983 resultados para Discrepância de tamanho dentário
Na unfolding method of linear intercept distributions and secction área distribution was implemented for structures with spherical grains. Although the unfolding routine depends on the grain shape, structures with spheroidal grains can also be treated by this routine. Grains of non-spheroidal shape can be treated only as approximation. A software was developed with two parts. The first part calculates the probability matrix. The second part uses this matrix and minimizes the chi-square. The results are presented with any number of size classes as required. The probability matrix was determined by means of the linear intercept and section area distributions created by computer simulation. Using curve fittings the probability matrix for spheres of any sizes could be determined. Two kinds of tests were carried out to prove the efficiency of the Technique. The theoretical tests represent ideal cases. The software was able to exactly find the proposed grain size distribution. In the second test, a structure was simulated in computer and images of its slices were used to produce the corresponding linear intercept the section area distributions. These distributions were then unfolded. This test simulates better reality. The results show deviations from the real size distribution. This deviations are caused by statistic fluctuation. The unfolding of the linear intercept distribution works perfectly, but the unfolding of section area distribution does not work due to a failure in the chi-square minimization. The minimization method uses a matrix inversion routine. The matrix generated by this procedure cannot be inverted. Other minimization method must be used
Deep bed filtration occurs in several industrial and environmental processes like water filtration and soil contamination. In petroleum industry, deep bed filtration occurs near to injection wells during water injection, causing injectivity reduction. It also takes place during well drilling, sand production control, produced water disposal in aquifers, etc. The particle capture in porous media can be caused by different physical mechanisms (size exclusion, electrical forces, bridging, gravity, etc). A statistical model for filtration in porous media is proposed and analytical solutions for suspended and retained particles are derived. The model, which incorporates particle retention probability, is compared with the classical deep bed filtration model allowing a physical interpretation of the filtration coefficients. Comparison of the obtained analytical solutions for the proposed model with the classical model solutions allows concluding that the larger the particle capture probability, the larger the discrepancy between the proposed and the classical models
The human activities responsible for the ambient degradation in the modern world are diverse. The industrial activities are preponderant in the question of the impact consequences for brazilian ecosystems. Amongst the human activities, the petroliferous industry in operation in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin (PPB) displays the constant risk of ambient impacts in the integrant cities, not only for the human populations and the environment, but also it reaches the native microorganisms of Caatinga ground and in the mangrove sediment. Not hindering, the elaboration of strategies of bioremediation for impacted areas pass through the knowledge of microbiota and its relations with the environment. Moreover, in the microorganism groups associated to oil, are emphasized the sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) that, in its anaerobic metabolism, these organisms participate of the sulfate reduction, discharging H2S, causing ambient risks and causing the corrosion of surfaces, as pipelines and tanks, resulting in damages for the industry. Some ancestries of PRS integrate the Archaea domain, group of microorganisms whose sequenced genomes present predominance of extremophilic adaptations, including surrounding with oil presence. This work has two correlated objectives: i) the detection and monitoring of the gene dsrB, gift in sulfate-reducing prokaryotes, through DGGE analysis in samples of mDNA of a mangrove sediment and semiarid soil, both in the BPP; ii) to relate genomic characteristics to the ecological aspects of Archaea through in silico studies, standing out the importance to the oil and gas industry. The results of the first work suggest that the petrodegraders communities of SRP persist after the contamination with oil in mangrove sediment and in semiarid soil. Comparing the populations of both sites, it reveals that there are variations in the size and composition during one year of experiments. In the second work, functional and structural factors are the probable cause to the pressure in maintenance of the conservation of the sequences in the multiple copies of the 16S rDNA gene. Is verified also the discrepancy established between total content GC and content GC of the same gene. Such results relating ribosomal genes and the ambient factors are important for metagenomic evaluations using PCR-DGGE. The knowledge of microbiota associated to the oil can contribute for a better destination of resources by the petroliferous industry and the development of bioremediation strategies. Likewise, search to lead to the best agreement of the performance of native microbiota in biogeochemical cycles in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin ecosystem
