999 resultados para Eichler, Margrit
A fenologia de Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart. & Eichler) Engl. foi investigada de maio de 1995 a dezembro de 1997 em uma floresta semidecídua do Sul do Brasil (23º27' S e 51º15' W). Quarenta indivíduos foram observados mensalmente, com anotações sobre queda e brotamento das folhas, floração e frutificação. A abscisão de folhas ocorreu durante o período seco enquanto que o brotamento, a floração e a dispersão ocorreram no início do período úmido. Observou-se sincronia alta entre os indivíduos para todas as fenofases, exceto para a frutificação. A maioria dos indivíduos floresceu anualmente, embora nem todos frutificaram anualmente. A queda de folhas correlacionou-se com a precipitação e a temperatura, enquanto que a floração correlacionou-se com o fotoperíodo.
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudierons quelques propriétés algébriques, géométriques et topologiques des surfaces de Riemann compactes. Deux grand sujets seront traités. Tout d'abord, en utilisant le fait que toute surface de Riemann compacte de genre g plus grand ou égal à 2 possède un nombre fini de points de Weierstrass, nous allons pouvoir conclure que ces surfaces possèdent un nombre fini d'automorphismes. Ensuite, nous allons étudier de plus près la formule de trace d'Eichler. Ce théorème nous permet de trouver le caractère d'un automorphisme agissant sur l'espace des q-différentielles holomorphes. Nous commencerons notre étude en utilisant la quartique de Klein. Nous effectuerons un exemple de calcul utilisant le théorème d'Eichler, ce qui nous permettra de nous familiariser avec l'énoncé du théorème. Finalement, nous allons démontrer la formule de trace d'Eichler, en prenant soin de traiter le cas où l'automorphisme agit sans point fixe séparément du cas où l'automorphisme possède des points fixes.
En este artículo, me he propuesto analizar de forma crítica los estereotipos y prejuicios en contra de la mujer o de otras identidades sexuales, tanto en el lenguaje como en los conceptos empleados por los jueces constitucionales en sus fallos o sentencias. Para tal efecto, se ha centrado el análisis en el discurso judicial constitucional contenido en siete sentencias emitidas entre los años 2004 al 2012, por el anterior Tribunal Constitucional ecuatoriano y la actual Corte Constitucional del Ecuador, con la finalidad de reconocer en ellas criterios sexistas, o por el contrario, aproximaciones de protección judicial. En la investigación se considera la metodología de género del fenómeno legal que propone Alda Facio en su obra “Cuando el género suena cambios trae”, y en la cual se recogen siete estereotipos sexista definidos por Margrit Eichler. Así, con las consideraciones anotadas, se identificaron en las sentencias analizadas, las siguientes formas de sexismo: 1) androcentrismo; 2) insensibilidad al género; 3) dicotomismo sexual; 4) familismo; 5) sobregeneralización; 6) doble parámetro; y, 7) conducta adecuada para cada sexo. Este trabajo de investigación es una descripción actual de la consideración de la mujer en las sentencias judiciales desde la perspectiva de alguien que pertenece a ese género y que por su profesión y ocupación se encuentra vinculada con la administración de justicia constitucional.
Redescriptions of Bizarrifrons magus (Nitzsch [in Giebel], 1866), the type species of Bizarrifrons, and B. picturatus Carriker & Diaz-Ungria, 1961 are given based on material from their type hosts. The nymphal instars of these two species are described and illustrated for the first time. Also, three new species are named and described: B. latifrons, from the russet-backed oropendola, Psarocolius angustifrons alfredi (Des Murs, 1856); B. wecksteini, from the Amazonian oropendola, Psarocolius b. bifasciatus (Spix, 1824); and B. quasisymmetricus, from the solitary cacique, Cacicus solitarius (Vieillot, 1816) (Passeriformes: Icteridae). Two species-groups are proposed, and a checklist and a key for the species of Bizarrifrons are also included. Sequences of a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the nuclear elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) genes for two species are given for the first time in this genus.
