750 resultados para Disordered Eating
It is shown that the families of generalized matrix ensembles recently considered which give rise to an orthogonal invariant stable Levy ensemble can be generated by the simple procedure of dividing Gaussian matrices by a random variable. The nonergodicity of this kind of disordered ensembles is investigated. It is shown that the same procedure applied to random graphs gives rise to a family that interpolates between the Erdos-Renyi and the scale free models.
The transport properties of the ""inverted"" semiconductor HgTe-based quantum well, recently shown to be a two-dimensional topological insulator, are studied experimentally in the diffusive regime. Nonlocal transport measurements are performed in the absence of magnetic field, and a large signal due to the edge states is observed. This shows that the edge states can propagate over a long distance, similar to 1 mm, and therefore, there is no difference between local and nonlocal electrical measurements in a topological insulator. In the presence of an in-plane magnetic field a strong decrease of the local resistance and complete suppression of the nonlocal resistance is observed. We attribute this behavior to an in-plane magnetic-field-induced transition from the topological insulator state to a conventional bulk metal state.
Magnetization and Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements are performed at low temperature under high field, on nanoparticles with a nickel ferrite core and a maghemite shell. These nanoparticles present finite size and surface effects, together with exchange anisotropy. High field magnetization brings the evidences of a monodomain ordered core and surface spins freezing in disorder at low temperature. Mossbauer spectra at 4.2 K present an extra contribution from the disordered surface which is field dependent. Field and size dependences of this latter show a progressive spin alignment along the ferrite core which is size dependent. The weak surface pinning condition of the nanoparticles confirms that the spin disorder is localized in the external shell. The underfield decrease in the mean canting angle in the superficial shell is then directly related to the unidirectional exchange anisotropy through the interface between the ordered core and the disordered shell. The obtained anisotropy field H(Ea) scales as the inverse of the nanoparticle diameter, validating its interfacial origin. The associated anisotropy constant K(Ea) equals 2.5 x 10(-4) J/m(2). (C) 2009 American Institute qf Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3245326]
Commercial passenger flights have been increasing around the world. The effect of these flights on health is unclear. Venous thromboembolism has been noted after recent long-distance airplane flight, even in the absence of other risk factors. Hypoxia caused by the low ambient pressure during flights could contribute, and individuals with obstructive sleep apnea may be particularly vulnerable. The association between the effects of long airplane travel and sleep-disordered breathing deserves further study. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes a way to analyze the history of eating in Sao Paulo (Brazil) between 1920 and 1950. It addresses the relative absence of research on this topic for this period characterized by the rapid expansion of the city, which became a key market, an important regulator of consumption habits, and a meeting place for diverse social groups. An abundance of sources makes it possible to undertake a social history of eating. On the one hand, intellectuals of different backgrounds and interests produced a good deal of work on popular food habits. On the other, the article points to the possibility of using lifestyle studies and surveys on eating habits from this period in order to gain insight into the lives of different sectors of the population.
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of replacing coastcross hay NDF by soybean hull (SH) NDF on the lactation performance and eating behavior of ewes and also on the performance of their lambs. Fifty-six Santa Ines lactating ewes (56.1 +/- 6.8 kg of initial BW; mean +/- SD) were penned individually and used in a randomized complete block design with 14 blocks and 4 treatments. Diets were formulated to provide similar concentrations of NDF (56%) and CP (16%). The SH NDF replaced 33 (SH33), 67 (SH67), or 100% (SH100) of the NDF contributed by coastcross hay in a 70% forage-based diet (SH0), resulting in SH inclusion rates of 0, 25, 54, and 85% of the dietary DM. Once a week, from the second to the eighth week of lactation (weaning time), ewes were separated from their lambs, stimulated by a 6-IU i.v. oxytocin injection, and hand milked to empty the udder. After 3 h, milk production was obtained after the same procedure. Quadratic effect for milk production (142.4, 179.8, 212.6, and 202.9 g/3 h) and cubic effect for DMI (2.27, 2.69, 3.25, and 3.00 kg/d) were observed as SH inclusion increased from 0 to 85% of the dietary DM. Milk fat (7.59, 7.86, 7.59, and 7.74%), protein (4.53, 4.43, 4.40, and 4.55%), and total solids (18.24, 18.54, 18.39, and 18.64%) did not differ among the 70% forage-based diet and diets with SH NDF replacing 33, 67, or 100% of the NDF. A linear increase in lactose concentration was observed with SH inclusion. Ewe BW gain during the trial showed a cubic response (0.37, 0.03, 4.80, and 2.80 kg) with SH inclusion. The preweaning ADG of lambs increased linearly, and ADG of lambs after weaning decreased linearly with SH inclusion. Final BW of lambs (2 wk after weaning) did not differ among treatments. Eating behavior observations were conducted with 44 ewes. The same facilities, experimental design, dietary treatments, and feeding management were used. Observations were visually recorded every 5 min for a 24-h period when ewes were 46 +/- 6.8 d in milk. Eating time (min/d, min/g of DMI, and min/g of NDF intake) and time expended in rumination and chewing activities (min/g of DMI and min/g of NDF intake) decreased linearly with the addition of SH in the diets. The inclusion of SH improved DMI and milk production, also reflecting on the BW of lambs at weaning. Milk performance was not affected when SH NDF replaced 100% of hay NDF.
