999 resultados para Energy Transitions


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Visible frequency upconversion emission through resonant energy-transfer involving neodymium and praseodymium ions in PbGeO3-PbF2-CdF2 glass excited by a semiconductor laser at 8 10 nm is investigated. Luminescence emission centered around 485, 530, 610, and 645 nm, which correspond to the P-3(0) -> H-3(4), P-3(1) + I-1(6) -> H-3(5), P-3(0) -> H-3(6) and P-1(0) -> F-3(2) transitions of praseodymium ions, respectively, are observed. The upconversion excitation of the Pr3+ ions excited-state emitting levels was accomplished by means of an ion-pair interaction involving ground-state absorption, multiphonon relaxation, and excited-state absorption of pump photons at 8 10 nm by the Nd3+ (I-4(9/2) -> H-2(9/2), F-4(5/2); F-4(3/2) -> P-2(1/2)) and direct energy-transfer to Pr3+ ((4)G(11/2) + K-2(11/2), H-3(4) -> I-4(9/2), P-3(1) + I-1(6)). The dependence of the upconversion emission intensity upon the excitation power, and neodymium concentration are also examined. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The optical properties of cubic GaN epitaxial layers were investigated by modulated photoreflectance (PR) and photoluminescence in the temperature interval from 5 to 300 K. The epilayers were grown on GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy using a nitrogen RIF-activated plasma source. The PR spectra show a transition which is well fitted using the third-derivative functional form of the unperturbed dielectric function, which we interpret as band-to-band transition. Our results allow determination of the temperature dependence of the main gap of c-GaN and give insights into the residual strain in the film, as well as allow us to estimate the binding energy of the complex formed by an exciton bound to a neutral acceptor. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the infrared-to-visible frequency upconversion in Er3+-Yb3+-codoped PbO-GeO2 glass containing silver nanoparticles (NPs). The optical excitation is made with a laser at 980 nm in resonance with the F-2(5/2)-> F-2(7/2) transition of Yb3+ ions. Intense emission bands centered at 525, 550, and 662 nm were observed corresponding to Er3+ transitions. The simultaneous influence of the Yb3+-> Er3+ energy transfer and the contribution of the intensified local field effect due to the silver NPs give origin to the enhancement of the whole frequency upconversion spectra.


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The theory of vibronic transitions in rare earth compounds is re-examined in the light of a more reliable representation for the ligand field Hamiltonian than the crude electrostatic model. General expressions that take into account the relevant contributions from the forced electric dipole and dynamic coupling mechanisms are derived for the vibronic intensity parameters. These include additional terms, from charge and polarizability gradients, which have not been considered in previous work. Emphasis is given to the relative signs of these various contributions. Under certain approximations these expressions may be conveniently written in terms of accessible ligand field parameters. A comparison with experimental values for the compounds Cs2NaEuCl6 and LiEuF4 is made and satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment is found. A discussion is given on the sensitivity of the calculated intensities to the values of radial integrals, interconfigurational energy differences and ligand field parameters that may be used. Finally, the problem in which a vibronic and an electronic level are in resonance, or near resonance, is analyzed. Suitable expressions to describe the effects of the even-rank components of the vibronic Hamiltonian are obtained. It is found that, depending on the strength of the vibronic interaction and the resonance conditions, the admixture between these two levels may lead to intensities of nearly equal values. © 1995.


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The models of translationally invariant infinite nuclear matter in the relativistic mean field models are very interesting and simple, since the nucleon can connect only to a constant vector and scalar meson field. Can one connect these to the complicated phase transitions of QCD? For an affirmative answer to this question, one must consider models where the coupling contstants to the scalar and vector fields depend on density in a nonlinear way, since as such the models are not explicitly chirally invariant. Once this is ensured, indeed one can derive a quark condensate indirectly from the energy density of nuclear matter which goes to zero at large density and temperature. The change to zero condensate indicates a smooth phase transition. © Springer-Verlag 1996.


