose of helping them accommodate their practices to the new realities oftheir classrooms. However, research has suggested that, in spite of the emphasis placed on encouraging sustained change in teaching practices, little has been accomplished. This begs the question of what ought to be done to not only reverse this outcome, but contribute to transformational change. The literature suggests some possibilities including: a) considering teachers as learners and applying what, is known about cognition and learning; b) modifying the location and nature ofprofessional development so that it is authentic, based in the classroom and focusing on tasks meaningful to the teacher; c) attending to the infrastructure underlying professional development; and d) ensuring opportunities for reflective practice. This dissertation looks at the impact of each ofthese variables through an analysis ofthe learning journeys of a group ofteachers engaged in a program called GrassRoots in one midsized school board in Ontario. Action research was conducted by the researcher in his role as consultant facilitating teacher professional growth around the use of Web sites as culminating performance tasks by students. Research focused on the pedagogical approach to the learning of the teachers involved and the infrastructure underlying their learning. Using grounded theory, a model for professional development was developed that can be used in the future to inform practices and, hopefully, lead to sustained transformational school change.


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This essay reviews the decision-making process that led to India exploding a nuclear device in May, 1974. An examination of the Analytic, Cybernetic and Cognitive Theories of decision, will enable a greater understanding of the events that led up to the 1974 test. While each theory is seen to be only partially useful, it is only by synthesising the three theories that a comprehensive account of the 1974 test can be given. To achieve this analysis, literature on decision-making in national security issues is reviewed, as well as the domestic and international environment in which involved decisionmakers operated. Finally, the rationale for the test in 1974 is examined. The conclusion revealed is that the explosion of a nuclear device by India in 1974 was primarily related to improving Indian international prestige among Third World countries and uniting a rapidly disintegrating Indian societal consensus. In themselves, individual decision-making theories were found to be of little use, but a combination of the various elements allowed a greater comprehension of the events leading up to the test than might otherwise have been the case.