999 resultados para Electrochemical mechanism


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In the presence of F-, OH-, Cl-, electrochemical redox of (OEP)Mg(II) [2,3, 7,8,12,13,17,18 octaethyl-21H, 23H-porphine magnesium (II)] are investigated in DCE/0.1 mol/L solution by cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry, In the presence of anions, anions are axially coordinated to (OEP)Mg(II) generate (OEP)Mg(II)Y, the E-1/2 of (OEP)MS(II)Y oxidation are negatively shifted. A chemical reaction following the second oxidation step is observed, the E-1/2 of the reaction product is obtained. Mechanism of (OEP)Mg(II) in the halogen and OH- anions titration process has been proposed.


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The adsorption of an electroinactive product greatly influences an irreversible electrochemical reaction in three ways, including self-block, self-inhibition, and self-acceleration, and changes not only the heterogeneous electron-transfer rate constant but also the modified formal potential and electron-transfer coefficient of the electrochemical reaction. In order to study these adsorption effects, a double logarithmic method was suggested to be used in processing the potential-controlled thin layer spectroelectrochemical data. The result shows three types of double logarithmic plots for three kinds of adsorption effects. These double logarithmic plots can be a diagnostic criterion of the adsorption effects and enable us to determine some thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. The combination of nonlinear regression with double logarithmic method is a convenient way to examine the suggested mechanism and to extract more information from the limited experimental data. Some examples are given to test the theoretical results. (C) 1999 The Electrochemical Society. S0013-4651(98)05-012-5. All rights reserved.


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A simple double logarithmic method in potential-controlled thin-layer spectroelectrochemistry for an irreversible electrochemical process has been studied by numerical analysis and examined by experimental examples. This simple algorithm has a novel function offering some important information about the mechanism of a complex electrochemical process directly from a limited amount of potential-spectrum data, and can be used to distinguish different reaction mechanisms such as E, EC, EE, as well as to determine the electron-transfer coefficient, a, and the kinetically modified E-0'. Combination of the double logarithmic method with nonlinear regression provides a powerful tool to examine the proposed mechanism and also to estimate other thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. (C) 1999 The Electrochemical Society. S0013-4651(98)06-090-X. All rights reserved.


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Electrocatalytic mechanism for the electrochemical oxidation of formaldehyde (HCHO) on the highly dispersed Au microparticles electrodeposited on the surface of the glass carbon (GC) electrode in the alkaline Na2CO3/NaHCO3 solution and the surface characteristics of the Au microparticle-modified glass carbon (Au/GC) electrode were studied with in situ FTIR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that the final products of HCHO oxidation is HCOO- at the Au/GC electrode and CO2 at the bulk Au electrode. The difference may be ascribed to the different surface characteristics between the Au/GC electrode and the bulk Au electrode. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrochemical redox behavior of noradrenaline in alkaline solution on a glassy carbon electrode has been investigated by in situ UV-vis and CD spectroelectrochemistry by using a long optical path thin-layer cell. The experimental data were processed by using a double logarithmic method of analysis together with nonlinear regression which confirmed that the first step in both the oxidation of noradrenaline and reduction of noradrenochrome is a two-electron irreversible process governed by an EE mechanism. The kinetic parameters of the electrode reactions, i.e., charge transfer coefficient and the number of electrons transferred, alpha(1)n(1) = 0.11 and alpha(2)n(2) = 0.23, formal potentials modified with kinetics, E-1(0') = 0.65 (+/- 0.01) V and E-2(0') = 0.72V and standard rate cnstants, k(1)(0) = 7.0(+/-0.5)x10(-5) cm s(-1), for the first and second steps in the oxidation process of noradrenaline, and similarly, alpha(1)n(1) = 0.33, alpha(2)n(2) = 0.58, E-1(0') = 0.37(+/-0.01) V, E-0' = -0.25 (+/-0.01) V and k(1)(0) approximate to k(2)(0) = 1.06 (+/-0.05)x10(-4) cm s(-1) for the first and second steps in the reduction process of noradrenochrome were also determined.


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Gramicidin within the lipid bilayer matrix is a well-known channel-forming polypeptide, but the mechanism of the ions across the membrane induced by gramicidin is not well understood. We found that at very low concentration of gramicidin in a bilayer lipid membrane, the channel behavior was controlled by the voltage applied across the membrane. When the voltage is higher than 75 mV, the channel is closing, while lower than 75 mV, the channel is opening. But when the concentration of the gramicidin in the BLMs is high, the channel behavior is changed into voltage-independent. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical and adsorption behaviors of riboflavin (RF) at gold electrodes has ken studied by using an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). Useful information is obtained not only about electrochemical behavior but also about mass changes on the electrode surface. The electrochemical properties and frequency shifts were investigated in RF solutions at different pH values, concentrations and scan rates. Reversible voltammograms were observed for pH less than or equal to 9.71. There was no electrochemical reaction for pH > 9.71. The maximum current response was obtained at about pH 8. The current response was proportional to the square root of scan rates when the concentration of RF was lower than 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1 (pH 6.92). On the contrary, at concentrations higher than 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1 (pH 6.92), it was proportional to the scan rates.