The people of Ceará state are descended from miscegenation between the Portuguese colonizers and the native population, resulting in a different facial pattern from other populations. It is important that this pattern be thoroughly understood, along with its minimum and maximum values so that they can be assessed and respected, allowing professionals who deal with the craniofacial complex to work more efficiently and scientifically. Aim: To characterize the morphological pattern of individuals from Ceará state, whose father and grandfather are also native from Ceará, in the 10-12 year age group, not submitted to previous orthodontic treatment, in order to determine: 1) the prevalence of occlusal pattern; 2) the prevalence of dental anomalies (DA) and, 3) the skeletal and dental cephalometric characteristics of individuals that present with normal occlusion and harmonious facial pattern. Methodology: A list of 10-12 year-olds was obtained from 515 schools containing 162,713 students (Education Secretariat of Ceará State), from which 234 individuals were examined (107 boys and 157 girls). The assessment criteria adopted were: 1) Angle s Classification System to determine occlusal pattern. The occlusal characteristics were measured through overbite, overjet, crowding and interincisal diastema. 2) DA are anomalies of number, shape, size, eruption and structure and, 3) in the group that presented with normal occlusion, we used cephalometric analysis measures proposed by Downs, Steiner, Tweed, Holdaway, Jacobson and McNamara. Results: 1) 25.8% of the schoolchildren had normal occlusion, 47.5% class I malocclusion, 22.3% class II malocclusion and 4.2% class III malocclusion. No statistically significant difference was found between the age group studied and sex. Thirty percent of the individuals had normal overbite, while 36.7% and 19.7% had increased and reduced overbite, respectively. Normal overjet was found in 33.7% of the individuals, increased overjet in 50% and reduced in 16.3%. Dental crowding was observed in 62.5% of the individuals and the presence of interincisal diastema in 14.8%. 2) The prevalence of DA was 56.1%, 6.8% in the number, 10.8% in shape, 4.1% in size, 34.5% in eruption, 26.4% in structure and 17.4% had more than one DA. No association was found between DA and sex, but DA was significantly associated to malocclusion (p<0.05); 3) there was no association between sex or facial type between the measures of nasal-labial angle, position and effective maxillary length, effective mandibular length and the sagittal relationship between the molars, overjet and overbite, position of upper incisors, lower incisors and between the incisors themselves. There was a difference between sex, on the VERT index and in lower anterior facial height, upper incisor inclination and line-H, between facial types for the occlusal plane angles, mandibular plane, facial axis, lower incisor inclination, mandibular position, upper incisor position, lower anterior facial height, ANB and line-H. It was concluded that: 1) the most prevalent occlusal type was class I malocclusion, with no distinction for sex or age group, and the assessment of occlusal characteristics showed that excessive overbite and overjet were the most predominant findings, along with a high occurrence of tooth crowding; 2) a high prevalence of DA was found, particularly eruption anomalies, not influenced by sex but significantly associated to malocclusion and 3) individuals from Ceará are predominantly brachyfacial, exhibiting a number of similarities inherent to their facial pattern, such as a convex profile, retracted jaw, reduced lower third and protruded lower incisors. This study was multidisciplinary, involving researchers from the areas of epidemiology, radiology and dentistry, thereby meeting the multidisciplinarity requirements of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences
The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness and adverse effects on dental enamel caused by nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide. This was accomplished through the interaction of researchers from different areas such as dentistry, materials engineering and physics. Fifty volunteers took part in the doubleblind randomized controlled clinical trial. They were allocated to an experimental group that used Opalescence PF 10% (OPA) and a control group that used a placebo gel (PLA). Fragments of human dental enamel from the vestibular surface of healthy premolars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, were fixed to the vestibular surface of the first upper molars of the volunteers for in situ observation. Bleaching was performed at night for 21 days. The observation periods included Baseline (BL), T0 (21 days), T30 (30 days after treatment) and T180 (180 days after treatment, only for the OPA group). Tooth color was assessed by comparing it with the Vita® scale and by the degree of satisfaction expressed by the volunteer. We also assessed adverse clinical effects, dental sensitivity and gingival bleeding. The study of adverse effects on enamel was conducted in vivo and in situ, using the DIAGNOdent® laser fluorescence device to detect mineral loss. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to check for superficial morphological alterations, energy dispersive spectrophotometry (EDS) to semiquantitatively assess chemical composition using the Ca/P ratio, and the x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique to observe alterations in enamel microstructure. The results showed that nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide was effective in 96% of the cases, versus 8% for the PLA group. Dental sensitivity was present in 36% (9/25) of the cases. There was no significant association between gingival bleeding and the type of gel used (p = 1.00). In vivo laser fluorescence analysis showed no difference in values for the control group, whereas in the OPA group there was a statistically significant difference between baseline values in relation to the subsequent periods (p<0.01), with lower mean values for post-bleaching times. There was a significant difference between the groups for times T0 and T30. Micrographic analysis showed no enamel surface alterations related to the treatment performed. No significant alteration in Ca/P ratio was observed in the OPA group (p = 0.624) or in the PLA group (p = 0.462) for each of the observation periods, nor between the groups studied (p=0.102). The XRD pattern for both groups showed the presence of three-phase Hydroxyapatite according to JCPDS files (9-0432[Ca5(PO4)3(OH)], 18-0303[Ca3(PO4)2.xH2O] and 25-0166[Ca5(PO4)3(OH, Cl, F)]). No other peak associated to other phases was found, independent of the group analyzed, which reveals there was no disappearance, nucleation or phase transformation. Neither was there any alteration in peak pattern location. With the methodology and protocol used in this study, nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide proved to be an effective and safe procedure for dental enamel