To evaluate the effects of adding exercise and maintenance to cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for binge eating disorder (BED) in obese women. One hundred fourteen obese female binge eaters were randomized into four groups: CBT with exercise and maintenance, CBT with exercise, CBT with maintenance, and CBT only. Eighty-four women completed the 16-month study. Subjects who received CBT with exercise experienced significant reductions in binge eating frequency compared with subjects who received CBT only. The CBT with exercise and maintenance group had a 58% abstinence rate at the end of the study period and an average reduction of 2.2 body mass index (BMI) units (approximately 14 lb). BMI was significantly reduced in the subjects in both the exercise and maintenance conditions. The results suggest that adding exercise to CBT, and extending the duration of treatment, enhances outcome and contributes to reductions in binge eating and BMI.
This study investigated the ability of negatively versus positively perceived stress to predict outcome of treatment for binge eating disorder (BED). Participants were 62 obese women satisfying the DSMIV research criteria for BED. Stress was measured using an instrument based on the Recent Life Change Questionnaire (RLCQ). Participants experiencing high negative stress during the study period reported a binge eating frequency three times greater than that reported by subjects experiencing low negative stress (2.14 vs. 0.65 binge-days/week). Negative stress predicted how fast an individual would reduce binge eating and demonstrated more predictive power than positive stress.
Impulsivity is now widely viewed as a multidimensional construct consisting of a number of related dimensions. Although many measures of impulsivity are correlated, most recent factor analyses support at least a two-factor model. In the current paper, these two factors have been labelled reward sensitivity, reflecting one of the primary dimensions of Gray's personality theory, and rash-spontaneous impulsiveness. The evidence supporting the existence of two dimensions of impulsivity is reviewed in relation to substance misuse and binge eating. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The objective is to evaluate the prevalence and associated clinical characteristics of eating disorders (ED) in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Method: This is a cross-sectional study comparing 815 patients with OCD. Participants were assessed with structured interviews and scales: SCID-I, Y-BOCS, Dimensional Y-BOCS, BABS, Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Results: Ninety-two patients (11.3%) presented the following EDs: binge-eating disorders [= 59 (7.2%)], bulimia nervosa [= 16 (2.0%)], or anorexia nervosa [= 17 (2.1%)]. Compared to OCD patients without ED (OCD-Non-ED), OCD-ED patients were more likely to be women with previous psychiatric treatment. Mean total scores in Y-BOCS, Dimensional Y-BOCS, and BABS were similar within groups. However, OCD-ED patients showed higher lifetime prevalence of comorbid conditions, higher anxiety and depression scores, and higher frequency of suicide attempts than did the OCD-Non-ED group. Primarily diagnosed OCD patients with comorbid ED may be associated with higher clinical severity. Discussion: Future longitudinal studies should investigate dimensional correlations between OCD and ED. (C) 2009 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This study aimed to determine the occurrence of symptoms of binge eating (BE) among children and adolescents seeking treatment for their obesity, as well as to evaluate their diet composition and metabolic characteristics. The Binge Eating scale (BES) was answered by 128 children and adolescents (10.77 +/- 2.04 years, BMI 29.15 +/- 4.98 kg/m(2), BMI Z score 2.28 +/- 0.46, 53.91% pubescent), who were classified into two subgroups-binge eaters (score greater than or equal to IS points) and non-binge eaters (score lower than 18 points). Anthropometric data, body composition and Tanner stages were collected and dietary evaluation conducted. Blood pressure was determined, and glucose, lipid profile and insulin assays were performed. insulin resistance was determined using HOMA-IR. BE symptoms were present in 39.06% of patients. Carbohydrate intake in diet composition was significantly higher among binge eaters. Children with BE did not demonstrate significant dissimilar metabolic characteristics when compared to their counterparts without BE. Therefore, BE seems to be a prevalent problem among children and adolescents seeking help for their obesity. When associated with obesity, this eating behaviour can influence macronutrient consumption through increased carbohydrate intake. Further research would be valuable to verify the reproducibility of these findings. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the hypothesis that non-purge-related binge-eating in obesity is maintained by a 'trade-off' in which a highly aversive emotional state is exchanged for a less aversive state. Method: Ninety-eight obese binge-eaters meeting the DSM-IV criteria for binge-eating disorder [1] were contrasted with 65 non-binge-eating controls on their perceived distress associated with negative mood states usually experienced before and after binges. Results: Binge-eaters reported significantly greater distress and lower tolerance of negative mood compared to controls. Furthermore, when compared with controls, binge-eaters reported that emotions typically reported before binges (e.g. anger) were more aversive than those reported after (e.g. guilt). Conclusions: These results were interpreted as supporting the 'trade-off' theory and have implications for the treatment of binge-eating disorder.