Water stable isotope ratios and net snow accumulation in ice cores are commonly interpreted as temperature or precipitation proxies. However, only in a few cases has a direct calibration with instrumental data been attempted. In this study we took advantage of the dense network of observations in the European Alpine region to rigorously test the relationship of the annual and seasonal resolved proxy data from two highly resolved ice cores with local temperature and precipitation. We focused on the time period 1961–2001 with the highest amount and quality of meteorological data and the minimal uncertainty in ice core dating (±1 year). The two ice cores were retrieved from the Fiescherhorn glacier (northern Alps, 3900 m a.s.l.), and Grenzgletscher (southern Alps, 4200 m a.s.l.). A parallel core from the Fiescherhorn glacier allowed assessing the reproducibility of the ice core proxy data. Due to the orographic barrier, the two flanks of the Alpine chain are affected by distinct patterns of precipitation. The different location of the two glaciers therefore offers a unique opportunity to test whether such a specific setting is reflected in the proxy data. On a seasonal scale a high fraction of δ18O variability was explained by the seasonal cycle of temperature (~60% for the ice cores, ~70% for the nearby stations of the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation – GNIP). When the seasonality is removed, the correlations decrease for all sites, indicating that factors other than temperature such as changing moisture sources and/or precipitation regimes affect the isotopic signal on this timescale. Post-depositional phenomena may additionally modify the ice core data. On an annual scale, the δ18O/temperature relationship was significant at the Fiescherhorn, whereas for Grenzgletscher this was the case only when weighting the temperature with precipitation. In both cases the fraction of interannual temperature variability explained was ~20%, comparable to the values obtained from the GNIP stations data. Consistently with previous studies, we found an altitude effect for the δ18O of −0.17‰/100 m for an extended elevation range combining data of the two ice core sites and four GNIP stations. Significant correlations between net accumulation and precipitation were observed for Grenzgletscher during the entire period of investigation, whereas for Fiescherhorn this was the case only for the less recent period (1961–1977). Local phenomena, probably related to wind, seem to partly disturb the Fiescherhorn accumulation record. Spatial correlation analysis shows the two glaciers to be influenced by different precipitation regimes, with the Grenzgletscher reflecting the characteristic precipitation regime south of the Alps and the Fiescherhorn accumulation showing a pattern more closely linked to northern Alpine stations.
The lianas observed in this study, Abuta convexa (Vell.) Diels, Abuta imene (Mart.) Eichler, and Chondrodendron platiphyllum (A. St.-Hil.) Miers, all have successive cambia in their stems. The terminology applied to stem histology in species with successive cambia is as diverse as the interpretations of the origins of this cambial variant. Therefore, this study specifically investigates the origin of successive cambia through a developmental analysis of the above-mentioned species, including an analysis of the terminology used to describe this cambial variation. For the first time, we have identified several developmental stages giving rise to the origins of successive cambia in this family. First, the pericycle originates in 1-3 layers of conjunctive tissue. After the differentiation of the first ring, the conjunctive tissue undergoes new divisions, developing approximately 10 rows of parenchyma cells. In the middle portion, a layer of sclereids is formed, again subdividing the conjunctive tissue into two parts: internal and external. New cambia originate in the internal part, from which new secondary vascular strands will originate, giving rise to the second successive vascular ring of the stem. The external part remains parenchymatous during the installation of the second ring and will undergo new periclinal division, repeating the entire process. New cambia will originate from the neoformed strands, which will form only rays. In the literature, successive cambia are formed by a meristem called "diffuse lateral meristem."However, based on the species of Menispermaceae studied in this report, it is demonstrated that the diffuse lateral meristem is the pericycle itself.
Background: Recurrent 15q13.3 microdeletions were recently identified with identical proximal (BP4) and distal (BP5) breakpoints and associated with mild to moderate mental retardation and epilepsy. Methods: To assess further the clinical implications of this novel 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome, 18 new probands with a deletion were molecularly and clinically characterised. In addition, we evaluated the characteristics of a family with a more proximal deletion between BP3 and BP4. Finally, four patients with a duplication in the BP3-BP4-BP5 region were included in this study to ascertain the clinical significance of duplications in this region. Results: The 15q13.3 microdeletion in our series was associated with a highly variable intra-and inter-familial phenotype. At least 11 of the 18 deletions identified were inherited. Moreover, 7 of 10 siblings from four different families also had this deletion: one had a mild developmental delay, four had only learning problems during childhood, but functioned well in daily life as adults, whereas the other two had no learning problems at all. In contrast to previous findings, seizures were not a common feature in our series (only 2 of 17 living probands). Three patients with deletions had cardiac defects and deletion of the KLF13 gene, located in the critical region, may contribute to these abnormalities. The limited data from the single family with the more proximal BP3-BP4 deletion suggest this deletion may have little clinical significance. Patients with duplications of the BP3-BP4-BP5 region did not share a recognisable phenotype, but psychiatric disease was noted in 2 of 4 patients. Conclusions: Overall, our findings broaden the phenotypic spectrum associated with 15q13.3 deletions and suggest that, in some individuals, deletion of 15q13.3 is not sufficient to cause disease. The existence of microdeletion syndromes, associated with an unpredictable and variable phenotypic outcome, will pose the clinician with diagnostic difficulties and challenge the commonly used paradigm in the diagnostic setting that aberrations inherited from a phenotypically normal parent are usually without clinical consequences.