The objectives of this clinical study was to evaluate the use of the toothpaste with fluoride and without fluoride and the daily tooth brushing are effective in the reversion of the dental enamel conditioned by acid. Another objective of this clinical study was to evaluate if the positioning of orthodontic accessories with glass ionomer cement helps in the reversion of the dental enamel conditioned by acid, when compared to composed resin. One hundred and twenty teeth were selected with indication of extraction by orthodontic reasons. The 30 volunteers were divided, randomly, in two groups. A group used toothpaste without fluoride and the other with it. The teeth of the sample were shuffled, in each volunteer. The teeth were conditioned by the 37% orthophosphoric acid. One of the conditioned teeth stayed in the mouth and suffered action of the abrasion for the tooth brushing, in another teeth a stainless steel mesh protection was positioned with glass ionomer cement, in another tooth the screen was glued with composed resin, in a fourth tooth (the control) was only conditioned after the extractions, 60 days later. All the teeth were appraised through DIAGNOdent, MEVA and EDS. In the obtained data it was possible to observe that there were not statistic significant differences in any comparison, even in the group that did not have access to the fluoride in the toothpaste as in the other that had. According with the used methodology, it was possible to observe too that there was not statistic significant differences in any comparison, even in the group that had the stainless steel mesh positioned with glass ionomer cement as in the group that the stainless steel mesh was positioned with composed resin. However, it was observed that there was an improvement in the topography of the enamel in all the teeth. The accomplishment of this study was facilitated due to the participation of the researchers' of the health area (dentistry), materials engineer, physics and chemistry. The researchers were originating from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and of the University of Queensland, in Australia. This interdisciplinary group was decisive in the accomplishment of the study. It can be concluded that the enamel tends to return to its initial aspect, even if the patient does not have access to fluoride. That is probably due the action of the abrasion for the tooth brushing and mastication. In spite of it not being significant, it is suggested that the conditioned enamel was more resistant to the abrasion in the group that had access to fluoride. It was also possible to conclude that the fluoride liberated by the glass ionomer was not enough to provide a significant difference in the enamel conditioned by the acid, when compared with the composed resin, even in the group that did not use fluoride in the toothpaste as in the group that used
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O jambo-vermelho (Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merryl et Perry), espécie pertencente à família Myrtaceae, possui frutos ricos em vitaminas, ferro e fósforo. Este trabalho teve por objetivos fornecer informações sobre aspectos morfológicos do fruto, semente e plântula e avaliar a influência do tamanho da semente na germinação dessa espécie. O fruto é uma baga piriforme, carnoso e indeiscente. O epicarpo é delgado, liso e avermelhado; o mesocarpo e o endocarpo são esbranquiçados e suculentos. Os frutos pesam, em média, 35,57g e medem 7,16cm de comprimento e 5,15cm de largura. As sementes são poliembriônicas e exalbuminosas, pesando, em média, 7,62g. Os cotilédones são maciços e esverdeados. A germinação é hipógea, e a emergência das plântulas inicia-se aos 36 dias após a semeadura. A raiz primária é longa e esbranquiçada. As raízes secundárias são curtas e filiformes. As sementes de maior tamanho são as mais vigorosas, não havendo diferença entre as de tamanho médio e pequeno. O estudo morfológico do jambo-vermelho pode ser utilizado para a identificação da espécie ou em relações ecológicas interespecíficas.
A estimativa do diâmetro de lesões de cancro cítrico é uma das principais técnicas usadas na avaliação da interação entre isolados x genótipos, na avaliação da resistência varietal e no estudo de aspectos epidemiológicos. No entanto, inexistem informações a respeito do tamanho da amostra para uma adequada quantificação da doença, considerando o diâmetro de lesões. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação do número de amostras para mensurar o diâmetro médio de lesões de cancro cítrico. Foram considerados como fontes de variação três genótipos do hospedeiro, dois métodos de inoculação de Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri e dois avaliadores. As avaliações dos diâmetros foram realizadas considerando ou não o halo amarelo ao redor do tecido necrosado, quando presente. Estimativas do diâmetro de lesões com erros na média inferiores a 3% são impraticáveis em razão do tamanho excessivo da amostra (mais que quarenta lesões/planta). Menores erros na média ocorreram nas estimativas considerando somente o tecido necrosado. Estimativas precisas do diâmetro de lesões, com erros na média inferiores a 10%, podem ser obtidas com tamanhos de amostras entre cinco e quinze lesões/planta, independentemente do genótipo e da idade das lesões.
