957 resultados para Ecological niche modeling


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This paper investigates the use of using remotely sensed observation and full coverage hydroacoustic datasets to quantify habitat suitability for a marine demersal fish, the blue-throated wrasse. Because of issues surrounding the detection of species using remotely sensed video techniques, the application of presence-only techniques are well suited for modeling demersal fish habitat suitability. Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis is used to compare analyses conducted using seafloor variables derived from hydroacoustics at three spatial scales; fine (56.25 m2), medium (506.25 m2) and coarse (2756.25 m2), to determine which spatial scale was most influential in predicting blue-throated wrasse habitat suitability. The coarse scale model was found to have the best predictive capabilities with a Boyce Index of 0.80±0.26. The global marginality and specialization values indicated that, irrespective of spatial scale, blue-throated wrasse prefer seafloor characteristics that are different to the mean available within the study site, but exhibit a relatively wide niche. Although variable importance varied over the three spatial scale models, blue-throated wrasse showed a strong preference for regions of shallow water, close to reef, with high rugosity and maximum curvature and low HSI-B values. Generally the spatial patterns in habitat suitability were well represented in the Marine National Park compared to adjacent waters. However, some significant differences in spatial patterns were observed. Interspersion and Juxtaposition Indexes for unsuitable and highly suitable habitat were significantly smaller inside the Marine National Park, while the Mean Shape Index of unsuitable habitat in the Marine National Park was significantly larger.


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The diets, physical activity and sedentary behavior levels of both children and adults in Australia are suboptimal. The family environment, as the first ecological niche of children, exerts an important influence on the onset of children's habits. Parent modeling is one part of this environment and a logical focus for child obesity prevention initiatives. The focus on parent's own behaviors provides a potential opportunity to decrease obesity risk behaviors in parents as well.

To assess the effect of a parent-focused early childhood obesity prevention intervention on first-time mothers' diets, physical activity and TV viewing time.

The Melbourne InFANT Program is a cluster-randomized controlled trial which involved 542 mothers over their newborn's first 18 months of life. The intervention focused on parenting skills and strategies, including parental modeling, and aimed to promote development of healthy child and parent behaviors from birth, including healthy diet, increased physical activity and reduced TV viewing time. Data regarding mothers' diet (food frequency questionnaire), physical activity and TV viewing times (self-reported questionnaire) were collected using validated tools at both baseline and post-intervention. Four dietary patterns were derived at baseline using principal components analyses including frequencies of 55 food groups. Analysis of covariance was used to measure the impact of the intervention.

The scores of both the "High-energy snack and processed foods" and the "High-fat foods" dietary patterns decreased more in the intervention group: -0.22 ([MINUS SIGN]0.42;-0.02) and [MINUS SIGN]0.25 ([MINUS SIGN]0.50;-0.01), respectively. No other significant intervention vs. control effects were observed regarding total physical activity, TV viewing time, and the two other dietary patterns, i.e. "Fruits and vegetables" and "Cereals and sweet foods".

These findings suggest that supporting first-time mothers to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors in their infants impacts maternal dietary intakes positively. Further research needs to assess ways in which we might further enhance those lifestyle behaviors not impacted by the InFANT intervention.


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The fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been isolated from nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in different regions where paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) is endemic. The link between PCM and these animals has provided the first valuable clue in the effort to elucidate the ecological niche of P. brasiliensis. The present study was aimed at correlating P. brasiliensis infection in armadillos with local ecological features and, if possible, the presence of the fungus in the soil in the Botucatu hyperendemic area of PCM. In this region the mean temperature ranges from 14.8 to 25.8degreesC and the annual average precipitation is 1520 mm. The sites where 10 infected animals (positive group) were collected were studied and compared with the sites where five uninfected animals were found. The occurrence of the fungus in soil samples collected from the positive armadillos' burrows and foraging sites was investigated by the indirect method of animal inoculation. Environmental data from the sites of animal capture, such as temperature, rainfall, altitude, vegetation, soil composition, presence of water and proximity of urban areas, were recorded. All 37 soil samples collected from the sites had negative fungal cultures. Positive animals were found much more frequently in sites with disturbed vegetation, such as riparian forests and artificial Eucalyptus Or Pinus forests, in altitudes below 800 m, near water sources. The soil type of the sites of positive animals was mainly sandy, with medium to low concentrations of organic matter. The pH was mainly acidic at all the sites, although the concentrations of aluminum cations (H+Al) were lower at the sites where positive animals were found. Positive armadillos were also captured in sites very close to urban areas. Our data and previous studies indicate that P. brasiliensis occurs preferentially in humid and shady disturbed forests in a strong association with armadillos.