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The photoluminescence features and the energy transfer processes of Nd3+-based siloxanepoly(oxyethylene) hybrids are reported. The host matrix of these materials, classed as di-ureasils, is formed by a siloxane backbone covalently bonded to polyether chains of two molecular weights by means of urea cross-links. The room-temperature photoluminescence spectra of these xerogels show a wide broad purple-blue-green band (350-570 nm), associated with the emitting centres of the di-ureasil host, and the typical near infrared emission of Nd3+ (700-1400 nm), assigned to the 4F3/2 → 4I9/2,11/2,13/2 transitions. Self-absorptions in the visible range, resonant with intra-4f3 transitions, indicate the existence of an energy conversion mechanism of visible di-ureasil emission into near infrared Nd3+ luminescence. The existence of energy transfer between the di-ureasil's emitting centres and the Nd3+ ions is demonstrated calculating the lifetimes of these emitting centres. The efficiency of that energy transfer changes both with the polymer molecular weight and the Nd3+ concentration.


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Phonon-assisted cooperative energy transfer and frequency upconversion (UC) in Yb3+/Tb3+ codoped fluoroindate glass were investigated. Anti-Stokes quasiresonant excitation of Yb3+ ions was used to study the influence of multiphonon transitions in the UC process. A rate equation model was used to describe the temperature dependence of the UC emission intensities and the theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental data.


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The spectroscopic properties of Tm3+-doped fluoroindate glasses (FIG) were described by single wavelength pumping in the red region. The Judd-Ofelt (J-O) theory was used to obtain the quantum efficiency of the 4f-4f transitions and other spectroscopic parameters. The dynamics of the fluorescence was investigated and energy transfer (ET) processes among Tm3+ ions were studied. The results indicate that a two-step one-photon absorption process is responsible for the ultraviolet upconversion (UC) emissions, and dipole-dipole interaction provides the main contribution for ET rate is equal to the decay rate of noninteracting among active ions.


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In this report we investigate the optical properties and energy-transfer upconversion luminescence of Ho3+- and Tb3+/Yb 3+-codoped PbGeO3-PbF2-CdF2 glass-ceramic under infrared excitation. In Ho3+/Yb 3+-codoped sample, green(545 nm), red(652 nm), and near-infrared(754 nm) upconversion luminescence corresponding to the 4S 2(5F4) → 5I8, 5F5 → 5I8, and 4S2(5F4) → 5I 7, respectively, was readly observed. Blue(490 nm) signals assigned to the 5F2,3 → 5I8 transition was also detected. In the Tb3+/Yb3+ system, bright UV-visible emission around 384, 415, 438, 473-490, 545, 587, and 623 nm, identified as due to the 5D3(5G6) → 7FJ(J=6,5,4) and 5D4→ 7FJ(J=6,5,4,3) transitions, was measured. The comparison of the upconversion process in glass ceramic and its glassy precursor revealed that the former samples present much higher upconversion efficiencies. The dependence of the upconversion emission upon pump power, and doping contents was also examined. The results indicate that successive energy-transfer between ytterbium and holmium ions and cooperative energy-transfer between ytterbium and terbium ions followed by excited-state absorption are the dominant upconversion excitation mechanisms herein involved. The viability of using the samples for three-dimensional solid-state color displays is also discussed.