For a long time, we believed in the pattern that tropical and south hemisphere species have high survival. Nowadays results began to contradict this pattern, indicating the need for further studies. Despite the advanced state of the study of bird population parameters, little is known about their variation throughout the year and the factors affecting them. Reproduction, for example, is one factor that may alter adult survival rates, because during this process the breeding pair allocates resources to maintain itself to maintain offspring, making itself more susceptible to diseases and predation. The aim of this study was to estimate survival and population size of a Central and South America passerine, Tachyphonus rufus (Boddaert, 1783), testing hypotheses about the factors that define these parameters. We performed data collection between Nov/2010 and ago/2012 in 12 ha plot, in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. We used capture-mark-recapture methods to generate estimates using Closed Design Robust model in the program MARK. We generated Multi-state models to test some assumptions inherent to Closed Robust Design. The influence of co-variables (time, rain and reproductive cycle) and the effect of transient individuals were measured. Capture, recapture and apparent survival parameters were defined by reproductive cycle, while temporary dispersal was influence by rain. The estimates showed a higher apparent survival during the non-breeding period (92% ± 1%) than during breeding (40% ± 9%), revealing a cost of reproduction and suggesting a trade-off between surviving and reproducing. The low annual survival observed (34%) did not corroborate the pattern of high rates expected for a tropical bird. The largest population size was estimated to be 56 individuals in Nov/11, explained by high recruitment of juveniles, while the lowest observed in May/12: 10 individuals, probably as a result of massive influx of competitor species. Results from this study add to the growing literature on life history of Neotropical species. We encourage studies like this especially in Brazil, where there are few information, and suggest that covariates related to habitat quality and environmental changes should be tested, so that we can generate increasingly reliable models
Neste trabalho foi aplicada a porosimetria de mercúrio na caracterização da porosidade de cascas de ovos de poedeiras com 28 semanas de idade. Aplicando-se a técnica de porosimetria de mercúrio, pudemos descrever as características associadas a porosidade de modo mais amplo, determinando uma distribuição do tamanho de poros nas cascas de ovos estudadas. Nossos resultados mostraram que a maioria dos poros nas cascas de ovos tem tamanhos entre 1 a 10 mim. Neste artigo introduzimos a técnica de porosimetria de mercúrio como uma nova ferramenta aplicada no estudo de cascas de ovos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Um experimento foi conduzido para verificar o efeito de níveis de fósforo e do tamanho de partícula do fosfato bicálcico na dieta de poedeiras comerciais na fase de produção. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 × 3 com dois tamanhos de partícula do fosfato (fino e granulado) e três níveis de fósforo disponível (0,28; 0,38 e 0,48%), totalizando seis tratamentos, cada um com cinco repetições de oito aves. As dietas experimentais foram isoproteicas, isocalóricas e isocálcicas. O consumo de ração, a produção de ovos, a massa de ovos, a conversão alimentar, a porcentagem de casca, a gravidade específica e os teores de cinzas, cálcio, fósforo e magnésio nos ossos não foram afetados pelas dietas. Dietas contendo fosfato bicálcico (fino ou granulado) e 0,28% de fósforo disponível atendem às exigências de fósforo de galinhas poedeiras semipesadas de 24 a 58 semanas de idade.
This Master s Thesis proposes the application of Data Envelopment Analysis DEA to evaluate the performance of sales teams, based on a study of their coverage areas. Data was collected from the company contracted to distribute the products in the state of Ceará. Analyses of thirteen sales coverage areas were performed considering first the output-oriented constant return to scale method (CCR-O), then this method with assurance region (AR-O-C) and finally the method of variable returns to scale with assurance region (AR-O-V). The method used in the first approach is shown to be inappropriate for this study, since it inconveniently generates zero-valued weights, allowing that an area under evaluation obtain the maximal score by not producing. Using weight restrictions, through the assurance region methods AR-O-C and AR-O-V, decreasing returns to scale are identified, meaning that the improvement in performance is not proportional to the size of the areas being analyzed. Observing data generated by the analysis, a study is carried out, aiming to design improvement goals for the inefficient areas. Complementing this study, GDP data for each area was compared with scores obtained using AR-O-V analysis. The results presented in this work show that DEA is a useful methodology for assessing sales team performance and that it may contribute to improvements on the quality of the management process.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)