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The knowledge on the biological aspects of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has evolved greatly since the first description of the disease in 1908. From the pioneers, who were able to clearly demonstrate the fungal nature of the agent, to the recent genomic era, important advances have been achieved. P. brasiliensis is a true fungus, belonging to the Ascomycetous Division, although its sexual phase has not been demonstrated morphologically. A better understanding of the fundamental aspects of the agent, especially its phylogeny and evolutionary history, will provide us with valuable insights allowing a better comprehension of the disease and our capacity to deal with the problem. Concerning the fungus's ecology, although some progress had been observed, the ecological niche of the pathogen has not been determined yet. The aim of the present review is to focus on the biological aspects of P. brasiliensis from an evolutionary point of view, addressing the fungus's phylogenetic aspects, in those special points that might be relevant for the pathogen/host interactions, the biological forces that have been acting on its origin and maintenance of virulence, as well as in determining the fungus's ecology and epidemiology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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RESUMEN El apoyo a la selección de especies a la restauración de la vegetación en España en los últimos 40 años se ha basado fundamentalmente en modelos de distribución de especies, también llamados modelos de nicho ecológico, que estiman la probabilidad de presencia de las especies en función de las condiciones del medio físico (clima, suelo, etc.). Con esta tesis se ha intentado contribuir a la mejora de la capacidad predictiva de los modelos introduciendo algunas propuestas metodológicas adaptadas a los datos disponibles actualmente en España y enfocadas al uso de los modelos en la selección de especies. No siempre se dispone de datos a una resolución espacial adecuada para la escala de los proyectos de restauración de la vegetación. Sin embrago es habitual contar con datos de baja resolución espacial para casi todas las especies vegetales presentes en España. Se propone un método de recalibración que actualiza un modelo de regresión logística de baja resolución espacial con una nueva muestra de alta resolución espacial. El método permite obtener predicciones de calidad aceptable con muestras relativamente pequeñas (25 presencias de la especie) frente a las muestras mucho mayores (más de 100 presencias) que requería una estrategia de modelización convencional que no usara el modelo previo. La selección del método estadístico puede influir decisivamente en la capacidad predictiva de los modelos y por esa razón la comparación de métodos ha recibido mucha atención en la última década. Los estudios previos consideraban a la regresión logística como un método inferior a técnicas más modernas como las de máxima entropía. Los resultados de la tesis demuestran que esa diferencia observada se debe a que los modelos de máxima entropía incluyen técnicas de regularización y la versión de la regresión logística usada en las comparaciones no. Una vez incorporada la regularización a la regresión logística usando penalización, las diferencias en cuanto a capacidad predictiva desaparecen. La regresión logística penalizada es, por tanto, una alternativa más para el ajuste de modelos de distribución de especies y está a la altura de los métodos modernos con mejor capacidad predictiva como los de máxima entropía. A menudo, los modelos de distribución de especies no incluyen variables relativas al suelo debido a que no es habitual que se disponga de mediciones directas de sus propiedades físicas o químicas. La incorporación de datos de baja resolución espacial proveniente de mapas de suelo nacionales o continentales podría ser una alternativa. Los resultados de esta tesis sugieren que los modelos de distribución de especies de alta resolución espacial mejoran de forma ligera pero estadísticamente significativa su capacidad predictiva cuando se incorporan variables relativas al suelo procedente de mapas de baja resolución espacial. La validación es una de las etapas fundamentales del desarrollo de cualquier modelo empírico como los modelos de distribución de especies. Lo habitual es validar los modelos evaluando su capacidad predictiva especie a especie, es decir, comparando en un conjunto de localidades la