977 resultados para Ecclesiastical courts
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2014
Les courts-séjours médico-sociaux dans le canton de Vaud : expériences des usagers de 65 ans et plus
La prestation court-séjour est proposée dans le canton de Vaud depuis 1984. Elle s'inscrit dans la volonté des services publics de permettre aux personnes, âgées notamment, de vivre à domicile le plus longtemps possible. Il s'agit d'accueillir temporairement en établissement médico-social (EMS) ou en division C d'un hôpital, les personnes momentanément affaiblies à la suite d'une hospitalisation ou d'un problème de santé, mais aussi des personnes durablement atteintes dans leur santé, en particulier pour donner quelques jours ou semaines de répit à leur entourage. En 2013, afin de faire un bilan de cette prestation et démarrer une phase de réflexion quant aux améliorations qui pourraient lui être apportées, le Service des assurances sociales et de l'hébergement (SASH) a mandaté l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP) pour la réalisation d'une enquête sur l'expérience des usagers des courts-séjours dans le canton de Vaud.
The presentation reflects on French and Italian case law that, in recent years, has dealt with free software from two different angles: public procurement and consumer protection against joint sales of hardware and software.
En el presente trabajo analizamos el proceso de elección de los diputados españoles en las Cortes Extraordinarias de Cádiz (1810-1813), la sociología de estos parlamentarios y su asistencia en el Parlamento. Después de efectuar el análisis observamos en primer lugar que hubo cuatro modalidades de elección de los diputados y que, una vez escogidos, nunca se cubrieron todos los puestos de diputado otorgados. En segundo lugar, detectamos que los diputados elegidos por los diversos entes que participaron en el proceso electoral fueron en su mayoría de condición social acomodada y representativos de la sociedad española, sobresaliendo en número el grupo de diputados eclesiásticos, de leyes y funcionarios.
This volume deals with the forms of propaganda and self-representation, through words and images, during the rise of the 'civiltà delle corti' and through processes typical of the time, such as confrontation, adaptation, competition and rivalry. This period, which marked the passage of Italian and European culture from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, is fundamental in the development of Modern Europe, and it lasted up to the XVIII century and beyond. At the heart of many matters debated here lies the relationship between culture and politics. The formation of a 'Lombard identity', central to the Sinergia project which was the frame of the whole research and its conferences, is closely linked to this broad general context. It places the so called 'questione milanese' - above the traditional hierarchies 'Toscana oriented' - at the centre of many questions regarding Northern Italy as a whole, starting from the dissolution of the Medieval communes, through to the rise of the signorie, from the end of the XIII century and the beginning of the XIV century up to the early XVI century.
Automobile bodily injury disputes represent one of the main causes of litigation faced by Spanish Courts. In this paper a multinomial model is implemented to analyse which factors determine the decision to appeal against the verdicts of trial courts. Use of a dataset of motor insurance claims revealed differences between the determinants of a claimant’s decision to appeal and those of insurers. Among other results it is shown that discrepancies regarding the permanent disability sustained affect the insurer’s decision to appeal. In contrast, the claimant pays more attention to differences in the stated temporary disability. Conclusions are drawn regarding which factors could reduce the percentage of appealed cases.
Delays in the justice system have been undermining the functioning and performance of the court system all over the world for decades. Despite the widespread concern about delays, the solutions have not kept up with the growth of the problem. The delay problem existing in the justice courts processes is a good example of the growing need and pressure in professional public organizations to start improving their business process performance.This study analyses the possibilities and challenges of process improvement in professional public organizations. The study is based on experiences gained in two longitudinal action research improvement projects conducted in two separate Finnish law instances; in the Helsinki Court of Appeal and in the Insurance Court. The thesis has two objectives. First objective is to study what kinds of factors in court system operations cause delays and unmanageable backlogs and how to reduce and prevent delays. Based on the lessons learned from the case projects the objective is to give new insights on the critical factors of process improvement conducted in professional public organizations. Four main areas and factors behind the delay problem is identified: 1) goal setting and performance measurement practices, 2) the process control system, 3) production and capacity planning procedures, and 4) process roles and responsibilities. The appropriate improvement solutions include tools to enhance project planning and scheduling and monitoring the agreed time-frames for different phases of the handling process and pending inventory. The study introduces the identified critical factors in different phases of process improvement work carried out in professional public organizations, the ways the critical factors can be incorporated to the different stages of the projects, and discusses the role of external facilitator in assisting process improvement work and in enhancing ownership towards the solutions and improvement. The study highlights the need to concentrate on the critical factors aiming to get the employees to challenge their existing ways of conducting work, analyze their own processes, and create procedures for diffusing the process improvement culture instead of merely concentrating of finding tools, techniques, and solutions appropriate for applications from the manufacturing sector