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It was found that cyanocobinamide (CN-Cbi) can be reduced at about -0.50V. The reduction process has an EC mechanism, i.e. the electrochemical reduction of CN-Cbi is accompanied by a decyanation of CN-Cbi. The electrochemical characteristics of CN-Cbi and vitamin B-12 were compared.


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The ion exchange mechanism accompanying the oxidation/reduction processes of cupric hexacyanoferrate-modified platinum electrodes in different aqueous electrolyte solutions has been studied by means of in situ probe beam deflection and the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique. The results demonstrate that the charge neutrality of the film during the reoxidation/reduction process is accomplished predominantly by the movement of cations, but anions and/or solvent are also participator(s). Moreover, in KHC8H4O4 (potassium biphthalate) solution, the EQCM data obtained from chronoamperometry experiment are more complicated than those in KCl and K2SO4 solutions. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The electrochemical studies on vitamin B-12 and its derivatives were reviewed in this paper. The importance of electrochemical studies for explaining the mechanism of B-12 coenzyme in body was discussed. The latest results of electrochemical studies on vitamin B-12 and its derivatives was reviewed. A prospect for the electrochemical studies in vitamin B-12 and its derivatives was suggested.


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Cyclic voltammetry was employed to study the influence of sterols on the lipophilic ion transport through the BLM. The mole fraction of the sterols (cholesterol, oxidized cholesterol). as referred to total lipid, was varied in a range of 0-0.8. Data demonstrate that a thin-layer model is suitable to this BLM system. By this model, the number of charges transported per lipophilic ion, the concentration of the ion in the membrane bulk phase and the aqueous/membrane phase partition coefficient could be calculated. These parameters proved that sterols had an obvious influence on the lipophilic ion transport. Cholesterol had a stronger influence on the ion transport than oxidized cholesterol. Its incorporation into egg lecithin membranes increased the partition coefficient beta of the ion up to more than 3-fold. Yet, oxidized cholesterol incorporated into egg lecithin membranes only increased the beta up to less than 2-fold, and the beta had no great variation at different oxidized cholesterol mole fractions. The higher beta obtained was partly due to the trace amount of solvent existing in the core of the lipid bilayers. At the different sterol mole fractions, combining the change of beta with the change of peak current, we also concluded that sterols had somewhat inhibiting effect on the ion transport at the higher sterols mole fraction (>0.4). These results are explained in terms of the possible change of dipole potential of the membrane produced by sterols and the decrease of the membrane fluidity caused by the condensation effect of sterols and the thinning effect caused by sterols. The substituting group (in the oxidized cholesterol) had some inhibiting effects on the ion transport at higher mole fractions (oxidized cholesterol mole fraction >0.4).


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Immobilization of protein molecules is a fundamental problem for scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) measurements with high resolution. In this paper, an electrochemical method has been proved to be an effective way to fix native horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as well as inactivated HRP from electrolyte onto a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface. This preparation is suitable for both ex situ and in situ electrochemical STM (ECSTM) measurements. In situ STM has been successfully employed to observe totally different structures of HRP in three typical cases: (1) in situ ECSTM reveals an oval-shaped pattern for a single molecule in neutral buffer solution, which is in good agreement with the dimension determined as 6.2 x 4.3 x 1.2. nm(3) by ex situ STM for native HRP; (2) in situ ECSTM shows that the adsorbed HRP molecules on HOPG in a denatured environment exhibit swelling globes at the beginning and then change into a V-shaped pattern after 30 min; (3) in situ ECSTM reveals a black hole in every ellipsoidal sphere for inactivated HRP in strong alkali solution. The cyclic voltammetry results indicate that the adsorbed native HRP can directly catalyse the reduction of hydrogen peroxide, demonstrating that a direct electron transfer reduction occurred between the enzyme and HOPG electrode, whereas the corresponding cyclic voltammograms for denatured HRP and inactivated HRP adsorbed on HOPG electrodes indicate a lack of ability to catalyse H2O2 reduction, which confirms that the HRP molecules lost their biological activity. Obviously, electrochemical results powerfully support in situ STM observations.


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A systematic study has been made for the electrochemical oxidation reaction of biliverdin (BV) in pure dimethylformamide (DMF) and in DMF - H2O mixed solvent by in situ time resolved spectroelectrochemical and cyclic voltametric techniques. The experiments show that not only the oxidation of BV is promoted, the reaction mechanism is also changed from a ECEC to a ECCECC process by the introduction of water into DMF.


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An integrated CaF2 crystal optically transparent infrared (ir) thin-layer cell was designed and constructed without using any soluble adhesive materials. It is suitable for both aqueous and nonaqueous systems, and can be used not only in ir but also in uv-vis studies. Excellent electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical responses were obtained in evaluating this cell by cyclic voltammetry and steady-state potential step measurements for both ir and uv-vis spectrolectrochemistry with ferri/ferrocyanide in aqueous solution, and with ferrocene/ferrocenium in organic solvent as the testing species, respectively. The newly designed ir cell was applied to investigate the electrochemical reduction process of bilirubin in situ, which provided direct information for identifying the structure of the reduction product and proposing the reaction mechanism.


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The electro-oxidation of bilirubin (BR) in aqueous solution was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and in-situ thin-layer spectroelectrochemical techniques, It was found that both oxidation processes of BR are two electron transfer reactions. A mechanism