presencia o ausencia observada de la especie con las predicciones del modelo. Este tipo de evaluación no responde a una cuestión clave en la restauración de la vegetación ¿cuales son las n especies más idóneas para el lugar a restaurar? Se ha propuesto un método de evaluación de modelos adaptado a esta cuestión que consiste en estimar la capacidad de un conjunto de modelos para discriminar entre las especies presentes y ausentes de un lugar concreto. El método se ha aplicado con éxito a la validación de 188 modelos de distribución de especies leñosas orientados a la selección de especies para la restauración de la vegetación en España. Las mejoras metodológicas propuestas permiten mejorar la capacidad predictiva de los modelos de distribución de especies aplicados a la selección de especies en la restauración de la vegetación y también permiten ampliar el número de especies para las que se puede contar con un modelo que apoye la toma de decisiones. SUMMARY During the last 40 years, decision support tools for plant species selection in ecological restoration in Spain have been based on species distribution models (also called ecological niche models), that estimate the probability of occurrence of the species as a function of environmental predictors (e.g., climate, soil). In this Thesis some methodological improvements are proposed to contribute to a better predictive performance of such models, given the current data available in Spain and focusing in the application of the models to selection of species for ecological restoration. Fine grained species distribution data are required to train models to be used at the scale of the ecological restoration projects, but this kind of data are not always available for every species. On the other hand, coarse grained data are available for almost every species in Spain. A recalibration method is proposed that updates a coarse grained logistic regression model using a new fine grained updating sample. The method allows obtaining acceptable predictive performance with reasonably small updating sample (25 occurrences of the species), in contrast with the much larger samples (more than 100 occurrences) required for a conventional modeling approach that discards the coarse grained data. The choice of the statistical method may have a dramatic effect on model performance, therefore comparisons of methods have received much interest in the last decade. Previous studies have shown a poorer performance of the logistic regression compared to novel methods like maximum entropy models. The results of this Thesis show that the observed difference is caused by the fact that maximum entropy models include regularization techniques and the versions of logistic regression compared do not. Once regularization has been added to the logistic regression using a penalization procedure, the differences in model performance disappear. Therefore, penalized logistic regression may be considered one of the best performing methods to model species distributions. Usually, species distribution models do not consider soil related predictors because direct measurements of the chemical or physical properties are often lacking. The inclusion of coarse grained soil data from national or continental soil maps could be a reasonable alternative. The results of this Thesis suggest that the performance of the models slightly increase after including soil predictors form coarse grained soil maps. Model validation is a key stage of the development of empirical models, such as species distribution models. The usual way of validating is based on the evaluation of model performance for each species separately, i.e., comparing observed species presences or absence to predicted probabilities in a set of sites. This kind of evaluation is not informative for a common question in ecological restoration projects: which n species are the most suitable for the environment of the site to be restored? A method has been proposed to address this question that estimates the ability of a set of models to discriminate among present and absent species in a evaluation site. The method has been successfully applied to the validation of 188 species distribution models used to support decisions on species selection for ecological restoration in Spain. The proposed methodological approaches improve the predictive performance of the predictive models applied to species selection in ecological restoration and increase the number of species for which a model that supports decisions can be fitted.