Bestraffning av internationella brott vid internationella och hybrida straffrättsliga domstolar har traditionellt och huvudsakligen grundat sig på principen om retributiv (vedergällande) rättvisa och ackusatorisk process snarare än återuppbyggande rättvisa och en inkvisitorisk modell. Därav har brottsoffrens ställning vid dessa straffrättsliga domstolar begränsat sig till den som innehas av vittnen vid Tribunalen som behandlar brott som begåtts i det forna Jugoslavien (ICTY), Internationella krigsförbrytartribunalen för Rwanda (ICTR) och Specialdomstolen för Sierra Leone (SCSL). Internationella brottmålsdomstolen (ICC), å sin sida, har medfört en viktig förändring gällande brottsoffrens ställning i internationella straffrättsliga fora, vilket innebär att de från att ha betraktats endast i egenskap av vittnen nu även har en rätt att delta och lämna sina synpunkter (i egenskap av brottsofferdeltagare) samt kräva gottgörelse. Denna trend har fortsatt inom området för internationell straffrätt, vilket manifesterats vid hybridtribunaler som tillsatts efter ICC såsom Kambodjadomstolen (ECCC) vid vilken brottsoffer kan agera civilrättsliga parter och Specialdomstolen för Libanon (STL) där brottsoffer kan inneha en deltagande roll. Den föreliggande studien behandlar två huvudsakliga frågeställningar, av vilka den första lyder: Vilken ställning tillskrivs brottsoffren vid internationella domstolar och hybridtribunaler? I detta hänseende argumenterar författaren, sammanfattningsvis, för att brottsoffrens ställning vid internationella straffrättsliga domstolar och hybridtribunaler huvudsakligen tar sig uttryck på tre sätt, d.v.s. som brottsoffer i egenskap av vittnen, som brottsoffer i egenskap av deltagande brottsoffer/civilrättsliga parter samt som brottsoffer som kräver gottgörelse. Den andra frågeställningen för denna studie lyder: På vilket sätt fungerar brottsoffrens ställning som vittnen, brottsofferdeltagande/civilrättsliga parter och gottgörelsekrävande vid internationella och hybrida straffrättsliga domstolar? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kansainvälisten rikosten rankaiseminen kansainvälisissä rikostuomioistuimissa ja hybridituomioistuimissa on perinteisesti enimmäkseen perustunut retributiivisen oikeuden ja akkusatorisen menetelmän soveltamiseen pikemmin kuin restoratiivisen oikeuden ja inkvisitorisen menetelmän soveltamiseen. Niinpä uhrien asema kansainvälisissä rikostuomioistuimissa ja hybridituomioistuimissa on rajoittunut todistajan asemaan entisen Jugoslavian kansainvälisessä sotarikostuomioistuimessa (ICTY), Ruandan kansainvälisessä sotarikostuomioistuimessa (ICTR) ja Sierra Leonen erikoistuomioistuimessa (SCSL). Kansainvälisen rikostuomioistuimen (ICC) perustaminen on kuitenkin merkinnyt tärkeää muutosta uhrien asemaan kansainvälisen rikosoikeuden alalla siten, että kun uhrit aiemmin nähtiin vain todistajina, heillä on nyt myös mahdollisuus tuoda esiin omat näkökantansa (osallistumisoikeus) ja vaatia hyvitystä. Tämä suuntaus on jatkunut kansainvälisen rikosoikeuden alalla ICC:n jälkeen perustetuissa hybridituomioistuimissa, kuten Kambodzhan erityistuomioistuimessa (ECCC), missä uhrit voivat olla asianosaisen asemassa, sekä Libanonin erityistuomioistuimessa (STL), missä uhrit voivat osallistua prosessiin. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee kahta keskeistä kysymystä. Ensinnäkin: Mikä on rikoksen uhrien asema kansainvälisissä rikostuomioistuimissa ja hybridituomioistuimissa? Tutkimuksessa päädytään mm. siihen, että uhrien asema kansainvälisissä rikostuomioistuimissa ja hybridituomioistuimissa voi koostua pääosin kolmesta ulottuvuudesta eli uhrit todistajina, uhrit prosessiin osallistujina/asianosaisina ja uhrit hyvityksen hakijoina. Tutkimuksen toinen keskeinen kysymys on: Miten uhrien asema todistajina, prosessiin osallistujina/ asianosaisina ja hyvityksen hakijoina toimii kansainvälisissä rikostuomioistuimissa ja hybridituomioistuimissa?
Professional services are an increasingly important group of economy and related to them there has been identified a fairly new concept called professional service operations management. However professional service operations management is still quite under-researched area which needs further research especially in specific contexts. This study aims to respond to that need by examining courts as an environment for operations management. As a result there is a preliminary structured description of what operations management is and could be in courts. The study also aims to inspire and tentatively classify possible areas for future research. Courts are examined based on three common perspectives for typical characteristics of professional services which can be identified in literature: the nature of customer role, the nature of professional work and the nature of process and product. The examination is based on research data from several research projects conducted in Finland and other European countries. Based on the examination it can be said that the operational environment of courts is highly complex and demanding because the case as an object of operations management tasks is challenging, the process sets strict requirements to the handling of the cases and the workforce is hard to direct.
The Brazilian federal judiciary offers an interesting riddle to scholars of judicial politics and policy change. While the courts have played a major policy role over the past two decades, constraining and altering federal policy across a range of subjects, the court system has simultaneously been labeled "dysfunctional." This paper investigates this riddle: a system plagued by major systemic flaws in its day-to-day operations, which nonetheless still manages to exert a powerful influence on public policy in Brazil. I adopt a new institutional perspective, focusing on how the institutional and normative structure within which judges and other legal actors operate affects policy outcomes.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59628
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59629