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Blue and ultraviolet luminescence in (Pr3+, Gd3+) doped fluoroindate glass is studied for excitation in the red region (≈590 nm). Frequency upconversion (UC) is observed due to energy transfer (ET) among three Pr3+ ions initially excited to the D21 state corresponding to the ET process D21 + D21 + D21 → S01 + H53 + H53. Additionally, UC luminescence from states P 72 6 and I 72 6 of Gd3+ is observed for an excitation wavelength resonant with transitions of the Pr3+ ions. The characterization of the luminescence signals allowed to determine ET rate among the Pr3+ ions and provides evidence of interconfigurational ET between Gd3+ and Pr3+ ions. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The phase transitions that occur in the Cu-22.26 at.%Al-9.93 at.%Mn and Cu-22.49 at.%Al-10.01 at.%Mn-1.53 at.%Ag alloys after slow cooling were studied using differential scanning calorimetry at different heating rates, microhardness changes with temperature, magnetization changes with temperature, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersion X-ray spectroscopy. The results indicated that the presence of Ag does not modify the transition sequence of Cu-Al-Mn alloy, introduces a new transition due to the (Ag-Cu)-rich precipitates dissolution at about 800 K, and changes the mechanism of DO 3 phase dissolution. This mechanistic change was analyzed and a sequence of phase transitions was proposed for the reaction. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Processes involving visible to infrared energy conversion are presented for Pr3+-Yb3+ co-doped fluoroindate glasses. The emission in the visible and infrared regions, the luminescence decay time of the Pr 3+:3P0 → 3H4 (482 nm), Pr3+:1D2 → 3H6 (800 nm), Yb3+:2F5/2 → 2F 7/2 (1044 nm) transitions and the photoluminescence excitation spectra were measured in Pr3+ samples and in Pr3+-Yb 3+ samples as a function of the Yb3+ concentration. In addition, energy transfer efficiencies were estimated from Pr3+: 3P0 and Pr3+:1D2 levels to Yb3+:2F7/2 level. Down-Conversion (DC) emission is observed due to a combination of two different processes: 1-a one-step cross relaxation (Pr3+:3P0 → 1G4; Yb3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2) resulting in one photon emitted by Pr3+ (1G4 → 3H5) and one photon emitted by Yb3+ (2F7/2 → 2F5/2); 2-a resonant two-step first order energy transfer, where the first part of energy is transferred to Yb3+ neighbor through cross relaxation (Pr3+:3P0 → 1G4; Yb3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2) followed by a second energy transfer step (Pr 3+:1G4 → 3H4; Yb3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2). A third process leading to one IR photon emission to each visible photon absorbed involves cross relaxation energy transfer (Pr3+: 1D2 → 3F4; Yb 3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2). © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work, we report a theoretical and experimental investigation of the energy transfer mechanism in two isotypical 2D coordination polymers, (infinity)[(Tb1-xEux)(DPA)(HDPA)], where H(2)DPA is pyridine 2,6-dicarboxylic acid and x = 0.05 or 0.50. Emission spectra of (infinity)[(Tb0.95Eu0.05)(DPA)(HDPA)] and (infinity)[(Tb0.5Eu0.5)(DPA)(HDPA)], (I) and (2), show that the high quenching effect on Tb3+ emission caused by Eu3+ ion indicates an efficient Tb3+-> Eu3+ energy transfer (ET). The k(ET) of Tb3+-> Eu3+ ET and rise rates (k(r)) of Eu3+ as a function of temperature for (1) are on the same order of magnitude, indicating that the sensitization of the Eu3+5D0 level is highly fed by ET from the D-5(4) level of Tb3+ ion. The eta(ET) and R-0 values vary in the 67-79% and 7.15 to 7.93 angstrom ranges. Hence, Tb3+ is enabled to transfer efficiently to Eu3+ that can occupy the possible sites at 6.32 and 6.75 angstrom. For (2), the ET processes occur on average with eta(ET) and R-0 of 97% and 31 angstrom, respectively. Consequently, Tb3+ ion is enabled to transfer energy to Eu3+ localized at different layers. The theoretical model developed by Malta was implemented aiming to insert more insights about the dominant mechanisms involved in the ET between lanthanides ions. Calculated single Tb3+-> Eu3+ ETs are three orders of magnitude inferior to those experimentally; however, it can be explained by the theoretical model that does not consider the role of phonon assistance in the Ln(3+)-> Ln(3+) ET processes. In addition, the Tb3+-> Eu3+ ET processes are predominantly governed by dipole-dipole (d-d) and dipole-quadrupole (d-q) mechanisms.