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
The ostracode assemblages from Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system (southernmost State of São Paulo) are here discussed in detail for the first time. Thirty-four sites, approximately 1 km equidistant, were sampled along the system, including the Cananéia Sea, Pequeno Sea, Cubatão Sea, Ribeira de Iguape River and Itapitangui River. The ostracodes throughout this area have poor assemblages, with a total of 662 specimens of dead and living organisms. The majority of the ostracode fauna is composed of euryhaline species, as follows: Cyprideis multidentata Hartmann, 1955 (174 specimens), Minicythere heinii Ornellas, 1974 (54 specimens), Tanella gracilis Kingma, 1948 (96 specimens) and Whatleyella sanguinettiae Coimbra, Carreño & Ferron, 1994 (226 specimens). Although there are few studies on the Brazilian mixohaline ostracode faunas, including the euryhaline marginal marine taxa, the published data show that the group is best known in the south and southeast regions. Based on this review and with the new data presented in this paper, the geographical distribution of eight mixohaline key species in southern and southeastern Brazil is also discussed.
Increased male prevalence has been repeatedly reported in several neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs), leading to the concept of a "female protective model." We investigated the molecular basis of this sex-based difference in liability and demonstrated an excess of deleterious autosomal copy-number variants (CNVs) in females compared to males (odds ratio [OR] = 1.46, p = 8 × 10(-10)) in a cohort of 15,585 probands ascertained for NDs. In an independent autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cohort of 762 families, we found a 3-fold increase in deleterious autosomal CNVs (p = 7 × 10(-4)) and an excess of private deleterious single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) in female compared to male probands (OR = 1.34, p = 0.03). We also showed that the deleteriousness of autosomal SNVs was significantly higher in female probands (p = 0.0006). A similar bias was observed in parents of probands ascertained for NDs. Deleterious CNVs (>400 kb) were maternally inherited more often (up to 64%, p = 10(-15)) than small CNVs < 400 kb (OR = 1.45, p = 0.0003). In the ASD cohort, increased maternal transmission was also observed for deleterious CNVs and SNVs. Although ASD females showed higher mutational burden and lower cognition, the excess mutational burden remained, even after adjustment for those cognitive differences. These results strongly suggest that females have an increased etiological burden unlinked to rare deleterious variants on the X chromosome. Carefully phenotyped and genotyped cohorts will be required for identifying the symptoms, which show gender-specific liability to mutational burden.
We searched for disruptive, genic rare copy-number variants (CNVs) among 411 families affected by sporadic autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the Simons Simplex Collection by using available exome sequence data and CoNIFER (Copy Number Inference from Exome Reads). Compared to high-density SNP microarrays, our approach yielded ∼2× more smaller genic rare CNVs. We found that affected probands inherited more CNVs than did their siblings (453 versus 394, p = 0.004; odds ratio [OR] = 1.19) and that the probands' CNVs affected more genes (921 versus 726, p = 0.02; OR = 1.30). These smaller CNVs (median size 18 kb) were transmitted preferentially from the mother (136 maternal versus 100 paternal, p = 0.02), although this bias occurred irrespective of affected status. The excess burden of inherited CNVs among probands was driven primarily by sibling pairs with discordant social-behavior phenotypes (p < 0.0002, measured by Social Responsiveness Scale [SRS] score), which contrasts with families where the phenotypes were more closely matched or less extreme (p > 0.5). Finally, we found enrichment of brain-expressed genes unique to probands, especially in the SRS-discordant group (p = 0.0035). In a combined model, our inherited CNVs, de novo CNVs, and de novo single-nucleotide variants all independently contributed to the risk of autism (p < 0.05). Taken together, these results suggest that small transmitted rare CNVs play a role in the etiology of simplex autism. Importantly, the small size of these variants aids in the identification of specific genes as additional risk factors associated with ASD.
Summary : 1. Measuring health literacy in Switzerland: a review of six surveys: 1.1 Comparison of questionnaires - 1.2 Measures of health literacy in Switzerland - 1.3 Discussion of Swiss data on HL - 1.4 Description of the six surveys: 1.4.1 Current health trends and health literacy in the Swiss population (gfs-UNIVOX), 1.4.2 Nutrition, physical exercise and body weight : opinions and perceptions of the Swiss population (USI), 1.4.3 Health Literacy in Switzerland (ISPMZ), 1.4.4 Swiss Health Survey (SHS), 1.4.5 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), 1.4.6 Adult literacy and life skills survey (ALL). - 2 . Economic costs of low health literacy in Switzerland: a rough calculation. Appendix: Screenshots cost model