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This data contains realized ecological niche estimates of phytoplankton taxa within the mixed layer of the open ocean. The estimates are based on data from the MARine Ecosystem DATa (MAREDAT) initiative, and cover five phytoplankton functional types: coccolithophores (40 species), diatoms (87 species), diazotrophs (two genera), Phaeocystis (two species) and picophytoplankton (two genera). Considered as major niche dimensions were temperature (°C), mixed layer depth (MLD; m), nitrate concentration (µmoles/L), mean photosynthetically active radiation in the mixed layer (MLPAR; µmoles/m**2/s), salinity, and the excess of phosphate versus nitrate relative to the Redfield ratio (P*; µmoles/L). For each niche dimension at a time, conditions at presence locations of the taxa were contrasted with conditions in 12 000 randomly sampled points from the open ocean using MaxEnt models. We used the quartiles of the response curves of these models to parameterize realized niche centers and niche breadths: the median (q50) of the response curves was considered to be the niche center and the distance between the lower quartile (q25) and the upper quartile (q75) was used as a rough estimate of niche breadth. We only reported meaningful niche estimates, i.e., estimates based on MaxEnt models that perform significantly better than random, as indicated by an area under the curve (AUC) score significantly larger than 0.5.


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[EN] The integration of satellite telemetry, remotely sensed environmental data, and habitat/environmental modelling has provided for a growing understanding of spatial and temporal ecology of species of conservation concern. The Republic of Cape Verde comprises the only substantial rookery for the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta in the eastern Atlantic. A size related dichotomy in adult foraging patterns has previously been revealed for adult sea turtles from this population with a proportion of adults foraging neritically, whilst the majority forage oceanically. Here we describe observed habitat use and employ ecological niche modelling to identify suitable foraging habitats for animals utilising these two distinct behavioural strategies. We also investigate how these predicted habitat niches may alter under the influence of climate change induced oceanic temperature rises.


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Inland sand dune systems are amongst the most threatened habitat types of Europe. Affected by severe conditions, these habitats present distinct community compositions, which makes them excellent for studying possible interactions among their integrating species and the environment. We focus on understanding the distribution and cooccurrence of the species from dune plant assemblages as a key step for the adequate protection of these habitats. Using data from an extensive survey we identified the shrub species that could be considered indicators of the different xerophytic scrub dune communities in South West Portugal. Then, we modelled the responses of these species to the environmental conditions using Ecological Niche Factor Analysis. We present some preliminary results elucidating whether using species distribution models of indicator species at a regional scale is a valid approach to predict the distribution of the different types of communities inhabiting these endangered habitats.


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Understanding the ecology of migratory birds during the non-breeding season is necessary for ensuring their conservation. Using satellite telemetry data we describe winter ranging behaviour and movements of pallid harriers Circus macrourus that bred in Kazakhstan. We developed an ecological niche model for the species in Africa, to identify the most suitable wintering areas for pallid harriers and the importance of habitat in determining the location of those areas. We also assessed how well represented suitable areas are in the network of protected areas. Individual harriers showed relatively high fidelity to wintering areas but with potential for interannual changes. The ecological niche model highlighted the importance of open habitats with natural vegetation. Most suitable areas for the species were located in eastern Africa. Suitable areas had a patchy distribution but were relatively well included in the network of protected areas. The preferential use of habitats with natural vegetation by wintering pallid harriers and the patchiness of the most suitable areas highlight the harrier's vulnerability to land-use changes and the associated loss of natural vegetation in Africa. Conservation of harriers could be enhanced by preserving natural grasslands within protected areas and improving habitat management in the human-influenced portions of the species’ core wintering areas.


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The marsupial order Diprotodontia includes 10 extant families, which occupy all terrestrial habitats across Australia and New Guinea and have evolved remarkable dietary and locomotory diversity. Despite considerable attention, the interrelations of these families have for the most part remained elusive. In this study, we separately model mitochondrial RNA and protein-coding sequences in addition to nuclear protein-coding sequences to provide near-complete resolution of diprotodontian family-level phylogeny. We show that alternative topologies inferred in some previous studies are likely to be artifactual, resulting from branch-length and compositional biases. Subordinal groupings resolved herein include Vombatiformes (wombats and koala) and Phalangerida, which in turn comprises Petauroidea (petaurid gliders and striped, feathertail, ringtail and honey possums) and a clade whose plesiomorphic members possess blade-like premolars (phalangerid possums, kangaroos and their allies and most likely, pygmy possums). The topology resolved reveals ecological niche structuring among diprotodontians that has likely been maintained for more than 40 million years.


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Topographic structural complexity of a reef is highly correlated to coral growth rates, coral cover and overall levels of biodiversity, and is therefore integral in determining ecological processes. Modeling these processes commonly includes measures of rugosity obtained from a wide range of different survey techniques that often fail to capture rugosity at different spatial scales. Here we show that accurate estimates of rugosity can be obtained from video footage captured using underwater video cameras (i.e., monocular video). To demonstrate the accuracy of our method, we compared the results to in situ measurements of a 2m x 20m area of forereef from Glovers Reef atoll in Belize. Sequential pairs of images were used to compute fine scale bathymetric reconstructions of the reef substrate from which precise measurements of rugosity and reef topographic structural complexity can be derived across multiple spatial scales. To achieve accurate bathymetric reconstructions from uncalibrated monocular video, the position of the camera for each image in the video sequence and the intrinsic parameters (e.g., focal length) must be computed simultaneously. We show that these parameters can be often determined when the data exhibits parallax-type motion, and that rugosity and reef complexity can be accurately computed from existing video sequences taken from any type of underwater camera from any reef habitat or location. This technique provides an infinite array of possibilities for future coral reef research by providing a cost-effective and automated method of determining structural complexity and rugosity in both new and historical video surveys of coral reefs.